
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 - Definition Assistant Description, Operator's Guide and Reference

5.1.1 Details of definition items

The definition information management template defines 15 items. These definition items are described in tables shown below for each section in the template.

Each table has the following columns:

Item name

This column indicates the name of the definition item.


This column describes what the item defines and how to specify the item. For an item to be specified with one of the predefined constants, this column shows them. For an item to be specified with an arbitrary string, this column shows the conventions to specify the string. This column also shows the default, if any.

Note that, unless the item is a multi-value item, line breaks included in the value are deleted and the value is handled as one-line data.

You can use environment setting parameters to add user-specific entry conventions. For details about environment setting parameters, see 3.1.4 Environment settings and 3.2 Environment settings parameters.


With the initial settings, the definition information management template displays only the items that may frequently be used. This column indicates whether the item is displayed in the template with the initial settings. When the item is displayed, Y is indicated; when not displayed, N is indicated.

You can use environment setting parameters to change the items to be displayed with the initial settings. For details about environment setting parameters, see 3.1.4 Environment settings and 3.2 Environment settings parameters.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Processing-type specification section for EXPORT


Table 5‒1: Items of the Processing-type specification section for EXPORT

Item name




Select one of the following processing types when executing EXPORT:


Creates units in one batch, including the hierarchical structure.


Creates the unit specified in Unit name under the unit specified in Complete name of upper unit.


Changes the definition information of the unit specified by Complete name of upper unit + Unit name.


Deletes the unit specified by Complete name of upper unit + Unit name. When an upper unit is deleted, the units within it are also deleted.


(2) Unit definition information section


Table 5‒2: Items of the Unit definition information section

Item name



Unit name

Specify a unit name. If you leave this item blank, the unit information becomes invalid. You cannot specify the root job group (/) as a unit name.

Possible length of the value: 1 to 30 bytes


Complete name of upper unit

Specify the complete name of the upper unit of the unit specified in Unit name.

This item must begin with a slash (/).

When you specify the root job group, do not specify this item.

Possible length of the value: 1 to 930 bytes


Unit type

Specify one of the following unit types:

g: Defines a job group.

mg: Defines a manager job group.

n: Defines a jobnet.

rm: Defines a remote jobnet.

rc: Defines start conditions for a root jobnet.

mn: Defines a manager jobnet.

j: Defines a UNIX job.

pj: Defines a PC job.

qj: Defines a QUEUE job.

jdj: Defines a judgment job.

orj: Defines an OR job.

fxj: Defines a flexible job.

htpj: Defines an HTTP connection job.

evwj: Defines a JP1 event reception monitoring job.

flwj: Defines a file monitoring job.

mlwj: Defines an email reception monitoring job.

mqwj: Defines a message queue reception monitoring job.

mswj: Defines an MSMQ reception monitoring job.

lfwj: Defines a log file monitoring job.

ntwj: Defines a Windows event-log monitoring job.

tmwj: Defines an execution interval control job.

evsj: Defines a JP1 event sending job.

mlsj: Defines an email sending job.

mqsj: Defines a message queue sending job.

mssj: Defines an MSMQ sending job.

cmsj: Defines an HP OpenView status report job.

pwlj: Defines a local power control job.

pwrj: Defines a remote power control job.

cj: Defines a custom UNIX job.

cpj: Defines a custom PC job.

nc: Defines a Jobnet connector.


Custom type

Specify the class names of custom jobs for each program to be linked with. You must specify this item when using custom jobs.

The custom job that can be defined directly using JP1/AJS3 - Definition Assistant and the class name to be specified are as follows:

  • JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications (when executing background jobs of the SAP system): JP1AMR3

  • JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications (when executing background jobs of the SAP system): JP1AMR3UX

  • JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications (when executing the custom job that copies the jobs of the SAP system): JP1AMR3CP

  • JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications (when executing the custom job that copies the jobs of the SAP system): JP1AMR3CPUX

Note that if imported definition information includes other custom jobs, they are displayed as shown below.

For custom jobs provided as standard:


JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications (when executing an InfoPackage of the BW system): JP1AMR3BW

JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications (when executing an InfoPackage of the BW system): JP1AMR3BWUX

JP1/AJS2 for Oracle E-Business Suite: JP1AMOAP

JP1/Advanced Shell: ADSHPC

JP1/Advanced Shell: ADSHUX

JP1/Data Highway - Automatic Job Executor: DHAJEW

Passing information settings job: AJSVAR

JP1/AJS3 for Cloud Service Applications: CSAcustom-job-name

For user-created custom jobs:

The names specified in the USER_arbitrary-name format during custom job registration are displayed.



Specify the display position of a jobnet or job in JP1/AJS3 - View. The display position is specified with the vertical and horizontal coordinates represented by the row and column counts. If you do not specify this item, jobnet and job icons are placed at random in JP1/AJS3 - View.

Specifiable values:

Rows: 1 to 100; Columns: 1 to 100

Note that you cannot specify a value greater than the value specified in the item Size.



Specify the maximum number of icons displayed in the JP1/AJS3 - View window.

Specifiable values:

Rows: 1 to 100; Columns: 1 to 100


Rows: 8; Columns: 10


(3) Unit common definition information section


Table 5‒3: Items of the Unit common definition information section

Item name




Write a comment.

Displayable length of the value: 1 to 80 bytes



Specify the unit followed by the one specified in Unit name. The previous unit must exist within the same upper unit.

This is a multi-value item. To specify multiple values, specify them in the same cell, separating each value with a line break (Alt+Enter).

Number of characters that can be specified on one line: 1 to 30 bytes

To release the existing connection, input :X after the unit name (like sample:X).


Relation type

Specify how to connect the unit with the one specified in Previous.


Connects the unit with the previous unit sequentially.


Connects the unit with the previous unit as a subordinate unit to be conditionally executed according to the execution result of the previous unit. This can be specified only when the previous unit is a judgment job.

Default: seq



Define the name of the execution agent or execution agent group that is used to execute jobs.

Length of the value: 1 to 255 bytes


Exec. order control

Specify whether to connect to the jobnet connector. You can specify planning groups or root jobnets.


The root jobnet is executed synchronously with the jobnet connector.


The root jobnet is executed asynchronously with the jobnet connector.

Default: No


Jobnet connector#

Specify the complete unit name of the jobnet connector that is being connected to.

Length of the value: 1 to 930 bytes

You can specify planning groups or root jobnets.

An error occurs if Yes is not specified for Exec. order control.


Exec. order method

Define the execution order control method of the jobnet connector. You can specify planning groups or root jobnets.


Perform execution synchronously with the jobnet connector.

An error occurs if Yes is not specified for Exec. order control.


Perform execution asynchronously with the jobnet connector.

Default: Asynchro


Connection range

Define whether linkage occurs between scheduler services with execution order control. The default is Same service. You can specify root jobnets, planning groups, or jobnet connectors.

In a root jobnet or a planning group, an error occurs if Yes is not set for Exec. order control.

Same service

Linkage between scheduler services does not occur. Linkage occurs only with root jobnets, planning groups, or jobnet connectors defined within the same scheduler service.

