
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide

12.3.16 Schedule Settings dialog box

The Schedule Settings dialog box edits schedule information on a jobnet. The following figure shows the Schedule Settings dialog box.

Figure 12‒37: Schedule Settings dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Jobnet name

Displays the name of the jobnet whose schedule information is to be edited.

Schedule rules

Lists schedule rules, which you can add, delete or change.

Depends on upper-level jobnet
  • When the selected jobnet is a nested jobnet, specify whether to execute the jobnet using the schedule for the upper-level jobnet.

  • When the selected jobnet is the root jobnet, you cannot select Depends on upper-level jobnet.

With Depends on upper-level jobnet selected, the following items become inactive.

  • Copy Upper button

  • Add button

  • Change button

  • Copy button

  • Delete button

  • Refer to a calendar of another job group and Job group name

Copy Upper button

Click this when you want to copy the schedule rules for the upper-level jobnets to the nested jobnet. You can click here if all of the following conditions are met.

  • With the nested jobnet selected, the Schedule Settings dialog box has been displayed.

  • Depends on upper-level jobnet has not been selected.

If Depends on upper-level jobnet has been selected, the system further references the schedule rules for upper-level jobnets. This can be done until the root jobnet.

You cannot copy the setting items for the following upper-level jobnets.

  • Linked rule number in Schedule rules

  • Name of an exclusive jobnet specified by Exclusive schedule in Options

If the copy destination is a nested jobnet that has a schedule rule, the schedule rule will be lost.


Displays the number of a schedule rule.

Linked rule number

Displays the rule number of the upper-level jobnet assigned a schedule rule. A hyphen (-) appears for the root jobnet.


Displays the type of the execution start date.


Displays the start year and month in the format of year/month. Asterisks (*) are displayed when the year and month are not set.


Displays the start day appropriate to Type above. Asterisks (*) are displayed if Type is the registered day.


Displays the start time in the format of hours:minutes (absolute or relative).

Processing cycle

Displays a processing cycle (year, month, week, day, or open or closed day). If no processing cycle is set, a hyphen (-) is displayed.

Substitute schedule of closed day job

Displays how to substitute the schedule of a closed day job. Displays a hyphen (-) if the type is open day.

Monitor delay

Displays how to monitor start-time and end-time delays, in the format of Start (Absolute time, Do not monitor or Relative time), and End (Absolute time, Do not monitor or Relative time).

Add button

Adds a schedule rule. If you click the Add button, the Schedule Rule dialog box appears. This item becomes inactive when you select multiple schedule rules.

Change button

Changes a schedule rule. If you click the Change button, the Schedule Rule dialog box appears. This item becomes inactive when you select multiple schedule rules.

Copy button

Copies a selected schedule rule. Copies a schedule rule to create a new schedule rule. If you click the Copy button, the Schedule Rule dialog box appears. This item becomes inactive when you select multiple schedule rules.

Delete button

Deletes a selected schedule rule.

Valid term

Specify the valid term of a schedule rule.

Expiration date

Specify the expiration date of a schedule rule. Selecting Expiration date allows you to set a year, month and day. The following gives the specifiable values and the defaults.

Table 12‒12: Specifiable values and defaults


Year, month, day

Specifiable value

Default value



1994 to four-digit year set for the SCHEDULELIMIT environment setting parameter#




1 to 12




1 to 31



For details about the SCHEDULELIMIT environment setting parameter, see 20.4.2(123) SCHEDULELIMIT in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide. If the version of the connection-destination JP1/AJS3 - Manager is 12-60 or earlier, the range of specifiable values is from 1994 to 2036.


Define schedule option information.

Refer to a calendar of another job group

Specify whether to execute a jobnet according to the schedule of another job group or planning group.

You can use the calendar information of a job group (or planning group) of another hierarchy, rather than the calendar information defined in the job group (or planning group) containing that jobnet. To do this, select Refer to a calendar of another job group and specify the full path name of the job group in Job group name (no scheduler service name is available and the name begins with a slant (/)).

You can specify in Job group name a character string of up to 930 bytes. The default is a blank. For details, see 3.3.2(3)(a) Refer to a calendar of another job group in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview.

You cannot specify the following characters.

  • ( (Left parenthesis)

  • ) (Right parenthesis)

  • , (Comma)

  • : (Colon)

  • ; (Semicolon)

  • = (Equal sign)

  • Space

Supplementary note

Suppose that you have displayed the dialog box for the root jobnet belonging to the job group. You can relatively specify the job group (or planning group) which is in the same level of hierarchy as the root jobnet or which belongs to that root jobnet.

For example, if you specify the job group group1 in the same hierarchy as that of the root jobnet, you can also specify group1.

If you specify the job group group2 belonging to the job group group1, which is in the same hierarchy as that of the root jobnet, you can also specify group1/group2.

For this relative specification, the system adds the full path name of the higher-level unit when you save the definition.

Exclusive schedule

Specify whether not to execute the jobnet on the same day as another jobnet.

If you select Exclusive schedule, you can set Exclusive jobnet using a string of up to 30 bytes. You can specify a jobnet in the same hierarchy. You cannot specify the name of the jobnet you are editing. The default is a blank. For details, see 3.3.2(3)(b) Exclusive schedule in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview.

You cannot specify the following characters.

  • ( (Left parenthesis)

  • ) (Right parenthesis)

  • , (Comma)

  • : (Colon)

  • ; (Semicolon)

  • = (Equal sign)

  • / (Slant)

  • Space

Specifying a planning group will have the same effect as when you specify an exclusive schedule for each jobnet immediately below the group. On the other hand, if you specify an exclusive schedule from a jobnet immediately below the planning group, only the jobnets in the same hierarchy will be affected.

Supplementary note

For the same jobnet, multiple users can edit schedule information. If another user has changed schedule information, clicking the OK button displays a message dialog box to confirm saving.