
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide

12.4.11 Define Details - [Judgment Job] dialog box

The Define Details - [Judgment Job] dialog box defines the details of a judgment job.

This dialog box contains the items displayed in common, and also contains the following pages:

Organization of this subsection

(1) Items displayed in common

The following figure shows the items displayed in common.

Figure 12‒117: Items displayed in common in the Define Details - [Judgment Job] dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Unit name

Specify a unit name. Use a character string of up to 30 bytes. The default is Judgment-Job.


Specify a comment for the unit. Use a character string of up to 80 bytes. The default is a blank.


You cannot specify this for a judgment job.

(2) Definition page

The following figure shows the Definition page in the Define Details - [Judgment Job] dialog box. The displayed items for the Definition page in the Define Details - [Judgment Job] dialog box vary with judgment types.

(a) When the judgment type is Return code

The following figure shows the Definition page (with Return code selected) in the Define Details - [Judgment Job] dialog box. The information on the page differs depending on whether the judgment is based on a comparison with a specific value or a range of values.

Figure 12‒118: Definition page (with Return code selected) in the Define Details - [Judgment Job] dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Judgment type

Select the type of judgment condition. The default is Return code. You can select any of the following types:

  • Return code

  • File

  • Variable (char.)

  • Variable (number)

Cautionary note

The return value of a jobnet is always treated as 0. Therefore, if you define a jobnet as the preceding unit of a judgment job, the judgment is always the same. If you want to choose Return code as the judgment type, the preceding unit must be a job. For details, see 3.1.1(1)(c) Judgment job in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview.


Select a judgment condition. The default is Return code > judgment value.. You can select one of the following:

  • Return code > judgment value.

    True if the return code is larger than the value set in Judgment value.

  • Return code > or = judgment value.

    True if the return code is equal to or larger than the value set in Judgment value.

  • Return code < judgment value.

    True if the return code is less than the value set in Judgment value.

  • Return code < or = judgment value.

    True if the return code is equal to or less than the value set in Judgment value.

  • Return code = judgment value.

    True if the return code is equal to the value set in Judgment value.

  • Return code not = judgment value.

    True if the return code is not equal to the value set in Judgment value.

  • Return code within judgment value range.

    True if the return code is within the range set in Judgment value.

  • Return code not within judgment value range.

    True if the return code is outside the range set in Judgment value.

Judgment value
For judgment based on a specific return code

Specify a reference value against which to judge the return code. You can specify 0 to 4,294,967,295. The default is a blank.

For judgment based on a return code range

Define a reference range by entering an upper and a lower reference value. You must specify both an upper and a lower limit when specifying a return code range.

  • Lower limit

    Specify the lower limit of the value range. You can specify 0 to 4,294,967,295. The default is a blank.

    You can use negative return codes as judgment values by converting them to unsigned integers. For example, -1 is handled as 4,294,967,295 in Windows, and as 255 in UNIX. However, because negative return codes span a range from 2,147,483,648 to 4,294,967,295 when converted to unsigned integers, you cannot specify a range of return codes that includes 0.

  • Boundary conditions for lower limit

    Select Greater than or equal to or Greater than. The default is Greater than or equal to.

    If you select Greater than or equal to, the lower limit value is included in the range of judgment values. If you specify Greater than, the range of judgment values excludes the lower limit value.

  • Upper limit

    Specify the upper limit of the value range. You can specify 0 to 4,294,967,295. The default is a blank.

    You can use negative return codes as judgment values by converting them to unsigned integers. For example, -1 is handled as 4,294,967,295 in Windows, and as 255 in UNIX. However, because negative return codes span a range from 2,147,483,648 to 4,294,967,295 when converted to unsigned integers, you cannot specify a range of return codes that includes 0.

  • Boundary conditions for upper limit

    Select Less than or equal to or Less than. The default is Less than or equal to.

    If you select Less than or equal to, the upper limit value is included in the range of judgment values. If you specify Less than, the range of judgment values excludes the upper limit value.

(b) When the judgment type is File

The following figure shows the Definition page (with File selected) in the Define Details - [Judgment Job] dialog box.

Figure 12‒119: Definition page (with File selected) in the Define Details - [Judgment Job] dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Judgment type

Select File.


Select whether to use the file for judgment. You can select File exists or File does not exist. The default is File exists.

File name

Specify the name of the file to be used for judgment. Use a character string of up to 260 bytes. The default is a blank.

(c) When the judgment type is Variable (char.)

The following figure shows the Definition page (with Variable (char.) selected) in the Define Details - [Judgment Job] dialog box.

Figure 12‒120: Definition page (with Variable (char.) selected) in the Define Details - [Judgment Job] dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Judgment type

Select Variable (char.).


