
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide

12.3.17 Schedule Rule dialog box

The Schedule Rule dialog box edits the detailed schedule rules of a jobnet.

This dialog box contains the items displayed in common, and also contains the following pages:

Organization of this subsection

(1) Items displayed in common

The following figure shows the items displayed in common.

Figure 12‒38: Items displayed in common in the Schedule Rule dialog box


The following explains the items displayed in common.

Rule number

Specify a rule number of 1 to 144. You cannot set already used numbers. The default is the smallest number not used.

Rule number to link

For a nested jobnet, specify a rule number for the upper-level jobnet to link the schedule rule. The default is the same value as the Rule number above.

You cannot specify this item for a root jobnet.

Repeat button

Click this button to define schedule rules that start a jobnet at regular intervals. When you click the Repeat button, the Schedule Rule Repetition Settings dialog box appears. For details, see 12.3.18 Schedule Rule Repetition Settings dialog box.

(2) Basic page

The Basic page sets the type of the start date, start time, and a processing cycle.

The following figure shows the Basic page in the Schedule Rule dialog box.

Figure 12‒39: Basic page in the Schedule Rule dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.


Select the type of the jobnet start date from the dropdown list.

You can specify one of the following types. The default is Registered day.

  • Registered day

    Sets the day of jobnet registration for the start date.

    When you select Registered day, you do not need to specify the start year, month, and day.

  • Absolute day

    When you select this option, specify an actual date (each month begins from 1) as the execution start date.

  • Relative day

    When you select this option, specify the desired number of days from the base day specified in the Define Details - [Job Group] dialog box or Define Details - [Planning Group] dialog box as the execution start date.

  • Open day

    When you select this option, specify the desired number of open days from the base day specified in the Define Details - [Job Group] dialog box or Define Details - [Planning Group] dialog box as the execution start date.

  • Closed day

    When you select this option, specify the desired number of closed days from the base day specified in the Define Details - [Job Group] dialog box or Define Details - [Planning Group] dialog box as the execution start date.

What you selected in Type determines the displayed items you can specify and what you can set for those items. The following table lists what you can set for the displayed items according to the selected type, as well as their settings.

Table 12‒13: Types and settings for the displayed items



Start year month

Start day

Start time

Processing cycle

Substitute schedule of closed day job


Registered day



  • Relative

  • Absolute

  • Day

  • Week

  • Month

  • Year

  • Do not execute

  • Execute on previous open day

  • Execute on next open day

  • Execute without shift


Absolute day

  • Year

  • Month

  • Date

  • End of month

  • Day of the week

  • Relative

  • Absolute

  • Day

  • Week

  • Month

  • Year

  • Do not execute

  • Execute on previous open day

  • Execute on next open day

  • Execute without shift


Relative day

  • Year

  • Month

  • Date

  • End of month

  • Day of the week

  • Relative

  • Absolute

  • Day

  • Week

  • Month

  • Year

  • Do not execute

  • Execute on previous open day

  • Execute on next open day

  • Execute without shift


Open day

  • Year

  • Month

  • Date

  • End of month

  • Relative

  • Absolute

  • Open day

  • Month

  • Year



Closed day

  • Year

  • Month

  • Date

  • End of month

  • Relative

  • Absolute

  • Closed day

  • Month

  • Year

  • Do not execute

  • Execute on previous open day

  • Execute on next open day

  • Execute without shift

Start year and month

Specify an execution start year and month. You can set 1994 to four-digit year set for the SCHEDULELIMIT environment setting parameter as the year. For details about the SCHEDULELIMIT environment setting parameter, see 20.4.2(123) SCHEDULELIMIT in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide. If the version of the connection-destination JP1/AJS3 - Manager is 12-60 or earlier, the range of specifiable values is from 1994 to 2036.

You can set 1 to 12 as the month. The default is a blank.

You can omit year. If you omit year, you can also omit month. The default is the year and month registered for execution.

Start day

Select how to specify the execution start date from the dropdown list. The default is Specify day. The following gives how to set the base date:

  • Specify day

    Specify an absolute date as the execution start date.

