
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference

7.1.37 Version information acquisition API

This API acquires product version information.

Use this API to determine the product version of JP1/AJS3 - Web Console when you specify the APIs or parameters in the list below. For details, see the description of the relevant API or parameter.

API or parameter

Relevant section

The following parameter of the unit list acquisition API:

  • periodBegin

  • periodEnd

7.1.1 Unit list acquisition API

Unit information acquisition API

7.1.2 Unit information acquisition API

The following parameter of the unit information acquisition API:

  • searchConnectInfo

Wait condition status list acquisition API

7.1.4 Wait condition status list acquisition API

The following parameter of the planned execution registration API:

  • holding

7.1.5 Planned execution registration API

The following parameters of the fixed execution registration API:

  • holding

  • startTime

  • passedDaemonStarts

  • fixedScheduleFrom

  • fixedScheduleTo

7.1.6 Fixed execution registration API

The following parameters of the registration cancellation API:

  • begin

  • end

7.1.8 Registration cancellation API

Change delay monitor API

7.1.10 Change delay monitor API

Change job status API

7.1.11 Change job status API

Change plan (change time) API

7.1.12 Change plan (change time) API

The following parameters of the change plan (change time) API:

  • absoluteTime

Change plan (execute immediately) API

7.1.13 Change plan (execute immediately) API

Change plan (execution prohibited) API

7.1.14 Change plan (execution prohibited) API

Change plan (release change) API

7.1.15 Change plan (release change) API

Interrupt API

7.1.16 Interrupt API

Kill API

7.1.17 Kill API

Rerun API

7.1.18 Rerun API

Wait status change API

7.1.19 Wait status change API

Execution order control method change API

7.1.20 Execution order control method change API

Execution agent status list acquisition API

7.1.21 Execution agent status list acquisition API

Execution agent status acquisition API

7.1.22 Execution agent status acquisition API

Execution agent definition acquisition API

7.1.23 Execution agent definition acquisition API

Execution agent addition API

7.1.24 Execution agent addition API

Execution agent deletion API

7.1.25 Execution agent deletion API

Execution agent reconfiguration API

7.1.26 Execution agent reconfiguration API

API to change the job transfer restriction status of an execution agent

7.1.27 API to change the job transfer restriction status of an execution agent

Execution agent status change API

7.1.28 Execution agent status change API

API to check the communication status of the job distribution delay reduction function

7.1.29 API to check the communication status of the job distribution delay reduction function

Execution agent group status list acquisition API

7.1.30 Execution agent group status list acquisition API

Execution agent group definition acquisition API

7.1.31 Execution agent group definition acquisition API

Execution agent group addition API

7.1.32 Execution agent group addition API

Execution agent group deletion API

7.1.33 Execution agent group deletion API

Execution agent group reconfiguration API

7.1.34 Execution agent group reconfiguration API

API to change the job transfer restriction status of an execution agent group

7.1.35 API to change the job transfer restriction status of an execution agent group

API to exclude or add execution agents, or to change their priority levels

7.1.36 API to exclude or add execution agents, or to change their priority levels

JP1/AJS3 - Manager protocol version acquisition API

7.1.38 JP1/AJS3 - Manager protocol version acquisition API

Execution privileges


Request format
Request line
GET /application/component/apiVersion/version?query httpVersion
API version


Information that uniquely identifies a resource



The following table lists and describes the parameters that can be specified for query.

Table 7‒37: List of parameters for the version information acquisition API


Description of the value



Specify the manager host name or IP address by using a character string in the range from 1 to 255 bytes.



Y: Required

Status code

The following table lists and describes the status codes returned as a response:

Status code

Text description




Version information was successfully acquired.


Bad Request

The query character string is invalid.



Authentication is required.


Not found

The operator does not have access permission for the resource, or the resource does not exist.


Precondition failed

The Web Console server is not available.


Server-side error

A processing error occurred in the Web Console server.

Response format
Response message body
  "displayProductVersion":"product-version (for-display)",
  "productVersionNumber":product-version (number)
Return values

If the status code is 200, the following information is returned:


Data type




Returns the product name.



Returns the product version in the format of VV-RR-SS.

VV, RR, and SS each indicate a two-digit number.



Returns the product version (for display) in the format of VV-RR or VV-RR-SS.

VV, RR, and SS each indicate a two-digit number.

For example, if the value of productVersion is 11-00-00, 11-00 is returned with a value for SS omitted.



Returns the product version as a number. The returned number is in the format of VVRRSS for the product version VV-RR-SS.

For example, if the product version is 11-00-06, 110006 is returned. If the product version is 11-10-00, 111000 is returned.

This member is returned if the version of JP1/AJS3 - Web Console is 11-10 or later. If this member is not returned, assume that the version of JP1/AJS3 - Web Console is earlier than 11-10.


The following shows an example of using the API that acquires version information of the product.

Example request:
GET /ajs/api/v1/version?manager=HOSTM HTTP/1.1
Host: HOSTW:22252
Accept-Language: ja
X-AJS-Authorization: dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==
Example response (message body):
  "productName": "Automatic Job Management System 3 - Web Console",
  "productVersion": "11-10-00",
  "displayProductVersion": "11-10",
  "productVersionNumber": 111000