Other service

Linkage between scheduler services occurs. Linkage occurs with root jobnets, planning groups, or jobnet connectors defined in different hosts or scheduler services.

Default: Same service


Connection host

Specify a host name with a root jobnet, planning group, or jobnet connector defined as the connection target. You can specify root jobnets, planning groups, or jobnet connectors.

Length of the value: 1 to 255 bytes

Default: No characters are assumed.


Connection service

Specify a scheduler service name with a root jobnet, planning group, or jobnet connector defined as the connection target. You can specify root jobnets, planning groups, or jobnet connectors.

In a root jobnet or a planning group, an error occurs if Other service is not set for Connection range.

Length of the value: 1 to 30 bytes



The definition information is updated without error even if you specify a non-existent unit or a unit other than the jobnet connector as the jobnet connector name, and use a batch definition, an individual definition, or the modification function to perform export.

(4) Unit common attributes information section


Table 5‒4: Items of the unit common attributes information section

Item name




Define whether to suspend jobnet or job execution.


Suspends jobnet execution.


Suspends jobnet execution only when the last jobnet end status is Ended with warning or Ended abnormally.


Suspends jobnet execution only when the last jobnet end status is Ended abnormally.


Does not suspend jobnet execution.

You can specify w or a for the root jobnet only.

If you specify w or a for a nested jobnet, n is assumed.

Default: n



Use either of the following keywords to specify whether to make the unit a recovery job:

Normal: Does not make the unit a recovery job.

Recovery: Makes the unit a recovery job.

You cannot specify Recovery when Unit type is g, mg, rc, mn, or nc.

Default: Normal



Specify the name of the JP1 user who owns the unit.

Length of the value: 1 to 31 bytes

Default: The JP1 user name of the user who created the unit


JP1 resource group

Specify a JP1 resource group name.

Specifiable characters: Alphanumeric characters and an underscore (_)

Length of the value: 1 to 63 bytes

Default: Blank


(5) Manager unit definition information section


Table 5‒5: Items of the manager unit definition information section

Item name



Host to reference

Specify the name of JP1/AJS3 - Manager host.

Default: The manager host name specified in the MANAGER-HOST environment setting parameter

Length of the value: 1 to 255 bytes


Unit to reference

Specify the complete name of a unit on the manager host.

Length of the value: 1 to 961 bytes


(6) Job group definition information section


Table 5‒6: Items of the Job group definition information section

Item name



Base day

Specify the base date as calendar information.


Specify the base date as a calendar day.

Specifiable value: 1 to 31 (day number)


Specify which day of which week is to be used as the base date.

In week, specify one of the following keywords:

su: Sets Sunday as the base date.

mo: Sets Monday as the base date.

tu: Sets Tuesday as the base date.

we: Sets Wednesday as the base date.

th: Sets Thursday as the base date.

fr: Sets Friday as the base date.

sa: Sets Saturday as the base date.

In n, specify a value in the range 1-5. For example, 1 indicates the first week.


The base date for the closest upper job group that has this item specified.

If this item is not defined for any upper job group, 1 is assumed.


Treat as

Specify the base month as calendar information.


Considers the days following the base date as belonging to the month containing the base date (current month).


Considers the days following the base date as belonging to the next month.


The base month for the closest upper job group that has this item specified.

If this item is not defined for any upper-level job group, th is assumed.


Base time

Specify the base time in the hh:mm format as calendar information.


Specify hours of the base time.

Specifiable value: 0 to 23


Specify minutes of the base time.

Specifiable value: 0 to 59


The base time for the closest upper job group that has this item specified.

If this item is not defined for any upper-level job group, 00:00 is assumed.


Job group type

Use one of the following keywords to specify the type of the job group:

p: Planning group

n: Job group

Default: n


(7) Calendar definition information section


Table 5‒7: Items of the Calendar definition information section

Item name



Standard week

Specify an open day or closed day as a day of the week for calendar information.

o (lower-case)

Sets the specified day of the week to an open day.

x (lower-case)

Sets the specified day of the week to a closed day.


The open day or closed day of the closest upper job group that has this item specified.

If no upper job groups have this item specified, all the days of the week will be set to open days.

Note that if this setting conflicts with the Open day and Closed day settings, the Open day and Closed day settings prevail.


Open day

Specify an open day on a per-day basis for calendar information, in the YYYY/MM/DD format.

This is a multi-value item. To specify multiple values, specify them in the same cell, separating each value with a line break (Alt+Enter).


Specify the calendar year containing an open day.

Specifiable value: 1994 to 2099


Specify the month containing an open day.

Specifiable value: 1 to 12 (For example, 1 indicates January.)


Specify an open day.

Specifiable value: 1 to 31


The open days of the closest upper job group that have this item specified.

If no upper job groups have this item specified, all days will be set to open days.

To remove an existing open day, input :X after the open day (in the YYYY/MM/DD:X format).

To delete existing calendar information corresponding to the specified date (date to be deleted) and all days preceding it, enter the date to be deleted with :D appended to it in the first row of the cell (in the YYYY/MM/DD:D format).

To delete all existing calendar information, enter :C in the first row of the cell.

Note that, if the same date is set as the date to be added (without an option) and the date to be deleted (with the :X option), the deletion takes precedence.

If you specify :D or :C in a place other than the first row of the cell, an error occurs when Change export is performed.


Closed day

Specify a closed day on a per-day basis for calendar information, in the YYYY/MM/DD format.

This is a multi-value item. To specify multiple values, specify them in the same cell, separating each value with a line break (Alt+Enter).


Specify the calendar year containing a closed day.

Specifiable value: 1994 to 2099


Specify the month containing a closed day.

Specifiable value: 1 to 12 (For example, 1 indicates January.)


Specify a closed day.


The closed days of the closest upper job group that have this item specified.

If no upper job groups have this item specified, all days will be set to open days.

To remove an existing closed day, input :X after the closed day (in the YYYY/MM/DD:X format).

To delete existing calendar information corresponding to the specified date (date to be deleted) and all days preceding it, enter the date to be deleted with :D appended to it in the first row of the cell (in the YYYY/MM/DD:D format).

To delete all existing calendar information, enter :C in the first row of the cell.

Note that, if the same date is set as the date to be added (without an option) and the date to be deleted (with the :X option), the deletion takes precedence.

If you specify :D or :C in a place other than the first row of the cell, an error occurs when Change export is performed.


(8) Jobnet definition information section


Table 5‒8: Items of the Jobnet definition information section

Item name



Concurrent exec.

Specify whether to enable concurrent jobnet execution.


Enables concurrent execution.

This cannot be specified while either w or a is specified in Hold.


Disables concurrent execution.

Default: n


No. logs to keep

Specify the number of jobnet generations to be kept.

You can specify this parameter only for the root jobnet. All the nested jobnets inherit the value specified for the root jobnet.

Specifiable value: 1 to 99 (generations)

Default: 1


Target manager

Specify the name of the JP1/AJS3 - Manager host in which a remote jobnet will be executed.

Default: The manager host name specified in the MANAGER-HOST environment setting parameter.

