
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide

12.3.52 Tool Entry dialog box

In the Tool Entry dialog box, you can perform the following operations:

The following figure shows the Tool Entry dialog box.

Figure 12‒87: Tool Entry dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Entry name

Specify the name of a tool by using a character string no longer than 50 bytes. When you add a new tool, this field is blank by default. When you change the settings for an existing tool, the previous name is the default name. When you have set a tool to be available in the pop-up menu, the name specified here is displayed in the pop-up menu.

Single-byte spaces in a name are handled as shown below. In the following description, Δ indicates a single-byte space.

  • If you place single-byte spaces between characters, the spaces are recognized as blanks.

    Example: ToolΔ1 --> ToolΔ1

  • If you place single-byte spaces before or after a name, the spaces are ignored.

    Example: ΔTool1Δ --> Tool1

  • If you specify only single-byte spaces, they are assumed to be a zero-byte string, which results in an error.

    Example: Δ Δ Δ -->

Add to pop-up menu

This check box allows for a tool to be available through the pop-up menu. When you register a tool with this check box selected, the tool is added to the pop-up menu that can be displayed in specific windows, so that the tool can be activated from the pop-up menu.

When you click the OK button in the dialog box with this check box selected, an asterisk (*) is displayed at the leftmost column of Tools list.

The pop-up menu can display a maximum of 10 items.


Use a character string no longer than 2,048 bytes to specify the command that activates the tool. When you add a new tool, this field is blank by default. When you change the settings of an existing tool, the default command name is the previous command name. You can use the provided parameters that are dynamically replaced with specific entity names. You can also use relative path names. The following shows the current directory on which the relative path is based.

JP1/AJS3 - View installation folder

If you want to use a character string that includes spaces as an argument, enclose the character string in double quotation marks.

The handling of single-byte spaces specified in Command is the same as for Entry name.

... button

When you click the ... button beside the Command text field, the file selection dialog box provided by the OS appears. The following shows the directory that is initially opened in the dialog box.

JP1/AJS3 - View installation folder

When you select a file in the dialog box, the absolute path name of the file is set in Command.

Replace drop-down list and Insert button

You can insert a parameter at the cursor position in the Command text field, by selecting the parameter from the Replace drop-down list, and then clicking the Insert button.

The following table lists the items that can be selected from the Replace drop-down list, and the character strings inserted in the Command text field when the Insert button is clicked.


Character string to be inserted

Host name


Service name


Unit name


Character code


User name#



This item appears in version 09-10 or later of JP1/AJS3 - View. A parameter in the ajs2view_opt.conf determines whether User name appears as an option in the drop-down list. For details, see 11.4.15 Displaying User name in the Replace drop-down list box in the Tool Entry dialog box.

You can also enter a JP1 user name directly into the Command field.


To specify the JP1 user name jp1admin in the Command field (where Δ is a single-byte space)


Supplementary note

After you close the dialog box by clicking the OK button, when you click the Close button in the Tool Settings dialog box, a KAVV386-Q message appears, regardless of whether or not the settings have been changed.

About parameters

By specifying a replacement string, you can dynamically replace the host name, scheduler service name, full unit name, character code, and JP1 user name at execution. The parameter names are case sensitive. You can use the following parameters:




Connection-target host name


Scheduler service name of the unit selected in the window


Full unit name of the unit selected in the window


Character code set for the scheduler service to which the unit selected in the window belongs (ASCII)


Name of JP1 user logged in to JP1/AJS - Manager from JP1/AJS3 - View

The following shows how parameters are replaced with entity names at runtime. In the following example, Δ indicates a single-byte space.

Specified string


String after parameters are replaced


Whether the tool can be activated depends on the selection status of units. The following table describes the conditions when the tool can be activated.


Selection status of units in the window from which to activate the tool

No tools selected

One tool selected

More than one tool selected






















Y: The tool can be activated.

N: The tool cannot be activated.


In the Daily Schedule window and Monthly Schedule window, if an item is selected in the tree area, the system assumes that a unit is selected, even when no units are selected in execution result list.


The KAVV116-E error message appears.


When multiple units are selected, the system replaces the scheduler service name (if the replacement string is (SERVICE_NAME)) or character code (if the replacement string is (CHAR_CODE)) of the first of the selected units.


If a full path unit name includes any of the following characters, the KAVV389-E error message appears:

" (double quotation mark), &, ' (right single quotation mark), *, <, >, ?, [, \, ], ^, ' (left single quotation mark), {, |, }, and ~


The KAVV145-E error message appears. However, if the selected units are all the same, the tool starts and no error message is output.

Activating a tool from the pop-up menu

When you register a tool with Add to pop-up menu selected, the tool is added to the pop-up menu that can be displayed in specific windows. You can activate the tool by choosing it from the pop-up menu. The following figure gives an overview of tool activation from the pop-up menu.


You can activate tools in the following windows:

  • JP1/AJS3 - View window (Main window)

  • JP1/AJS3 - View window (Summary Monitor window)

  • Jobnet Editor window

  • Jobnet Monitor window

  • Daily Schedule (Hierarchy) window

  • Daily Schedule (All Jobs) window

  • Monthly Schedule window

  • Search window

If the Options menu and its subordinate Set Tools menu are disabled, tools are not displayed in the pop-up menu.

Supplementary notes
  • To specify a full unit name including a scheduler service name, specify the following character string:


  • In Command, you can specify the same parameter more than once. The parameters that are identical are replaced with the same character string.


    If you enter the command sample.exeΔ(UNIT_NAME)Δ(UNIT_NAME) when JOB1 is selected, the command name will be converted to sample.exeΔ/group/net/JOB1Δ/group/net/JOB1.


    When multiple units are selected in the window from which you want to activate a tool, if you execute a command with multiple (UNIT_NAME) parameters specified, a KAVV145-E error occurs. Multiple (UNIT_NAME) parameters are not replaced with different unit names.

    When a parameter other than (UNIT_NAME) is specified more than once, the identical parameters are replaced with the same character string, regardless of whether more than one unit is selected.

  • The program you specify in Command must not output to standard output or standard error output.