  • Specify end of month

    Specify the execution start date relative to the month end.

  • Specify day of the week

    Lets you set a day of the week.

    If you specify an asterisk (*), the system assumes the execution start date to be the next day of the week after the date when the jobnet was registered for execution and the date when the ajsschedule command was executed. If you specify either year or month for Start year and month and specify an asterisk (*) for Specify day of the week, the system assumes the first week when you register anything for execution and when you execute the ajsschedule command.

The method for setting the execution start date depends on the selection in Type. The following table covers how to set the execution start date according to the selection in Type.

Table 12‒14: How to set the execution start date according to the selection in Type




Specifiable value


Absolute day

Specify day

d th day

When you omit a year and month

  • 1 to 31

When you omit only a year

  • February: 1st to 29th day

  • Other months: Number of days specifiable for an appropriate month

When you specify a year and month

  • Number of days specifiable for the appropriate year and month


Specify end of month

d days before last day

Absolute date minus 1

The default is 0.


Relative day

Specify day

d th day

1 to 35


Specify end of month

d days before last day

0 to 34

The default is 0.


Absolute day Relative day

Specify day of the week

n th w day

n: * (asterisk), 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, final

w: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun

n: * (Asterisk)

w: Mon

Open day

Specify day

d th open day

1 to 35


Specify end of month

d open days before last day

0 to 34

The default is 0.


Closed day

Specify day

d th closed day

1 to 35


Specify end of month

d closed days before last day

0 to 34

The default is 0.



d: Numeric

n: Symbol and character

w: Day of the week

Start time

Sets the execution start time. Select Absolute time or Relative time. The default is Relative time. For details, see 3.3.2(1)(a) Setting the execution start time in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview. Then, set hours and minutes. You can set 0 to 47 hours, and 0 to 59 minutes. The default is 0 hours 0 minutes as the relative time.

Processing cycle

Sets a processing cycle. To set a processing cycle, select Execution in cycle and then set a cycle as follows. The default is a blank and day. For details, see 3.3.2(1)(b) Processing cycle in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview.

You can specify the following units and values.

Open days, days or closed days: 1 to 31

Weeks: 1 to 5

Months: 1 to 12

Years: 1 to 9

Substitute schedule of closed day job

Set how to substitute the schedule of a closed day job. The default is Do not execute for a root jobnet, and Execute without shift for a nested jobnet. For details, see 3.3.2(1)(c) Substitute schedule of closed day job in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview.

You can use the following methods for substitution.

  • Do not execute

    Does not execute the jobnet on a closed day.

  • Execute on previous open day

    Shifts jobnet execution to the previous open day.

  • Execute on next open day

    Shifts jobnet execution to the next open day.

  • Execute without shift

    Executes the jobnet on a closed day.

If you specify Execute on previous open day or Execute on next open day, you can set the maximum number of shift days. We recommend that you specify the maximum number of shift days so that they are fewer than the number of days in the processing cycle. You can set 1 to 31. The default is 2.

Start condition

With start conditions defined for a jobnet, select whether to use those conditions to execute the jobnet. The default is Do not use.

Selecting the nested jobnet to display the Schedule Rule dialog box will result in inactive display.

  • Use if defined

    Select this if you use the start conditions. If you select Use if defined, you can specify Valid range of start condition.

  • Do not use

    Select this if you do not use the start conditions. If you select Do not use, Valid range of start condition becomes inactive.

Valid range of start condition

Specify the number of executions under applied start conditions, or the period of execution. If Use if defined is selected for Start condition, you can set this item. For details, see 3.4.3 Valid range of a start condition in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview.

Selecting the nested jobnet to display the Schedule Rule dialog box will result in inactive display.

  • Times

    To set the valid range as the number of executions, in the Times dropdown list, select Unlimited or Number of executions. With Number of executions selected, you can set the number of times in the field to the right of the dropdown list. You can set 1 to 999. The default is a blank.

  • Period

    To set the valid term as time, in the Period dropdown list, select Unlimited, Absolute time, or Relative time. With Absolute time or Relative time selected, you can set the value in the hour and minute field to the right of the dropdown list. For absolute time, you can set 0 to 47 hours, and 0 to 59 minutes. For relative time, you can set 1 to 2,879 minutes. The default is a blank.

