
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 - Definition Assistant Description, Operator's Guide and Reference

4.6.2 Modifying calendar information

You can modify calendar information in JP1/AJS3 - Definition Assistant by using the export function. For details about the export function, see 2.2 The export function.

This subsection describes how to modify calendar information by performing Change export.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Adding a date corresponding to either an open day or a closed day

To add a date corresponding to either an open day or a closed day, enter a date you want to add in the cell under the Open day or Closed day heading, and then mark the cell with the F2 key. Afterwards, perform Change export. The date you have just entered is added as either an open day or a closed day.

The following figure shows an example of how to add a date corresponding to an open day.

Figure 4‒29: Example of how to add a date corresponding to an open day


You can also add a date corresponding to an open day by first deleting all the dates that were set in the cell under the Open day heading upon import, and then entering in the cell only the date you want to add, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 4‒30: Example of how to add a date corresponding to an open day (by entering only the date to be added)


(2) Deleting a date corresponding to an open day or a closed day

To delete a date corresponding to an open day or a closed day, append :X as a suffix to the date you want to delete, and then mark the cell with the F2 key. Afterwards, perform Change export. The date with the suffix appended to it is deleted.


If, in the cell under either the Open day or Closed day heading in the calendar definition information section, the same date is set as the date to be added (without an option) and the date to be deleted (with the :X option), the deletion takes precedence.

The following figure shows an example of how to delete a date corresponding to a closed day.

Figure 4‒31: Example of how to delete a date corresponding to a closed day


You can also delete a date corresponding to a closed day by first deleting all the dates in the cell under the Closed days heading that were set upon import, and then entering in the cell only the date you want to delete with :X appended to it, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 4‒32: Example of how to delete a date corresponding to a closed day (by entering only the date to be deleted)


(3) Deleting calendar information corresponding to the specified date and all days preceding it

(a) Deleting past calendar information

To delete calendar information (open days or closed days) corresponding to the specified date (date to be deleted) and all days preceding it, enter the date to be deleted with the :D option appended to it in the cell under the Open day or Closed day heading, and then mark the cell with the F2 key. Afterwards, perform Change export. The specified date and all days preceding it are deleted.

The :D option applies also to definition information in the unmarked cell of calendar information (cell under the Open day or Closed day heading).

The following figure shows an example of how to delete past calendar information.

- To delete calendar information corresponding to March 31, 2019 and all days preceding it:

Figure 4‒33: Example of how to delete past calendar information


(b) Deleting past calendar information and adding future calendar information

To simultaneously delete calendar information corresponding to the specified date (date to be deleted) and all days preceding it and add future calendar information, enter the date to be deleted with the :D option appended to it in the first row of the cell under either the Open day or Closed day heading, enter the dates you want to add in the appropriate cells, and then mark the cells containing the dates you have just entered with the F2 key. Afterwards, perform Change export. The deletion of the specified date and all dates preceding it and the addition of new dates are simultaneously executed.

The following figure shows an example of how to delete past calendar information and add future calendar information.

- To delete calendar information corresponding to March 2019 and earlier dates and simultaneously add calendar information corresponding to May 2019 and later dates:

Figure 4‒34: Example of how to delete past calendar information and add future calendar information


(4) Deleting all calendar information

(a) Resetting calendar information

To delete all calendar information (standard weeks, open days, and closed days), enter the :C option in the first row of the cell under either the Open day or Closed day heading, and then mark the cell with the F2 key. Afterwards, perform Change export. All calendar information is deleted.

The :C option applies also to definition information in the unmarked cells of calendar information (cells under the Standard week, Open day, and/or Closed day headings).

The following figure shows an example of how to delete all calendar information

Figure 4‒35: Example of how to delete all calendar information


(b) Deleting all calendar information and replacing it with new values

To delete all calendar information (the values set under the Standard week, Open day, and Closed day headings) and replace it with new values, enter the :C option in the first row of the cell under either the Open day or Closed day heading, enter new values in the cells under the Standard week, Open day, and Closed day headings, and then mark these cells with the F2 key. Afterwards, perform Change export. Calendar information is replaced with new values.

If you replace the values inside the marked cells with those set upon import, and then perform Change export, you can reset calendar information to its state before the changes.

The following figure shows an example of how to delete all calendar information and replace it with new values.

Figure 4‒36: Example of how to delete all calendar information and replace it with new values
