
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference


Organization of this page


     [-F service-name]
     [-h host-name]


The current operating environment of a scheduler service, and connection information about JP1/AJS3 - View, JP1/AJS3 - Web Console or the external database connected to JP1/AJS3 - Manager is output to the standard output file. For details about the output format, see Output example 1, Output example 2, Output example 3, and Output example 4 later in this section.

Execution privileges


However, either of the following settings is required when you use the -h option to execute the ajsstatus command for other hosts:


-F service-name

Specify the name of the target scheduler service.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 30 bytes.

If you omit this option, the system assumes the default scheduler service name.

-h host-name

If you want to output the current operating environment for a scheduler service on another host, specify the name of the host containing the target scheduler service.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 255 bytes.

If you omit this option, the system assumes the current host name (the name of the JP1/AJS3 - Manager host being used).


Specify this option to output the connection information of JP1/AJS3 - View connected to JP1/AJS3 - Manager.

The connection information is information of JP1/AJS3 - View connected to a physical host and a logical host.

When you specify this option, the operating environment of the scheduler service is not output. When you specify this option together with -F, the -F option has no effect. In addition, if ajsinetd (network control process) is not running, connection information is not output.


Specify this option to output the connection information of JP1/AJS3 - Web Console connected to JP1/AJS3 - Manager.

The connection information is information of JP1/AJS3 - Web Console connected to a physical host and a logical host.

When you specify this option, the operating environment of the scheduler service is not output. When you specify this option together with -F, the -F option has no effect. In addition, if ajscdinetd (JP1/AJS3 - Web Console control process) is not running, connection information is not output.

Arguments that can be specified when executing the command from JP1/AJS3 - View

You can specify the following arguments when executing the ajslogprint command from JP1/AJS3 - View:





-F service-name



Y: Required

You cannot specify any other options when executing the ajslogprint command from JP1/AJS3 - View.

For details about how to execute JP1/AJS3 commands from JP1/AJS3 - View, see 10.4 Executing JP1/AJS3 commands from JP1/AJS3 - View in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide.

Return values


Normal end

Multiple of 4 within the range from 4 to 124

Abnormal end


The following command outputs the current operating environment for a scheduler service to the standard output file:



The following command outputs the connection information of JP1/AJS3 - View connected to JP1/AJS3 - Manager to the standard output file.

ajsstatus -v


The following command outputs the connection information of JP1/AJS3 - Web Console connected to JP1/AJS3 - Manager to the standard output file.

ajsstatus -c

Output example 1

The following gives an output example of the current operating environment for a scheduler service, restrictions imposed on the output items, and the description of each output item.

Output example


Restrictions on output items

  • Items (4), (5), (16), and (17) are not displayed if the scheduler service has been terminated.

  • Items (16) and (17) are not displayed in the following cases:

    • If the size of the scheduler log file is 0 in item (15)

    • If output of log data is disabled during environment setup (that is, 0 is specified for the LOGSIZE environment setting parameter)

Description of output items

(1) Service name

Indicates the name of the scheduler service.

(2) AJS status

Indicates whether operation with JP1/AJS3 has been started (whether the scheduler service is running).

active: Operation with JP1/AJS3 has been started.

inactive: Operation with JP1/AJS3 is stopped.

Maintenance: Operation with JP1/AJS3 is stopped.

(3) Suppress function

Indicates the status of the suppression function of JP1/AJS3.

Job execution: Suppresses the execution of a job.

none: Does not suppress the execution of a job.

(4) AJS start time

Indicates the date and time at which operation with JP1/AJS3 was started (the scheduler service was started).

(5) Termination restriction

Indicates that the ajsstop command has been used to terminate operation with JP1/AJS3.

schedule: The system is monitoring termination according to schedule restrictions.

jobnet: The system is monitoring termination according to jobnet restrictions.

job: The system is monitoring termination according to job restrictions.

none: The ajsstop command has not been executed.

forced stop: The system is stopped forcibly.

stop: The system is being stopped.

restricted stop: The termination restriction is being canceled.

(6) Database type

Indicates the database type.

ISAM: Stores information in an ISAM file.