Note that if one of the settings listed below is specified, clicking the OK button displays the following confirmation message:

KAVV782-Q There is a possibility that multiple instances of the monitoring generation start running because the processing cycle is specified and the useful range of the start condition has been set to unrestricted. Are you sure you want to specify this setting?

(3) Monitor Delay page

The Monitor Delay page sets the way to monitor the start-time delay and the end-time delay. For details about how to monitor delays, see 3.3.2(1)(f) Monitor delay in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview.

The following figure shows the Monitor Delay page in the Schedule Rule dialog box.

Figure 12‒40: Monitor Delay page in the Schedule Rule dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Monitor start delay

Set how to monitor the start-time delay. The default is Do not monitor.

For the root jobnet, you can select one of the following:

  • Do not monitor

  • Absolute time

  • Relative from start of the jobnet

For a jobnet other than the root jobnet, you can select one of the following:

  • Do not monitor

  • Absolute time

  • Relative from start of root jobnet

  • Relative from start of upper-l jobnet

  • Relative from start of the jobnet

With Absolute time selected, you can set hours and minutes. You can set 0 to 47 hours, and 0 to 59 minutes. The default is a blank.

If you select Relative from start of root jobnet, Relative from start of upper-l jobnet or Relative from start of the jobnet, you can set 1 to 2,879 minutes. The default is a blank.

Monitor end delay

Set how to monitor the end-time delay. The default is Do not monitor.

For the root jobnet, you can select one of the following:

  • Do not monitor

  • Absolute time

  • Relative from start of the jobnet

For a jobnet other than the root jobnet, you can select one of the following:

  • Do not monitor

  • Absolute time

  • Relative from start of root jobnet

  • Relative from start of upper-l jobnet

  • Relative from start of the jobnet

With Absolute time selected, you can set hours and minutes. You can set 0 to 47 hours, and 0 to 59 minutes. The default is a blank.

If you select Relative from start of root jobnet, Relative from start of upper-l jobnet or Relative from start of the jobnet, you can set 1 to 2,879 minutes. The default is a blank.

(4) Advanced page

The Advanced page sets the schedule by days from the start time.

The following figure shows the Advanced page in the Schedule Rule dialog box.

Figure 12‒41: Advanced page in the Schedule Rule dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Schedule by days from start

Define a job schedule by days from the start time. This schedule executes the jobnet by changing the preset execution start date by the specified number of days. For details, see 3.3.2(1)(g) Schedule by days from start in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview.

Schedule by days from start

If the Schedule by days from start check box is selected, you can specify how to shift the start day, the number of days by which the start day can be shifted, and the maximum number of days by which the start day can be shifted.

The text box under Execution allows you to specify the number of days by which you want to shift the start day. You can specify 1 to 31. The default is 1.

The drop-down list allows you to select the basis for counting the number of days, and whether to shift the scheduled start day backward or forward.

The following describes the two bases of counting the number of days:

  • Open-day basis

    When calculating on an open-day basis, the next execution day is calculated from the schedule settings (such as the scheduled start time, processing cycle, and closed-day substitution) and then shifted backward or forward by counting only open days.

  • All-day basis

    When calculating on an all-day basis, the next execution day is calculated from the schedule settings (such as the scheduled start time, processing cycle, and closed-day substitution) and then shifted backward or forward by counting both open days and closed days.

The following describes the items that can be selected from the drop-down list box. The default is open days before start time.

  • open days before start time

    Select this item to shift the scheduled start day backward by a number of open days.

  • open days after start time

    Select this item to shift the scheduled start day forward by a number of open days.

  • days before start time

    Select this item to shift the scheduled start day backward by a number of days (including closed days).

  • days after start time

    Select this item to shift the scheduled start day forward by a number of days (including closed days).

If you select open days before start time or open days after start time, you can also specify a value for Max. shiftable days. You can specify 1 to 31. However, specify a value equal to or greater than the number of days set for Execution. The default is 10.