
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Administration Guide

12.3 Operations required for switchover from an external database back to the embedded database

This section describes how to switch the database used in JP1/AJS3 from an external database back to the embedded database.

An embedded database environment and external database environment cannot coexist on the same host. Therefore, when you switch the database back to the embedded database, you must delete the external database environment, and then add scheduler services that will use the embedded database.

The following figure shows an overview of switchover from an external database to the embedded database.

Figure 12‒4: Overview of switchover from an external database to the embedded database


The following shows the procedure for switchover from the external database back to the embedded database.

  1. Back up the settings of the manager host.

    Back up the following types of information that were used for the external database:

    • Execution agent information

    • Definition information about the units other than those in the root job group#

    • Root job group information#

    • Calendar information of the root job group#


    If multiple scheduler services are set up on the manager host, perform the backup procedure for each scheduler service.

    For details about the procedure for backing up the settings of the manager host, see 2.2.3 Backing up the JP1/AJS3 - Manager setup information.

  2. Back up the registered execution-schedule information for jobnets.

    If multiple scheduler services are set up on the manager host, perform the backup procedure for each scheduler service.

    For details on how to back up, see 3.4 Backing up and recovering the execution registration status of jobnets by using the ajsrgexport and ajsrgimport commands.

  3. Delete the scheduler services that connect to the external database.

    For details about the procedure for deleting a scheduler service, see 24.4.2 Deleting a scheduler service in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.

  4. Run the jajs_extdb command to check the database of the agent management control on the relevant host.

    Execute the following command.

    jajs_extdb -v

    For details about the jajs_extdb command, see jajs_extdb in 3. Commands Used for Normal Operations in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference.

  5. Run the jbsunsetcnf command to delete the execution agent information.

    Delete the environment setting parameters under the [JP1_DEFAULT\JP1AJS2\HOST\AGENTMANAGER] definition key.

    Execute the following command.

    jbsunsetcnf -i -h JP1_DEFAULT -c "JP1AJS2\HOST\AGENTMANAGER"

    For details about the jbsunsetcnf command, see the JP1/Base User's Guide.

  6. Specify the settings required for changing the database configuration to standard configuration.

    Restore the JP1/AJS3 startup process definition file (jp1ajs_spmd.conf) and extended startup process definition file (jp1ajs_service_0700.conf) to the status that existed before you edit them during setup for use of the external database.

    In addition, if necessary, change the database configuration from standard configuration without ISAM to standard configuration.

  7. Set up the scheduler services to be connected to the embedded database.

    For details about the procedure for setting up a scheduler service, in Windows, see 6.1.1(1) Adding a scheduler service in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide. In UNIX, see 15.1.1(1) Adding a scheduler service in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.


    There is no need to start the embedded database as described in the first step of the procedure for adding a scheduler service.

  8. Import the backed up external database information into the embedded database.

    Import the external database settings that you backed up in steps 1 and 2 into the embedded database. For details on how to restore, see 2.3.4(8) Recovering the execution agent information, 2.3.4(9) Recovering the unit definition, and 3.4 Backing up and recovering the execution registration status of jobnets by using the ajsrgexport and ajsrgimport commands.

  9. If necessary, delete the database that you checked in step 5.

    The database instance created for JP1/AJS3 from the external database is not deleted automatically. If the database instance is no longer necessary, manually delete it.