
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 - Definition Assistant Description, Operator's Guide and Reference

6.2.1 Information that must be collected

Organization of this subsection

(1) Log information about the operating system

You must collect the following log information about the operating system:

Table 6‒1: Log information about the operating system that must be collected if a problem occurs

Type of information

Default file name

Collection by the tool

Windows event log

Event log file


Windows registry information



hosts file

services file

  • system-folder\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

  • system-folder\system32\drivers\etc\services


Machine configuration#2



PP list in service#2



Network configuration#2



Memory dump#1



Crash dump#1




Y: Can be collected by the data collection tool.

N: Cannot be collected by the data collection tool.


The data collection tool cannot be used to obtain memory dumps or crash dumps in Windows. Collect information corresponding to these logs or dumps manually if a problem occurs. For details about how to collect the information, see 6.3.1(3) Collecting user dumps and 6.3.1(4) Collecting problem reports.


You can obtain various kinds of information about the computer, including information such as information about the hardware environment, software environment, and Internet settings.

Note that it might take a few minutes for information to be collected. Make sure you wait until the System Information dialog box closes.

(2) JP1 information

You must collect information about JP1 shown in the following table. You must also collect the files from the connected JP1/AJS3 - Manager host.

Table 6‒2: JP1 information that must be collected if a problem occurs

Type of information

Default folder name

Collection by the tool

Log file

Master file

Work file

Definition file

  • JP1/AJS3 - Definition-Assistant-installation-folder\bin

  • JP1/AJS3 - Definition-Assistant-installation-folder\conf




Copy of the master file used for execution



Execution result file used for execution


Connection destination information (collected by the data collection tool on the connected JP1/AJS3 - Manager#2)

  • %TEMP%\jp1ajs2\backlog of the host on which the connection destination JP1/AJS3 - Manager is installed (in Windows)

  • Information in /tmp/jp1ajs2/ on the host on which the connection destination JP1/AJS3 - Manager is installed (in UNIX)



Y: Can be collected by the data collection tool.

N: Cannot be collected by the data collection tool.

C: Can be collected by the data collection tool on the connected JP1/AJS3 - Manager.


The default value of %ALLUSERSPROFILE% is system-drive\ProgramData.


For details about the data collection tool on the connected JP1/AJS3 - Manager, see the description of the method for collecting information in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Troubleshooting.

(3) List of processes

In the Windows Task Manager window, click the Processes tab. Then, check the operation status of the processes of the connected JP1/AJS3 - Manager.

For details about the JP1/AJS3 - Manager processes, see the list of JP1/AJS3 - Manager processes in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Troubleshooting.

(4) Details about the operation

You need to check the following information about the operation that caused the problem.

(5) Hardcopy of error information displayed on the screen

Make a hardcopy of the following information:

(6) Other information

Collect any necessary information other than (1) to (5) above.