Length of the value: 1 to 255 bytes



Specify the default for the priority of jobnet job execution.

Specifiable value: 1 to 5

The lowest priority of execution is 1, while the highest priority is 5.

Default: Depends on the definition of upper-level jobnets.


Time-out period

Define the number of days until standby status is terminated for jobnets in any of the following statuses: "holding", "condition-wait", and "time-wait" when the scheduled execution startup time has been passed because the execution of the jobnet has been prevented.

You can specify one of the following values:

1 or 2

The jobnet stops the wait one or two days after the base date for the job group to which the jobnet belongs.


Does not set the time-out period. When this value is specified, the value specified with the scheduler option of the manager host's environment settings is used.


Waits without setting a timeout.

Default: no


Schedule option

Specify a schedule option for jobnet execution.


Uses a schedule skip option.


Uses a multi-schedule option.

Default: sch


Required exec. time

Specify the time required for executing the jobnet or remote jobnet for which the termination delay is monitored.

Specifiable value: 1 to 2879 (minutes)


(9) Jobnet connector definition information section


Table 5‒9: Items of the Jobnet connector definition information section

Item name



Connect destination#

Specify the complete unit name of the root jobnet or the planning group of the connection destination.

Length of the value: 1 to 930 bytes



The definition information is updated without error even if you specify a non-existent unit or a unit other than the planning group and root jobnet as the connection destination jobnet name, and use a batch definition, an individual definition, or the modification function to perform export.

(10) Start-condition definition information section


Table 5‒10: Items of the Start-condition definition information section

Item name



Start Condition

Use either of the following keywords to specify how to handle the start conditions:


Starts the job when all the start conditions are satisfied.


Starts the job when any of the start conditions is satisfied.

Default: and


(11) Schedule definition information section



Table 5‒11: Items of the Schedule definition information section

Item name



Depends on upper-level jobnet

Specify dependence on the schedule for the upper-level jobnet.

You cannot specify this item for the root jobnet.

Use either of the following keywords to specify this item:


The jobnet depends on the schedule for the upper-level jobnet.


The jobnet does not depend on the schedule for the upper-level jobnet.

Default: y


Valid term

Specify the effective dates of the defined schedule in yyyy/mm/dd format.


Specify the year of the effective date by the calendar year.

Specifiable value : 1994 - 2099


Specify the month of the effective date.

Specifiable value : 1 - 12


Specify the day of the effective date.

Specifiable value : 1 to 31


Job group name

Specify the name of another job group that contains the definition of the calendar information you want to reference.

Length of the value: 1 to 930 bytes


Exclusive jobnet

Specify the name of a jobnet you do not want to execute while executing this jobnet (a jobnet in the same level).

Length of the value: 1 to 30 bytes


Rule number to link

Define the rule number of the start day of the corresponding upper level jobnet.

Specifiable value : 1-144

By default, the rule number and the link number become same.

When specifying multiple entries, be sure to do so in the same cell, separating each entry with a line break (Alt+Enter).


Start day


Specify the type of the jobnet execution start day.

This is a multi-value item. To specify multiple values, specify them in the same cell, separating each value with a line break (Alt+Enter).

Use one of the following keywords to specify this item:

Registered day

Sets the day jobnet execution was registered as the execution start day.

Absolute day

Specifies the jobnet execution start day using an absolute day.

Relative day

Specifies the jobnet execution start day using a relative day.

Open day

Specifies the jobnet execution start day using an open day.

Closed day

Specifies the jobnet execution start day using a closed day.


Does not specify a particular start day for the jobnet.



Specify the start year and month for jobnet execution in the yyyy/mm format.

This is a multi-value item. To specify multiple values, specify them in the same cell, separating each value with a line break (Alt+Enter).


Specify the calendar year containing the date when the jobnet is executed.

Specifiable value: 1994 to 2099

Default: The year containing the date when the jobnet was registered for execution


Specify the month when the jobnet is executed.

Specifiable value: 1 to 12 (For example, 1 indicates January.)

Default: The month containing the day when the jobnet was registered for execution



Specify the day for jobnet execution.

This is a multi-value item. To specify multiple values, specify them in the same cell, separating each value with a line break (Alt+Enter).


When Absolute day or Relative day is specified, specify the value in the following range:

When Absolute day is specified: 1 to 31 (day number)

When Relative day is specified: 1 to 35 (number of days)


Specify the sequence number in n when Open day or Closed day is specified. For example, if you want to execute the jobnet on the fifth open day, specify 5th.

Specifiable value: 1 to 35


Specify this to execute the jobnet on the last day, last open day, or last closed day.


Specify whether to perform execution n days before the last day, last open day, or last closed day.

Specify a value in n in the following range:

When Absolute day is specified: 0 to 30

When Relative day, Open day, or Closed day is specified: 0 to 34

nth X

n: Specify a value in the range 1-5.

X: Specify Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, or Sun.

For example, 4th Wed indicates the fourth Wednesday.

Last X

X: Specify Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, or Sun.

For example, Last Fri indicates the last Friday.


Start time

Specify the time when the jobnet is executed in the [+]hh:mm format.

This is a multi-value item. To specify multiple values, specify them in the same cell, separating each value with a line break (Alt+Enter).


When this symbol is added, the time specified in the hh:mm format is handled as a relative time. When this symbol is omitted, the specified time is handled as an absolute time.


Specify the hours of the time when the jobnet is executed.

Specifiable value: 0 to 47 (hours)

Default: 0


Specify the minutes of the time when the jobnet is executed.

Specifiable value: 0 to 59 (minutes)

Default: 0

Default: +00:00 (0 hours 00 minutes as the relative time)


Processing cycle

Specify a processing cycle for a jobnet. By default, no processing cycle is set.

This is a multi-value item. To specify multiple values, specify them in the same cell, separating each value with a line break (Alt+Enter).

Use one of the following keywords to specify this item:


Specify this when a regular execution cycle cannot be applied.

Every n Day

Executes the jobnet every n days. In n, specify a value in the range 1-31.

Every n Open day

Executes the jobnet every n open days. In n, specify a value in the range 1-31.

Every n Closed day

Executes the jobnet every n closed days. In n, specify a value in the range 1-31.

Every n Week

Executes the jobnet every n weeks. In n, specify a value in the range 1-5.

Every n Month

Executes the jobnet every n months. In n, specify a value in the range 1-12.

Every n Year

Executes the jobnet every n years. In n, specify a value in the range 1-9.

Default: Unspecified


Substitute schedule of closed day job

If the jobnet is scheduled to be executed on a closed day on the JP1/AJS calendar, specify how to substitute the schedule of the closed day job.

This is a multi-value item. To specify multiple values, specify them in the same cell, separating each value with a line break (Alt+Enter).

Use one of the following keywords to specify this item:


Applies the previous day of the execution schedule day if it is closed.


Applies the next day of the execution schedule day if it is closed.


Does not execute the jobnet if the execution schedule day is closed.


Forcibly executes the jobnet on the closed day set as the execution schedule day only when the JP1/AJS service is active.