Specify the variable name that has been set in Passing Info in a root jobnet or a preceding job. Specify the variable name by using a character string of no more than 64 bytes in the format of ?AJS2xxxxx?. The xxxxx portion can consist of upper-case alphabetic characters (A to Z), numeric characters (0 to 9), and periods (.). The default is a blank.


Select a judgment condition. The default is Var. value = judgment value..

If you have specified Variable (char.) in Judgment type, you can select any of the following conditions. Note that alphabetic characters are case sensitive when a string is used for judgment.

  • Var. value = judgment value.

    The condition is true if the value of a variable is equal to the value specified in Judgment value.

  • Var. value includes judgment value.

    The condition is true if the value of a variable is at least partly equal to the value specified in Judgment value.

  • Var. value not = judgment value.

    The condition is true if the value of a variable is not equal to the value specified in Judgment value.

  • Var. value does not include judgment value.

    The condition is true if the value of a variable does not include the value specified in Judgment value.

  • Var. value exists.

    The condition is true if the value of a variable exists.

  • Var. value does not exists.

    The condition is true if the value of a variable does not exist.

Judgment value

When you use a variable (char.) for judgment, specify the values for the judgment criterion by using a character string of 1 to 511 bytes. The default is a blank.

Cautionary note

In Judgment value, do not specify the return or tab stroke, or any machine-dependent characters. Doing so may prevent the specified information from being passed correctly when jobs are executed.

(d) When the judgment type is Variable (number)

The following figure shows the Definition page (with Variable (number) selected) in the Define Details - [Judgment Job] dialog box. The information on the page differs depending on whether the judgment is based on a comparison with a specific value or a range of values.

Figure 12‒121: Definition page (with Variable (number) selected) in the Define Details - [Judgment Job] dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Judgment type

Select Variable (number).


Specify a variable name that has been set in Passing Info in a root jobnet or a preceding job. Specify the variable name by using a character string of no more than 64 bytes in the format ?AJS2xxxxx?. The xxxxx portion can consist of upper-case alphabetic characters (A to Z), numeric characters (0 to 9), and periods (.). The default is a blank.


Select a judgment condition. The default is Var. value > judgment value..

If you have specified Variable (number) in Judgment type, you can select any of the following conditions.

  • Var. value > judgment value.

    The condition is true if the value of a variable is greater than the value specified in Judgment value.

  • Var. value > or = judgment value.

    The condition is true if the value of a variable is equal to or greater than the value specified in Judgment value.

  • Var. value < judgment value.

    The condition is true if the value of a variable is smaller than the value specified in Judgment value.

  • Var. value < or = judgment value.

    The condition is true if the value of a variable is equal to or smaller than the value specified in Judgment value.

  • Var. value = judgment value.

    The condition is true if the value of a variable is equal to the value specified in Judgment value.

  • Var. value not = judgment value.

    The condition is true if the value of a variable is not equal to the value specified in Judgment value.

  • Var. value within judgment value range.

    The condition is true if the value is inside the range specified in Judgment value.

  • Var. value not within judgment value range.

    The condition is true if the value is outside the range specified in Judgment value.

Judgment value
For judgment based on a specific variable value

Specify a reference value against which to judge the variable value. You can specify an unsigned integer from 0 to 2,147,483,647. The default is a blank.

For judgment based on a range of variable values

Define a reference range by entering an upper and a lower reference value. You must specify both an upper and a lower limit when specifying a value range.

  • Lower limit

    Specify the lower limit of the value range. You can specify an unsigned integer from 0 to 2,147,483,647. The default is a blank.

  • Boundary conditions for lower limit

    Select Greater than or equal to or Greater than. The default is Greater than or equal to.

    If you select Greater than or equal to, the lower limit value is included in the range of judgment values. If you specify Greater than, the range of judgment values excludes the lower limit value.

  • Upper limit

    Specify the upper limit of the value range. You can specify an unsigned integer from 0 to 2,147,483,647. The default is a blank.

  • Boundary conditions for upper limit

    Select Less than or equal to or Less than. The default is Less than or equal to.

    If you select Less than or equal to, the upper limit value is included in the range of judgment values. If you specify Less than, the range of judgment values excludes the upper limit value.

(3) Attributes page

The following figure shows the Attributes page in the Define Details - [Judgment Job] dialog box.

Figure 12‒122: Attributes page in the Defile Details - [Judgment Job] dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.


Specify whether to place the unit in the hold status in advance. You can specify No or Yes. The default is No.


Set the unit type to Normal or Recovery. The default is Normal.


Specify the owner of the unit. Use a character string of up to 31 bytes. The default is the login JP1 user name. Note that if the upper-level unit-attribute inheritance function has been set for the upper-level jobnet, the default is the owner of the upper-level unit.

JP1 resource group

Specify a JP1 resource group name. Use a character string of up to 63 bytes. You can specify alphanumeric characters and underscores (_). The default is the JP1 resource group name of the upper-level unit. If you specify a blank, you are not authorized to access this group.