
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference


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     [-F service-name]
     -t {agent|unit}
     -m {set|unset}


Specify this command to enable, disable, or change the settings of an operation profile.

For details, see 21.1 Setting up functions by using operation profiles in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.

Execution privileges

In Windows: Administrators privilege

In UNIX: Superuser privileges


-F service-name

Specify the name of the scheduler service whose operation profile you want to modify. You can specify a character string of 1 to 30 bytes.

If you omit this option, the system assumes the default scheduler service name.

-t {agent|unit}

Specify the type of operation profile whose settings you want to change.

  • agent

    Changes the settings of an execution agent profile.

  • unit

    Changes the settings of a unit attribute profile.

-m {set|unset}

Enables, disables, or changes the settings of an operation profile.

  • set

    Applies the operation profile stored in the environment settings file storage folder#. Specify the operation profile type in the -t option, and the target scheduler service in the -F option.

    If you apply a disabled operation profile, that operation profile becomes active. If you apply an operation profile that is already active, the operation profile settings are changed to those in effect when the command is executed.

  • unset

    Disables the operation profile stored in the environment settings file storage folder#. Specify the operation profile type in the -t option, and the target scheduler service in the -F option.

    If the operation profile you specify is already disabled, the command outputs an error message and terminates abnormally.


The environment settings file storage folder refers to the following folder:

For a physical host:

Windows: JP1/AJS3-Manager-installation-folder\conf

UNIX: /etc/opt/jp1ajs2/conf

For a logical host:

Windows: shared-folder\jp1ajs2\conf

UNIX: shared-directory/jp1ajs2/conf


Return values


Normal end

Other values

Abnormal end

Example 1

Enables the unit attribute profile for the scheduler service AJSROOT2.

ajsprofalter -F AJSROOT2 -t unit -m set

Example 2

Disables the execution agent profile for the scheduler service AJSROOT1.

ajsprofalter -F AJSROOT1 -t agent -m unset