
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference


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     [-F service-name]


Modifies the definition of a jobnet (schedule definition) and the definition of a start condition unit.

Execution privileges

You must have any of the following JP1 privileges:


-F service-name

Specify the name of the target scheduler service.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 30 bytes.


This option makes it possible to change the order in which jobnets and jobs are executed, even for suspended jobnets that have been registered for execution.


Modifies the definitions of the specified jobnet or all jobnets contained in the specified job group.

If you specify this option with the -L, -E, -T, and/or -N options, the system modifies the definitions according to the specification of each option.


Modifies the definitions of jobnets not registered for execution.

If you specify this option with the -T and/or -N options, the system modifies the definitions of unregistered jobnets according to the specification of each option. You cannot specify this option with the -E option.


Modifies the definitions of jobnets registered for execution.

If you specify this option with the -T and/or -N options, the system modifies the definitions of registered jobnets according to the specification of each option. You cannot specify this option with the -L option.


Modifies the definitions of root jobnets.

If you specify this option with the -E or -L options, the system modifies the definitions of root jobnets according to the specification of each option. If you specify this option with the -N option, the -N option is disabled.


Modifies the definitions of jobnets.

If you specify this option with the -E or -L option, the system modifies the definitions of jobnets according to the specification of each option. If you specify this option with the -T option, this option is disabled.


Specify the full name of a jobnet or start condition unit for which you want to modify definitions. Alternatively, you can specify the full name of the jobnet, start condition unit, or job group with the -R, -L, -E, -T, or -N option.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 930 bytes.

You can specify more than one jobnet name or job group name.

You can specify a logical host name as a jobnet or job group name. You cannot specify an execution ID.


These options modify the schedule defined for a jobnet (if you modify the schedule, the system will recalculate the schedule upon the end of command execution).

-DD job-group-name

Specify the name of the job group in which the target calendar information is defined, when modifying the calendar information.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 930 bytes.

-dd [N,]{[[year/]month/]{[+|*|@]day|[+|*|@]b[-day]|[+]{sun|su|mon|mo|tue|tu|wed|we|thu|th|fri|fr|sat|sa}[:{n|b}]}|en|ud|undefine}

Modifies the date on which you want to start executing the jobnet.

You can specify up to 144 dates in one command.

To clear all definitions, specify either -dd 0, ud or -dd 0, undefine.

  • N

    Specify the corresponding rule number if you specify more than one starting date for executing the jobnet.

    You can specify a value between 0 and 144.

    By default, the system assumes 1 as the rule number (that is, you will modify a schedule having a rule number of 1).

  • year

    Specify the year of the starting date for executing the jobnet.

    You can specify a value between 1994 and the value of the SCHEDULELIMIT environment setting parameter for the year. For details about the SCHEDULELIMIT environment setting parameter, see 20.4.2(123) SCHEDULELIMIT in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.

    By default, the system assumes the year in which you registered the jobnet for execution.

  • month

    Specify the month of the starting date for executing the jobnet.

    You can specify value between 1 and 12 for the month.

    By default, the system assumes the month in which you registered the jobnet for execution.

  • +

    Specify the execution start date using the number of days following the base date.

  • *

    Specify the execution start date using the number of open days following the base date.

  • @

    Specify the execution start date using the number of closed days following the base date.

  • day

    Specify the day of the execution start date.

    You can specify the following values:

When specifying an absolute date
  • Year/month/day specification: 1 to last day of specified year/month.

  • Month/day specification: 1 to last day of specified month. For February, however, 1 to 29.

  • Day specification: 1 to 31.

When specifying a relative date or the number of open or closed days

1 to 35 (days).

If you omit the specification of + (relative date), * (number of open days) or @ (number of closed days), the system assumes an absolute day of the month in which you registered the jobnet for execution.

  • b

    Sets the last day of the month to the jobnet start date.

  • -day

    Specify the starting date for executing the jobnet using the number of days between the date and the end of the month.

    You can specify the following values:

When specifying an absolute date
  • Year/month/day specification: 0 to (last day of specified year/month -1).

