
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Administration Guide

2.2.3 Backing up the JP1/AJS3 - Manager setup information

If you back up JP1/AJS3 - Manager, you must also back up JP1/Base at the same time.

The following lists the tasks required to back up the JP1/AJS3 - Manager setup information.

The following describes how to perform these tasks.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Backing up the files used in JP1/AJS3

Use any method to back up the files used in JP1/AJS3 - Manager either by physical host or by logical host.

The files you need to back up in Windows and UNIX are different. The following subsections describe the files that need to be backed up in each system.

(a) In Windows

The following table lists the JP1/AJS3 - Manager files you need to back up in Windows.

Table 2‒2: JP1/AJS3 - Manager files to be backed up (in Windows)

File name



JP1/AJS3 environment definition file


Execution agent profile


Unit-attribute profile


JP1/AJS3 startup process definition file (system management)


JP1/AJS3 extended startup process definition file (system management)


JP1/AJS3 startup process definition file (database management)


JP1/AJS3 extended startup process definition file (database management)


JP1/AJS3 startup process definition file (host service management)


JP1/AJS3 extended startup process definition file (host service management)


JP1/AJS3 startup process definition file (agent service management)


JP1/AJS3 extended startup process definition file (agent service management)


JP1/AJS3 startup process definition file (scheduler service management)


JP1/AJS3 extended startup process definition file (scheduler service management)


JP1/AJS3 pre-start process definition file


Manager connection permission configuration file


Agent connection permission configuration file


Configuration definition file for the execution environment for QUEUE jobs and submit jobs


Folder containing the customization information for JP1/AJS3 - View


Definition file for linkage with HP NNM

Folders and files in profile-storage-folder#6\sys\prf

Profile for sending emails without using Outlook


Substitute the following folder for JP1/AJS3-folder:

  • For a physical host: JP1/AJS3-Manager-installation-folder\conf

  • For a logical host: shared-folder\jp1ajs2\conf


This file exists only if the function is used.


If you use a definition file to execute the jpqimport command, back up the execution environment definition for QUEUE jobs and submit jobs described later, and then back up the file.


Substitute the following folder for JP1/AJS3-data-folder:

  • For a physical host

    If the installation folder is the default installation folder or is in a folder protected by the system


    If the installation folder is other than the above


    The default value for %ALLUSERSPROFILE% is system-drive\ProgramData.

    A folder protected by the system is a folder under any of the following:

    - system-drive\Windows

    - system-drive\Program Files

    - system-drive\Program Files (x86)

For a logical host: shared-folder\jp1ajs2\conf


If you use the following files, back up the folder containing these files:

  • Common user profiles

  • Customize files (jajsDisableMenu) that disable menus in windows for JP1/AJS3 - View

  • Executable command settings files (jajsExecutableCommand)


For profile-storage-folder, substitute the value set for the WaitInfFileOutDir environment setting parameter of the [{JP1_DEFAULT|logical-host-name}\JP1AOMAGENT] definition key. For details about the WaitInfFileOutDir environment setting parameter, see 20.6.2(16) WaitInfFileOutDir (for agent processes) in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.

The folder and files exist only if JP1/AJS3 - Manager has been set up for sending emails without using Outlook.

(b) In UNIX

The following table lists the JP1/AJS3 - Manager files you need to back up in UNIX.

Table 2‒3: JP1/AJS3 - Manager files to be backed up (in UNIX)

File name



Scheduler service environment settings file


The event/action execution environment settings file


Job execution environment settings file


JP1/AJS3 environment definition file


Execution agent profile


Unit-attribute profile


JP1/AJS3 startup process definition file (system management)


JP1/AJS3 extended startup process definition file (system management)


JP1/AJS3 pre-start process definition file


JP1/AJS3 startup process definition file (database management)


JP1/AJS3 extended startup process definition file (database management)


JP1/AJS3 startup process definition file (host service management)


JP1/AJS3 extended startup process definition file (host service management)


JP1/AJS3 startup process definition file (agent service management)


JP1/AJS3 extended startup process definition file (agent service management)


JP1/AJS3 startup process definition file (scheduler service management)


JP1/AJS3 extended startup process definition file (scheduler service management)


Agent management control settings file


Scheduler service environment settings file (for compatibility with JP1/AJS2 - Manager)


The event/action execution environment settings file (for compatibility with JP1/AJS2 - Manager)


Directory containing customization information for JP1/AJS3 - View


Manager connection permission configuration file


Agent connection permission configuration file


Job execution environment settings file (for compatibility with JP1/AJS2 - Manager)


Configuration definition file for the execution environment for QUEUE jobs and submit jobs


Queueless job execution environment settings file


Automatic start script#6


Automatic stop script#6


Logical host start script#6


Logical host stop script#6


Logical host forced stop script#6


Definition file for linkage with HP NNM


Substitute the following directory for JP1/AJS3-folder:

  • For a physical host: /etc/opt/jp1ajs2/conf

  • For a logical host: shared-directory/jp1ajs2/conf


This file exists only if the function is used.


