
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference


Organization of this page


For JP1/AJS3 - Manager
     [-h logical-host-name]
     [-n jajs_agtd |
      -n jajs_schd [-F scheduler-service-name]|
      -n jajs_dbmd [-id embedded-database-setup-ID]]
For JP1/AJS3 - Agent
     [-h logical-host-name]


The jajs_spmd command stops the JP1/AJS3 service or stops the process that corresponds to a JP1/AJS3 function.

Execution privileges

In Windows: Administrators privileges

In UNIX: Superuser privileges

Storage directory

In Windows:

JP1/AJS3 - Manager-installation-folder\bin\

JP1/AJS3 - Agent-installation-folder\bin\




-h logical-host-name

Specify the name of the logical host terminating the process or services on a cluster system.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 255 bytes.

By default, the system assumes the logical host name specified by the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable. If environment variable JP1_HOSTNAME is not specified, the physical host name (which can be determined by the hostname command) is assumed.

-n process-name

Specify the name of the process you want to stop. You can specify any of the process names shown below.

For JP1/AJS3 - Manager
  • jajs_schd (Scheduler-service-management)

  • jajs_agtd (Agent-service-management)

  • jajs_dbmd (Database-management)

If you want to stop the scheduler service, specify jajs_schd in the -n option, and specify the name of the scheduler service in the -F option. To stop the scheduler service of the logical host, specify both the -h and -F options.

If you want to stop the embedded database, specify jajs_dbmd in the -n option, and specify the embedded database setup identifier in the -id option. To stop the embedded database of the logical host, specify both the -h and -id options.

If this option is omitted, the command stops all running processes that are specified in the process definition file.

-F scheduler-service-name

Specify the name of the scheduler service you want to stop. You can specify this option only when you specify jajs_schd in the -n option.

If you want to stop the scheduler service with advanced options specified, use the ajsstop command. For details on the ajsstop command, see ajsstop in 3. Commands Used for Normal Operations.

If you omit this option, the system assumes the default scheduler service name.

-id embedded-database-setup-ID

Specify _JFn (where n is a value from 0 to 9 or A to Z) as the setup identifier used to identify the embedded database. Specify the value that was specified in the -id option of the ajsembdbbuild command.

To operate the embedded database created by using the jajs_setup, jajs_setup_cluster, and jajs_migrate commands, use the ajsembdbidlist command to check the setup identifier of the embedded database that will be used. For details about the ajsembdbidlist command, see ajsembdbidlist in 2. Commands Used during Setup.

To stop the embedded database with advanced options specified, use the ajsembdbstop command. For details about the ajsembdbstop command, see ajsembdbstop in 3. Commands Used for Normal Operations.

If this option is omitted, _JF0 is assumed.


Specify the termination mode for the JP1/AJS3 process or services.

By default, the command issues a kill request to the jobs that are running with the JP1/AJS3 service specified as an agent (jobs started as processes subordinate to the JP1/AJS3 service), causing the process to be forcibly terminated without waiting for the currently running jobs and jobnets to terminate.

  • -job

    The process or services is terminated after all jobs being executed are terminated.

  • -kill

    The command issues a kill request to the jobs that are running with the JP1/AJS3 service specified as an agent (jobs started as processes subordinate to the JP1/AJS3 service), causing the process or services to be forcibly terminated without waiting for the currently running jobs and jobnets to terminate.

    If you execute the command with this option specified when the JP1/AJS3 service is starting or undergoing a planned termination, the command intervenes and immediately kills the process or service. If the JP1/AJS3 service is starting when you execute the command and you do not specify the -kill option, an error occurs.


Return values


Normal end

Values other than 0

Abnormal end


The following command stops JP1/AJS3 services after all running jobs terminate.

jajs_spmd_stop -job