
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference


Organization of this page


     [-F service-name]


Modifies the definitions of jobs.

Execution privileges

You must have any of the following JP1 privileges:

Cautionary note

If User who owns is specified for Executed by for the unit, any JP1 user who has a JP1 privilege level for the jobnet other than JP1_AJS_Admin can only modify a unit he or she owns.

If no JP1 resource group is specified for the unit, any user can perform any operation for the unit even if they do not have the above JP1 privilege level.


-F service-name

Specify the name of the target scheduler service.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 30 bytes.


Modifies the definitions of all jobs contained in the specified unit.

If you specify this option with the -L, -E, and/or -J options, the system modifies the definitions according to the specification of each option.


Modifies the definitions of jobs in jobnets not registered for execution.

If you specify this option with the -J option, the system modifies the definitions of jobs in unregistered jobnets. You cannot specify this option with the -E option.


Modifies the definitions of jobs in jobnets registered for execution.

If you specify this option with the -J option, the system modifies the definitions of jobs in registered jobnets. You cannot specify this option with the -L option.


Modifies the definitions of jobs.


Specify the full name of the job for which you want to modify definitions. You can also specify the full name of the job, jobnet, or job group with the -R, -E, -L, or -J option.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 930 bytes.

You can specify more than one job name, jobnet name, or job group names.

You can specify a logical host name as a job, jobnet or job group name. You cannot specify an execution ID.


These options modify information common to all jobs.

-ex "execution-agent-host-name-or-relay-agent-name"

Modifies the name of the job execution agent host or the relay agent.

For a flexible job, if the value for @SYSTEM is used for update, the definition of the relay agent name is initialized.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 255 bytes.

You cannot specify this option for a QUEUE job, judgment job, or OR job.

-et execution-time-out-period

Modifies the execution time-out period.

You can specify a value between 1 and 1,440 for the minute.

You cannot specify this option for a QUEUE job, judgment job, or OR job. The same is applicable to any job within the start conditions.

-ha {y|n}

Modifies the hold attribute.

You cannot specify this option for an OR job. The same is applicable to any job within the start conditions.

  • y

    Holds the execution of a job.

  • n

    Does not hold the execution of a job.

-es {kl|nr|wr|an}

Modify the time-out state of the event job after the execution time-out period elapses. This option is valid for the following information change options:

  • JP1 event reception monitoring job

  • File monitoring job

  • Email reception monitoring job

  • Message-queue message reception monitoring job

  • MSMQ message reception monitoring job

  • Log file monitoring job

  • Windows event-log monitoring job

  • Execution interval control job

You can specify the following characters with this option:

  • kl: Killed

  • nr: Ended normally

  • wr: Ended with warning

  • an: Ended abnormally

You can specify this option only for an event job. You cannot specify this option for an event job within the start condition.

If you specify this option for a unit for which no execution time-out period has been specified, you must specify an execution time-out period using the -et option.

-fd time-required-for-execution

Change the time-required-for-execution within which the job is expected to be terminated. A delay of job execution is detected based on this time.

You can specify a value from 1 to 1,440 (in minutes). Specifying a non-numeric character or a numeric value outside the 1-1,440 range results in an error.

You cannot specify this for a judgment job or an OR job. If you specify this option for a judgment job or OR job, the option is ignored and processing continues.


These options modify job definition information.

The following table lists the information change options that can be used for individual jobs.

