
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 - Print Option Description and User's Guide

10.4.3 Collecting data for JP1/AJS3 - Print Option Manager (in Windows)

The data collection tool for JP1/AJS3 - Print Option Manager is a batch file. When you execute the batch file, the tool collects and outputs the required data all at once.

The following describes how to run the data collection tool, explains the syntax associated with the tool (such as options, return values, messages, and cautionary notes), and lists the files the tool collects.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Running the JP1/AJS3 - Print Option Manager data collection tool (in Windows)

The following shows an example of a command line that executes the JP1/AJS3 - Print Option Manager data collection tool. In this example, the tool is stored in the folder C:\usertools.


The data collection tool outputs the data it collects to subfolders of folder-where-data-collection-tool-is-stored\jp1ajs2pom\backlog.


Primary data is output to this folder.


Secondary data is output to this folder.


(2) Syntax of the JP1/AJS3 - Print Option Manager data collection tool (in Windows)


Acquires maintenance information associated with JP1/AJS3 - Print Option Manager. This information includes log information of various types and information output by the OS.

Required permission

Administrators permission


Specify this option when you do not want to collect the hosts file and the services file.


Specify this option when you do not want to collect a user dump.

Output destination
Return values


Normal termination

Other than 0

Abnormal termination





Finished. Press any key.

Processing finished normally. Press any key.

Waits for a response from the user.

Failed. Press any key.

Processing did not finish normally. Press any key.

Identify and address the cause of the problem by reviewing the messages output by the OS and other relevant information, and then try again.

Waits for a response from the user.

File file-name is exist. Delete to continue? (y/n)

A file with the specified name created by a prior instance of the data collection tool exists. Enter y to delete the file and continue processing. To cancel processing, enter n.

Waits for a response from the user.

Directory folder-name is exist. Delete to continue? (y/n)

A folder with the specified name created by a prior instance of the data collection tool exists. Enter y to delete the folder and continue processing. To cancel processing, enter n.

Waits for a response from the user.

Error exists in option.

An option is specified incorrectly. Specify the option correctly, and then try again.

Finishes processing.

Cautionary notes:
  • The data collection tool does not compress the data it collects. To compress the data, use a third-party tool.

  • A confirmation message appears if a file output by a previous instance of the batch file exists at the same location. To overwrite the file, enter y. To cancel the operation, enter n.

  • If you perform an operation on a collected file (such as moving or deleting it) immediately after the data collection tool has finished executing, a message might appear indicating that the process cannot access the file because the file is in use by another process. This message appears because internal processing to collect OS information is still taking place even though the data collection tool itself has finished executing. If you encounter this message, wait a few minutes and try again.

  • You must start the data collection tool from a command prompt with administrator privileges. To open the command prompt, right-click Command prompt in the Start menu and choose Run as administrator.

    If you run the data collection tool without Administrators permission, UAC will display dialog boxes several times requiring confirmation from the user.

    You do not need to open the command prompt as an Administrator if UAC is disabled.

  • Do not run more than one instance of the data collection tool at once.

(3) Data collected by JP1/AJS3 - Print Option Manager data collection tool (in Windows)

There are two categories of data collected by the JP1/AJS3 - Print Option Manager data collection tool: primary data and secondary data. The tables below list the folders and files associated with each category.

Primary data (folder-where-data-collection-tool-is-stored\jp1ajs2pom\backlog\POM_1st)
Table 10‒7: Primary data for JP1/AJS3 - Print Option Manager (in Windows)

Folder or file containing collected data



A list of the files in the JP1/AJS3 - Print Option Manager installation folder


Log data output by the data collection tool (POM_ras.bat)


hosts file


services file


Registry information for JP1/AJS3 - Print Option Manager


Windows registry information


JP1/AJS3 - POM service registry information


OS version information, Windows environment variables, IP configuration information, network configuration information, statistics


Permission information for the JP1/AJS3 - Print Option Manager folder, folders in which log information is kept, and log files


Local security policy settings acquired by the secedit command, including account policies, audit policies, event log settings, and security options.


Information acquired by the msinfo32 command, including an overview of the system, information about running tasks, and service information.

This file contains all system information collected by the msinfo32 command.


Temporary folder for job operation information files


Storage folder for log files



Log files for integrated installer


Log file for installer license checking


License information file


Environment settings file

  1. \ProductInfo.txt

  2. \Version.txt

Product information file

Secondary data (folder-where-data-collection-tool-is-stored\jp1ajs2pom\backlog\POM_2nd)
Table 10‒8: Secondary data for JP1/AJS3 - Print Option Manager (in Windows)

Folder or file containing collected data



Application event log


System event log


Event log entries related to UAC file virtualization

  1. \USERDUMP\*.dmp

  2. \WTSNDUMP\*.dmp

User dump files#


The data collection tool can acquire a user dump file only if one has been output by the user.