Default: Cancel


Shift days

Specify the maximum number of shift days for jobnet execution.

This is a multi-value item. To specify multiple values, specify them in the same cell, separating each value with a line break (Alt+Enter).

Specifiable value: 1 to 31

Default: 2


Schedule by days from start

Specify the schedule of the jobnet according to the days from the start time.

This is a multi-value item. To specify multiple values, specify them in the same cell, separating each value with a line break (Alt+Enter).

-n open days

Replaces the date of jobnet execution by an open day preceding the start date (the execution schedule date fixed by specifying a processing cycle or setting substitution).

+n open days

Replaces the date of jobnet execution by an open day following the start date (the execution schedule date fixed by specifying a processing cycle or setting substitution).

-n days

Replaces the date of jobnet execution with a day preceding the start date (the execution schedule date fixed by specifying a processing cycle or setting substitution).

In this case, "Closed day" is also a target for the substitute schedule.

+n days

Replaces the date of jobnet execution with a day following the start date (the execution schedule date fixed by specifying a processing cycle or setting substitution).

In this case, "Closed day" is also a target for the substitute schedule.

If this setting is omitted, the shifted schedule will not be used.


Max. shiftable days

Specify the maximum number of shift days.

This is a multi-value item. To specify multiple values, specify them in the same cell, separating each value with a line break (Alt+Enter).

Specifiable value: 1 to 31

Default: 10


Monitor delay

Specify the delay time for the start or stop of the jobnet, in one of the following formats:





This is a multi-value item. To specify multiple values, specify them in the same cell, separating each value with a line break (Alt+Enter).


Specify the hours of the delay time for the start or stop of the jobnet.

Specifiable value: 0 to 47 (hours)


Specify the minutes of the delay time for the start or stop of the jobnet.

Specifiable value: 0 to 59 (minutes)


The number of minutes for which the start or stop delay time is offset from the execution start or stop time of the root jobnet, upper jobnet, or local jobnet.

Specifiable value: 1 to 2879 (minutes)


The time will be offset from the execution start or stop time of the root jobnet by the number of minutes specified in mmmm.


The time will be offset from the execution start or stop time of the upper jobnet by the number of minutes specified in mmmm.


The time will be offset from the execution start or stop time of the local jobnet by the number of minutes specified in mmmm.


Start condition


Specify the number of times the jobnet waits for an event that causes the jobnet to execute after the jobnet is executed by the event for the first time.

This is a multi-value item. To specify multiple values, specify them in the same cell, separating each value with a line break (Alt+Enter).


Does not wait for an event.


Specify the number of times the jobnet waits for an event.

Specifiable value: 1 to 999

Default: 1


Waits without any limit for an event.

Default: no



Specify the time when the status of the jobnet waiting for an event is released. Use one of the following values to specify this item:





This is a multi-value item. To specify multiple values, specify them in the same cell, separating each value with a line break (Alt+Enter).


Does not use an event wait.


Specify the hours of the time when an event wait is cleared.

Specifiable value: 0 to 47 (hours)


Specify the minutes of the time when an event wait is cleared.

Specifiable value: 0 to 59 (minutes)


Specify the time when the event wait is released by the relative minutes from the time when the jobnet is executed.

Specifiable value: 1 to 2879 (minutes)


Waits without any limit for an event.

Default: no


(12) Basic job definition information section




Table 5‒12: Items of the Basic job definition information section

Item name



Command statement

Specify the command text of the UNIX job.

This is a multi-value item. To specify multiple values, specify them in the same cell, separating each value with a line break (Alt+Enter).

Number of characters that can be specified in a cell: 1 to 1,023 bytes

Note about display during import:

If a command statement defined in the manager host includes a tab character, the tab character is replaced with a space.


Execution file name

For a UNIX job, specify a script file name on the agent host where the job is executed.

For a PC job or QUEUE job, specify an executable file name on the agent host.

Length of the value: 1 to 511 bytes



Define parameters for the target file.

Length of the value: 1 to 1,023 bytes


Environment variables

Specify an environment variable in the variable-name=value format.

This is a multi-value item. To specify multiple values, specify them in the same cell, separating each value with a line break (Alt+Enter).

Length of the value: 1 to 20,479 bytes


Environment file

Specify the environmental variable file name existing on the agent host.

Length of the value: 1 to 511 bytes


Working path

Specify the working path in the full path name.

Length of the value: 1 to 511 bytes


Standard input

Specify the name of the standard input file existing on the agent host where the job is executed.

Length of the value: 1 to 511 bytes


Standard output

File name

Specify the name of the standard output file existing on the agent host where the job is executed.

Length of the value: 1 to 511 bytes



Specify the append option for the standard output file.

This item is ignored if the name of the standard output file is not specified.

new: Creates a new file.

add: Adds information to the existing file.

The default is new.


Standard error

File name

Specify the name of the standard error output file existing on the agent host where the job is executed.

Length of the value: 1 to 511 bytes



Specify the append option for the standard error output file.

This item is ignored if the name of the standard error output file is not specified.

new: Creates a new file.

add: Adds information to the existing file.

The default is new.


Host name

Specify the name of the host to which a QUEUE job is submitted.

Length of the value: 1 to 255 bytes


Queue name

Specify the name of the queue to which a QUEUE job is submitted.

Length of the value: 1 to 63 bytes


Job name

Specify the name of the job to which a QUEUE job is submitted.

Length of the value: 1 to 63 bytes



Specify the priority of job execution.

Specifiable value: 1 to 5

(The lowest priority of execution is 1, while the highest priority is 5.)

Default: Depends on the definition of the upper-level jobnets.


End judgment


Specify the type of end judgment.


Always assumes a normal end.


Always assumes an abnormal end.


Assumes a normal end if the end code is below a set value.


Assumes a normal end if the file is updated during the period between the start and the end of job execution. This value cannot be specified for a QUEUE job.


Assumes a normal end if a file is created at the end of job execution. This value cannot be specified for a QUEUE job.

Default: cod



Specify the threshold for the end with warning.

Specifiable value: 0 to 2,147,483,647



Specify the threshold for the abnormal end.

Specifiable value: 0 to 2,147,483,647

Default: 0


File name

Specify the name of the end judgment file existing on the agent host where the job is executed.

You can specify an absolute path name or a relative path name from the working path for job execution.

This item cannot be specified for a QUEUE job.

Length of the value: 1 to 511 bytes


Retry on abnormal end

Define whether retrying on an abnormal end is enabled.


Automatic retries are not performed if an abnormal end occurs.


Automatic retries are performed if an abnormal end occurs. This can be specified only when the "Rule" in "End judgment" is "cod".

Default: No


Return code

Lower limit (Greater than or equal to)

Define the lower limit of the return codes to be retried automatically when automatic retrying is performed for an abnormal end.

Specify a value lower than "Upper limit", and higher than "Abnormal".

This can be specified only when "Retry on abnormal end" is set to "Yes".

Specifiable value: 1 to 4,294,967,295

Default: The default end judgment of "abnormal-threshold + 1" is assumed when execution is performed.


