
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide

12.4.12 Define Details - [Flexible Job] dialog box

The Define Details - [Flexible Job] dialog box defines the details of a flexible job.

This dialog box contains the items displayed in common, and also contains the following pages:

Organization of this subsection

(1) Items displayed in common

The following figure shows the items displayed in common.

Figure 12‒123: Items displayed in common in the Define Details - [Flexible Job] dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Unit name

Specify a unit name. Use a character string of up to 30 bytes. The default is Flexible-Job.


Specify a comment for the unit. Use a character string of up to 80 bytes. The default is a blank.

Destination / Broadcast agent

Specify the host name, IP address, or DNS name of the destination to which a flexible job execution request will be sent. Use a character string of no more than 128 bytes. You can use a macro variable. The default is a blank. Information about jp1hosts or jp1hosts2 is not referenced.

When broadcasting is used, the destination of the execution request is a broadcast agent.

When a load balancer is used without broadcasting, the destination of the execution request is the load balancer.

When neither broadcasting nor a load balancer is used, the destination of the execution request is the agent host on which the flexible job is to be executed.

Broadcast execution

Specify whether to run a flexible job by using broadcast execution. To run a flexible job by using broadcast execution, select Execute. By default, Execute is not selected.

If you select Execute, you can also specify whether to use sync mode or async mode. In sync mode, a job finishes and processing for the next job starts when execution of the broadcast job finishes on all of the destination agents. In async mode, a job finishes and processing for the next job starts when execution requests are sent to all of the destination agents. The default setting is Sync.

Relay agent

Specify whether to use a relay agent. Select the Relay check box to use the relay agent. The check box is not selected by default.

If the OS of the manager host is not Windows or Linux, select the Relay check box. Flexible jobs must be relayed via a relay agent on which the ajsatsetup command is used to set up the function that requests the flexible job.

If you select the Relay check box, specify the name of the execution agent or execution agent group used to relay a flexible job. Use a character string of no more than 255 bytes. You can use a macro variable. The default is a blank.

Note that relay agents are subject to execution agent restriction. However, because this item is displayed as a text box rather than a combo box, you cannot select the execution agent that is set in the execution agent profile. In addition, when you click the OK button, the system does not check whether the value specified for this item is set in the execution agent profile.

(2) Definition page

The following figure shows the Definition page in the Define Details - [Flexible Job] dialog box.

Figure 12‒124: Definition page in the Define Details - [Flexible Job] dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

File name

Specify the name of a file on the agent host to be run. Use a character string of up to 511 bytes. The default is a blank.

You can specify an absolute path name. You can specify just the name of the file to be executed if the file is located on a path specified in the PATH environment variable.

You can also use a macro variable. If the file name contains any blanks, they must be enclosed in double quotation marks (").

Specify a parameter in Parameters, not in File name.


Specify job parameters. Use a character string of up to 1,023 bytes. You can also use a macro variable. The default is a blank.

Environment variables

The environment variables that are set at the time of job execution, system environment variables, or the environment variables that are set for the local login script of the execution user (OS user) are valid during job execution. You can add new variables to the environment for job execution. Use a character string of up to 10,240 bytes as the name of a new environment variable. You can also use a macro variable. The default is a blank.

For the environment variables that are set at the time of job execution, see 1.4.2 Environment variables set when a job is executed from JP1/AJS3 in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference.

For notes on defining environment variables, see A. Notes on Defining Environment Variables and an Environment Variable File in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference.

End judgment

Select conditions for end judgment.


The displayed items vary depending on the rule selected in the Rule drop-down list. In the initial status, Judgment by threshold is selected and the thresholds for the Warning and Abnormal levels are displayed. You can select one of the following rules for end judgment.

  • Always normal

    Always terminates the flexible job normally. You can specify neither Warning nor Abnormal.

  • Always abnormal

    Always terminates the flexible job abnormally. You can specify neither Warning nor Abnormal.

  • Normal if specified file exists

    When the execution of the job process on the destination agent is finished, the flexible job ends normally if the agent host contains the file specified in the File name text box that appears below the Rule drop-down list. You can use a character string of up to 511 bytes to specify a file. You can specify an absolute path name. You can specify a macro variable in this field. The default is a blank.