This is an environment settings file used for compatibility with the JP1/AJS2 - Manager instance that you backed up. This file is not used when the JP1/AJS3 - Manager to be recovered is in the standard configuration.


If you use the following files, back up the directory containing these files:

  • Common user profiles

  • Customize files (jajsDisableMenu) that disable menus in windows for JP1/AJS3 - View

  • Executable command settings files (jajsExecutableCommand)


If you use a definition file to execute the jpqimport command, back up the execution environment definition for QUEUE jobs and submit jobs described later, and then back up the file.


Back up the script as required.

(2) Backing up the execution agent information

The following describes how to back up the execution agent information.

Execute the following command to back up the definition information for an execution agent or an execution agent group to any execution agent definition file. Specify the -l option to back up the definition information of all execution agents or execution agent groups.

Definition information includes the execution agent name, execution host name, and the maximum number of concurrently executable jobs.

ajsagtprint [-h logical-host-name] {-a execution-agent-name | -g execution-agent-group-name | -l} 
> execution-agent-definition-file
Cautionary note

Before starting the backup of execution agent information, make sure that the JP1/AJS3 service is running.

(3) Backing up the execution environment definition for QUEUE jobs and submit jobs

If a definition file has been used for the jpqimport command that creates the execution environment for QUEUE jobs and submit jobs, the definition in the file might be inconsistent with the actual environment. If the file and the environment are inconsistent, output the actual execution environment for QUEUE jobs and submit jobs, copy the definition to the jpqsetup.conf file, and then back up the file.

To back up the execution environment definition:

  1. Execute the following command to output the definition of the execution environment for QUEUE jobs and submit jobs.

    jpqexport -dt isam -co file-name -mh logical-host-name#

    For a physical host, do not specify -mh logical-host-name.

    Cautionary note

    For centralized management, we recommend that you use jpqsetup.conf as the file to be set by the jpqimport command.

    To back up the definition of a logical host, specify the logical host name in the -mh option.

  2. Copy the contents of the output file to jpqsetup.conf.

    The definition of the execution environment for QUEUE jobs and submit jobs is output to the file specified by file-name in step 1. Copy the contents of the output file to jpqsetup.conf.

(4) Backing up the unit definition

The following describes the tasks required to back up the definition information for a jobnet and calendar. Back up the information for each scheduler service.

Cautionary note

For this backup procedure only, the unit for backup is by scheduler service rather than by logical host. Accordingly, back up the information for each scheduler service separately.

Before starting backup, make sure that the JP1/AJS3 service is running.

For details about how to back up the jobnet definition information, see 3. Backing Up and Restoring Jobnets.

(a) Backing up the definition information for units other than the root job group

Execute the following command to back up the definition information for the units in the scheduler service. The definition information includes the base time, comments, and all other definitions for each unit, but does not include information about the root job group (/), such as the base time, base day, and base month. To back up the root job group information, use the procedures in (b) and (c) below.

  • In Windows:

    C:\> ajsprint -F scheduler-service-name -a /* > unitbackup.txt
  • In UNIX:

    # ajsprint -F scheduler-service-name -a '/*' > unitbackup.txt

To back up the definition of many units, consider splitting the unit definition by job group or jobnet. Execute the following command for each unit you want to back up.

ajsprint -F scheduler-service-name -a /unit-name > unit-name_backup.txt
Cautionary note

When you use the ajsprint command to back up the definition information, specify no for the AJSPRINTNETSCHPRF environment setting parameter. For details about this parameter, see 20.4.2(79) AJSPRINTNETSCHPRF in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.

(b) Backing up the information about the root job group

Record the following information about the root job group:

  • Comments

  • Owners

  • JP1 resource groups

  • Base time

  • Base day

  • Base month

(c) Backing up the calendar information for the root job group

Execute the following command to back up the calendar information (open days and close days) for the root job group.

ajsprint -F scheduler service-name -d / > rootcal.txt
Cautionary note

If no calendar information is output to rootcal.txt, recovery is not needed.