EmbedDB: Stores information in an embedded database.

SQLSVR: Stores information in an external database (Microsoft SQL Server).

(7) Database file install directory

Indicates the name of the directory that stores the ISAM and unit lock files.

(8) Table, File name

For ISAM, indicates the name of the file that stores each piece of information (base name of the file).

For embedded database, indicates the name of the table that stores each piece of information.

(9) Manager character code type

Indicates the type of the character set used to store information in the database.

SJIS: Uses the Shift-JIS character set.

EUC: Uses the EUC character set

UTF-8: Uses the UTF-8 character set.

C: Uses the 7-bit ASCII character set.

Cautionary note

If Chinese is used, C is displayed.

(10) Job error information directory

Indicates the name of the job error information directory.

(11) Backup information directory

Indicates the name of the backup information directory.

(12) AJS start/stop message output

Indicates whether the system outputs the JP1/AJS3 operation start and end messages to the Windows event log or Syslog.

none: Outputs no messages.

all: Outputs all the messages.

(13) Jobnet start/stop message output

Indicates whether the system outputs the jobnet start and end messages to the Windows event log or Syslog.

none: Outputs no messages.

abend: Outputs only jobnet abnormal end messages.

warning: Outputs only jobnet warning end messages.

hold: Outputs only jobnet hold notification messages.

start_delay: Outputs only jobnet delayed start notification messages.

end_delay: Outputs only jobnet delayed end notification messages.

start_condition_monitor_start/end: Outputs only messages reporting the start or end of monitoring jobnet start conditions.

skipped so not exe.: Outputs only messages reporting the jobnet skipped so not exe. status.

preceding_unit_wait: Outputs messages relating to the wait condition of a jobnet, and wait condition hold notification messages

all: Outputs all messages (jobnet start and normal end messages, abnormal and warning end messages, hold notification messages, delayed start notification messages, delayed end notification messages, messages reporting the start or end of monitoring jobnet start conditions, messages reporting skipped so not exe. status, all unregistered jobnets, jobnet connector connection errors, and wait condition hold notification messages).

(14) Job start/stop message output

Indicates whether the system outputs the job start and end messages to the Windows event log or Syslog.

none: Outputs no messages.

abend: Outputs only job abnormal end messages.

warning: Outputs only job warning end messages.

hold: Outputs only job hold notification messages.

preceding_unit_wait: Outputs messages relating to the wait condition of a jobnet, and wait condition hold notification messages

retry_execution: Outputs only the automatic retry notification message when a job ends abnormally.

all: Outputs all messages (job start, normal end, abnormal end, end with warning, end-delay, wait condition hold notification messages, and automatic retry when a job ends abnormally).

(15) Scheduler log file size

Indicates the size of the scheduler log file (in kilobytes).

(16) Scheduler log file in use

Indicates the name of the scheduler log file that the scheduler service uses.

(17) Alternate scheduler log file

Indicates the name of the alternate scheduler log file to be used next when the log information output to the log file has reached the specified size.

(18) AJS start/stop log output

Indicates whether the system outputs log information when starting and ending operation with JP1/AJS3.

none: Outputs no logs.

all: Outputs all the logs.

(19) Jobnet start/stop log output

Indicates whether the system outputs log information when starting and ending a jobnet.

none: Outputs no logs.

abend: Outputs only jobnet abnormal end logs.

warning: Outputs only jobnet warning end logs.

hold: Outputs only jobnet hold notification logs.

start_delay: Outputs only jobnet delayed start notification logs.

end_delay: Outputs only jobnet delayed end notification logs.

start_condition_monitor_start/end: Outputs only logs reporting the start or end of monitoring jobnet start conditions.

skipped so not exe.: Outputs only logs reporting the jobnet skipped so not exe. status.

preceding_unit_wait: Outputs jobnet wait conditions and the retention history of the wait conditions.

all: Outputs all the logs (jobnet start, abnormal end, end with warning, hold notification, delayed start notification, delayed end notification, start condition monitoring start/end notification, skipped so not exe. notification, all unregistered jobnets, and wait condition hold notification messages).