  • Month/day specification: 0 to (last day of specified month -1). For February, however, 0 to 28.

  • Day specification: 0 to 30.

When specifying a relative date or the number of open or closed days

0 to 34 (days).

You can specify this option with + (relative date), * (number of open days) or @ (number of closed days).

  • sun|su|mon|mo|tue|tu|wed|we|thu|th|fri|fr|sat|sa

    Specify Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday as the starting date for executing the jobnet.

  • n

    Specify the week for the day; a value between 1 and 5 (specifying 1 for Sunday, for example, indicates the first Sunday of the month).

    By default, the system assumes the start date to be the next day of the week after the date when the jobnet was registered for execution and the date when the ajsschedule command was executed. If you do not specify anything when either year or month is specified for the execution start date, the system assumes the first week when you register anything for execution and when you execute the ajsschedule command.

  • en

    Changes the defined execution start date to the date on which you registered the jobnet for execution.

  • ud|undefine

    Clears the entire schedule for the jobnet.

    If you specify this option, specify 0 for N (jobnet rule number).

    Specifying this option causes the -dd, -tt, -VV, -WW, -KK, -yy, -ss, -hh, -wt, -wc, -ct, -cc, and -ce options to be disabled.

-tt [N,][+]hours:minutes

Modifies the time at which you want to start executing the jobnet.

You can specify up to 144 times in one command.

  • N

    Specify the corresponding rule number if you specify more than one starting date for executing the jobnet.

    You can specify a value between 1 and 144.

    By default, the system assumes 1 as the rule number (that is, you will modify a schedule having a rule number of 1).

  • +

    Handles the time specified with hour:minute as a relative time.

    By default, the system handles the specified time as an absolute time.

  • hour:minutes

    Specify the starting time for executing the jobnet.

    You can specify a value between 0 and 47 for the hour.

    You can specify a value between 0 and 59 for the minute.

-VV [N,]{hours:minutes|M-minutes|U-minutes|C-minutes}

Modifies the delay time for starting the jobnet.

You can specify up to 144 times in one command.

  • N

    Specify the corresponding rule number if you specify more than one delay time for starting the jobnet.

    You can specify a value between 1 and 144.

    By default, the system assumes 1 as the rule number (that is, you will modify a schedule having a rule number of 1).

  • hour:minutes

    Specify an absolute time.

    You can specify a value between 0 and 47 for the hour.

    You can specify a value between 0 and 59 for the minute.

  • M-minutes

    Specify the number of minutes relative to the starting time for executing the root jobnet.

    You can specify a value between 1 and 2,879 for the minute.

  • U-minutes

    Specify the number of minutes relative to the starting time for executing the upper-level jobnet.

    You can specify a value between 1 and 2,879 for the minute.

  • C-minutes

    Specify the number of minutes relative to the starting time for executing the relevant jobnet.

    You can specify a value between 1 and 2,879 for the minute.

-WW [N,]{hours:minutes|M-minutes|U-minutes|C-minutes}

Modifies the delay time for ending the jobnet. You can specify up to 144 times in one command.

  • N

    Specify the rule number if you specify more than one delay time for ending the jobnet.

    You can specify a value between 1 and 144.

    By default, the system assumes 1 as the rule number (that is, you will modify a schedule having a rule number of 1).

  • hour:minutes

    Specify an absolute time.

    You can specify a value between 0 and 47 for the hour.

    You can specify a value between 0 and 59 for the minute.

  • M-minutes

    Specify the number of minutes relative to the starting time for executing the root jobnet.

    You can specify a value between 1 and 2,879 for the minute.

  • U-minutes

    Specify the number of minutes relative to the starting time for executing the upper-level jobnet.

    You can specify a value between 1 and 2,879 for the minute.

  • C-minutes

    Specify the number of minutes relative to the starting time for executing the relevant jobnet.

    You can specify a value between 1 and 2,879 for the minute.

-KK [N,]linked-rule-number

Modifies the rule number to be linked with that for the upper-level jobnet if you have more than one schedule defined.