Upper limit (Less than or equal to)

Define the upper limit of the return codes to be retried automatically if automatic retrying is performed for an

abnormal end. Specify a value lower than "Lower limit", and lower than "Abnormal".

This can be specified only when "Retry on abnormal end" is set to "Yes".

Specifiable value: 1 to 4,294,967,295

Default: 4,294,967,295


Maximum retry times

Define the maximum number of retry executions.

This can be specified only when "Retry on abnormal end" is set to "Yes".

Specifiable value: 1 to 12 (Unit: times)

Default: 1


Retry interval

Define the retry interval.

This can be specified only when "Retry on abnormal end" is set to "Yes".

Specifiable value: 1 to 10 (Unit: minutes)

Default: 1


User name

Specify the name of the OS user who executes a job on the agent host.

You cannot use a space in the user name.

Length of the value: 1 to 63 bytes


(13) Judgment job definition information section



Table 5‒13: Items of the Judgment job definition information section

Item name




Define judgment conditions for comparing the end code of the preceding job with the reference value.


The end code of the preceding job is greater than the reference value.


The end code of the preceding job is equal to or greater than the reference value.


The end code of the preceding job is smaller than the reference value.


The end code of the preceding job is equal to or smaller than the reference value.


The end code of the preceding job is equal to the reference value.


The end code of the preceding job is not equal to the reference value.


The return code of the preceding job is within the judgment value range.


The return code of the preceding job is outside the judgment value range.


A file is created.


No file is created.


The value of the specified variable (number) is greater than the judgment value.


The value of the specified variable (number) is equal to or greater than the judgment value.


The value of the specified variable (number) is smaller than the judgment value.


The value of the specified variable (number) is equal to or smaller than the judgment value.


The value of the specified variable (number) is equal to the judgment value.


The value of the specified variable (number) is not equal to the judgment value.


The specified variable value is within the judgment value (number) range.


The specified variable value is outside the judgment value (number) range.


The value of the specified variable (char.) is equal to the judgment value.


The value of the specified variable (char.) contains the judgment value.


The value of the specified variable (char.) is not equal to the judgment value.


There is a value for the specified variable (char.).


There is no value for the specified variable (char.).


The value of the specified variable (char.) does not contain the judgment value.

Default: gt


Judgment value

Retrun code

Define the judgment end code for judgment.

Specifiable value: 0 to 4,294,967,295

This cannot be specified while either "ri","ro","ef","nf","vgt","vge","vlt","vle","veq","vne","vri","vro","sce","spe","sne","snn","snl", or "spn" is specified for "Condition".


Return code (Lower limit)

Define the lower limit judgment return code used in making a judgment.

This must be specified if "ri" or "ro" is specified for "Condition".

Specifiable value: 0 to 4,294,967,295

This parameter cannot be specified if "ri" or "ro" is not specified for "Condition".


Variable (number) (Lower limit)

Define the lower limit judgment value used in making a variable

(numeric) judgment.

This must be specified if "vri" or "vro" is specified for "Condition".

Specifiable value: 0 to 2,147,483,647

This parameter cannot be specified if "vri" or "vro" is not specified for "Condition".


Judgment Condition (Lower limit)

Define the boundary conditions used to define the lower limit judgment return code or the lower limit judgment value for variables (numeric).

Greater than or equal to

Indicates that the return code of the preceding job or the variable judgment numeric value is equal to or greater than the judgment value.

Greater than

Indicates that the return code of the preceding job or the variable judgment numeric value is greater than the judgment value.

Specifiable value: Greater than or equal to

This parameter cannot be specified if "ri","ro","vri", or "vro" is not specified for "Condition".


Return code (Upper limit)

Define the upper limit judgment return code used in making a judgment.

This must be specified if "ri" or "ro" is specified for "Condition".

Specifiable value: 0 to 4,294,967,295

This parameter cannot be specified if "ri" or "ro" is not specified for "Condition".


Variable (number) (Upper limit)

Define the upper limit judgment value used in making a variable

(numeric) judgment.

This must be specified if "vri" or "vro" is specified for "Condition".

Specifiable value: 0 to 2,147,483,647

This parameter cannot be specified if "vri" or "vro" is not specified for "Condition".


Judgment Condition (Upper limit)

Define the boundary conditions used to define the upper limit judgment return code or the upper limit judgment value for variables (numeric).

Less than or equal to

Indicates that the return code of the preceding job or the variable judgment numeric value is equal to or smaller than the judgment value.

Less than

Indicates that the return code of the preceding job or the variable judgment numeric value is smaller than the judgment value.

Default: Less than or equal to

This parameter cannot be specified if "ri","ro","vri", or "vro" is not specified for "Condition".


Variable (char.)

Define the judgment value (character) to be used as the judgment criterion.

Length of the value: 1 to 511 bytes

This parameter cannot be specified if "gt","ge","lt","le","eq","ne","ri","ro","ef","nf","vgt","vge","vlt","vle","veq","vne","vri","vro","snn", or "snl" is not specified for "Condition".


Variable (number)

Define the judgment value (number) to be used as the judgment criterion.

Specifiable value: 0 to 2,147,483,647

Default: 0

This parameter cannot be specified if "gt","ge","lt","le","eq","ne","ri","ro","ef","nf","vri","vro","sce","spe","sne","snn","snl" or "spn" is not specified for "Condition".



Specify the macro variable name specified in the preceding job.

Make the specification in the "?AJS2xxxxx?" format.

You can specify only upper-case alphabetic characters, numeric characters, and periods (.) for xxxxx.

Length of the value: 1 to 64 bytes

This parameter cannot be specified if "gt","ge","lt","le","eq","ne","ri","ro","ef", or "nf" is not specified for "Condition".


File name

Define the file name of a file subject to end judgment.

Length of the value: 1 to 260 bytes

This parameter cannot be specified if "gt","ge","lt","le","eq","ne","ri","ro","vgt","vge","vlt","vle","veq","vne","vri","vro","sce","spe","sne","snn","snl", or "spn" is not specified for "Condition".


(14) Event job definition information section


Table 5‒14: Items of the Event job definition information section

Item name



Waiting time

Specify the number of minutes to wait for the execution interval control job.

Specifiable value: 1 to 1,440 minutes

Default: 10


Expire right after starting

Define whether the event job expires immediately after starting.

This can be defined if a unit is under start conditions.

No: The job is not completed immediately after it is started.

Yes: Completes the job immediately after it is started.

Default: No

Note that when you import a unit that does not expire, the value of the cell is empty.


Monitoring file

Specify the name of the monitoring file for the file monitoring job.

You can specify a full-path file name or a generic file name using the wildcard (*).

Length of the value: 1 to 255 bytes


Monitoring options


Specify the monitoring conditions for the file monitoring job

You can specify multiple values. However, you cannot specify s together with m.

The values you can specify are as follows:

c: Monitors file creation.

d: Monitors file deletion.

s: Monitors file resizing.

m: Monitors for a change in the writing time of the last file.

c:d: Specifies c and d at the same time.

c:s: Specifies c and s at the same time.

c:m: Specifies c and m at the same time.

d:s: Specifies d and s at the same time.

d:m: Specifies d and m at the same time.

c:d:s: Specifies c, d, and s at the same time.

c:d:m: Specifies c, d, and m at the same time.