Table 3‒3: Information change options that can be used for individual jobs



Information change options


Unix job and Unix job for recovery

-te command-text

-sc script-file-name

-pm parameter

-wk work-path-name

-ev environment-variable-file-name

-en environment-variable

-si standard-input-file-name

-so standard-output-file-name

-se standard-error-output-file-name

-oa {new|add}

-ea {new|add}

-pr execution-priority

-un job-execution-user-name

-jd {nm|ab|cod|mdf|exf}

-wt warning-threshold

-th abnormal-threshold

-jf end-judgment-file-name

-Ab {y|n}

-rs lower-limit-of-return-code-to-be-automatically-retried

-re upper-limit-of-return-code-to-be-automatically-retried

-rc maximum-number-of-retry-executions

-ri retry-interval

-s1 transfer-source-file-name-1

-d1 transfer-destination-file-name-1

-t1 {sav|del}

-s2 transfer-source-file-name-2

-d2 transfer-destination-file-name-2

-t2 {sav|del}

-s3 transfer-source-file-name-3

-d3 transfer-destination-file-name-3

-t3 {sav|del}

-s4 transfer-source-file-name-4

-d4 transfer-destination-file-name-4

-t4 {sav|del}

-jt {q|n}


PC job and PC job for recovery

-sc script-file-name

-pm parameter

-wk work-path-name

-ev environment-variable-file-name

-en environment-variable

-si standard-input-file-name

-so standard-output-file-name

-se standard-error-output-file-name

-oa {new|add}

-ea {new|add}

-pr execution-priority

-un job-execution-user-name

-jd {nm|ab|cod|mdf|exf}

-wt warning-threshold

-th abnormal-threshold

-jf end-judgment-file-name

-Ab {y|n}

-rs lower-limit-of-return-code-to-be-automatically-retried

-re upper-limit-of-return-code-to-be-automatically-retried

-rc maximum-number-of-retry-executions

-ri retry-interval

-s1 transfer-source-file-name-1

-d1 transfer-destination-file-name-1

-t1 {sav|del}

-s2 transfer-source-file-name-2

-d2 transfer-destination-file-name-2

-t2 {sav|del}

-s3 transfer-source-file-name-3

-d3 transfer-destination-file-name-3

-t3 {sav|del}

-s4 transfer-source-file-name-4

-d4 transfer-destination-file-name-4

-t4 {sav|del}

-jt {q|n}


custom Unix job and custom Unix job for recovery

-te command-text

-sc script-file-name

-pm parameter

-wk work-path-name

-ev environment-variable-file-name

-en environment-variable

-si standard-input-file-name

-so standard-output-file-name

-se standard-error-output-file-name

-oa {new|add}

-ea {new|add}

-pr execution-priority

-un job-execution-user-name

-jd {nm|ab|cod|mdf|exf}

-wt warning-threshold

-th abnormal-threshold

-jf end-judgment-file-name

-Ab {y|n}

-rs lower-limit-of-return-code-to-be-automatically-retried

-re upper-limit-of-return-code-to-be-automatically-retried

-rc maximum-number-of-retry-executions

-ri retry-interval

-s1 transfer-source-file-name-1

-d1 transfer-destination-file-name-1

-t1 {sav|del}

-s2 transfer-source-file-name-2

-d2 transfer-destination-file-name-2

-t2 {sav|del}

-s3 transfer-source-file-name-3

-d3 transfer-destination-file-name-3

-t3 {sav|del}

-s4 transfer-source-file-name-4

-d4 transfer-destination-file-name-4

-t4 {sav|del}


custom PC job and custom PC job for recovery

-so standard-output-file-name

-se standard-error-output-file-name

-pr execution-priority

-un job-execution-user-name

-jd {nm|ab|cod|mdf|exf}

-wt warning-threshold

-th abnormal-threshold

-jf end-judgment-file-name

-Ab {y|n}

-rs lower-limit-of-return-code-to-be-automatically-retried

-re upper-limit-of-return-code-to-be-automatically-retried

-rc maximum-number-of-retry-executions

-ri retry-interval


QUEUE job and QUEUE job for recovery

-sc script-file-name

-pm parameter

-pr execution-priority

-jd {nm|ab|cod}

-wt warning-threshold

-th abnormal-threshold

-Ab {y|n}

-rs lower-limit-of-return-code-to-be-automatically-retried

-re upper-limit-of-return-code-to-be-automatically-retried

-rc maximum-number-of-retry-executions

-ri retry-interval

-qu queue-name

-qm queue-manager-host-name

-rq job-name

-s1 transfer-source-file-name-1

-d1 transfer-destination-file-name-1

-s2 transfer-source-file-name-2

-d2 transfer-destination-file-name-2

-s3 transfer-source-file-name-3

-d3 transfer-destination-file-name-3

-s4 transfer-source-file-name-4

-d4 transfer-destination-file-name-4


flexible job and flexible job for recovery

-sc script-file-name

-pm parameter

-en environment-variable

-jd {nm|ab|cod|mdf|exf}

-wt warning-threshold

-th abnormal-threshold

-jf end-judgment-file-name

-Ab {y|n}

-rs lower-limit-of-return-code-to-be-automatically-retried

-re upper-limit-of-return-code-to-be-automatically-retried

-rc maximum-number-of-retry-executions

-ri retry-interval

-da destination-or-broadcast-agent

-fg {none|sync|async}


HTTP Connection job and HTTP Connection job for recovery

-so standard-output-file-name

-se standard-error-output-file-name

-pr execution-priority

-un job-execution-user-name

-jd {nm|ab|cod|mdf|exf}

-wt warning-threshold

-th abnormal-threshold

-jf end-judgment-file-name

-Ab {y|n}

-rs lower-limit-of-return-code-to-be-automatically-retried

-re upper-limit-of-return-code-to-be-automatically-retried

-rc maximum-number-of-retry-executions

-ri retry-interval

-HC connection-configuration-file-name


-HE {y|n}

-HS transmission-information-file-name

-HU transmission-information-file-name-(URL-parameter)

-HM transmission-information-file-name-(message-body)

-HT statuses-store-file-name

-HD {diff|same}

-HH received-header-store-file-name

-HB received-body-store-file-name

-HR return-code-1:HTTP-status-code-1[,HTTP-status-code-2...];

-te command-text

Modifies a command text.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 1,023 bytes.

-sc script-file-name

Modifies the name of the script file for a Unix job. For a PC job, flexible job, or QUEUE job, this option modifies the name of the execution file.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 511 bytes.

-pm parameter

Modifies a parameter for the execution file.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 1,023 bytes.

-wk work-path-name

Modifies the work path (current path) name.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 511 bytes.

-ev environment-variable-file-name

Modifies the environment variable file name.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 511 bytes.

Use a full path name to specify the environment variable file name.

For notes on defining environment variables, see A. Notes on Defining Environment Variables and an Environment Variable File.

-en environment-variable

Modifies the environment variable.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 20,479 bytes.

For a flexible job, you can specify multiple character strings up to 10,240 bytes in total. For a job other than a flexible job, you can specify multiple character strings up to 20,479 bytes in total.

For notes on defining environment variables, see A. Notes on Defining Environment Variables and an Environment Variable File.

-si standard-input-file-name

Modifies the standard input file name.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 511 bytes.

Use a full path name to specify the standard input file name.

-so standard-output-file-name

Modifies the standard output file name.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 511 bytes.

Use a full path name to specify the standard output file name.

You can output the standard output file as a temporary file by specifying $JP1AJS2_JPQSTDOUTTEMP$.

You can also specify a macro variable.

-se standard-error-output-file-name

Modifies the standard error output file name.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 511 bytes.

Use a full path name to specify the standard error output file name.

-oa {new|add}

Modifies the method for updating the information in the standard output file.

  • new

    Outputs information to a new standard output file.

  • add

    Adds information to an existing standard output file.

-ea {new|add}

Modifies the method for updating the information in the standard error output file.

  • new

    Outputs information to a new standard error output file.

  • add

    Adds information to an existing standard error output file.

-pr execution-priority

Modifies the priority for job execution.

You can specify a value between 1 and 5.

The lowest priority is 1 and the highest is 5.

-un job-execution-user-name

Modifies the name of the user for executing the job.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 63 bytes.

-jd {nm|ab|cod|mdf|exf}

Modifies the type of end judgment.

If this value is changed to a value other than cod, the setting values for the -Ab, -rs, -re, -rc, and -ri options related to the retry setting are initialized.

  • nm

    Assumes every termination of the job to be a normal end.

  • ab

    Assumes every termination of the job to be an abnormal end.

  • cod

    Assumes a normal end if the return code is below the specified value.

  • mdf

    Assumes a normal end if the job has updated a file.

    You cannot specify this option for a QUEUE job or recovery jobs for them.

  • exf

    Assumes a normal end if the job has created a file.

    You cannot specify this option for a QUEUE job or recovery jobs for them.

-wt warning-threshold

Modifies the threshold value for completion with a warning.

You can specify a value between 0 and 2,147,483,647.

If the specified value is greater than the abnormal threshold, the value is defined by using the abnormal threshold value.

-th abnormal-threshold

Modifies the threshold value for abnormal end.

You can specify a value between 0 and 2,147,483,647.

If the specified value is smaller than the warning threshold, the value is defined by using the warning threshold value.

A value that is smaller than the lower limit or greater than the upper limit of a return code requiring automatic retry cannot be specified if the retry settings for the job to be updated are set and a return code requiring automatic retry is specified.

-jf end-judgment-file-name

Modifies the name of the end judgment file.

-Ab {y|n}

Changes the behavior of automatic retry when a job ends abnormally.

  • y

    Performs automatic retry when a job ends abnormally.

  • n

    Automatic retry is not performed if a job ends abnormally.

y can be specified for this option only when the value specified for the -jd option is cod.

If this value is changed from y to n, all related settings for the -rs, -re, -rc, and -ri options are deleted. In addition, when n is specified for this option, if the -rs, -re, -rc, and -ri options are specified together with this option, they are ignored.

This option cannot be defined for the passing information setting job.

-rs lower-limit-of-return-code-to-be-automatically-retried

Specify the lower limit for the return codes to be automatically retried. When automatic retry on abnormal end is set, if the return code output on an abnormal end is equal to or greater than the value specified for this option, automatic retry is performed.

You can specify a value from 1 to 4,294,967,295. If "" is specified, the value is treated as undefined, and the value of the abnormal threshold + 1 for the end judgment is assumed at job execution.

A value that is equal to or smaller than the abnormal threshold and a value that is greater than the upper limit of the return code to be automatically retried cannot be specified. In addition, if the lower and upper limits of the return code to be automatically retried (enabled when the job is executed) constitute an invalid range, an error occurs.

This option cannot be defined for the passing information setting job.

-re upper-limit-of-return-code-to-be-automatically-retried

Specify the upper limit for the return codes to be automatically retried. When automatic retry on abnormal end is set, if the return code output on an abnormal end is equal to or smaller than the value specified for this option, automatic retry is performed.

You can specify a value from 1 to 4,294,967,295. If "" is specified, the value is treated as undefined, and the maximum value (4,294,967,295) is assumed at job execution.

A value that is equal to or smaller than the abnormal threshold and a value that is smaller than the lower limit for the return codes to be automatically retried cannot be specified. In addition, if the lower and upper limits of the return codes to be automatically retried constitute an invalid range, an error occurs.

This option cannot be defined for the passing information setting job.

-rc maximum-number-of-retry-executions

Specify the maximum number of retry executions for automatic retry.

You can specify a value from 1 to 12.

This option cannot be defined for the passing information setting job.

-ri retry-interval

Specify the retry interval for automatic retry.

You can specify a value from 1 to 10 (minutes).

This option cannot be defined for the passing information setting job.

-qu queue-name

Modifies the name of the queue for queuing the job.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 63 bytes.

-qm queue-manager-host-name

Modifies the name of the queue manager host.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 255 bytes.

-rq job-name

Modifies the job name.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 63 bytes.

-s1 transfer-source-file-name-1

Modifies transfer source file name 1.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 511 bytes.

-d1 transfer-destination-file-name-1

Modifies transfer destination file name 1.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 511 bytes.

-t1 {sav|del}

Modifies the option for deleting transfer destination file 1 upon the completion of job execution.