You can specify up to 144 numbers in one command. You cannot specify a rule number for the root jobnet.

  • N

    Specify the rule number for the schedule for the jobnet.

    You can specify a value between 1 and 144.

    By default, the system assumes 1 as the rule number (that is, you will modify a schedule having a rule number of 1).

  • linked-rule-number

    Specify the rule number for the upper-level jobnet that corresponds to the above rule number.

-yy [N,]processing-cycle, {y|m|w|d}

Modifies the processing cycle for the jobnet.

You can specify up to 144 processing cycles.

  • N

    Specify the rule number for the corresponding jobnet.

    You can specify a value between 1 and 144.

    By default, the system assumes 1 as the rule number (that is, you will modify a schedule having a rule number of 1).

  • processing-cycle, {y|m|w|d}

    Modify the processing cycle and its unit (for example, specify -yy 6, m to process the jobnet at intervals of six months).

  • y

    Specifies the processing cycle in years. You can specify a value between 1 and 9 for the processing cycle.

  • m

    Specifies the processing cycle in months. You can specify a value between 1 and 12 for the processing cycle.

  • w

    Specifies the processing cycle in weeks. You can specify a value between 1 and 5 for the processing cycle.

    You cannot specify this if an open day or closed day is used to define the starting date for executing the jobnet. If you specify this, the schedule is calculated assuming that one week is equal to seven open days or seven closed days; however, we recommend that you specify the processing cycle on a daily basis. A good example would be "7,d", instead of "1,w".

  • d

    Specifies the processing cycle in days. You can specify a value between 1 and 31 for the processing cycle.

-ss [N,]{af|be|no|ca}

Modifies the method of shifting the execution date if the scheduled date of jobnet execution falls on a closed day in the JP1/AJS3 calendar.

You can specify up to 144 methods in one command.

  • N

    Specify the rule number for the corresponding jobnet.

    You can specify a value between 1 and 144.

    By default, the system assumes 1 as the rule number (that is, you will modify a schedule having a rule number of 1).

  • af

    Executes the jobnet by shifting the execution day to a day after the scheduled date of execution.

  • be

    Executes the jobnet by shifting the execution day to a day before the scheduled date of execution.

  • no

    Forcibly executes the jobnet even if the scheduled date of execution is a closed day, provided a scheduler service is running.

  • ca

    Does not execute the jobnet if the scheduled date of execution is a closed day.

-hh [N,] shift-days

If you specify af (shifting to a day after the execution day) or be (shifting to a day before the execution day) for the -ss option, the -hh option specifies the period into which the system can shift the execution day.

You can specify up to 144 periods.

  • N

    Specify the rule number for the jobnet.

    You can specify a value between 1 and 144.

    By default, the system assumes 1 as the rule number (that is, you will modify a schedule having a rule number of 1).

  • shift-days

    You can specify a number between 1 and 31 (days). (For example, specify -ss af -hh 5 if you want the system to find a substituting execution day by selecting each following day within five days including the scheduled execution day.)

-wt [N,]{no|hours:minutes|relative-minutes|un}

Modifies the time between the jobnet being placed into the event wait status and the event wait status being released.

You can specify up to 144 times in one command.

If you specify no for the -wc option, you can only specify no for this option.

  • N

    Specify the rule number for the corresponding jobnet.

    You can specify a value between 1 and 144.

    By default, the system assumes 1 as the rule number (that is, you will modify a schedule having a rule number of 1).

  • no

    Does not use a start condition.

  • hour:minutes

    Specify the wait time as absolute time.

    You can specify a value between 0 and 47 for the hour.

    You can specify a value between 0 and 59 for the minute.

  • relative-minutes

    Specify a time relative to the scheduled start time for the jobnet.

    You can specify a value between 1 and 2,879 (minutes).

  • un

    Waits for an unlimited period of time until the condition is satisfied.

-wc [N,]{no|valid-number-of-waits-for-events|un}

Modifies the number of times the system will wait for events after it completes the execution of the event-activated jobnet.

You can specify up to 144 times in one command.

If you specify no for the -wt option, you can only specify no for this option.

