
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 for Enterprise Applications Description, User's Guide and Reference


Organization of this page

Format 1

jbwipsta  [SAP-BW-destination-information]
           {-ip InfoPackage-ID | -pc process-chain-ID}
           [-wait [-time monitoring-time]
                   [-ival monitoring-interval]
                   [-qmwait_time wait-time]]

Format 2

jbwipsta -help


Starts InfoPackage or a process chain defined beforehand on the SAP BW system.



Specify the SAP BW system where the InfoPackage or the process chain to be started is registered. For details about the format of SAP BW destination information, see (2) Argument formats for the command of the InfoPackage control function and the process chain control function.


Specify the logon information that is valid in the SAP BW system where the InfoPackage or the process chain to be started is registered. For details about the format of SAP BW logon information, see (2) Argument formats for the command of the InfoPackage control function and the process chain control function.

-ip InfoPackage-ID

Specify the ID of the InfoPackage to be started. You can enter a character string of 30 bytes (fixed) for the InfoPackage ID.

You must specify either the -ip option or the -pc option. You cannot specify both simultaneously.

-pc process-chain-ID

Specify the ID of the process chain to be started. You can specify a character string of 1 to 25 bytes.

You must specify either the -ip option or the -pc option. You cannot specify both simultaneously.


This argument monitors the started InfoPackage or process chain until its completion (until InfoPackage or process chain execution ends, commands cannot be executed from the command line).

The completion of InfoPackage or the process chain is evaluated by acquiring the following statuses from the SAP BW system.

  • Monitoring of InfoPackage Completion

    The InfoPackage request status that can be checked in the Monitors tree of the transaction RSMON (Total and Technical statuses displayed in the Status tab)

  • Monitoring of Process Chain Completion

    The process chain status that can be checked in the Log view window of the transaction RSPC

-time monitoring-time

Specify the length of time to monitor the completion of InfoPackage or a process chain (in minutes). The completion of InfoPackage or the process chain is monitored for the specified length of time. Make sure that this monitoring time setting is greater than the monitoring interval value that is specified by the -ival option. The specifiable range for the monitoring time is from 1 to 65,535. If the -time option is omitted, there is no limit on the monitoring time.

If InfoPackage or the process chain does not end within the specified monitoring time, InfoPackage or process chain monitoring results in a timeout error and the command ends regardless of the status of InfoPackage or the process chain.

The -time option is valid when the -wait option is specified.

-ival monitoring-interval

Specify the interval in seconds at which InfoPackage or a process chain is to be monitored. InfoPackage or a process chain can be monitored at the specified monitoring interval until InfoPackage or the process chain ends (InfoPackage or process chain polling monitoring). The specifiable range for the monitoring interval is from 1 to 65,535. If a monitoring interval is omitted when the -ival option is specified, the monitoring interval is 5 seconds.

The default monitoring interval of 5 seconds can be changed in the environment setup file.

The -ival option is valid when the -wait option is specified.

-qmwait_time wait-time

Specify the length of time (wait time in seconds) between the normal end of InfoPackage and the end of the job that executes the InfoPackage. JP1/AJS3 for EAP cannot monitor the completion of a QM action (enables the loaded data) that is executed after loading of the InfoPackage data or the completion of the subsequent processing of InfoPackage (such as deleting duplicated requests). To execute a succeeding job after these types of processing, specify the wait time here. You can specify a value from 0 to 65,535. If you omit the -qmwait_time option, the number of seconds set for the QMActionWaitTime key (command section) in the environment setup file is assumed.

The -qmwait_time option is valid when the -ip and -wait options are specified.


This argument provides information on using the command.

Return values


Usage examples