
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference


Organization of this page


     [-F service-name]
     -t {agent|unit}


Outputs the status and definition of an operation profile to the standard output file.

Execution privileges



-F service-name

Specify the name of the scheduler service whose operation profile information you want to output. You can specify a character string of 1 to 30 bytes.

If you omit this option, the system assumes the default scheduler service name.

-t {agent|unit}

Specify the type of operation profile for which to output information.

  • agent

    Outputs information for the execution agent profile.

  • unit

    Outputs information for the unit attribute profile.


Specify the output format of the standard output file.

The operation profile to be output is stored in the environment settings file storage folder#. Specify the operation profile type by the -t option, and the target scheduler service by the -F option.


The environment settings file storage folder refers to the following folder:

For a physical host:

Windows: JP1/AJS3-Manager-installation-folder\conf

UNIX: /etc/opt/jp1ajs2/conf

For a logical host:

Windows: shared-folder\jp1ajs2\conf

UNIX: shared-directory/jp1ajs2/conf

If this option is omitted, -s is assumed.

  • -s

    Outputs the type, status, date and time of application, and full name of the operation profile. If the operation profile is disabled, the command does not output the date and time of application or the full profile name.

  • -p

    Outputs the definition of the active operation profile.

    If the operation profile is disabled, the command outputs an error message and terminates abnormally.

Return values


Normal end

Other values

Abnormal end

Example 1

Outputs the status of the unit attribute profile for AJSROOT1 to the standard output file.

ajsprofstatus -F AJSROOT1 -t unit

Example 2

Outputs the definition of the execution agent profile applied to AJSROOT2 to the standard output file.

ajsprofstatus -F AJSROOT2 -t agent -p

Output example 1

The following shows an output example when the unit attribute profile applied to AJSROOT1 is active and you execute the command with the -s option specified.

(1) Unit-attribute profile
(2) Status                  has an effect
(3) Apply date              Jul 30 2011 20:15
(4) Operation profile name  /etc/opt/jp1ajs2/conf/ajsprof_AJSROOT1_unit.conf

Explanation of the output items

(1) Unit-attribute profile

The type of operation profile to be output, as specified in the -t option.

(2) Status

The status of the operation profile.

(3) Apply date

If the operation profile is active, this line displays the date and time when the operation profile was applied.

This line is not output if the operation profile is disabled.

(4) Operation profile name

Outputs the full profile name if the operation profile is active.

This line is not output if the operation profile is disabled.

Output example 2

The following shows an output example when the execution agent profile applied to AJSROOT2 is active and you execute the command with the -p option specified.

(2) unit_path=/Group1/Work
(3) View=on
(4) ViewCheckLevel=error
(5) JobExec=on
(7) AGT1
(10)KAVS8007-I Output of the operation profile information ended.

Explanation of the output items

(1) to (9) Definition of operation profile

Outputs the operation profile definition.

If the operation profile contains settings for multiple units, the command output repeats lines (1) to (9).

(10) Output completion message

A message indicating that output of the definition of the operation profile has completed.