Default: c


Details (Create)

Specify the way of executing the file creation monitoring when there is a monitoring-target file.

You can specify either of the following values:


The monitoring job terminates normally, assuming that the monitor conditions have been met.


The monitoring job continues to monitor the target file.

Default: n


Monitoring interval

Specify the interval at which the file monitoring job monitors the target file.

Specifiable value: 1 to 600 (seconds)

Note that you cannot specify a value of 1 to 9 as the monitoring interval when using the wildcard (*) to generically specify multiple target files.

Default: 60


Reception event ID

Specify the ID of the target event of the JP1 event reception monitoring job.

Specifiable value: 00000000:00000000 to FFFFFFFF:FFFFFFFF (in hexadecimal)


Event issue source host

Specify the name of the host from which JP1 event reception monitoring job events are issued.

Length of the value: 1 to 255 bytes


Reception event message

Specify a string to be compared to the message portion of the target JP1 events of the JP1 event reception monitoring job.

Length of the value: 1 to 1,024 bytes


Status after close

Specify the state of the event job after the execution time-out period elapses.

This parameter is invalid for a job within the start condition.

Use one of the following keywords to specify this item:

kl: Killed

nr: Ended normally

wr: Ended with warning

an: Ended abnormally

Default: kl


(15) Action job definition information section


Table 5‒15: Items of the Action job definition information section

Item name



Send event ID

Specify the ID of the event transmitted by the JP1 event transmission job.

Specifiable value: 00000000 to 00001FFF or 7FFF8000 to 7FFFFFFF (in hexadecimal)


Event destination host

Specify the name of the host to which the JP1 event transmission job sends events.

Length of the value: 1 to 255 bytes


Send event message

Specify the message to be attached to events transmitted by the JP1 event transmission job.

Length of the value: 1 to 1,023 bytes


Send event level

Specify the event level to be attached to events transmitted by the JP1 event transmission job.

Use one of the following keywords to specify this item:

em: Sets Emergency.

al: Sets Alert.

cr: Sets Critical.

er: Sets Error.

wr: Sets Warning.

no: Sets Notice.

in: Sets Information.

db: Sets Debug.

Default: no


Check event arrivals

Specify whether to check the arrival of the event.

y: Checks the arrival of the event.

n: Does not check the arrival of the event.

Default: n


Check interval

Specify the interval at which to check for arrival of a JP1 event.

Specifiable value: 3 to 600 (seconds)


Check count

Specify how many times to check for arrival of a JP1 event.

Specifiable value: 0 to 999



Specify the type of the platform for executing the JP1 event transmission job.

p: Windows


Default: p


(16) Job common attribute information section




Table 5‒16: Items of the Job common attribute information section

Item name



Executed by

Specify the JP1 user who executes the job.

This item is invalid for event jobs.

Use either of the following keywords to specify this item:


Assumes the JP1 user who registered the jobnet.


Assumes the JP1 user who owns the jobnet.

Default: ent


Time period

Specify the timeout period for job execution in minutes from the execution start time.

This parameter is invalid for jobs within the start conditions.

Specifiable value: 1 to 1,440 (minutes)



Define the time required for execute a job for which the termination delay is monitored.

Specifiable value: 1 to 1,440 (minutes)


Exec. service

Specify whether the job has the queuing attribute.

q: Has the queuing attribute.

n: Does not have the queuing attribute.

Default: q


Transfer file 1

File to transfer

Define the file to transfer by the full path name.

This could be specified in a UNIX job, in a PC job, in a QUEUE job, and their recovery job.

Length of the value: 1 to 511 bytes


Destination file

Define the distiname file in the agent host.

This could be specified in a UNIX job, in a PC job, in a QUEUE job, and their recovery job.

Length of the value: 1 to 511 bytes



Defines the automatic deletion of the destination file.

This could be defined for a UNIX job, a PC job, or their recovery jobs. This cannot be specified for a QUEUE job.

sav: Save the file.

del: Delete the file.


Transfer file 2

File to transfer

Define the file to transfer by the full path name.

This could be specified in a UNIX job, in a PC job, in a QUEUE job, and their recovery job.

Length of the value: 1 to 511 bytes


Destination file

Define the distiname file in the agent host.

This could be specified in a UNIX job, in a PC job, in a QUEUE job, and their recovery job.

Length of the value: 1 to 511 bytes



Defines the automatic deletion of the destination file.

This could be defined for a UNIX job, a PC job, or their recovery jobs. This cannot be specified for a QUEUE job.

sav: Save the file.

del: Delete the file.


Transfer file 3

File to transfer

Define the file to transfer by the full path name.

This could be specified in a UNIX job, in a PC job, in a QUEUE job, and their recovery job.

Length of the value: 1 to 511 bytes


Destination file

Define the distiname file in the agent host.

This could be specified in a UNIX job, in a PC job, in a QUEUE job, and their recovery job.

Length of the value: 1 to 511 bytes



Defines the automatic deletion of the destination file.

This could be defined for a UNIX job, a PC job, or their recovery jobs. This cannot be specified for a QUEUE job.

sav: Save the file.

del: Delete the file.


Transfer file 4

File to transfer

Define the file to transfer by the full path name.

This could be specified in a UNIX job, in a PC job, in a QUEUE job, and their recovery job.

Length of the value: 1 to 511 bytes


Destination file

Define the distiname file in the agent host.

This could be specified in a UNIX job, in a PC job, in a QUEUE job, and their recovery job.

Length of the value: 1 to 511 bytes



Defines the automatic deletion of the destination file.

This could be defined for a UNIX job, a PC job, or their recovery jobs. This cannot be specified for a QUEUE job.

sav: Save the file.

del: Delete the file.


(17) Waiting condition definition information section


Table 5‒17: Items of the Waiting condition definition information section

Item name



Waiting-target units

Specify the full path name of a unit whose end is being waited for. When you set the preceding wait condition, make sure that you specify this item.

When specifying multiple entries, be sure to do so in the same cell, separating each entry with a line break (Alt+Enter).

Length of the value: 1 to 930 bytes

To release the existing connection, input :X after the unit name (like sample:X).

To delete all of the existing preceding wait target units, omit this value.


Wait method

Specify the wait method of the specified units whose ends are being waited for.


Start executing at completion of all units whose ends are being waited for.


Start executing at completion of one of the units whose ends are being waited for.

Default: and


No generations to wait for

Specify the behavior when there are no generations of the root jobnet for the specified unit whose end is being waited for.


Start executing.

Do not execute

Do not start executing.

Default: Do not execute


When Unmonitored + Ended

Define how the system behaves if the monitoring of a monitoring generation could not be started.

Do not execute

Do not start executing.


Start executing.

Default: Do not execute


Abnormal end for an execution generation

Specify how the system behaves if the execution generation terminates abnormally.

Do not execute

Do not start executing.

Start when skipped so not exe.

If the execution generation is not executed because it is skipped, start executing.