(20) Job start/stop log output

Indicates whether the system outputs log information when starting and ending a job.

none: Outputs no logs.

abend: Outputs only job abnormal end logs.

warning: Outputs only job warning end logs.

hold: Outputs only job hold notification logs.

preceding_unit_wait: Outputs jobnet wait conditions and the retention history of the wait conditions.

retry_execution: Outputs only the automatic retry notification history when the job ends abnormally.

all: Outputs all the logs (job start, abnormal end, end with warning, end-delay, wait condition hold notification messages, and automatic retry when a job ends abnormally).

(21) Operation log output

Indicates whether the system outputs operation log information.

none: Outputs no logs.

ALTER: Outputs logs for operation with the ajsalter command.

STOP: Outputs logs for operation with the ajsstop command.

ENTRY: Outputs operation logs for registering jobnets for execution.

LEAVE: Outputs operation logs for canceling execution registration for jobnets.

PLAN: Outputs operation logs for temporarily modifying jobnet schedules.

INTRPT: Outputs operation logs for interrupting jobnet execution.

RERUN: Outputs operation logs for rerunning jobnets.

KILL: Outputs operation logs for killing jobs.

CHANGE: Outputs operation logs for modifying definition for units.

CALENDAR: Outputs operation logs for modifying calendar information.

DELETE: Outputs operation logs for deleting units.

RESTORE: Outputs operation logs for restoring units.

DEFINE: Outputs operation logs for manipulating definition for units.

COPY: Outputs operation logs for copying and moving units.

CHGST: Outputs operation logs for modifying the job status.

SUSPEND: Outputs logs of the jobnet's suspension operation and suspension canceled operation.

IMPORT: Outputs operation logs for importing units.

START: The operation log for the ajsstart command is output.

RGIMPORT: Operation log data related to importing of registration information is output.

RELEASE: Operation log data related to release information about the root jobnet is output.

all: Outputs all the logs.

(22) A schedule of route job net

Indicates the time system used in the schedule of root jobnet definition.

24 hours: Defines the schedule in a 24-hour schedule.

48 hours: Defines the schedule in a 48-hour schedule.

(23) Suspend function

Indicates whether the suspend function has an effect or not.

has an effect: Indicates that the suspend function is effective.

has no effect: Indicates that the suspend function is ineffective.

(24) Reference log output

Indicates whether the system outputs reference log information.

none: Outputs no reference log information.

BACKUP: Outputs reference logs for backing up units.

EXPORT: Outputs reference logs for exporting units.

NAME: Outputs reference logs for outputting names for units.

PRINT: Outputs reference logs for printing definitions for units.

SCHEDULE: Outputs reference logs for outputting schedule information for jobnets.

SHOW: Outputs reference logs for outputting status for units.

RELEASE: Outputs reference logs for release information about root jobnets.

RGEXPORT: Outputs reference logs for exporting registration information.

CALUTIL: Outputs reference logs for calendar calculations.

all: Outputs all the logs.

(25) operation management for temp. changes

Indicates whether the operation management for temp. changes has an effect or not.

has an effect: The operation management for temp. changes is effective.

has no effect: The operation management for temp. changes is ineffective.

Output example 2

The following gives an output example of the connection information of JP1/AJS3 - View connected to JP1/AJS3 - Manager, restrictions imposed on the output items, and the description of each output item.

Output example


Restrictions on output items

If there is no connection information of JP1/AJS3 - View, or ajsinetd process has not been started, only the headers of items (1) to (6) and the message of items (7) are output.

Description of output items

(1) Connection target scheduler service

Indicates the name of the connected scheduler service. If the service name cannot be acquired because connection processing is being performed, *** is output as the scheduler service name.

(2) JP1 user

Indicates the name of the JP1 user who has logged in to JP1/AJS3 - View.

(3) Process ID

Indicates the process ID of ajsmonsvr that manages the connection of JP1/AJS3 - View. All the output items on the same line are information about the process with this process ID. The output information exists for the period between the completion of login to JP1/AJS3 - View and logout from JP1/AJS3 - View.

(4) Connection start date and time

Indicates the date and time when the connection from JP1/AJS3 - View is started in the following format:

YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss

The output format is the same for both Japanese and English environments. If the output number of digits for any of the items is insufficient, the beginning of the item is padded with zeros.