  • sav

    Saves the file upon the completion of job execution.

  • del

    Deletes the file upon the completion of job execution.

-s2 transfer-source-file-name-2

Modifies transfer source file name 2.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 511 bytes.

-d2 transfer-destination-file-name-2

Modifies transfer destination file name 2.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 511 bytes.

-t2 {sav|del}

Modifies the option for deleting transfer destination file 2 upon the completion of job execution.

  • sav

    Saves the file upon the completion of job execution.

  • del

    Deletes the file upon the completion of job execution.

-s3 transfer-source-file-name-3

Modifies transfer source file name 3.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 511 bytes.

-d3 transfer-destination-file-name-3

Modifies transfer destination file name 3.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 511 bytes.

-t3 {sav|del}

Modifies the option for deleting transfer destination file 3 upon the completion of job execution.

  • sav

    Saves the file upon the completion of job execution.

  • del

    Deletes the file upon the completion of job execution.

-s4 transfer-source-file-name-4

Modifies transfer source file name 4.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 511 bytes.

-d4 transfer-destination-file-name-4

Modifies transfer destination file name 4.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 511 bytes.

-t4 {sav|del}

Modifies the option for deleting transfer destination file 4 upon the completion of job execution.

  • sav

    Saves the file upon the completion of job execution.

  • del

    Deletes the file upon the completion of job execution.

-jt {q|n}

Modify whether the job has the queuing attribute.

  • q

    Has the queuing attribute.

  • n

    Does not have the queuing attribute.

-da destination-or-broadcast-agent

Modifies the destination or broadcast agent.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 128 bytes.

You can specify this option for flexible jobs only. If you specify this option for any other jobs, processing continues on the assumption that the option is invalid.

-fg {none|sync|async}

Modifies the broadcast execution method for a flexible job.

With broadcast execution for a flexible job, you can use either of the two modes (synchronous mode and asynchronous mode) for processing of succeeding jobs. In synchronous mode, a succeeding job is executed after the broadcast agent receives reports of execution completion from all destination agents. In asynchronous mode, a succeeding job is executed when the broadcast agent sends an execution request to all destination agents.

  • none

    Executes a normal flexible job without performing broadcast execution.

  • SYNC

    Performs broadcast execution in synchronous mode.


    Performs broadcast execution in asynchronous mode.

-HC connection-configuration-file-name

Modifies connection configuration file name.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 511 bytes.

Specify the path name by using the absolute path.


Modifies the request type.

  • GET

  • POST

  • PUT


If you specify "", the default value GET is assumed.

-HE {y|n}

Defines whether to use extended mode. You can specify this option if the versions of JP1/AJS3 - Manager and JP1/AJS3 - Agent are 12-50 or later.

If you specify "", the default value n is assumed.

  • y

    Uses extended mode. The contents of both the transmission information file (URL parameter) and the transmission information file (message body) are sent as an HTTP request.

  • n

    Does not use extended mode. The contents of only the transmission information file are sent as an HTTP request.

If you specify y for this option, the definition of the transmission information file name is initialized. In addition, when y is specified for this option, if the -HS option is specified together with this option, it is ignored.

If you specify n for this option, the definition of the transmission information file name (URL parameter) and the transmission information file name (message body) is initialized. In addition, when n is specified for this option, if the -HU and -HM options are specified together with this option, they are ignored.

-HS transmission-information-file-name

Modifies transmission information file name. You can specify this option if the versions of JP1/AJS3 - Manager and JP1/AJS3 - Agent are 12-10 or earlier, or if extended mode is not used.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 511 bytes.

Specify the path name by using the absolute path.

If you specify "", this item becomes undefined.

If you specify this option together with the -HE option, you must specify n for the -HE option. If n (do not use extended mode) has been specified when you run this command, you can omit the -HE option. If you omit the -HE option when y (use extended mode) has been specified, the specification of the -HS option is ignored.

-HU transmission-information-file-name-(URL-parameter)

Modifies the transmission information file name (URL parameter). You can specify this option if extended mode is used when the versions of JP1/AJS3 - Manager and JP1/AJS3 - Agent are 12-50 or later.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 511 bytes.

Specify the path name by using the absolute path.

If you specify "", this item becomes undefined.

If you specify this option together with the -HE option, you must specify y for the -HE option. If y (use extended mode) has been specified when you run this command, you can omit the -HE option. If you omit the -HE option when n (do not use extended mode) has been specified, the specification of the -HU option is ignored.

-HM transmission-information-file-name-(message-body)

Modifies the transmission information file name (message body). You can specify this option if extended mode is used when the versions of JP1/AJS3 - Manager and JP1/AJS3 - Agent are 12-50 or later.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 511 bytes.

Specify the path name by using the absolute path.

If you specify "", this item becomes undefined.

If you specify this option together with the -HE option, you must specify y for the -HE option. If y (use extended mode) has been specified when you run this command, you can omit the -HE option. If you omit the -HE option when n (do not use extended mode) has been specified, the specification of the -HM option is ignored.

-HT statuses-store-file-name

Modifies statuses store file name.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 511 bytes.

Specify the path name by using the absolute path.

-HD {diff|same}

Modifies how received data is stored.

  • diff

    The header part of the received data is written to the file for storing the received header, and the body part is written to the file for storing the received body.

  • same

    The header part and body part of the received data are written to the file for storing the received header, without being separated.

If you specify "", the default value diff is assumed.

If you specify same, the value specified for -HB name-of-the-file-for-storing-received-body is ignored.

-HH received-header-store-file-name

Modifies received header store file name.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 511 bytes.

Specify the path name by using the absolute path.

-HB received-body-store-file-name

Modifies received body store file name.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 511 bytes.

Specify the path name by using the absolute path.

If you specify same for the -HD {diff|same} option, the setting for this option is ignored.

-HR return-code-1:HTTP-status-code-1[,HTTP-status-code-2...];

Specifies a job return code for each HTTP status code.

You can specify multiple instances of this option. To specify multiple job return codes, use the following specification format: -HR return-code-1:HTTP-status-code-1 -HR return-code-2:HTTP-status-code-2 ...

You can specify a character string of 1 to 511 bytes. For a job return code, you can specify a value in the range from 0 to 9. For an HTTP status code, you can specify a value in the range from 100 to 999. You can use only numeric characters (0 to 9) and colons (:).

If you specify "", this item becomes undefined.


These options modify definition information for a judgment job.

-ej {gt|ge|lt|le|eq|ne|ri|ro|ef|nf|vgt|vge|vlt|vle|veq|vne|vri|vro|sce|spe|sne|spn|snn|snl}

This option is used to modify the judgment method.

  • gt

    Indicates that the return code for the preceding job is greater than the judgment value.

  • ge

    Indicates that the return code for the preceding job is greater than or equal to the judgment value.

  • lt

    Indicates that the return code for the preceding job is less than the judgment value.

  • le

    Indicates that the return code for the preceding job is less than or equal to the judgment value.

  • eq

    Indicates that the return code for the preceding job is equal to the judgment value.

  • ne

    Indicates that the return code for the preceding job is not equal to the judgment value.

  • ri

    Indicates that the return code of the preceding job is within the judgment value range. The lower limit judgment return code (-el option) and the upper limit judgment return code (-eh option) must also be specified at the same time. If necessary, specify boundary conditions (the -lP and -uP options).

  • ro

    Indicates that the return code of the preceding job is outside of the judgment value range. The lower limit judgment return code (-el option) and the upper limit judgment return code (-eh option) must also be specified at the same time. If necessary, specify boundary conditions (the -lP and -uP options).

  • ef

    Indicates that the job has created a file.

  • nf

    Indicates that the job has not created a file.

  • vgt

    Indicates that the value of the specified variable is greater than the judgment value (numeric).

  • vge

    Indicates that the value of the specified variable is equal to or greater than the judgment value (numeric).