Start executing.

Default: Do not execute


(18) Tool unit definition information section


Table 5‒18: Items of the Tool unit definition information section

Item name



Passing information

Regular expression

Specify the conditions for extracting the value set in the output macro variable as a regular expression.

When specifying multiple entries, be sure to do so in the same cell, separating each entry with a line break (Alt+Enter).

Length of the value: 1 to 64 bytes


Output macro variable#

Specify the output macro variable.

Make the specification in the "?AJS2xxxxx?" format.

You can specify only upper-case alphabetic characters, numeric characters, and periods (.) for xxxxx.

When specifying multiple entries, be sure to do so in the same cell, separating each entry with a line break (Alt+Enter).

Length of the value: 1 to 64 bytes



When the output macro variable includes a single-byte space, the space is removed for export and the information is defined. Note that the output macro variable in the export execution result file still includes a single-byte space (the specified value does not change). If you want to identify the output macro variable that uses a single-byte space, use the error-checking function.

(19) Flexible job definition information section


Table 5‒19: Flexible job definition information section

Item name



Destination / Broadcast Agent

Specify the destination or broadcast agent.

Length of the value: 1 to 255 bytes


Broadcast Execution

Specify the Broadcast Execution.

Synchro: Perform execution in synchronous mode.

Asynchro: Perform execution in asynchronous mode.

If you do not use the broadcast execution, omit this value.


Relay agent

Define the name of the execution agent or execution agent group that serves as a relay agent. You cannot specify @SYSTEM.

Length of the value: 1 to 255 bytes

If the relay agent is not required, omit this value.


(20) Http connection job definition information section



Table 5‒20: Http connection job definition information section

Item name



Conn. configuration file name

Define the full path name of the connection configuration file on the agent host that executes jobs.

Length of the value: 1 to 511 bytes


Request type

Define the request type. If it is omitted, GET is assumed.

GET: GET request

POST: POST request

PUT: PUT request


Default: GET


Extended mode

Define whether to use extended mode. If this value is omitted, "Do not use" is assumed.


Extended mode will be used. The URL parameters and the message body will be sent as an HTTP request.

Do not use:

Extended mode is not used. The contents of the transmission information file name will be sent as an HTTP request.


Trans. info. file name

Define the full path name of the transmission information file on the agent host that executes jobs.

Length of the value: 1 to 511 bytes


URL parameter

Define the full path name of the transmission information file on the agent host that defines the information to be transmitted as the URL parameter.

Length of the value: 1 to 511 bytes


Message body

Define the full path name of the transmission information file on the agent host that defines the information to be transmitted as the message body.

Length of the value: 1 to 511 bytes


Status file name

Define the full path name of the status file created on the agent host that executes jobs.

Length of the value: 1 to 511 bytes


How to store received data

Defines how to store received data. If it is omitted, Output header/body to another file is assumed.

Output header/body to another file:

The header and body of an HTTP response are stored separately.

Output header/body to the same file:

The header and body of an HTTP response are stored together.

Default: Output header/body to another file


Received header file name

Define the full path name of the received header file created on the agent host that executes jobs.

Length of the value: 1 to 511 bytes


Received body file name

Define the full path name of the received body file created on the agent host that executes jobs.

Specify this item when How to store received data is set to Output header/body to another file.

Length of the value: 1 to 511 bytes


Return code specification

Define a job exit code for each HTTP status code in the form of "exit-code-1: HTTP-status-code-1[, HTTP-status-code-2...]".

To specify multiple entries, specify them in the same cell, separating each entry with a line break (Alt+Enter).

Length of each line: 1 to 511 bytes


(21) Other definition information section


Table 5‒21: Items of the Other definition information section

Item name



Other definition information

Define definition information not display in the list in the unit definition parameter format.

Display during import

If a tab character is included in definition information output to the cell of Other definition information, the tab character is not displayed in the cell of Other definition information.

Display during export

If a special character is to be treated as a normal character in the cell of Other definition information, the cast character might be specified.

For details about the unit definition parameter format, see the part that describes the definition information format and parameter in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference.

In definition information acquired by importing, the double quotation (") and the sharp (#) are cast already. Therefore, casting is not required.


(22) Custom job definition information section

The custom job definition information section includes the R/3 job definition information section, which defines the details of JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications. This subsection shows only the information to be specified. For details about how to specify each definition item, see the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 for Enterprise Applications Description, User's Guide and Reference.

(a) R/3 job definition information section







Table 5‒22: Items of the R/3 job definition information section

Item name



Host name

Specify the host name to be specified in the -h command argument of JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications.

Length of the value: 1 to 100 bytes


System number

Specify the system number to be specified in the -s command argument of JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications.

Specifiable value: 0 to 99



Specify the destination to be specified in the -d command argument of JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications.

Length of the value: 1 to 64 bytes


Logon by sapnwrfc.ini file

Specify whether logon is to be performed by using the sapnwrfc.ini file specified in the -dl command argument of JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications.

The default value is No.

No: Logon is not performed by using the sapnwrfc.ini file

Yes: Logon is performed by using the sapnwrfc.ini file



Specify the client to be specified in the -c command argument of JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications.

Specifiable value: 0 to 999


SAP user name

Specify the user name to be specified in the -u command argument of JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications.

You cannot use lower-case alphabetic characters for a user name.

Length of the value: 1 to 12 bytes



Specify the password to be specified in the -p command argument of JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications.

Length of the value: 1 to 10 bytes


Extended password#1

Specify the extension password to be specified in the -p2 command argument of JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications.

Length of the value: 1 to 40 bytes


System management information

This displays information managed by JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications.

Do not change the value for this item.


System management extended information

This displays extended information managed by JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications.

Do not change the value for this item.



Specify the language to be specified in the -l command argument of JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications.

You can specify no more than one single-byte character.

Select one of the following as the language to be used by the SAP system:

J: Japanese

E: English


Job name

Specify the job name to be specified in the -jn argument of the jr3bjsub command in JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications.

You cannot use lower-case alphabetic characters for a job name.

Length of the value: 1 to 32 bytes


Job step

Program type

Specify the program type in the job steps in JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications.

When specifying multiple entries, be sure to do so in the same cell, separating each entry with a line break (Alt+Enter).

pa: ABAP program

px: External program



In the jr3bjsub command of JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications, use the -pa argument to specify an ABAP program, or use the -px argument to specify an external program.

For an ABAP program, you cannot use lower-case alphabetic characters.

When specifying multiple entries, be sure to do so in the same cell, separating each entry with a line break (Alt+Enter).

Number of characters that can be specified on one line:

For an ABAP program: 1 to 40 (bytes)

For an external program: 1 to 128 (bytes)



In the jr3bjsub command of JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications, use either the -var argument or -arg argument to specify a variant.

For an ABAP program, you cannot use lower-case alphabetic characters.

When specifying multiple entries, be sure to do so in the same cell, separating each entry with a line break (Alt+Enter).

Number of characters that can be specified on one line:

For an ABAP program: 1 to 14 (bytes)

For an external program: 1 to 255 (bytes)


Authorized user

Specify the authorized user to be specified in the -auth argument of the jr3bjsub command in JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications.

