
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide

20.10.2 Details of the environment setting parameters for the queueless job execution environment

This subsection describes details of the environment setting parameters for the queueless job execution environment.

Note that the default of an environment setting parameter means the value that is assumed when the environment setting parameter is omitted.

Organization of this subsection


Use this parameter to specify settings for correctly executing a job on an agent that does not support UTF-8 when a manager in a UTF-8 environment is managing queueless jobs.

Because an agent that does not support UTF-8 does not support UTF-8 character code conversion, you need to specify UTF-8 as the environment setting parameter to allow the manager to perform the character code conversion.


"QLMANCHARCODE" = "{none|UTF-8}"

Specifiable values

The manager does not perform character code conversion. Specify this value only when all the applicable queueless agents operate in a UTF-8 environment.


The manager converts UTF-8 into character codes that the queueless agent supports and communicates with the queueless agent. Specify this value if one or more queueless agents do not operate in a UTF-8 environment.

Default value


Recommended value

Set the value appropriate for the operating environment.

When the setting takes effect

After restart of the JP1/AJS3 Queueless File Transfer service and restart of the scheduler service

Cautionary notes
  • In a Linux environment in which a queueless job has never been set up, UTF-8 is set when you execute the ajsqlsetup command.

  • Set this environment setting parameter only when the character set of the manager (the value of the AJSCHARCODE environment setting parameter) is UTF-8. If the character set of the manager is not UTF-8, do not set this environment setting parameter.

  • The character code conversion in this environment setting parameter applies only to data that is related to queueless jobs.

  • If you specify UTF-8 for this environment setting parameter, you must specify the agent character set for the AJSQL_CHARCODE environment setting parameter on all the agent hosts, including the local host.

  • Whereas the AJSCHARCODE environment setting parameter is set individually for scheduler services, the QLMANCHARCODE environment setting parameter is set for a single host. If you specify UTF-8 for the QLMANCHARCODE environment setting parameter, also specify UTF-8 for the AJSCHARCODE environment setting parameter for each of the scheduler services.


Use this parameter to specify the maximum number of concurrently executable jobs within a queueless agent service.

Specify this parameter if you want to limit the number of concurrently executable queueless jobs according to available machine resources.

If the number of jobs exceeds the specified value, the jobs exceeding the value enter the wait status (pooled in memory of the queueless agent). For details about how to specify the number of jobs that can wait, see the explanation of the AJSQL_JOBWAITMAX environment setting parameter.


"AJSQL_JOBMAX" = dword:maximum-number-of-concurrently-executable-jobs-within-a-queueless-agent-service

Specifiable values

A hexadecimal value from 0 to 400 (0 to 1,024 in decimal)

Default value
  • In Windows:

    dword:00000005 (5 in decimal)

  • In UNIX:

    dword:00000400 (1,024 in decimal)

Recommended value

Set the value appropriate for the operating environment.

When the setting takes effect

After the JP1/AJS3 Queueless Agent service is restarted


Character code conversion is required when you use a queueless job in either of the following environments. In these cases, specify the character set to be used when a queueless job is executed on the agent host.



Specifiable values

The 7-bit ASCII character set is used. There is no character code conversion between the manager and the agent.

You cannot specify none by using the jajs_config command. The none setting and C setting have the same effect. If you want to specify none, specify C by using the jajs_config command.


The 7-bit ASCII character set is used. There is no character code conversion between the manager and the agent.


The Shift JIS character set is used.


The EUC character set is used.


The UTF-8 character set is specified.

Default value


Recommended value

Set the value appropriate for the operating environment.

When the setting takes effect

After the JP1/AJS3 Queueless Agent service is restarted

Cautionary notes
  • The character string used when a queueless job is executed is not encoded with the character set of the JP1/AJS3 service. Instead, the LANG environment variable value specified when the queueless agent service is started is used.

  • Specify this environment setting parameter on the host used as an agent.

  • If en_US.UTF-8 or en_US.utf8 is set for the LANG environment variable, set C for this environment setting parameter.


Use this parameter to specify the maximum number of jobs that are allowed to wait within a queueless agent service.

Specify this parameter if the peak number of queueless jobs that are being executed exceeds the maximum number of simultaneous jobs.

If the number of jobs exceeds the specified value, the queueless job fails to start.