  • vlt

    Indicates that the value of the specified variable is less than the judgment value (numeric).

  • vle

    Indicates that the value of the specified variable is equal to or less than the judgment value (numeric).

  • veq

    Indicates that the value of the specified variable is equal to the judgment value (numeric).

  • vne

    Indicates that the value of the specified variable is not equal to the judgment value (numeric).

  • vri

    Indicates that the value of the specified variable is within the judgment value (numeric) range. The lower limit variable judgment value (-jS option) and the upper limit variable judgment value (-jG option) must also be specified at the same time. If necessary, specify boundary conditions (the -lP and -uP options).

  • vro

    Indicates that the value of the specified variable is outside the judgment value (numeric) range. The lower limit variable judgment value (-jS option) and the upper limit variable judgment value (-jG option) must also be specified at the same time. If necessary, specify boundary conditions (the -lP and -uP options).

  • sce

    Indicates that the value of the specified variable is equal to the judgment value (string).

  • spe

    Indicates that the value of the specified variable includes the judgment value (string).

  • sne

    Indicates that the value of the specified variable is not equal to the judgment value (string).

  • spn

    Indicates that the value of the specified variable does not include the judgment value (character string). The variable name (-jV option) and the judgment character string (-jT option) of the variable must also be specified at the same time.

  • snn

    Indicates that the value of the specified variable does exist.

  • snl

    Indicates that the value of the specified variable does not exist.

-ec judgment-return-code

Modifies the return code used for judgment.

You can specify a value between 0 and 4,294,967,295.

-el lower-limit-judgment-return-code

Changes the lower limit return code used for judgment.

You can specify a value from 0 to 4,294,967,295. If there is no integer value within the range used to judge the return code from the lower limit judgment return code (-el option) and the boundary condition (-lP option) to the upper limit judgment code (-eh option) and the boundary condition (-uP option), an error occurs.

If the return code is either within or outside the judgment value range (the vi or ro is specified for the -ej option), this option takes effect.

If the return code is a negative value, judgment can be performed by specifying a value that is converted to an unsigned integer. For example, -1 is handled as 4,294,967,295 in Windows, and as 255 in UNIX. Note, however, that if a negative number in a return code is converted to an unsigned integer, it is within the range from 2,147,483,648 to 4,294,967,295. Therefore, if the range for a return code is spans 0, a range cannot be specified.

-eh upper-limit-judgment-return-code

Changes the upper limit return code used for judgment.

You can specify a value from 0 to 4,294,967,295. If there is no integer value within the range used to judge the return code from the lower limit judgment return code (-el option) and the boundary condition (-lP option) to the upper limit judgment code (-eh option) and the boundary condition (-uP option), an error occurs.

If the return code is either within or outside the judgment value range (the vi or ro is specified for the -ej option), this option takes effect.

If the return code is a negative value, judgment can be performed by specifying a value that is converted to an unsigned integer. For example, -1 is handled as 4,294,967,295 in Windows, and as 255 in UNIX. Note, however, that if a negative number in a return code is converted to an unsigned integer, it is within the range from 2,147,483,648 to 4,294,967,295. Therefore, if the range for a return code is spans 0, a range cannot be specified.

-ef end-judgment-file-name

Modifies the name of the file used for judgment.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 260 bytes.

-jV variable-name

Changes the variable name serving as the target of judgment.

You can specify a string of 1 to 64 bytes in ?AJS2xxxxx? format. What you can specify in the xxxxx part is limited to upper-case alphabetic characters, numeric characters, and periods (.).

-jT string-of-judging-variable

Changes the string serving as the target of variable judgment.

You can specify a string of 1 to 511 bytes.

-jI numerical-value-of-judging-variable

Changes the numerical value serving as the target of variable judgment.

You can specify a value of 0 to 2,147,483,647.

-jS lower-limit-variable-judgment-value

Changes the numeric value of the lower limit used for variable judgment.

You can specify a value from 0 to 2,147,483,647. If there is no integer value within the range used for variable judgment (numeric) from the lower limit variable judgment numeric value (-jS option) and the boundary condition (-lP option) to the upper limit variable judgment numeric value (-jG option) and the boundary condition (-uP option), an error occurs.

If the variable value is either within or outside the range (the vri or vro is specified for the -ej option) of the judgment value (numeric), this option takes effect.

-jG upper-limit-variable-judgment-value

Changes the numeric value of the upper limit used for variable judgment.

You can specify a value from 0 to 2,147,483,647. If there is no integer value within the range used for variable judgment (numeric) from the lower limit variable judgment numeric value (-jS option) and the boundary condition (-lP option) to the upper limit variable judgment numeric value (-jG option) and the boundary condition (-uP option), an error occurs.

If the variable value is either within or outside the range (the vri or vro is specified for the -ej option) of the judgment value (numeric), this option takes effect.

-lP {gt|ge}

Defines boundary conditions for the lower limit judgment return code (-el option) or the lower limit variable judgment value (-jS option).

  • gt

    Indicates that the return code of the preceding job or the judgment value (numeric) of a variable is greater than the judgment value.

  • ge

    Indicates that the return code of the preceding job or the judgment value (numeric) of a variable is equal to or greater than the judgment value.

-uP {lt|le}

Defines boundary conditions for the upper limit judgment return code (-eh option) or the upper limit variable judgment value (-jG option).

  • lt

    Indicates that the return code of the preceding job or the judgment value (numeric) of a variable is smaller than the judgment value.

  • le

    Indicates that the return code of the preceding job or the judgment value (numeric) of a variable is equal to or smaller than the judgment value.


These options modify definition information for a JP1 event reception monitoring job.

-jp macro-variable-specification

Modifies the specification of a macro variable.

You can specify this option multiple times in the format -jp macro-variable-name:passing-information-name. However, if you specify the same macro variable name more than once, the system only passes the passing information associated with the first instance of the macro variable name.

Specify macro variable names as a string of 1 to 64 bytes in ?AJS2xxxxx? format. The xxxxx part is limited to upper-case alphabetic characters, numeric characters, and periods (.).

You can specify a character string of up to 2,048 bytes in total. This means that the sum of the number of bytes should not exceed 2,048 after the value of the -jp option is converted to the jpoif=?AJS2xxxxx?:passing-information-name; format that is output with the ajsprint -a option.

You can specify the following character strings for passing-information-name:

  • CMTMOUT: Whether the job has ended due to time-out

  • EVID: Event ID

  • EVUSR: Event issuer user name

  • EVGRP: Event issuer group name

  • EVHOST: Event issuer event server name

  • EVIPADDR: Event issuer IP address

  • EVMSG: Message information

  • EVDETAIL: Event detail information

  • EVSEV: Extended attribute event level

  • EV: extended-attribute-name: Arbitrary extended attribute

  • EVENV1 to EVENV9: Retrieved data

  • EVUSRID: Event issuer user ID

  • EVGRPID: Event issuer group ID

  • EVPROCESSID: Event issuer process ID

  • EVDATE: Date of event issue

  • EVTIME: Time of event issue

-EI monitoring-event-ID

Modifies the monitoring event ID.

You can specify a hexadecimal value between 00000000:00000000 and FFFFFFFF:FFFFFFFF.

-EU event-source-user-name

Modifies the name of the user issuing an event.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 20 bytes.

-EG event-source-group-name

Modifies the name of the group issuing an event.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 20 bytes.

-EH event-source-host-name

Modifies the name of the host issuing an event.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 255 bytes.

-Ei event-source-IP-address

Modifies the IP address of the event source.

You can specify a value between and in the format. You can specify a value between 0 and 255 for each of XXX, YYY, xxx and yyy.

-EM event-message-information

Modifies the event message information.

You can specify characters or a regular expression of 1 to 1,024 bytes.

-ED event-detail-information

Modifies the event detail information.

You can specify characters or a regular expression of 1 to 1,024 bytes.