You cannot use lower-case alphabetic characters to specify the authorized user.

When specifying multiple entries, be sure to do so in the same cell, separating each entry with a line break (Alt+Enter).

Number of characters that can be specified on one line: 1 to 12 bytes


Target host

Specify the host name to be specified in the -xpgtgh argument of the jr3bjsub command in JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications.

When specifying multiple entries, be sure to do so in the same cell, separating each entry with a line break (Alt+Enter).

Number of characters that can be specified on one line: 1 to 32 bytes


Archiving mode

Specify the archiving mode to be specified in the -armode argument of the jr3bjsub command in JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications.

When specifying multiple entries, be sure to do so in the same cell, separating each entry with a line break (Alt+Enter).

Use one of the following keywords to specify this item:

P: Printing only

A: Archiving only

PA: Printing and archiving

Default: P


Output device

Specify the output device to be specified in the -out argument of the jr3bjsub command in JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications.

You cannot use lower-case alphabetic characters for the output device.

When specifying multiple entries, be sure to do so in the same cell, separating each entry with a line break (Alt+Enter).

Number of characters that can be specified on one line: 1 to 4 bytes



Specify the number of output lines to be specified in the -ln argument of the jr3bjsub command in JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications.

When specifying multiple entries, be sure to do so in the same cell, separating each entry with a line break (Alt+Enter).

Specifiable value: 1 to 255 (lines)



Specify the number of output columns to be specified in the -col argument of the jr3bjsub command in JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications.

When specifying multiple entries, be sure to do so in the same cell, separating each entry with a line break (Alt+Enter).

Specifiable value: 1 to 255 (columns)



Specify the format to be specified in the -fmt argument of the jr3bjsub command in JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications.

You cannot use lower-case alphabetic characters for the format.

When specifying multiple entries, be sure to do so in the same cell, separating each entry with a line break (Alt+Enter).

Specifiable value: 1 to 16 bytes


Number of copies

Specify the number of copies to be specified in the -cc argument of the jr3bjsub command in JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications.

When specifying multiple entries, be sure to do so in the same cell, separating each entry with a line break (Alt+Enter).

Specifiable value: 1 to 255 (copies)

Default: 1



Specify the authorization to be specified in the -shwpwd argument of the jr3bjsub command in JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications.

You cannot use lower-case alphabetic characters for the authorization.

When specifying multiple entries, be sure to do so in the same cell, separating each entry with a line break (Alt+Enter).

Number of characters that can be specified on one line: 1 to 12 bytes


Spool save period

Specify the spool save period to be specified in the -rpd argument of the jr3bjsub command in JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications.

When specifying multiple entries, be sure to do so in the same cell, separating each entry with a line break (Alt+Enter).

Use a value (n) or keyword to specify this item.

n: Specify the number of days during which print requests are to be saved.

The value that can be specified in n: 1 to 8 (days)

unlimited: Specify this keyword to save print requests without any limit.

Default: 8


SAP cover sheet

Specify the print option for the SAP cover sheet to be specified in the -sapcvr argument of the jr3bjsub command in JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications.

When specifying multiple entries, be sure to do so in the same cell, separating each entry with a line break (Alt+Enter).

Use one of the following keywords to specify this item:

Y: Prints the SAP cover sheet.

N: Does not print the SAP cover sheet.

D: Depends on the printer setting.

Default: D



Specify the receiver to be specified in the -receiver argument of the jr3bjsub command in JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications.

You cannot use lower-case alphabetic characters for the receiver.

When specifying multiple entries, be sure to do so in the same cell, separating each entry with a line break (Alt+Enter).

Number of characters that can be specified on one line: 1 to 12 bytes


Obj. type

Specify the object type to be specified in the -objtyp argument of the jr3bjsub command in JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications.

You cannot use lower-case alphabetic characters for the object type.

When specifying multiple entries, be sure to do so in the same cell, separating each entry with a line break (Alt+Enter).

Number of characters that can be specified on one line: 1 to 10 bytes


Doc. type

Specify the document type to be specified in the -doctyp argument of the jr3bjsub command in JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications.

You cannot use lower-case alphabetic characters for the document type.

When specifying multiple entries, be sure to do so in the same cell, separating each entry with a line break (Alt+Enter).

Number of characters that can be specified on one line: 1 to 10 bytes



Specify the information ID to be specified in the -info argument of the jr3bjsub command in JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications.

When specifying multiple entries, be sure to do so in the same cell, separating each entry with a line break (Alt+Enter).

Number of characters that can be specified on one line: 1 to 3 bytes


Information text

Specify the information text to be specified in the -text argument of the jr3bjsub command in JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications.

You cannot use lower-case alphabetic characters for the information text.

When specifying multiple entries, be sure to do so in the same cell, separating each entry with a line break (Alt+Enter).

Number of characters that can be specified on one line: 1 to 40 bytes


Other job step information

Specify the job step information, which is not displayed in the list, of the jr3bjsub command of JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications.

Specify the parameter by using the command argument format.

When specifying multiple entries, be sure to do so in the same cell, separating each entry with a line break (Alt+Enter).


Name of the source job

Specify the name of the source job to be specified in the -jn argument of the jr3bjcpy command in JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications.

You can specify a character string between 1 and 32 bytes long.


Job count of the source job

Specify the job count of the source job to be specified in the -jc argument of the jr3bjcpy command in JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications.

You can specify a character string between 1 and 8 bytes long.


Number of the first step to start copying job

Specify the number of the first step to start copying job to be specified

in the -js argument of the jr3bjcpy command in JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications.

You can specify 0 to 99.

If 0 or 1 is specified, all job steps are copied.


New name of the copied job

Specify the new name of the copied job to be specified in the -djn argument of the jr3bjcpy command in JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise


You can specify a character string between 1 and 32 bytes long.

If the new name of the copied job is omitted, the job is copied with the same name as the source job.


Environment variables


Specify the name of an environment variable.

You can specify a character string between 1 and 259 bytes long.

You cannot specify double quotation marks (") or equal signs (=).

To specify multiple entries, specify all entries in the same cell and delimit them by using line breaks (Alt+Enter).



Specify the value of the environment variable.

You can specify a character string between 1 and 2,047 bytes long.

To specify multiple entries, specify all entries in the same cell and delimit them by using line breaks (Alt+Enter).


Other R/3 job definition information#2

Specify the arguments, which are not displayed in the list, of the jr3bjsub command of JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications.

Specify the arguments by using the command argument format. Do not specify the job step information.



The password is not scrambled and is displayed as is.


Line breaks included in the value are deleted, and the value is handled as one-line data.

(23) Last updated time information section


Table 5‒23: Items of the Last updated time section

Item name



Last updated time

Displays the last updated time of the unit.

This item is not a target for export. Also, the value cannot be changed.


(24) Error message information section


Table 5‒24: Items of the Error message section

Item name



Error message

An error message is displayed.

This item is not a target for Import and Export.