
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide

9.12 Changing the status of jobs

This subsection describes the procedure for changing the status of jobs.

You can also use the ajschgstat command to change the status of jobs. For details of the command, see the description of ajschgstat in 3. Commands Used for Normal Operations in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference.

To change the status of a job:

  1. In the JP1/AJS3 - View window, in Function Menu, click Status Monitor.

    Status Monitor is now selected.

  2. In the tree area, click the job group that manages the job whose status you want to change.

    The job group you clicked is now selected.

    The root jobnet appears in the list area.

  3. Click the root jobnet containing the target job, choose View, Daily Schedule, and then Hierarchy.

    The Daily Schedule (Hierarchy) window appears.

  4. In the tree area, click the target job.

    The job you clicked is now selected.

  5. In the schedule area, for the job selected in step 4, click the colored mark whose status you want to change. Alternatively, in the execution result list, click the line whose status you want to change.

  6. Choose Operations and then Change Job Status.

    The Change Job Status dialog box appears.

  7. Change the status of the job.

  8. Click the OK button.

    The Change Job Status dialog box closes.

    The status of the job is changed.

    The colored mark in the schedule area is displayed in the color indicating the status specified in step 7.

    The change is also reflected in the execution result list.

Cautionary notes
  • The status can be changed only if the job is being executed or ended. For queueless jobs, the job status can be changed even while the jobs are waiting to execute.

  • If you change the status of a Unix job, PC job, flexible job, HTTP connection job, Queue job, action job, or custom job from executing to ended, the succeeding job or jobnet starts in the same manner as when the preceding job ends normally. At this time, the job that was being executed continues running even though it is in the ended status, and until the job actually ends, the agent management control will count the job toward the maximum number of jobs that can be executed concurrently.

    If you change the status of an event job and a custom event job from executing to ended, the succeeding job or jobnet starts in the same manner as when the event job and the custom event job end normally. Note that, however, no information to be inherited is set even if the event job and the custom event job is normally ended. In addition, the process for monitoring the event job and the custom event job end at the timing of the status change.

Supplementary notes
  • If you want to execute a jobnet definitely even if it contains an abnormally-ended job, you can do so by changing the status of such a job to a normal end.

  • You can also change the status of a job in the following windows:

    - Daily Schedule (All Jobs) window

    - Monthly Schedule window

    - Jobnet Monitor window

  • After changing the status of a job, you can use the ajsagtshow and the jpqagtshow commands to check the actual number of jobs in the queue and the number of jobs currently running. For details about these commands, see ajsagtshow in 3. Commands Used for Normal Operations in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference, and see jpqagtshow in 4. Commands Used for Special Operation in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference.