
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference


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     [-h logical-host-name | -F scheduler-service-name | -v]

Format1 (for checking the operating information about the logical host)

     -h logical-host-name

Format2 (for checking the operating information about the scheduler service)

     -F scheduler-service-name

Format3 (for checking the connection information about JP1/AJS3 - View)


Format4 (for checking the connection information about JP1/AJS3 - Web Console)



The jajs_status command is used to check JP1/AJS3 operating information. The command outputs either of the following types of information, or both, according to the specified option:

Execution privileges



-h logical-host-name

Specify the name of the logical host for which you want to check operating information.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 255 bytes.

By default, the system assumes the logical host name specified by the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable. If environment variable JP1_HOSTNAME is not specified, the physical host name (which can be determined by the hostname command) is assumed.

-F scheduler-service-name

If you want to check operating information about a specific scheduler service only, specify the name of the scheduler service.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 30 bytes.


Specify this option to check connection information about JP1/AJS3 - View connected to JP1/AJS3 - Manager.

You can specify this option when the JP1/AJS3 service is running.

You cannot specify this option together with other options.

The information output by this command is the same as the information output by the ajsstatus command with the -v option specified. For details on the ajsstatus command, see ajsstatus in 3. Commands Used for Normal Operations.


Specify this option to check connection information about JP1/AJS3 - Web Console connected to JP1/AJS3 - Manager.

You can specify this option when the JP1/AJS3 service is running.

You cannot specify this option together with other options.

The information output by this command is the same as the information output by the ajsstatus command with the -c option specified. For details on the ajsstatus command, see ajsstatus in 3. Commands Used for Normal Operations.


Specify this option to output the operating information about the system.

You must specify this option with the -h and -F option. You cannot specify this option with the -v option.


Specify this option to output the information about the environment setting parameters that are valid during operation.

You must specify this option with the -h and -F option. You cannot specify this option with the -v option.


Specify this option to output the operating information about the system and the information about the environment setting parameters that are valid during operation.

You must specify this option with the -h and -F option. You cannot specify this option with the -v option.


Return values


Normal end

Values other than 0

Abnormal end

Example 1

The following command outputs the operating information about logical host HOST_A.

jajs_status -h HOST_A -s

Example 2

The following command outputs the operating information about scheduler service AJSROOT1 and the information about the environment setting parameters that are valid during operation.

jajs_status -F AJSROOT1 -a

Output example 1

The following shows an example of information output when the -h option is specified, and explains the output items.


The following shows the meaning of the output.

<Logical host basis information>
Logical host

Indicates the logical host name.


The status of the logical host is output.

  • active:

    Indicates that JP1/AJS3 on the logical host is operating.

  • inactive:

    Indicates that JP1/AJS3 on the logical host has stopped.

Start time

If Status is active, the logical host start time is output in the MMM DD YYYY hh:mm format.

If Status is inactive, *** ** **** **:** is output.

DB construction

If Status is active, the database configuration (standard) is output.

If Status is inactive, *** is output.

Scheduler log file in use

If Status is active, the name of the scheduler log file in use is output.

If Status is inactive, *** is output.

Alternate scheduler log file

If Status is active, the name of the alternate scheduler log file is output.

If Status is inactive, *** is output.

<Logical host service information>

The following items are output for each service:

DB service count

The number of database services is output.

DB service

The setup identifier of the database service is output.


The status of the database service is output.

  • active:

    Indicates that the database service is operating.

  • inactive:

    Indicates that the database service has stopped.

Start time

If Status is active, the database service start time is output in the MMM DD YYYY hh:mm format.

If Status is inactive, *** ** **** **:** is output.

restart count

If Status is active, the number of times the database service was restarted is output.

If Status is inactive, *** is output.

Host service


The status of the host service is output.

  • active:

    Indicates that the host service is operating.

  • inactive:

    Indicates that the host service has stopped.

Start time

If Status is active, the host service start time is output in the MMM DD YYYY hh:mm format.

If Status is inactive, *** ** **** **:** is output.

restart count

If Status is active, the number of times the host service was restarted is output.

If Status is inactive, *** is output.

Agent service


The status of the agent service is output.

  • active:

    Indicates that the agent service is operating.

  • inactive:

    Indicates that the agent service has stopped.

Start time

If Status is active, the agent service start time is output in the MMM DD YYYY hh:mm format.

If Status is inactive, *** ** **** **:** is output.

restart count

If Status is active, the number of times the agent service was restarted is output.

If Status is inactive, *** is output.

Scheduler service count

The number of scheduler services is output.

Scheduler service

The name of the scheduler service is output.


The status of the scheduler service is output.

  • active:

    Indicates that the scheduler service is operating.

  • inactive:

    Indicates that the scheduler service has stopped.

Start time

If Status is active, the scheduler service start time is output in the MMM DD YYYY hh:mm format.