Example: 10 o'clock 2 minutes 5 seconds on July 1, 2010

2010/07/01 10:02:05

(5) Connection source IP address

Indicates the IP address of the host running JP1/AJS3 - View that is connected to JP1/AJS3 - Manager in the following format:

If the output number of digits for any of the segments is insufficient, the segment is left-justified.


(6) Connection source host

Outputs the host name converted from the IP address. If an IP address cannot be converted to a host name, the IP address is output as is. The host name is determined and output by performing a reverse lookup of the IP address of the connection source, which is JP1/AJS3 - View.

This host name might differ from the host name of the JP1/AJS3 - View host itself. In a DNS environment, the domain name is added to the original host name and the name is displayed in the FQDN format. If the IP address has alias host names and multiple host names are set for one IP address, the formal host name is displayed here.

(7) Message

A KAVS0831-I Cannot get View connection information because the JP1/AJS2 service is not started. message is output if the ajsinetd process has not been started.

In other cases, a KAVS0832-I The View connection information output is complete. message is output after all the information is output.

For details about how to start or stop the ajsinetd process separately, see jajs_hstd in 3. Commands Used for Normal Operations and jajs_hstd_stop in 3. Commands Used for Normal Operations.

Output example 3

The following gives an output example of the connection information of JP1/AJS3 - Web Console connected to JP1/AJS3 - Manager, restrictions imposed on the output items, and the description of each output item.

Output example


Restrictions on output items

If there is no connection information of JP1/AJS3 - Web Console, or ajscdinetd process has not been started, only the headers of items (1) to (6) and the message of items (7) are output.

Description of output items

(1) Connection target scheduler service

Indicates the name of the connected scheduler service. If the service name cannot be acquired because connection processing is being performed, *** is output as the scheduler service name.

(2) JP1 user

Indicates the name of the JP1 user who has logged in.

(3) Process ID

Indicates the process ID of ajsmonsvr that manages the connection. All the output items on the same line are information about the process with this process ID. The output information exists for the period between the completion of login and logout.

(4) Connection start date and time

Indicates the date and time when the connection is started in the following format:

YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss

The output format is the same for both Japanese and English environments. If the output number of digits for any of the items is insufficient, the beginning of the item is padded with zeros.

Example: 10 o'clock 2 minutes 5 seconds on July 1, 2010

2010/07/01 10:02:05

(5) Connection source IP address

Indicates the IP address of the host that is connected to JP1/AJS3 - Manager in the following format:

If the output number of digits for any of the segments is insufficient, the segment is left-justified.


(6) Connection source host

Reverse lookup is performed for the host name from the IP address of the host connecting with JP1/AJS3 - Manager, and the host name is output. If an IP address cannot be converted to a host name, the IP address is output as is.

The output host name might be different from the connection-source host name. In a DNS environment, the domain name is added, and the host name is output in FQDN format. If an alias host name that corresponds to the IP address exists, and multiple host names are set, the main host name is output.

(7) Message

A KAVS4982-I message is output if the ajscdinetd process has not been started.

In other cases, a KAVS4981-I message is output after all the information is output.

For details about how to start or stop the ajscdinetd process separately, see jajs_hstd in 3. Commands Used for Normal Operations and jajs_hstd_stop in 3. Commands Used for Normal Operations.

Output example 4

The following is an output example of the connection information of the external database connected to JP1/AJS3 - Manager, a description of the restrictions imposed on the output items, and a description of each output item.

Output example


Restrictions on output items

  • Items (4), (5), (17), and (18) are not displayed if the scheduler service is not running.

  • Items (17) and (18) are not displayed in the following cases:

    • The size of the scheduler log file in item (16) is 0.

    • The output of log information is disabled (specifically, 0 is specified for the LOGSIZE environment setting parameter) during environment setup.

Description of output items

(1) Service name

Indicates the name of the scheduler service.

(2) AJS status

Indicates whether operation with JP1/AJS3 has been started (whether the scheduler service is running).

active: Operation with JP1/AJS3 has been started.

inactive: Operation with JP1/AJS3 is stopped.

