
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference


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     [-h logical-host-name]
     [-F service-name]
     [-a execution-host-name|-all]
     [-dh manager-host-name -a execution-host- name]


Deletes the information that is to be held by the event action control manager. The command also deletes information on the execution host after communicating with the execution host specified in the -a option.

When a large number of events related to start conditions occur, event action control is in a state of high load, with the result that a slowdown or similar problem may occur in the entire system. However, you can execute this command to return the system to normal operation from the next JP1/AJS3 startup. If the system has several agents, you should use the jpomanevshow command in advance to identify the agent that has caused a large number of events.

In addition, if you run the command with the -dh option specified in cases such as the following, the command communicates with the execution host specified in the -a option and deletes the information on the execution host side:

In the standard configuration, this command can be executed only when the JP1/AJS3 host service is running and the target JP1/AJS3 scheduler service is not running. If you execute the command when the target JP1/AJS3 scheduler service is running or the overall JP1/AJS3 service has stopped, the command results in an error. However, if you specify the-dh option, provided that the JP1/AJS3 service is running, you can execute this command regardless of the status of the JP1/AJS3 scheduler service.

For details about how to stop the scheduler service, see jajs_spmd_stop in 3. Commands Used for Normal Operations.

Execution privileges

In Windows: Administrators privileges

In UNIX: Superuser privileges


-h logical-host-name

Specifies the name of the logical host responsible for event reset when you are working with a cluster system.

You can specify a string of 1 to 255 bytes.

If you omit this option, the logical host name specified in environment variable JP1_HOSTNAME is assumed. If the environment variable JP1_HOSTNAME is not specified, the local host name is assumed.

-F service-name

Specify the name of the scheduler service for which you want to delete information.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 30 bytes.

If you specify the -a option together with this option, you can limit the jobs for which you want to delete information to the event jobs and jobnets with start conditions executed on the host specified in the -a option. If you do not specify the -a option, the command deletes the information about all jobs executed from the scheduler service specified in the -F option.

If you omit this option, the system assumes the default scheduler service name.

-a execution-host-name|-all

When you perform an event reset, you can delete only information about a specific target host by specifying the host name in the -a option. The execution host name you specify in this option is the execution host name specified in the -s option of the ajsagtadd command. For example, if an execution host name in FQDN format is specified in the -s option of the ajsagtadd command, you need to specify in the -a option the execution host name in FQDN format.

You can use the ajsagtshow command to check the execution host name for the execution agent name.

Example: ajsagtshow -l

For details about the ajsagtadd command, see ajsagtadd in 3. Commands Used for Normal Operations. For details about the ajsagtshow command, see ajsagtshow in 3. Commands Used for Normal Operations.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 255 bytes.

If you do not want to limit the target hosts on which you want to delete information about jobs executed from the scheduler service specified in the -F option, specify -all.

If you omit this option, the system assumes the execution host associated with the default execution agent.


Deletes only the information on the manager without communicating with the execution host specified in the -a option.

Specify this option if any of the following conditions is met. If you omit this option under the following conditions, it may take time before the command is terminated.

  • When the JP1/AJS3 service on the execution host is cold-started

  • When communication between the manager and the execution host cannot be performed properly because of communication failure

If you omit this option, the information on the execution host is also deleted after communicating with the execution host specified in the -a option.


Deletes only unprocessed data while continuing to execute the event job and start conditions. Because the monitoring state on the execution host is terminated once before re-execution, there is a time difference from when the JP1/AJS3 service is started until actual monitoring starts on the execution host.

If you omit this option, the event job and start conditions being executed are terminated.

When using this option to execute the command, you need to perform the steps shown in the table below:

Table 3‒34: What you need to do before and after starting JP1/AJS3



Before starting JP1/AJS3

On the execution host, remove the cause of the problem.

After starting JP1/AJS3

On JP1/AJS3 - View, check the state of the job and re-execute the command, as necessary.

-dh manager-host-name -a execution-host-name

Specify a manager host name in cases such as the following. If you do not specify the manager host name, the JP1/AJS3 service might take a long time to start on the agent.

  • In an environment where a hardware copying and mirroring function is used to enable disaster recovery, JP1/AJS3 at the remote site is started by disaster recovery start.

  • In an environment that uses an external database, JP1/AJS3 is started by disaster recovery start after recovery.

  • In an environment that uses the backup enhancement function, JP1/AJS3 is started by disaster recovery start after recovery.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 255 bytes.

Specify this option together with the -a option. If you omit the -a option, the message KAVT8347-E is output and the command terminates abnormally. In the -a option, specify an execution host that the manager can communicate with. If you specify a host that is inaccessible or not running a JP1/AJS3 service, after a long delay the command outputs message KAVT8343-W before ending normally. This message indicates that the command was unable to delete information about the execution host specified in the -a option. In this case, if the service is stopped on the execution host specified in the -a option, start the service and then execute the command again. If the host is inaccessible, execute the command again after ensuring that the host can be communicated with.

You cannot specify this option with the -all option, -s option, or -e option. If you do, the message KAVT8307-E is output and the command terminates abnormally.

If multiple scheduler services are executing event jobs on the execution host, execute the jpomanevreset command for each scheduler service.


Return values


Normal end.


There is an argument improperly specified.


Initialization failed.

There is an error in the definitions or environment settings on the logical host.


Privileges not sufficient for task requested.


The scheduler service specified in the -F option is running.


The same command is being used simultaneously.


A file access error occurred.


Memory shortage occurred.


A system error occurred.

Additional information

The status of JP1/AJS3 - View displayed when JP1/AJS3 is normally started is different from that displayed when JP1/AJS3 is started after you use the jpomanevreset command to recover the status of the event action control manager. The state of JP1/AJS3 - View is also different depending on whether you specify the -e option in the jpomanevreset command: that is, whether the event jobs and start conditions are to be continued. These different statuses are compared and summarized below:

Example 1

For an example of deleting the information held by the event action control manager, see Example in jpomanevshow in 3. Commands Used for Normal Operations.

Example 2

The following command deletes information about the manager host MAINHOST held by execution agent AP1 in an environment where operation has been switched to a remote site using the disk copy and mirroring functionality of the hardware.

jpomanevreset -h LogicalHost -F AJSROOT2 -dh MAINHOST -a AP1