
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide

15.2.11 Set Monitoring Targets dialog box

In the Set Monitoring Targets dialog box, you can set the jobnets to be monitored in the Dashboard screen, and the days on which to monitor those jobnets. The jobnets you specify as monitoring targets must be selected from the same scheduler service.

The following figure shows the Set Monitoring Targets dialog box.

Figure 15‒14: Set Monitoring Targets dialog box


The following describes the items that are displayed in the Set Monitoring Targets dialog box.

Day for Monitor

Select the day to acquire the information (execution progress and status) on the monitoring-target unit in the range from 31 days before to Tomorrow.

The date on which monitoring is performed on the Dashboard screen is determined by the day selected here and by the base time of the monitoring-target unit.

For example, if the base time is 8:00, the date is updated based on 8:00, and the period from 8:00 to 7:59 on the next day is handled as one day. If you select Today for Day for Monitor and the current monitoring time is 7:00 on August 3, August 2 is assumed as the monitoring day.

Figure 15‒15: Monitoring days when the base time is 8:00


Monitoring name

Specify a monitoring name of 30 or fewer characters for the monitoring-target setting.

Monitored units

Select the units to be monitored from a selected job group. A maximum of 20 units can be selected.

However, if you select monitoring targets from job groups that have different base times, multiple monitoring days might exist depending on the monitoring time. Therefore, we recommend that you separately register monitoring targets from job groups that have the same base time, rather than registering a group of monitoring targets that have different base times.