Maintenance: Operation with JP1/AJS3 is stopped.

(3) Suppress function

Indicates the status of the suppression function of JP1/AJS3.

Job execution: Suppresses the execution of a job.

none: Does not suppress the execution of a job.

(4) AJS start time

Indicates the date and time at which operation with JP1/AJS3 was started (the scheduler service was started).

(5) Termination restriction

Indicates that the ajsstop command has been used to terminate operation with JP1/AJS3.

schedule: The system is monitoring termination according to schedule restrictions.

jobnet: The system is monitoring termination according to jobnet restrictions.

job: The system is monitoring termination according to job restrictions.

none: The ajsstop command has not been executed.

forced stop: The system is stopped forcibly.

stop: The system is being stopped.

restricted stop: The termination restriction is being canceled.

(6) Database type

Indicates the database type.

ISAM: Stores information in an ISAM file.

EmbedDB: Stores information in an embedded database.

SQLSVR: Stores information in an external database (Microsoft SQL Server).

(7) ODBC file data source name

Indicates the ODBC file data source name used for connecting to the external database. This item is output only when the database type is SQLSVR.

(8) Database name

Indicates the name of the external database that stores scheduler service information. This item is output only when the database type is SQLSVR.

(9) Database file install directory

Indicates the name of the directory that stores the ISAM and unit lock files.

(10) Manager character code type

Indicates the type of the character set used to store information in the database.

SJIS: Uses the Shift-JIS character set.

EUC: Uses the EUC character set

UTF-8: Uses the UTF-8 character set.

C: Uses the 7-bit ASCII character set.

Cautionary note

If Chinese is used, C is displayed.

(11) Job error information directory

Indicates the name of the job error information directory.

(12) Backup information directory

Indicates the name of the backup information directory.

(13) AJS start/stop message output

Indicates whether the system outputs the JP1/AJS3 operation start and end messages to the Windows event log or Syslog.

none: Outputs no messages.

all: Outputs all the messages.

(14) Jobnet start/stop message output

Indicates whether the system outputs the jobnet start and end messages to the Windows event log or Syslog.

none: Outputs no messages.

abend: Outputs only jobnet abnormal end messages.

warning: Outputs only jobnet warning end messages.

hold: Outputs only jobnet hold notification messages.

start_delay: Outputs only jobnet delayed start notification messages.

end_delay: Outputs only jobnet delayed end notification messages.

start_condition_monitor_start/end: Outputs only messages reporting the start or end of monitoring jobnet start conditions.

skipped so not exe.: Outputs only messages reporting the jobnet skipped so not exe. status.

preceding_unit_wait: Outputs messages relating to the wait condition of a jobnet, and wait condition hold notification messages

all: Outputs all messages (jobnet start and normal end messages, abnormal and warning end messages, hold notification messages, delayed start notification messages, delayed end notification messages, messages reporting the start or end of monitoring jobnet start conditions, messages reporting skipped so not exe. status, all unregistered jobnets, jobnet connector connection errors, and wait condition hold notification messages).

(15) Job start/stop message output

Indicates whether the system outputs the job start and end messages to the Windows event log or Syslog.

none: Outputs no messages.

abend: Outputs only job abnormal end messages.

warning: Outputs only job warning end messages.

hold: Outputs only job hold notification messages.

preceding_unit_wait: Outputs messages relating to the wait condition of a jobnet, and wait condition hold notification messages

retry_execution: Outputs only the automatic retry notification message when a job ends abnormally.

all: Outputs all messages (job start, normal end, abnormal end, end with warning, end-delay, wait condition hold notification messages, and automatic retry when a job ends abnormally).

(16) Scheduler log file size

Indicates the size of the scheduler log file (in kilobytes).

(17) Scheduler log file in use

Indicates the name of the scheduler log file that the scheduler service uses.

(18) Alternate scheduler log file

Indicates the name of the alternate scheduler log file to be used next when the log information output to the log file has reached the specified size.

(19) AJS start/stop log output

Indicates whether the system outputs log information when starting and ending operation with JP1/AJS3.

none: Outputs no logs.

all: Outputs all the logs.

