
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide

12.3.53 JP1/AJS3 Command Settings dialog box

The JP1/AJS3 Command Settings dialog box lists the JP1/AJS3 commands registered from the JP1/AJS3 Command Entry dialog box. You can also executed registered commands from the JP1/AJS3 Command Settings dialog box.

The following figure shows the JP1/AJS3 Command Settings dialog box:

Figure 12‒88: JP1/AJS3 Command Settings dialog box


The displayed items are explained below.

JP1/AJS3 command list

For each registered JP1/AJS3 command, the entry name, command name, command arguments, and output file are displayed in list format. A maximum of 50 JP1/AJS3 commands can be registered. The shortcut menu displays the registered commands in the order that they appear in this list.

Add button

Use this button to add a new command to the JP1/AJS3 command list. Clicking this button opens the JP1/AJS3 Command Entry - Add dialog box. For details about the JP1/AJS3 Command Entry - Add dialog box, see 12.3.54 JP1/AJS3 Command Entry dialog box.

Change button

Use this button to change the settings of the command selected in the JP1/AJS3 command list. Clicking this button opens the JP1/AJS3 Command Entry - Change dialog box. For details about the JP1/AJS3 Command Entry - Change dialog box, see 12.3.54 JP1/AJS3 Command Entry dialog box.

If the currently logged-in JP1 user does not have the necessary permissions to execute the JP1/AJS3 commands selected in the list, the message KAVV3903-E is output, and the settings cannot be changed.

Copy button

Use this button to copy the settings of the command selected in the JP1/AJS3 command list. Clicking this button opens the JP1/AJS3 Command Entry - Copy dialog box. For details about the JP1/AJS3 Command Entry - Copy dialog box, see 12.3.54 JP1/AJS3 Command Entry dialog box.

If the currently logged-in JP1 user does not have the necessary permissions to execute the JP1/AJS3 command selected in the list, the message KAVV3903-E is output, and the settings cannot be copied.

Delete button

This button deletes the selected item from the JP1/AJS3 command list.

Up button

This button moves the line selected in the JP1/AJS3 command list up by one line.

Down button

This button moves the line selected in the JP1/AJS3 command list down by one line.

Start button

Clicking this button executes the command selected in the JP1/AJS3 command list.

If the currently logged-in JP1 user does not have the necessary permissions to execute the JP1/AJS3 commands selected in the list, the message KAVV3903-E is output, and the command cannot be executed.