  • N

    Specify the rule number for the corresponding jobnet.

    You can specify a value between 1 and 144.

    By default, the system assumes 1 as the rule number (that is, you will modify a schedule having a rule number of 1).

  • no

    Does not use a start condition.

  • valid-number-of-waits-for-events

    Specify the number of times the system will wait for events.

    You can specify a value between 1 and 999 (times).

  • un

    Sets an unlimited number of times for waiting.

-pp year/month/day

Modifies the expiration date for jobnet execution.

  • year

    Specify the year of the expiration date.

    You can specify a value between 1994 and the value of the SCHEDULELIMIT environment setting parameter for the year. For details about the SCHEDULELIMIT environment setting parameter, see 20.4.2(123) SCHEDULELIMIT in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.

  • month

    Specify the month of the expiration date.

    You can specify value between 1 and 12 for the month.

  • day

    Specify the day of the expiration date.

    You can specify a value between 1 and 31 for the day.

-ll number-of-logs-to-keep

Modifies the number of logs to store the results of jobnet execution.

You can specify a number between 1 and 99 (logs).

You can, however, enable the system setting option to increase the number of generations up to 999.

-nn priority-value

Modifies the priority for jobnet execution.

You can specify a value between 1 and 5.

The lowest priority is 1 and the highest is 5.

-bb {y|w|a|n}

Modifies the hold attribute for the jobnet. If you specify w or a for a nested jobnet, the system assumes n.

  • y

    Holds the execution of the jobnet.

  • w

    Holds execution only if the previous execution of the jobnet has terminated abnormally or with a warning.

  • a

    Holds execution only if the previous execution of the jobnet has terminated abnormally.

  • n

    Does not hold the execution of the jobnet.

-ej exclusive-jobnet-name

Modifies the name of the jobnet which should not be executed on the same date (name of a jobnet in the same layer).

You can specify a character string of 1 to 30 bytes.

You cannot specify the name of a local jobnet.

-ct [N,]{no|be|af|db|da}

Modifies the method for scheduling the jobnet by days from start time.

You can specify up to 144 methods in one command.

  • N

    Specify the rule number for the corresponding jobnet.

    You can specify a value between 1 and 144.

    By default, the system assumes 1 as the rule number (that is, you will modify a schedule having a rule number of 1).

  • no

    Does not schedule the jobnet by days from start time.

    If you specify this option together with the -cc (for specifying the number of days for scheduling the jobnet by days from start time) or -ce (for specifying the number of shift days for scheduling the jobnet by days from start time) option for the same rule number, the KAVS0159-W message is output. Then, the specification of the -ce or -cc option is ignored.

  • be

    Shifts the scheduled date of execution to a previous open day, relative to the shift date specified with the -ss option.

  • af

    Shifts the scheduled date of execution to a subsequent open day, relative to the shift date specified with the -ss option.

  • db

    Shifts the scheduled date of execution to a previous day, relative to the shift date specified with the -ss option. If you specify this option, closed days are also subject to substitute scheduling.

    If you specify this option together with the -ce option (for scheduling the jobnet by days from the start time) for the same rule number, the KAVS0159-W message is output. Then, the specification of the -ce option is ignored.

  • da

    Shifts the scheduled date of execution to a subsequent day, relative to the shift date specified with the -ss option. If you specify this option, closed days are also subject to substitute scheduling.

    If you specify this option together with the -ce option (for scheduling the jobnet by days from the start time) for the same rule number, the KAVS0159-W message is output. Then, the specification of the -ce option is ignored.

-cc [N,]number-of-days-for-schedule-by-days-from-start-time

Modifies the number of days for scheduling a jobnet by days from the start time.

You can specify up to 144 numbers in one command.

  • N

    Specify the rule number for the corresponding jobnet.

    You can specify a value between 1 and 144.

    By default, the system assumes 1 as the rule number (that is, you will modify a schedule having a rule number of 1).

  • number-of-days-for-schedule-by-days-from-start-time

    You can specify a value between 1 and 31 (days).