(20) Jobnet start/stop log output

Indicates whether the system outputs log information when starting and ending a jobnet.

none: Outputs no logs.

abend: Outputs only jobnet abnormal end logs.

warning: Outputs only jobnet warning end logs.

hold: Outputs only jobnet hold notification logs.

start_delay: Outputs only jobnet delayed start notification logs.

end_delay: Outputs only jobnet delayed end notification logs.

start_condition_monitor_start/end: Outputs only logs reporting the start or end of monitoring jobnet start conditions.

skipped so not exe.: Outputs only logs reporting the jobnet skipped so not exe. status.

preceding_unit_wait: Outputs jobnet wait conditions and the retention history of the wait conditions.

all: Outputs all the logs (jobnet start, abnormal end, end with warning, hold notification, delayed start notification, delayed end notification, start condition monitoring start/end notification, skipped so not exe. notification, all unregistered jobnets, and wait condition hold notification messages).

(21) Job start/stop log output

Indicates whether the system outputs log information when starting and ending a job.

none: Outputs no logs.

abend: Outputs only job abnormal end logs.

warning: Outputs only job warning end logs.

hold: Outputs only job hold notification logs.

preceding_unit_wait: Outputs jobnet wait conditions and the retention history of the wait conditions.

retry_execution: Outputs only the automatic retry notification history when the job ends abnormally.

all: Outputs all the logs (job start, abnormal end, end with warning, end-delay, wait condition hold notification messages, and automatic retry when a job ends abnormally).

(22) Operation log output

Indicates whether the system outputs operation log information.

none: Outputs no logs.

ALTER: Outputs logs for operation with the ajsalter command.

STOP: Outputs logs for operation with the ajsstop command.

ENTRY: Outputs operation logs for registering jobnets for execution.

LEAVE: Outputs operation logs for canceling execution registration for jobnets.

PLAN: Outputs operation logs for temporarily modifying jobnet schedules.

INTRPT: Outputs operation logs for interrupting jobnet execution.

RERUN: Outputs operation logs for rerunning jobnets.

KILL: Outputs operation logs for killing jobs.

CHANGE: Outputs operation logs for modifying definition for units.

CALENDAR: Outputs operation logs for modifying calendar information.

DELETE: Outputs operation logs for deleting units.

RESTORE: Outputs operation logs for restoring units.

DEFINE: Outputs operation logs for manipulating definition for units.

COPY: Outputs operation logs for copying and moving units.

CHGST: Outputs operation logs for modifying the job status.

SUSPEND: Outputs logs of the jobnet's suspension operation and suspension canceled operation.

IMPORT: Outputs operation logs for importing units.

START: The operation log for the ajsstart command is output.

RGIMPORT: Operation log data related to importing of registration information is output.

RELEASE: Operation log data related to release information about the root jobnet is output.

all: Outputs all the logs.

(23) A schedule of route job net

Indicates the time system used in the schedule of root jobnet definition.

24 hours: Defines the schedule in a 24-hour schedule.

48 hours: Defines the schedule in a 48-hour schedule.

(24) Suspend function

Indicates whether the suspend function has an effect or not.

has an effect: Indicates that the suspend function is effective.

has no effect: Indicates that the suspend function is ineffective.

(25) Reference log output

Indicates whether the system outputs reference log information.

none: Outputs no reference log information.

BACKUP: Outputs reference logs for backing up units.

EXPORT: Outputs reference logs for exporting units.

NAME: Outputs reference logs for outputting names for units.

PRINT: Outputs reference logs for printing definitions for units.

SCHEDULE: Outputs reference logs for outputting schedule information for jobnets.

SHOW: Outputs reference logs for outputting status for units.

RELEASE: Outputs reference logs for release information about root jobnets.

RGEXPORT: Outputs reference logs for exporting registration information.

CALUTIL: Outputs reference logs for calendar calculations.

all: Outputs all the logs.

(26) operation management for temp. changes

Indicates whether the operation management for temp. changes has an effect or not.

has an effect: The operation management for temp. changes is effective.

has no effect: The operation management for temp. changes is ineffective.