-ES event-level

Modifies the event level, which is one of the event extended attributes.

You can specify the following character strings. You can specify multiple event levels delimited with ":", such as -ES em:al.

  • em: Uses Emergency as the matching criteria.

  • al: Uses Alert as the matching criteria.

  • cr: Uses Critical as the matching criteria.

  • er: Uses Error as the matching criteria.

  • wr: Uses Warning as the matching criteria.

  • no: Uses Notice as the matching criteria.

  • in: Uses Information as the matching criteria.

  • db: Uses Debug as the matching criteria.

-EF any-event-extended-attribute

Modifies any event extended attribute.

You can specify more than one attribute in the following format:

-EF "any-event-extended-attribute-name:\"value\""

If the value contains double quotation marks (") or #, use a cast character (#). Specify #\" for " and ## for #.

You can specify a character string of up to 2,048 bytes in total. This means that the sum of the number of bytes should not exceed 2,048 after the value specified in the -EF option is converted to the evwfr=any-event-extended-attribute-name:"value"; format that is output with the ajsprint -a option.

-ET end-judgment-condition

Modifies the end judgment condition.

You can specify the following characters:

  • n: Assumes every termination of the job to be a normal end.

  • a: Assumes every termination of the job to be an abnormal end.

  • n:file-name: Assumes a normal end if the message coincides with the contents of the specified file.

  • a:file-name: Assumes an abnormal end if the message coincides with the contents of the specified file.

  • d:file-name: Assumes a normal end if the detailed information coincides with the contents of the specified file.

  • b:file-name: Assumes an abnormal end if the detailed information coincides with the contents of the specified file.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 256 bytes for the file name.

-Eu event-source-user-ID

Modifies the ID of the user issuing an event.

You can specify a value between -1 to 9,999,999,999.

-Eg event-source-group-ID

Modifies the ID of the group issuing an event.

You can specify a value between -1 to 9,999,999,999.

-Ep event-source-process-ID

Modifies the ID of the process issuing an event.

You can specify a value between -1 to 9,999,999,999.

-Ee {no|minutes}

Specify whether, immediately after the JP1 event reception monitoring job is executed (before starting monitoring for a JP1 event) any previous JP1 events will still be monitored for reception.

  • no

    Does not search for previous JP1 events.

  • minutes

    Searches for JP1 events that occurred after the specified time before the JP1 event reception monitoring job was executed. You can specify a decimal value between 1 and 720 (minutes).

    If you specify minutes, ensure that the monitor event ID is already specified with the -EI option.

    If you have not specified the monitor event ID, use the -EI option simultaneously to specify the monitor event ID.


These options modify definition information for a file monitoring job.

-jp macro-variable-specification

Modifies the specification of a macro variable.

You can specify this option multiple times in the format -jp macro-variable-name:passing-information-name. However, if you specify the same macro variable name more than once, the system only passes the passing information associated with the first instance of the macro variable name.

Specify macro variable names as a string of 1 to 64 bytes in ?AJS2xxxxx? format. The xxxxx part is limited to upper-case alphabetic characters, numeric characters, and periods (.).

You can specify a character string of up to 2,048 bytes in total. This means that the sum of the number of bytes should not exceed 2,048 after the value of the -jp option is converted to the jpoif=?AJS2xxxxx?:passing-information-name; format that is output with the ajsprint -a option.

You can specify the following character strings for passing-information-name:

  • CMTMOUT: Whether the job has ended due to time-out

  • FLFNAME: Full-path name of the changed file

  • FLCOND: Conditional parameter

  • FLCTIME: Time at which the file was updated

  • FLSIZE: Size of the changed file

-FF monitored-file-name

Modifies the name of the file to be monitored.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 255 bytes. Use a complete name or wildcard characters to specify the file name. Note, however, that you cannot specify the file name using wildcard characters when a value from 1 to 9 is used to specify the monitor interval in the -FI option.

-FC monitoring-conditions

Modifies the monitoring conditions.

You can specify one or more of the following characters. (Delimit with ":", such as -FC c:d. You cannot, however, specify both s and m in one command.

  • c: Monitors the creation of a file.

  • d: Monitors the deletion of a file.

  • s: Monitors the resizing of a file.

  • m: Monitors the modification of the last written time for a file.

When you specify the -FO option, also specify the c character.

If you specify the c character without specifying the -FO option, the file monitor job is executed before the system monitors creation of the file to be monitored.

If you delete the c character, the system does not monitor file creation.

-FI monitoring-interval

Modifies the time interval for file monitoring.

You can specify a value between 1 and 600 (seconds). Note, however, that you cannot specify a value from 1 to 9 when the file name using wildcard characters is used to specify the monitor file name in the -FF option.

-FO handling-in-presence-of-file-to-be-monitored

This option changes the way of executing the file monitoring job when there is a file to be monitored. It can be specified only when the monitor conditions contain "Monitor file creation".

You can specify one or more of the following characters.

  • y: The system terminates normally assuming that the monitor conditions have been met.

  • n: The system continues to monitor the target file.


These options modify definition information for an email reception monitoring job.

-jp macro-variable-specification

Modifies the specification of a macro variable.

You can specify this option multiple times in the format -jp macro-variable-name:passing-information-name. However, if you specify the same macro variable name more than once, the system only passes the passing information associated with the first instance of the macro variable name.

Specify macro variable names as a string of 1 to 64 bytes in ?AJS2xxxxx? format. The xxxxx part is limited to upper-case alphabetic characters, numeric characters, and periods (.).

You can specify a character string of up to 2,048 bytes in total. This means that the sum of the number of bytes should not exceed 2,048 after the value of the -jp option is converted to the jpoif=?AJS2xxxxx?:passing-information-name; format that is output with the ajsprint -a option.

You can specify the following character strings for passing-information-name:

  • CMTMOUT: Whether the job has ended due to time-out

  • MLRCVADDRESS: Email sender's address#

  • MLRCVSUBJECT: Email title

  • MLRCVBODY: File storing email text

  • MLRCVATTACHFILEnn (nn is a value between 01 and 20): Name of the file attached to the email

  • MLRCVATTACHLIST: Name of the file containing a list of files attached to the email


  • MLRCVTIME: Time at which the email arrived


In Windows, you can pass display names (nicknames).

To pass a display name, set the Nickname attribute of the NextAddress environment setting parameter. For details, see 2.3.4 Setting up the environment for the mail system linkage in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Linkage Guide.

-pf platform-type

Modifies the platform type for defining email reception.

You can specify either of the following characters:

  • u: Defines email reception under UNIX.

  • p: Defines email reception under Windows.

-MA sender

Modifies the sender of the received email.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 256 bytes.

You can specify up to 20 senders in the -MA "sender" format.

-ML email-reception-list-name

Modifies the name of the email reception list.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 255 bytes.

-MP profile-name

Modifies the profile name.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 256 bytes.

-Ms email-save-mode

Modifies the mode of saving received email.

You can specify either of the following characters:

  • y: Saves received email.

  • n: Does not save received email.

-MS subject

Modifies the subject of the received email.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 256 bytes.

You can specify up to 20 subjects in one command using the -MS "subject" format.

-MF folder-to-store-attached-file

Modifies the name of the folder in which you store any attached file of the received email.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 256 bytes.

-mf attached-file-list-file-name

Modifies the name of the file containing a list of attached files.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 256 bytes. Use a full path to specify the list file name.

-Mt file-to-store-email-text

Modifies the name of the file in which you store the text of the received email.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 256 bytes. Use a full path to specify the file name.

-MT text

Modifies the text of the received email.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 512 bytes.

You can specify up to 20 messages in one command in the -MT text format.


These options modify definition information for a message queue reception monitoring job.

-jp macro-variable-specification

Modifies the specification of a macro variable.

You can specify this option multiple times in the format -jp macro-variable-name:passing-information-name. However, if you specify the same macro variable name more than once, the system only passes the passing information associated with the first instance of the macro variable name.