-ce [N,]shift-days-for-schedule-by-days-from-start-time

Modifies the number of shift days for scheduling a jobnet by days from the start time.

You can specify up to 144 numbers in one command.

  • N

    Specify the rule number for the corresponding jobnet.

    You can specify a value between 1 and 144.

    By default, the system assumes 1 as the rule number (that is, you will modify a schedule having a rule number of 1).

  • shift-days-for-schedule-by-days-from-start-time

    You can specify a value between 1 and 31 (days).

-cd {no|un|n}

Modifies the number of days after which the system terminates a wait status, such as event activation wait or execution wait. You can specify this option only for the root jobnet.

  • no

    Cancels the setting of the number of days for termination.

    Once you cancel the setting, the value set for the system option becomes valid as the time the system will wait before termination.

  • un

    Waits for un unlimited time of period without terminating the wait status.

  • n

    Specify the number of days the system will wait before terminating a wait status.

    You can specify a value between 1 and 2 for the day.

-de {y|n}

Modifies dependency with the schedule for the upper-level jobnet.

You cannot specify a rule number for the root jobnet.

  • y

    Depends on the schedule for the upper-level jobnet. You cannot specify this option with an option for changing the schedule rule.

  • n

    Does not depend on the schedule for the upper-level jobnet.

-ms {sch|mlt}

Modifies the scheduling method for multiple jobnet activation.

You can specify this option only for the root jobnet.

  • sch

    Activates jobnets by applying the schedule skip method.

  • mlt

    Activates jobnets by applying the multi-schedule method.

-mp {y|n}

Modifies the settings for multiple jobnet activation. You can specify this option only for the root jobnet.

  • y

    Enables multiple activation.

  • n

    Disables multiple activation.

-ah remote-jobnet-execution-agent-host-name

Modifies the name of the remote jobnet execution agent host.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 255 bytes.

-ex job-execution-agent-host-name

Modifies the name of the job execution agent host.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 255 bytes.

-fd time-required-for-execution

Modifies the time required for executing the jobnet or remote jobnet for which the end delay is monitored.

You can specify a value between 1 and 2,879 (minutes).


These options modify the relationship of the execution order for jobnets and jobs. You can specify this option only for a jobnet.

You can specify up to 20 -AA options (make relation options) and 20 -BB options (break relation options) in one command.

-AA preceding-unit-name, succeeding-unit-name [,{seq|con}]

Specify the names of the preceding and succeeding units between which you want to create a relationship (associate units). You must also specify the connection type.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 30 bytes for each unit name (preceding-unit-name and succeeding-unit-name).

If the relation line is already set for the preceding and succeeding units whose relationship is to be set, the command returns 0 and ends normally.

  • seq

    Specifies forward connection.

  • con

    Specifies the judgment connection of a judgment job and a dependent unit.

The system does not create a relationship in any of the following cases:

  • If the same unit name is specified for the preceding unit as well as the succeeding unit

  • If the unit of the specified preceding unit name or succeeding unit name does not exist

  • If a recovery unit is specified as the preceding unit name, and a regular unit is specified as the succeeding unit name

  • If you attempt to set a reverse relationship for units between which you have already set a relationship

  • If you specify a relationship and cancel a relationship, at the same time, between the same preceding unit and succeeding unit

  • If you specify a job group, manager job group, manager jobnet, or root jobnet

  • If there are two or more preceding units when the succeeding unit is a judgment job

  • If the preceding unit is other than an event job when the succeeding unit is an OR job

  • If you specify a unit other than a judgment job as the preceding unit for a judgment connection

  • If the judgment connection of a judgment job and a dependent unit makes other than 1-to-1 matching

  • If you specify the name of a unit with start conditions in the preceding unit name or the succeeding unit name

-BB preceding-unit-name, succeeding-unit-name

Specify the names of the preceding and succeeding units between which you want to break a relationship (cancels the association between units).

You can specify a character string of 1 to 30 bytes for each unit name.

If the relation line does not exist for the preceding and succeeding units whose relationship is to be broken, the command returns 0 and ends normally.


This option modifies the attribute of the start condition.

