
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference

7.1.10 Change delay monitor API

This API temporarily changes the delay monitor settings for the specified jobnet registered for execution.

For details about temporary change of the delay monitor settings, see 4.5.7 Temporarily changing the delay monitor settings of a jobnet in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview.

You can use this API only when the JP1/AJS3 - Web Console version is 11-10 or later. Before using this API, make sure that the return value of the version information acquisition API (productVersionNumber) is 111000 or greater.

Execution privileges

The logged in JP1 user must have one of the following JP1 permissions for the unit for which the delay monitor settings are to be changed:

  • JP1_AJS_Admin privileges

  • JP1_AJS_Manager privileges

  • JP1_AJS_Operator privileges

Request format
Request line
POST /application/component/apiVersion/objects/statuses/unitName:execID/actions/changeDelayMonitor/invoke httpVersion
Message Body
API version


Information that uniquely identifies a resource

The table below describes the information that uniquely identifies a resource.

If a parameter is not specified or is specified incorrectly, an error with the status code 404 occurs because the resource cannot be uniquely identified.

Information that uniquely identifies a resource

Data type





Specify the full name of the unit to be requested, by using a character string in the range from 1 to 930 bytes.




Specify the execution ID by using a character string in the format of @[mmmm]{A to Z}nnnn (for example, @10A200).



Y: Required


The following table lists and describes the parameters that can be specified for parameters in the request message body.

Table 7‒10: List of parameters for the change delay monitor API


Data type

Description of the value




Specify the manager host name or IP address by using a character string in the range from 1 to 255 bytes.




Specify the scheduler service name by using a character string in the range from 1 to 30 bytes.




Specify the method of monitoring start delays, by using a character string constant specified for the DelayMonitorType constant. For details about the DelayMonitorType constant, see 7.4.11(1) DelayMonitorType.

If you do not want to change the start delay monitor settings, do not specify this parameter, or specify null for this parameter.

If you specify a constant that cannot be specified for the root jobnet, an error occurs.

If the jobnet is running, you cannot change the start delay monitor settings. If you specify this parameter, an error occurs.




Specify the start time of start delay monitoring, by using a character string.

You must specify this parameter if you use the delayedStart parameter to change the start delay monitor settings. If you omit this parameter, an error occurs.

If you specify ABSOLUTE (absolute time) for the delayedStart parameter, specify the start time of start delay monitoring, by using an absolute time in hh:mm format.

Specify the time by using the local time for the scheduler service of the request-destination JP1/AJS3 - Manager.

You can specify the following values:

  • hh: Specify the hour.

    You can specify the hour in the range from 00 to 47 (unit: hour).

  • mm: Specify the minute.

    You can specify the minute in the range from 00 to 59 (unit: minute).

If you specify one of the following values for the delayedStart parameter, specify a relative time in hh:mm format: ROOT (relative time from the scheduled start time of the root jobnet), TOP (relative time from the scheduled start time of the upper jobnet), or OWN (relative time from the scheduled start time of the local jobnet).

Specify the time by using the local time for the scheduler service of the request-destination JP1/AJS3 - Manager.

You can specify the following values:

  • hh: Specify the hour.

    You can specify the hour in the range from 00 to 47 (unit: hour).

  • mm: Specify the minute.

    You can specify the minute in the range from 00 to 59 (unit: minute).

However, you cannot specify 00:00. Specify a value in the range from 00:01 to 47:59.

The specification of this parameter is ignored if you omit the delayedStart parameter or specify NOT (no monitoring) for the delayedStart parameter.




Specify the method of monitoring end delays, by using a character string constant specified for the DelayMonitorType constant. For details about the DelayMonitorType constant, see 7.4.11(1) DelayMonitorType.

If you do not want to change the end delay monitor settings, do not specify this parameter, or specify null for this parameter.

If you specify a constant that cannot be specified for the root jobnet, an error occurs.




Specify the start time of end delay monitoring, by using a character string.

You must specify this parameter if you use the delayedEnd parameter to change the end delay monitor settings. If you omit this parameter, an error occurs.

If you specify ABSOLUTE (absolute time) for the delayedEnd parameter, specify the start time of end delay monitoring, by using an absolute time in hh:mm format.

Specify the time by using the local time for the scheduler service of the request-destination JP1/AJS3 - Manager.

You can specify the following values:

  • hh: Specify the hour.

    You can specify the hour in the range from 00 to 47 (unit: hour).

  • mm: Specify the minute.

    You can specify the minute in the range from 00 to 59 (unit: minute).

If you specify one of the following values for the delayedEnd parameter, specify a relative time in hh:mm format: ROOT (relative time from the scheduled start time of the root jobnet), TOP (relative time from the scheduled start time of the upper jobnet), or OWN (relative time from the scheduled start time of the local jobnet).

Specify the time by using the local time for the scheduler service of the request-destination JP1/AJS3 - Manager.

You can specify the following values:

  • hh: Specify the hour.

    You can specify the hour in the range from 00 to 47 (unit: hour).

  • mm: Specify the minute.

    You can specify the minute in the range from 00 to 59 (unit: minute).

However, you cannot specify 00:00. Specify a value in the range from 00:01 to 47:59.

The specification of this parameter is ignored if you omit the delayedEnd parameter or specify NOT (no monitoring) for the delayedEnd parameter.




Specify the method of end delay monitoring based on the time required for executing the jobnet, by using a character string constant specified for the MonitoringJobnetType constant.

For details about the MonitoringJobnetType constant, see 7.4.11(2) MonitoringJobnetType.

If you do not want to change the setting of end delay monitoring based on the time required for executing the jobnet, do not specify this parameter, or specify null for this parameter.




When you monitor end delays based on the time required for executing the jobnet, specify the time required for execution, by using a character string.

You must specify this parameter if you specify the monitoringJobnet parameter to change the setting of end delay monitoring based on the time required for executing the jobnet. If you omit this parameter, an error occurs.

If you specify TIME_REQUIRED_FOR_EXECUTION (time required for execution) for the monitoringJobnet parameter, specify the time required for executing the jobnet in hh:mm format.

You can specify the following values:

  • hh: Specify the hour.

    You can specify the hour in the range from 00 to 47 (unit: hour).

  • mm: Specify the minute.

    You can specify the minute in the range from 00 to 59 (unit: minute).

However, you cannot specify 00:00. Specify a value in the range from 00:01 to 47:59.

The specification of this parameter is ignored if you omit the monitoringJobnet parameter or specify NOT (no monitoring) for the monitoringJobnet parameter.



Y: Required

--: Optional


Be sure to specify a procedure for monitoring one of the following: delayed start times (delayedStart), delayed end times (delayedEnd), or delayed end times that are due to the time required to execute a jobnet (monitoringJobnet). If you do not specify a monitoring procedure (or if null is specified), an error occurs.

Status code

The following table lists and describes the status codes returned as a response:

Status code

Text description




Delay monitoring settings were changed successfully.


Bad Request

The argument is invalid.



Authentication is required.



The operator does not have execution permission.


Not found

The operator does not have access permission for the resource, or the resource does not exist.



The processing cannot be continued because the request is inconsistent with the current resource status.


Precondition failed

The Web Console server is not available.


Server-side error

A processing error occurred in the Web Console server.

Return values

None (The size of the response message body is 0 bytes.)

Example 1

The following shows an example of using the API that temporarily changes the delay monitoring settings for the specified jobnet.

In this example, the API changes the delay monitoring settings as follows:

  • Monitoring start delays for the jobnet starts from 08:30 (absolute time).

  • Monitoring end delays for the jobnet is not set.

  • End delay monitoring based on the time required for execution of the jobnet is set to 10 minutes.

Example request:
POST /ajs/api/v1/objects/statuses/%2FJobGroup%2FJobnet:%40A100/actions/changeDelayMonitor/invoke HTTP/1.1
Host: HOSTW:22252
Accept-Language: ja
Content-type: application/json
X-AJS-Authorization: dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==
Example 2

The following shows an example of using the API that temporarily changes only the end delay monitoring setting for the specified jobnet.

Example request:
POST /ajs/api/v1/objects/statuses/%2FJobGroup%2FJobnet:%40A100/actions/changeDelayMonitor/invoke HTTP/1.1
Host: HOSTW:22252
Accept-Language: ja
Content-type: application/json
X-AJS-Authorization: dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==