If Status is inactive, *** ** **** **:** is output.

restart count

If Status is active, the number of times the scheduler service was restarted is output.

If Status is inactive, *** is output.

EmbedDB setup ID

The embedded database setup identifier is output.

<Logical host environment information>

Information about the environment setting parameter for the definition keys below is output. These definition keys are available while a logical host is running.

  • [{JP1_DEFAULT|logical-host-name}\JP1AJS2\DB]

  • [{JP1_DEFAULT|logical-host-name}\JP1AJS2\HOST] and the definition key in the directory

  • [{JP1_DEFAULT|logical-host-name}\JP1AJS2COMMON]

For details about environment setting parameter, see 20. Environment Setting Parameters in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.

Output example 2

The following shows an example of information output when the -F option is specified, and explains the output items.


The following shows the meaning of the output.

<Scheduler service basis information>
Scheduler service

Indicates the scheduler service name.


The status of the scheduler service is output.

  • active:

    Indicates that the scheduler service is operating.

  • inactive:

    Indicates that the scheduler service has stopped.

Start time

If Status is active, the scheduler service start time is output in the MMM DD YYYY hh:mm format.

If Status is inactive, *** ** **** **:** is output.

restart count

If Status is active, the number of times the scheduler service was restarted is output.

If Status is inactive, *** is output.

EmbedDB setup ID

The embedded database setup identifier is output.

Scheduler log file in use

If Status is active, the name of the scheduler log file in use is output.

If Status is inactive, *** is output.

Alternate scheduler log file

If Status is active, the name of the alternate scheduler log file is output.

If Status is inactive, *** is output.

<Scheduler service function information>

The following items are output as information about the specified scheduler service:


The status of the scheduler function is output.

  • active:

    Indicates that the scheduler function is operating.

  • inactive:

    Indicates that the scheduler function has stopped.

Start time

If Status is active, the scheduler function start time is output in the MMM DD YYYY hh:mm format.

If Status is inactive, *** ** **** **:** is output.

restart count

If Status is active, the number of times the scheduler function was restarted is output.

If Status is inactive, *** is output.

Termination restriction

If Status is active, the termination restriction status is output.

  • none:

    Indicates that the ajsstop command has not been executed.

  • schedule:

    Indicates that the system is monitoring termination according to schedule restrictions.

  • jobnet:

    Indicates that the system is monitoring termination according to jobnet restrictions.

  • job:

    Indicates that the system is monitoring termination according to job restrictions.

  • kill:

    Indicates that the system has been stopped forcibly.

  • terminate:

    Indicates that the system has stopped.

  • reset:

    Indicates that termination restriction has been reset.

If Status is inactive, *** is output.

<Scheduler service environment information>

Information about the environment setting parameter for the definition keys below is output. These definition keys are available while a scheduler service is running.


    The environment setting parameters that are common to the system

  • [{JP1_DEFAULT|logical-host-name}\JP1AJSMANAGER]

    The environment setting parameters that are common to the logical host where the scheduler service that is specified in the -F option exists

  • [{JP1_DEFAULT|logical-host-name}\JP1AJSMANAGER\scheduler-service-name] and the definition key in the directory

    The environment setting parameters for the scheduler service that is specified in the -F option

For details about environment setting parameter of the scheduler service, see 20. Environment Setting Parameters in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.

Output example 3

The following is an example of information output when the database to be used is an external database and a description of the output items. For details about other items, see output examples 1 and 2.



The following shows the meaning of the output.

<Logical host basis information>
Database type

Indicates the database type. This item is output only if the DB construction is standard and the database is an external database.

For external databases (Microsoft SQL Server), SQLSVR is displayed.

<Logical host service information>
ODBC file data source name

Indicates the ODBC file data source name used for connecting to the external database. This item is output only if the DB construction is standard and the database type is SQLSVR.

Database name

Indicates the name of the database on the external database that stores scheduler service information. This item is output only if the DB construction is standard and the database type is SQLSVR.

<Logical host service environment information>

Information about the environment setting parameter related to the connection information of the external database is output.

  • [{JP1_DEFAULT|logical-host-name}\JP1AJS2\HOST\AGENTMANAGER]

For details about the environment setting parameter, see 20. Environment Setting Parameters in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.

<Scheduler service basis information>
ODBC file data source name

Indicates the ODBC file data source name used for connecting to the external database. This item is output only if the DB construction is standard and the database type is SQLSVR.

Database name

Indicates the name of the database on the external database that stores scheduler service information. This item is output only if the DB construction is standard and the database type is SQLSVR.

<Scheduler service environment information>

Information about the environment setting parameter related to the connection information of the external database is output.

  • [{JP1_DEFAULT|logical-host-name}\JP1AJSMANAGER\scheduler-service-name]

For details about the environment setting parameters for the scheduler service, see 20. Environment Setting Parameters in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.