-rc {and|or}

Specify how the conditions must be satisfied to start the jobnet.

  • and

    Starts the jobnet when all conditions are satisfied.

  • or

    Starts the jobnet when at least one of the conditions is satisfied.

-ab {exec|hold|stop}

For a jobnet with start conditions, this parameter specifies the behavior of the jobnet's execution generations whose start conditions are satisfied, if the preceding execution generation has terminated abnormally.

  • exec

    Executes the jobnet generations whose start conditions are satisfied.

  • hold

    Holds the execution of the jobnet generations whose start conditions are satisfied.

  • stop

    Stops the jobnet that is monitoring whether the start conditions are satisfied (the monitoring generation of the jobnet).

-mS {m|w|s}

Specifies the action taken if there is already a monitored jobnet generation in Now monitoring status when monitoring of start conditions starts.

  • m

    Generates a new monitoring generation in addition to the existing monitoring generation in Now monitoring status. In this case, note that as many start conditions as there are jobnet generations in Now monitoring status are satisfied.

  • w

    Waits until the monitoring generation in Now monitoring status terminates. If a timeout has been set for execution of this jobnet generation, and the execution times out, the monitoring generation is placed in Skipped so not executed status.

  • s

    Skips starting the monitoring generation of the jobnet, and places the generation in Skipped so not executed status.

-gs {y|n}

Specifies whether to stay execution of a generation of a jobnet if the generation's start conditions are satisfied while another generation is already running when concurrent execution of jobnet generations is disabled.

  • y

    Execution of the jobnet is not repeated so that the generation stays.

  • n

    Execution of the jobnet is repeated so that the generation does not stay.


These options modify the jobnet connector attributes.

-lr connection-destination-jobnet-name

Specify the full name of a unit (root jobnet or planning group) that will become the jobnet to which the jobnet connector will be connected.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 930 bytes.

You can specify this option for only a jobnet connector that has not been registered.

-cx linkage-of-root-jobnet-execution-order-control-between-scheduler-services

Specify whether to establish linkage between scheduler services when the execution order of root jobnets is controlled.

You can specify this option for only a jobnet connector that has not been registered.

If you change the value of this option from y to n, the specifications of the -ch (host to connect) and -cs (connection service name) options are cleared (neither y nor n is set).

  • y

    Linkage between scheduler services is established.

    Root jobnet execution order control is linked with jobnet connectors including those defined on other hosts or those defined in other scheduler services.

  • n

    Linkage between scheduler services is not established.

    Root jobnet execution order control is linked with only jobnet connectors defined in the same scheduler service.

-ch connection-host-name

Specify the name of the host on which a jobnet connector to be connected is defined. You can specify a character string of 1 to 255 bytes. You cannot specify space, tab, or linefeed characters.

You can specify this option only if y is specified for the -cx option (linkage of root jobnet execution order control between scheduler services).

-cs connection-service-name

Specify the name of the scheduler service on which a jobnet connector to be connected is defined. You can specify a character string of 1 to 30 bytes. You cannot specify a null string ("") to reset the scheduler service name definition to the default status.

You can specify this option only if y is specified for the -cx option (linkage of root jobnet execution order control between scheduler services).


Return values


Normal end

Multiple of 4 within the range from 4 to 124

Abnormal end

Additional information

To leave information undefined (default) for the schedule information change option, the related information change option, or the start condition information change option, specify "" for the option.

Example 1

The following command changes the starting time for executing jobnet net1 to 17:00 (absolute time) on every Friday in October 2010. It also changes the processing cycle to a weekly schedule:

ajschgnet -dd 2010/10/fr -tt 17:00 -yy 1, w net1

Example 2

The following command makes a relationship between two jobs, net1/job1 and net1/job2:

ajschgnet -AA job1, job2 net1

Example 3

The following command sets the connection-destination jobnet name in jobnet connector /net2/netconl so that the jobnet connector connects to root jobnet /net1:

ajschgnet -lr /net1 /net2/netconl

Example 4

The following commands change the start conditions (.CONDITION) of root jobnet /JOBNET1 as follows: