
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 - Print Option Description and User's Guide

10.4.4 Collecting data for JP1/AJS3 - Print Option Manager (in UNIX)

The data collection tool for JP1/AJS3 - Print Option Manager is a batch file. When you execute the batch file, the tool collects and outputs the required data all at once.

The following describes how to run the data collection tool, explains the syntax associated with the tool (such as options, return values, messages, and cautionary notes), and lists the files that the tool collects.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Running the JP1/AJS3 - Print Option Manager data collection tool (in UNIX)

The following shows an example of a command line that executes the data collection tool for JP1/AJS3 - Print Option Manager. In this example, the tool is stored in the directory /user/tmp/.

# /user/tmp/

The data collection tool outputs the data it collects to the following files in the directory directory-where-data-collection-tool-is-stored/jp1ajs2pom/backlog.


Primary data is output to this file.


Secondary data is output to this file.


(2) Syntax of JP1/AJS3 - Print Option Manager data collection tool (in UNIX)


Acquires maintenance information associated with JP1/AJS3 - Print Option Manager. This information includes log information of various types and information output by the OS.

Required permission

Superuser permission


Specify this option when you do not want to collect the hosts file, services file, and password file.


Specify this option when you do not want to collect a core dump.

When you specify this option, backtrace information is still collected.

Output destination
Return values


Normal termination

Other than 0

Abnormal termination





Directory directory-name is created

The specified directory was created.

Continues processing.

Overwrite file (file-name) ok?

Prompts the user to confirm overwriting the file file-name.

Enter y to continue processing. To cancel processing, enter n.

Waits for a response from the user.

Output file name :(file-name)

The file file-name was created.

Finishes processing.

Write permission error (directory-name)

You do not have write permission for the specified directory. Possible causes are:

  • You do not have permission to create the directory

  • The directory is being used by another process

Address the cause of the problem and try again.

Finishes processing.

Make directory (directory-name) is unsuccessful

The specified directory could not be created. Possible causes are:

  • You do not have permission to create the directory

  • The directory is being used by another process

Address the cause of the problem and try again.

Finishes processing.

[ -t ] [ -u ]

An option is specified incorrectly. Specify the option correctly, and then try again.

Finishes processing.

Cautionary notes:
  • The data collection tool compresses the data it collects.

    Data is compressed using the gzip command. If the gzip command is not installed in the environment where you execute the data collection tool, the tool uses the tar command to output the data as an archive. It does not use the compress command. If the tar command is not installed, the data collection tool terminates abnormally and processing finishes.

  • To prevent a situation in which the user who executes the script does not have permission to view some of the files the script collects, execute the script as a superuser.

  • If the script outputs a file that already exists, a message appears asking the user whether to overwrite the file. Enter y to overwrite the file, and n to cancel the operation.

  • Do not run more than one instance of the data collection tool at once.

(3) Data collected by the JP1/AJS3 - Print Option Manager data collection tool (in UNIX)

There are two categories of data collected by the JP1/AJS3 - Print Option Manager data collection tool: primary data and secondary data. The tables below list the files and directories associated with each category.

Primary data (directory-where-data-collection-tool-is-stored/jp1ajs2pom/backlog/POM_1st.tar.Z)
Table 10‒9: Primary data for JP1/AJS3 - Print Option Manager (in UNIX)

Directory or file containing collected data



hosts file


passwd file


services file


inittab file


Information about installed Hitachi products


Directory containing JP1/AJS3 - POM service startup and shutdown scripts


Storage directory for log files


Temporary directory for job operation information files


A list of the files in the JP1/AJS3 - Print Option Manager installation directory


OS version information and environment variables


Process list


Environment settings file

Secondary data (directory-where-data-collection-tool-is-stored/jp1ajs2pom/backlog/POM_2nd.tar.Z)
Table 10‒10: Secondary data for JP1/AJS3 - Print Option Manager (in UNIX)

Directory or file containing collected data



syslog file and directory containing syslog

core# files under /opt/jp1ajs2pom

core file


If you executed a command that output a core file, you must collect the core file manually from the current directory.