Specify macro variable names as a string of 1 to 64 bytes in ?AJS2xxxxx? format. The xxxxx part is limited to upper-case alphabetic characters, numeric characters, and periods (.).

You can specify a character string of up to 2,048 bytes in total. This means that the sum of the number of bytes should not exceed 2,048 after the value of the -jp option is converted to the jpoif=?AJS2xxxxx?:passing-information-name; format that is output with the ajsprint -a option.

You can specify the following character strings for passing-information-name:

  • CMTMOUT: Whether the job has ended due to time-out

  • MQRCVCORRELATION: Message correlation ID


  • MQRCVQUEUE: Message reception queue name

  • MQRCVMODELQUEUE: Model queue name

  • MQRCVMESSAGEFILE: Message structure storage file name

-QC correlation-ID

Modifies the correlation ID of the received message.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 24 bytes. You can, however, specify only uppercase letters and numbers.

-QD message-ID

Modifies the message ID of the received message.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 24 bytes. You can, however, specify only uppercase letters and numbers.

-QM model-queue-name

Modifies the model queue name for the queue used to monitor message reception.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 48 bytes. Specify the queue name using an MQ character string.

-QQ message-reception-queue-name

Modifies the name of the queue used to monitor message reception.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 48 bytes. Specify the queue name using an MQ character string.

-QS message-storage-file-name

Modifies the name of the file in which you store messages.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 256 bytes.


These options modify definition information for an MSMQ reception monitoring job.

-jp macro-variable-specification

Modifies the specification of a macro variable.

You can specify this option multiple times in the format -jp macro-variable-name:passing-information-name. However, if you specify the same macro variable name more than once, the system only passes the passing information associated with the first instance of the macro variable name.

Specify macro variable names as a string of 1 to 64 bytes in ?AJS2xxxxx? format. The xxxxx part is limited to upper-case alphabetic characters, numeric characters, and periods (.).

You can specify a character string of up to 2,048 bytes in total. This means that the sum of the number of bytes should not exceed 2,048 after the value of the -jp option is converted to the jpoif=?AJS2xxxxx?:passing-information-name; format that is output with the ajsprint -a option.

You can specify the following character strings for passing-information-name:

  • CMTMOUT: Whether the job has ended due to time-out

  • MSRCVQUEUEPATH: Message queue path name

  • MSRCVMUTUAL: Message correlation ID

  • MSRCVMESSAGELABEL: Message label

  • MSRCVAPPLICATION: Message application information

  • MSRCVMESSAGEFILE: Message structure storage file name

-SA application-information

Modifies the application information for the message to be monitored.

You can specify a hexadecimal value between 0 and FFFFFFFF.

-SM message-label

Modifies the message label for the message to be monitored.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 249 bytes.

-SQ queue-path-name

Modifies the queue path name for the queue used to monitor messages.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 259 bytes.

-SR message-correlation-ID

Modifies the correlation ID of the message to be monitored.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 20 bytes. You can, however, specify only uppercase letters and numbers.

-SF message-storage-file-name

Modifies the name of the file in which you store messages.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 256 bytes. Use a full path to specify the file name.


These options modify definition information for a log file monitoring job.

-jp macro-variable-specification

Modifies the specification of a macro variable.

You can specify this option multiple times in the format -jp macro-variable-name:passing-information-name. However, if you specify the same macro variable name more than once, the system only passes the passing information associated with the first instance of the macro variable name.

Specify macro variable names as a string of 1 to 64 bytes in ?AJS2xxxxx? format. The xxxxx part is limited to upper-case alphabetic characters, numeric characters, and periods (.).

You can specify a character string of up to 2,048 bytes in total. This means that the sum of the number of bytes should not exceed 2,048 after the value of the -jp option is converted to the jpoif=?AJS2xxxxx?:passing-information-name; format that is output with the ajsprint -a option.

You can specify the following character strings for passing-information-name:

  • CMTMOUT: Whether the job has ended due to time-out

  • LFFNAME: Trapped log file name

  • LFDATA: Trapped data

-Lw file-creation-wait-option

Modifies the option for file creation wait at the beginning of log file monitoring job.

You can specify either of the following characters:

  • y: Generates an error if a log file is not found.

  • n: Repeats opening a file until a log file is created.

-Ld log-file-output-file-format

Modifies the output file format for the log file.

You can specify the following character strings.

  • s: Sequential (default). Data is appended to one log file, and when the file is filled to its capacity, a new log file is created with another name, and new log data is written to the new file.

  • s2: Sequential. A log file with the same name is continuously used for logging by creating a new file with the same name after backing up the current file with another name or deleting the current file.

    If the job execution host is a Windows host, you can specify this option in JP1/AJS3 or in JP1/AJS2 08-00 or a later version if the JP1/Base version is 08-10 or later.

    If the job execution host is a UNIX host, you can specify this option in JP1/AJS3 or in JP1/AJS2 07-00 or a later version if the JP1/Base version is 07-00 or later.

  • w1: Wraparound (When log data is written to the end of the log file, the existing data is overwritten with new data, starting with the beginning of the file.)

  • w2: Wraparound (When log data is written to the end of the log file, the existing data is deleted and then new data is written from the beginning of the file.)

-LF log-file-name

Changes the log file name to be monitored.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 256 bytes.

You can specify up to 8 files in one command in the -LF "log-file-name" format.

-LL header-specification

Modifies the header.

You can specify either of the following characters:

  • l:number-of-lines-in-header: Modifies the number of lines contained in the header. You can specify a value between 0 and 99, 999 (lines).

  • s:header-size: Modifies the size of the header. You can specify a size of up to 9,999,999 (bytes).

-LM data-other-than-log-information

Modifies data other than the log information.

You can specify more than one data item in one command using the -LM "[!]\"data-other-than-log-information\"" format.

If the data contains double quotation marks (") or #, use a cast character (#). Specify #\" for " and ## for #.

You can specify a character string of up to 1,024 bytes in total. This means that the sum of the number of bytes should not exceed 1,024 after the value specified in the -LM option is converted to the following format that is output with the ajsprint -a option:


-LX maximum-event-data-length

Modifies the maximum length of event data.

You can specify a character string of 2 to 512 bytes.

-LR log-data-record-format

Modifies the record format of the log data to be trapped.

You can specify either of the following characters:

  • v:'[\] delimiter': Delimits a line using variable-length records. You can specify the delimiter consisting of a character string of 1 byte.

  • f:record-length: Delimits a line using fixed-length records. You can specify a value between 1 and 9,999,999 (bytes) for the record length.

-LI log-file-search-interval

Modifies the time interval for log file searching.

You can specify a value between 1 and 86,400 (seconds).

-Ls search-start-option

Modifies the search start option.

You can specify either of the following characters:

  • y: Inputs from the top data.

  • n: Does not input from the top data.

-LD trap-data

Modifies the data to be trapped.

You can specify more than one data item in one command using the -LD "[!]\"trap-data\"" format.

If the trap data contains double quotation marks (") or #, use a cast character (#). Specify #\" for " and ## for #.

You can specify a character string of up to 2,048 bytes in total. This means that the sum of the number of bytes should not exceed 2,048 after the value specified in the -LD option is converted to the lftpd=[!]"trap-data-1"[:[!]"trap-data-2"...]; format that is output with the ajsprint -a option.


These options modify definition information for a Windows event log monitoring job.

-jp macro-variable-specification

Modifies the specification of a macro variable.

You can specify this option multiple times in the format -jp macro-variable-name:passing-information-name. However, if you specify the same macro variable name more than once, the system only passes the passing information associated with the first instance of the macro variable name.

Specify macro variable names as a string of 1 to 64 bytes in ?AJS2xxxxx? format. The xxxxx part is limited to upper-case alphabetic characters, numeric characters, and periods (.).

You can specify a character string of up to 2,048 bytes in total. This means that the sum of the number of bytes should not exceed 2,048 after the value of the -jp option is converted to the jpoif=?AJS2xxxxx?:passing-information-name; format that is output with the ajsprint -a option.

You can specify the following character strings for passing-information-name:

  • CMTMOUT: Whether the job has ended due to time-out

  • NELOG: Log type

  • NEEVKIND: Event type

  • NESOURCE: Source

  • NECLASS: Category

  • NEEVID: Event ID

  • NEDETAIL: Description

-NJ event-category-judgment-condition

Modifies the judgment condition for an event category.

You can specify one of the following characters:

  • y: Monitors the specified category.

  • n: Monitors the categories other than the specified category.

-NC category

Modifies the category of the events you want to monitor.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 255 bytes.

-ND description

Modifies the description you want to use for comparison when monitoring the detailed description of an event.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 1,024 bytes.

-Ni event-ID-judgment-condition

Modifies the judgment condition for an event ID.

You can specify either of the following characters:

  • y: Monitors the specified event ID.

  • n: Monitors the event IDs other than the specified event ID.

-NI event-ID

Modifies the event ID of the events you want to monitor.

You can specify a value between 0 and 4,294,967,295.

-NE event-type

Modifies the event type.

You can specify either of the following characters: You can specify one of the following characters: You can specify multiple types delimited with ":", such as -NE i:w:e.

  • v: Monitors verbose events.

  • i: Monitors information events.

  • w: Monitors warning events.

  • e: Monitors error events.

  • c: Monitors critical events.

  • s: Monitors successful audit events.

  • f: Monitors failed audit events.

-NL log-type

Modifies the log type.

You can specify the following character strings.

  • sys: Monitors the system log.

  • sec: Monitors the security log.

  • app: Monitors the application log.

  • dns: Monitors the DNS Server log (for Windows 2000).

  • dir: Monitors the Directory Service log (for Windows 2000).

  • frs: Monitors the file reproduction service log (for Windows 2000).

  • oth: Monitors the log type specified for the -Nt option.

When oth is specified, the -Nt option must also be specified. If the value is changed from oth to another value, the value specified for the -Nt option is deleted.

-Nt any-log-type

Changes an arbitrary log type to be monitored.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 255 bytes.

If oth is not specified for the -NL option, an error occurs.

-Ns source-judgment-condition

Modifies the judgment condition for a source.

You can specify either of the following characters:

  • y: Monitors the specified source.

  • n: Monitors the sources other than the specified source.

-NS source

Modifies the source you want to monitor.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 255 bytes.


This option modifies definition information for an execution interval control job.

-jp macro-variable-specification

Modifies the specification of a macro variable.

You can specify this option multiple times in the format -jp macro-variable-name:passing-information-name. However, if you specify the same macro variable name more than once, the system only passes the passing information associated with the first instance of the macro variable name.

Specify macro variable names as a string of 1 to 64 bytes in ?AJS2xxxxx? format. The xxxxx part is limited to upper-case alphabetic characters, numeric characters, and periods (.).

You can specify a character string of up to 2,048 bytes in total. This means that the sum of the number of bytes should not exceed 2,048 after the value of the -jp option is converted to the jpoif=?AJS2xxxxx?:passing-information-name; format that is output with the ajsprint -a option.

You can specify the following character strings for passing-information-name:

  • CMTMOUT: Whether the job has ended due to time-out

-Tw wait-time

Modifies the wait time.

You can specify a value between 1 and 1,440 for the minute.

-eT {y|n}

When the execution interval control job is defined as a start condition, specify whether to complete the job immediately after it is started:

  • y: Completes the job immediately after it is started and starts the first execution immediately.

  • n: The job is not completed immediately after it is started. The job waits until the wait time passes before it starts the first execution.

For the execution interval control job defined for a normal jobnet instead of a start condition, the -eT option cannot be specified. If the option is specified, the KAVS0159-W message appears, the specification of the option is treated as invalid, and command processing continues.


These options modify definition information for an JP1 event sending job.

-pf platform-type

Modifies the platform type.

You can specify either of the following characters:

  • u: Operates in a UNIX environment.

  • p: Operates in a Windows environment.

-EH event-destination-host-name

Modifies the name of the host to which you want to transmit events.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 255 bytes.

-eM message

Modifies the message information you want to attach to the event.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 1,023 bytes.

-eI transmit-event-ID

Modifies the event ID of the event you want to transmit.

You can specify a hexadecimal value between 00000000 and 00001FFF, or between 7FFF8000 and 7FFFFFFF.

-eS event-level

Modifies the event level, which is one of the event extended attributes.

You can specify the following character strings.

  • em: Specifies Emergency.

  • al: Specifies Alert.

  • cr: Specifies Critical.

  • er: Specifies Error.

  • wr: Specifies Warning.

  • no: Specifies Notice.

  • in: Specifies Information.

  • db: Specifies Debug.

-Ef any-event-extended-attribute

Modifies any extended attribute attached to the event.

You can specify options in the following format: -Ef "any-extended-attribute-name:\"value\"".

You can specify in the following format:

-Ef "any-event-extended-attribute-name:\"value\""

You can specify more than one attribute (up to 128 bytes in the evsfr=any-event-extended-attribute-name:"value"; format).

If the value contains double quotation marks (") or #, use a cast character (#). Specify #\" for " and ## for #.

-eK {y|n}

Specifies whether to check the arrival of the event.

You can specify either of the following characters:

  • n: Does not check the arrival of the event.

  • y: Checks the arrival of the event.

-eP event-arrival-check-interval

Specifies the interval at which arrival checks will be attempted if the JP1 event has not yet arrived.

If the unit definition specifies no event arrival check, you can modify the specification to check arrivals by specifying this option with the -eK y option.

You cannot specify this option with the -eK n option.

You can specify a decimal value between 3 and 600 (seconds).

-eR event-arrival-check-count

Specifies the number of times arrival checks will be attempted if the JP1 event has not yet arrived.

If the unit definition specifies no event arrival check, you can modify the specification to check arrivals by specifying this option with the -eK y option.

You cannot specify this option with the -eK n option.

You can specify a decimal value between 0 and 999 (times).

-jt {q|n}

Changes the queuing attribute type.

  • q: The queuing attribute exists.

  • n: The queuing attribute does not exist.


These options modify definition information for an email sending job.

-pf platform-type

Modifies the platform type.

You can specify either of the following characters:

  • u: Operates in a UNIX environment.

  • p: Operates in a Windows environment.

-MA email-address

Modifies the address to which you want to transmit email.

You can specify the following character strings.

  • to:email-address: Transmits the email to the destination.

  • cc:email-address: Transmits a copy of the email to the destination.

  • bcc:email-address: Transmits a copy of the email to the destination using the blind carbon copy feature.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 256 bytes for the email address.

You can specify up to 20 email addresses in one command using the -MA "email-address" format.

-MP profile-name

Modifies the profile name.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 256 bytes.

-MS subject

Modifies the subject of the email to be sent.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 256 bytes.

-mF attached-file-name

Modifies the name of the file you want to attach to the email to be sent.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 256 bytes. You can specify up to 20 files in one command in the -mF "attached-file-name" format. Use a full path to specify the file name.

-mf attached-file-list-file-name

Modifies the name of the file containing a list of attached files.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 256 bytes. Use a full path to specify the list file name.

-MT text

Modifies the text of the email to be sent.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 512 bytes.

-mt text-file-name

Modifies the text file name for the email to be sent.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 256 bytes. Use a full path to specify the file name.

-jt {q|n}

Changes the queuing attribute type.

  • q: The queuing attribute exists.

  • n: The queuing attribute does not exist.


These options modify definition information for a message queue for a sending job.

-pf platform-type

Modifies the platform type.

You can specify either of the following characters:

  • u: Operates in a UNIX environment.

  • p: Operates in a Windows environment.

-QC correlation-ID

Modifies the correlation ID of the message to be sent.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 24 bytes. You can, however, specify only uppercase letters and numbers.

-QD message-ID

Modifies the message ID you want to assign to the message to be sent.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 24 bytes. You can, however, specify only uppercase letters and numbers.

-qE dead-letter-queue-name

Modifies the dead letter queue name.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 48 bytes. Specify the queue name using an MQ character string.

-qH hold-time

Modifies the hold time for the message to be sent.

You can specify a value between 1 and 9,999,999 for the minute.

-QM model-queue-name

Modifies the model queue name.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 48 bytes. Specify the queue name using an MQ character string.

-qd message-data-file-name

Modifies the name of the message data file.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 256 bytes.

-qF message-format-name

Modifies the message format name.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 8 bytes. You can, however, specify only uppercase letters and numbers.

-qM queue-manager-name

Modifies the name of the queue manager used to sent the message.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 48 bytes. Specify the queue manager name using an MQ character string.

-qp connection-queue-management-program-name

Modifies the name of the connection queue management program.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 48 bytes. Specify the program name using an MQ character string.

-qR priority

Modifies the priority of the message to be sent.

You can specify a value between 0 and 9.

-qP permanence

Modifies the permanence of the message to be sent.

You can specify either of the following characters:

  • y: Permanent

  • n: Not permanent

-QQ queue-name

Modifies the name of the queue used to send the message.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 48 bytes. Specify the queue name using an MQ character string.

-jt {q|n}

Changes the queuing attribute type.

  • q: The queuing attribute exists.

  • n: The queuing attribute does not exist.


These options modify definition information for an MSMQ sending job.

-SA application-information

Modifies the application information for the message to be sent.

You can specify a hexadecimal value between 0 and FFFFFFFF.

-SH maintenance-duration

Modifies the hold time for the message to be sent.

You can specify the following values:

  • -1: INFINITE

  • n: 0 to 2,147,483,647 (seconds)

-sJ journal-queue-storage-specification-for-message

Modifies the specification for storing the sent message into the journal queue.

You can specify either of the following characters:

  • y: Stores the message into the journal queue.

  • n: Does not store the message into the journal queue.

-SM message-label

Modifies the message label for the message to be sent.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 249 bytes.

-sL sending-time-out-limit

Modifies the time-out limit for transmitting the message to be sent.

You can specify the following values:

  • -2: LONG_LIVED

  • -1: INFINITE

  • n: 0 to 2,147,483,647 (seconds)

-sM sending-mode

Modifies the sending mode for the message to be sent.

You can specify either of the following characters:

  • h: Transmits the message in the high-speed mode.

  • r: Transmits the message in the restorable mode.

-sP priority

Modifies the priority of the message to be sent.

You can specify a value between 0 and 7.

-sl queue-label-name

Modifies the queue label name for the message destination.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 124 bytes.

-SQ queue-path-name

Modifies the queue path name for the message destination.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 259 bytes.

-SR correlation-ID

Modifies the correlation ID of the message to be sent.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 20 bytes. You can, however, specify only uppercase letters and numbers.

-sF text-file-name

Modifies the text file name for the message to be sent.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 259 bytes. Use a full path to specify the file name.

-sT text-type

Modifies the type of the text of the message to be sent.

You can specify a hexadecimal value between 0 and FFFFFFFF.

-sU dead-letter-queue-storage-specification-for-message

Modifies the specification for storing the sent message into the dead letter queue.

You can specify either of the following characters:

  • y: Stores the message into the dead letter queue.

  • n: Does not store the message into the dead letter queue.

-jt {q|n}

Changes the queuing attribute type.

  • q: The queuing attribute exists.

  • n: The queuing attribute does not exist.


These options modify definition information for an OpenView status report job.

-pf platform-type

Modifies the platform type.

You can specify either of the following characters:

  • u: Operates in a UNIX environment.

  • p: Operates in a Windows environment.

-CI message-additional-information-to-post-to-HP NNM

Modifies the additional information for the message you want to post to HP NNM.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 256 bytes.

-CC status-to-post-to-HP NNM

Modifies the status you want to post to HP NNM.

You can specify one of the following character strings:

  • un: Unknown

  • no: Normal

  • wa: Warning

  • mi: Minor

  • ma: Major

  • cr: Critical

  • re: Restricted

  • te: Testing

  • di: Disabled

-jt {q|n}

Changes the queuing attribute type.

  • q: The queuing attribute exists.

  • n: The queuing attribute does not exist.


These options modify definition information for a local power control job.

-pf platform-type

Modifies the platform type.

You can specify either of the following characters:

  • u: Operates in a UNIX environment.

  • p: Operates in a Windows environment.

-PT power-control-type

Modifies the power control type.

You can specify one of the following characters:

  • f: Turns off the power.

  • r: Shuts down and then restarts the system.

  • s: Shuts down the system.

-Pf shutdown-type

Modifies the shutdown type.

You can specify one of the following characters:

  • m: Performs monitoring termination.

  • r: Performs restrictive termination.

  • f: Performs forced termination.

  • p: Performs planned termination.

-jt {q|n}

Changes the queuing attribute type.

  • q: The queuing attribute exists.

  • n: The queuing attribute does not exist.


These options modify definition information for a remote power control job.

-pf platform-type

Modifies the platform type.

You can specify either of the following characters:

  • u: Operates in a UNIX environment.

  • p: Operates in a Windows environment.

-PH power-control-target-host-name

Modifies the name of the JP1/Power Monitor agent host to which you want to apply power control.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 255 bytes.

-PF power-control-type

Modifies the power control type for the JP1/Power Monitor agent host.

You can specify one of the following characters:

  • o: Turns on the power.

  • m: Performs monitoring termination.

  • r: Performs restrictive termination.

  • f: Performs forced termination.

  • p: Performs planned termination.

  • s: Performs forced stop.

-PN next-power-on-time-setting

Modifies the setting of the next power-on time for the JP1/Power Monitor agent host.

You can specify one of the following characters or values:

  • n: Does not specify a next power-on time.

  • a: Enables the next power-on time set for the JP1/Power Monitor agent host.

  • c:[MM/DD.]hh:mm Specify the time in the c:[MM/DD.]hh:mm format. You can specify the following values:

    MM: 1 to 12 (month)

    DD: 1 to 31 (day)

    hh: 0 to 23 (hour)

    mm: 0 to 59 (minute)

-PR restart

Modifies the setting of restart after the shutdown of the JP1/Power Monitor agent host.

You can specify either of the following characters:

  • y: Restarts the host.

  • n: Does not restart the host.

-PW power-off-termination-wait

Modifies the setting of whether to wait for the JP1/Power Monitor agent host to completely turn off before terminating the remote power control job.

You can specify either of the following characters:

  • y: Waits for shutdown.

  • n: Does not wait for shutdown.

The end of power-off means that the JP1/Power Monitor on the agent host reports the start of a shutdown to the manager host of the JP1/Power Monitor.

-PP platform-type-of-power-control-target-host

Modifies the platform type for the host on which you will execute the remote power control job.

You can specify either of the following characters:

  • u: Operates in a UNIX environment.

  • p: Operates in a Windows environment.

-jt {q|n}

Changes the queuing attribute type.

  • q: The queuing attribute exists.

  • n: The queuing attribute does not exist.


Return values


Normal end

Multiple of 4 within the range from 4 to 124

Abnormal end

Additional information

To leave information undefined (default) for one of the following options, specify "" for the option.

Example 1

The following command changes the standard output file for job net1/job1 to /dev/null:

ajschgjob  -so /dev/null /net1/job1

Example 2

The following command changes the judgment condition for the judgment job (net1/jdg1) to a return code from 0 to less than 10.

ajschgjob -ej ri -el 0 -lP ge -eh 10 -uP lt /net1/jdg1