  • Normal if file was updated

    The flexible job ends normally if the agent host file specified in the File name text box that appears below the Rule drop-down list is updated during the time that the job process is being executed on the destination agent. You can use a character string of up to 511 bytes to specify a file. You can specify an absolute path name. You can specify a macro variable in this field. The default is a blank.

    The system uses the update time to determine whether a file was updated. When a job is executed in Linux, because the system truncates the timestamp to the second when making this determination, it might not recognize that a file has been updated when there is less than one second between updates. In this case, the job will end abnormally.

  • Judgment by threshold

    Define reference values for the normal end and the warning end, or for the normal end and the abnormal end. In the Warning and Abnormal text boxes, you can set 0 to 2,147,483,647. The default is a blank for Warning, and 0 for Abnormal.

    By default, the system assumes an abnormal end if the return code is other than zero. If you set Warning, the system assumes a normal end if the return code is from zero to the value of Warning. It assumes warning end if the return code is larger than the value of Warning. If you set Abnormal, the system assumes a normal end if the return code is from zero to the value of Abnormal. It assumes an abnormal end if the return code is not larger than -1 or larger than the value of Abnormal. If you specify both Warning and Abnormal, the system assumes as follows:

    Normal end: The return code is from zero to the Warning value.

    Warning end: The return code is larger than the Warning value but not larger than the Abnormal value.

    Abnormal end: The return code is not larger than -1 or larger than the Abnormal value.

    In Linux, the return codes only have positive values from 0 to 255.

    If the program exits with a negative value, the return code is assumed to be 256 + (exit code). For example, if the program exists with -1, the system assumes 256 - 1 = 255.

Cautionary note

If Normal if specified file exists or Normal if file was updated is selected, the return code of a flexible job is set to either of the following values rather than the return code of the executed program:

  • Normal end: 0

  • Abnormal end: 1

Retry on abnormal end

Select whether to retry execution when the executable file ends in an error.

You can select this item if Judgment by threshold is selected for Rule.

You can specify No or Yes. The default is No.

Return code

If Yes is selected for Retry on abnormal end, specify the range of return codes for which to retry jobs.

  • Greater than or equal to

    Specify the lowest return code for jobs that are to be retried. A job is retried when its return code is greater than or equal to this value.

    You can specify a value in the range from 1 to 4,294,967,295. The default is a blank. If you omit this setting, a value one greater than the value specified in Abnormal is used.

  • Less than or equal to

    Specify the highest return code for jobs that are to be retried. A job is retried when its return code is less than or equal to this value.

    You can specify a value in the range from 1 to 4,294,967,295. The default is a blank. If you omit this setting, 4,294,967,295 is used.

Maximum retry times

When Yes is selected for Retry on abnormal end, specify the maximum number of times a job can be retried. You can specify a value in the range from 1 to 12. The default is 1.

Retry interval

When Yes is selected for Retry on abnormal end, specify how long the system waits before retrying a job when an error occurs in an executable file. You can specify a value in the range from 1 to 10 (minutes). The default is 1.

(3) Attributes page

The following figure shows the Attributes page in the Define Details - [Flexible Job] dialog box.

Figure 12‒125: Attributes page in the Define Details - [Flexible Job] dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.


Specify whether to place the unit in the hold status in advance. You can specify No or Yes. The default is No.


Set the unit type to Normal or Recovery. The default is Normal.


Specify the owner of the unit. Use a character string of up to 31 bytes. The default is the login JP1 user name. Note that if the upper-level unit-attribute inheritance function has been set for the upper-level jobnet, the default is the owner of the upper-level unit.

JP1 resource group

Specify a JP1 resource group name. Use a character string of up to 63 bytes. You can specify alphanumeric characters and underscores (_). The default is a blank. If you set a blank, you are not authorized to access this group.

Executed by

Select the user who executes the job. The default is User who registered. You can select either of the following.

  • User who registered

    Performs user mapping for the JP1 user who registered the job. The system executes the job under the converted OS user account.

  • User who owns

    Performs user mapping for the JP1 user who owns the job. The system executes the job under the converted user account.

You must perform user mapping on the host where you want to execute the job so that the specified user is converted to a OS user.

If the execution-user fixing function is configured for the upper-level unit, the execution user conforms to the unit-attribute profile regardless of the contents of this field.