"AJSQL_JOBWAITMAX" = dword:maximum-number-of-waiting-jobs-within-the-queueless-agent-service

Specifiable values

A hexadecimal value from 0 to 19000 (0 to 102,400 in decimal)

Default value
  • In Windows:

    dword:00000800 (2,048 in decimal)

  • In UNIX:


Recommended value

Set the value appropriate for the operating environment.

When the setting takes effect

After the JP1/AJS3 Queueless Agent service is restarted


Use this parameter to specify the processing for a request for execution on an unattached logical host.


"AJSQL_NOATTACHREQ" = "{exec|error}"

Specifiable values

The request is processed on the physical host.


The request results in an error.

Default value


Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect

After the JP1/AJS3 Queueless Agent service is restarted


If you use a relative path to specify the script file, you need to specify whether a script file already in the current path is to be executed when a job is executed.

The current path is the path specified for Working path. If a path is not specified for Working path, the home directory of the OS user who executes the job is used as the current path.



Specifiable values

The script file in the current path has priority.


When a job is executed, the path in the PATH environment variable is followed to find and execute the target script file.

Default value


Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect

After the JP1/AJS3 Queueless Agent service is restarted

Cautionary note

If you specify yes for this parameter, the current path is searched to locate the script file. Therefore, the job will fail to start if a hard disk failure or another problem causes the search for the script file to fail.


Use this parameter to specify the full path name of the queueless trace log file.

If you do not specify this parameter, a trace log is not output.


"AJSQL_TRACELOGFILE" = "trace-log-file-name"

Specifiable values

A character string of no more than 255 bytes

Default value

The following file name is assumed at setup.

In Windows:
  • If the installation folder is the default installation folder or is in a folder protected by the system:


    The default value of %ALLUSERSPROFILE% is system-drive\ProgramData.

    A folder protected by the system is the path to a folder in any of the following:

    - system-drive\Windows

    - system-drive\Program Files

    - system-drive\Program Files (x86)

  • If the installation folder is other than the above:




Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect
  • For the JP1/AJS3 Queueless Agent service:

    After the JP1/AJS3 Queueless Agent service is restarted

  • For the JP1/AJS3 Queueless File Transfer service:

    After the JP1/AJS3 Queueless File Transfer service is restarted

  • For the JP1/AJS3 service:

    After the JP1/AJS3 service is restarted


When a $JP1AJS2_JPQTEMPxx$ variable is converted, use this parameter to select whether to enclose the variable value after conversion in double quotation marks (").

The setting of this parameter is valid for the physical host and all logical hosts.



Specifiable values

The variable value after conversion is enclosed in double quotation marks (").


The variable value after conversion is not enclosed in double quotation marks (").

Default value


Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect

After the JP1/AJS3 Queueless Agent service is restarted


Use this parameter to specify the length of time before an attempt to the connect to the queueless file transfer service times out.


"AJSQL_CONNECTTIMEOUT" = dword:connection-timeout-value

Specifiable values

A hexadecimal value (in seconds) from 00000000 to 00000258 (0 to 600 in decimal).

If you specify dword:00000000, the timeout value depends on the connection timeout value of the OS.

Default value

dword:0000000A (10 in decimal)

Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect

After the JP1/AJS3 Queueless Agent service is restarted


Use this parameter to specify the number of retries to be attempted if a communication error occurs during processing to connect to the queueless file transfer service.


"AJSQL_CONNECTCOUNT" = dword:number-of-connection-retries

Specifiable values

A hexadecimal value (in seconds) from 00000000 to 00000064 (0 to 100 in decimal)

Default value

dword:00000003 (3 in decimal)

Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect

After the JP1/AJS3 Queueless Agent service is restarted


Use this parameter to specify the retry interval if a communication error occurs during processing to connect to the queueless file transfer service.


"AJSQL_CONNECTINT" = dword:retry-interval-for-communication-connection

Specifiable values

A hexadecimal value (in seconds) from 00000000 to 0000003C (0 to 60 in decimal)

Default value

dword:00000001 (1 in decimal)

Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect

After the JP1/AJS3 Queueless Agent service is restarted

(12) ENABLE_LONG_EXT (for queueless job)

Use this parameter to specify whether to execute a job specified for an executable file whose extension is 4 bytes or more in an application associated with the executable-file extension when Queueless Agent has been specified for Exec. service.

For details, see 6.2.18 Executing a job whose executable file name has an extension longer than three bytes.


"ENABLE_LONG_EXT" = dword:setting-value

Specifiable values

Although the executable-file extension is 4 bytes or more, the job specified for the file is executed in the application that is associated with the first three digits of the executable-file extension.

If the system cannot find the application that is associated with the first three digits of the extension, the job does not start.


If the executable-file extension is 4 bytes or more, the job is executed in the application that is associated with the extension.

If Standard is specified for Exec. service, the job is executed with a long file name when the executable file is executed with an extension of 4 bytes or more.

Default value

dword:00000000 (0 in decimal)

Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect

After the JP1/AJS3 Queueless Agent service is restarted


Use this parameter to specify whether to prevent a problem whereby a job ends abnormally with return value 128.

For details, see 6.4.3 Preventing a queueless job from ending abnormally with return value 128.



Specifiable values

A problem whereby a job ends abnormally with return value 128 is prevented.


A problem whereby a job ends abnormally with return value 128 is not prevented.

Default value


Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect

After the JP1/AJS3 Queueless Agent service is restarted


Use this parameter to specify whether to enable the internal log output function for queueless job execution.


"AJSQL_EXECLOG" = "{yes|no}"

Specifiable values

The internal log output function for the queueless job execution is enabled.


The internal log output function for the queueless job execution is disabled.

Default value


Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect

After the JP1/AJS3 Queueless Agent service or the JP1/AJS3 Queueless File Transfer service is restarted


Use this parameter to specify the name of the directory used to store the internal log data output by the queueless file transfer service. Specify a full path name.


"AJSQL_EXECLOG_FTPPATH" = "name-of-the-directory-used-to-store-the-internal-log-output-by-the-queueless-file-transfer-service"

Specifiable values

A character string of no more than 200 bytes

Default value
In Windows:
  • If the installation folder is the default installation folder or is in a folder protected by the system:


    The default value of %ALLUSERSPROFILE% is system-drive\ProgramData.

    A folder protected by the system is the path to a folder in any of the following:

    - system-drive\Windows

    - system-drive\Program Files

    - system-drive\Program Files (x86)

  • If the installation folder is other than the above:




Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect

After the JP1/AJS3 Queueless File Transfer service is restarted

Cautionary note

Specify the name of a directory on the local disk.

(16) UACAdministratorsExec (for queueless job)

Use this parameter to specify whether a user can execute queueless jobs as a user with administrator permissions when the UAC function is enabled.

For details, see 6.2.22 Settings for executing jobs as a user with administrator permissions when the UAC is enabled.


"UACAdministratorsExec" = dword:setting

Specifiable values

When the UAC is enabled, all OS users who belong to the Administrators group execute jobs with the administrator permissions disabled. Excluded, however, is the built-in Administrator.


When the UAC is enabled, an OS user who belongs to the Administrators group executes jobs as a user with administrator permissions.

When you specify 1, the Log on as a batch job permission must be set for all OS users (including standard users) who execute jobs.

Default value

dword:00000000 (0 in decimal)

Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect

After the JP1/AJS3 Queueless Agent service is restarted


Use this parameter to specify the number of retry attempts when the queueless file transfer service has failed to acquire user information from the OS password file.

Usually, you do not need to change this value.

For details, see 15.2.20 Changing the settings for retries when user information is acquired.


"AJSQL_GETPASSWD_FTPRETRYCOUNT" = dword:number-of-retry-attempts-when-an-attempt-to-acquire-user-information-from-the-OS-password-file-has-failed

Specifiable values

A hexadecimal value from 00000000 to 0000000A (0 to 10 in decimal)

If you specify dword:00000000, a retry is not performed.

Default value

dword:00000002 (2 in decimal)

Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect

After the JP1/AJS3 Queueless File Transfer service is restarted


Use this parameter to specify the retry interval when the queueless file transfer service has failed to acquire user information from the OS password file.

Usually, you do not need to change this value.

For details, see 15.2.20 Changing the settings for retries when user information is acquired.


"AJSQL_GETPASSWD_FTPRETRYINTERVAL" = dword:retry-interval-when-an-attempt-to-acquire-user-information-from-the-OS-password-file-has-failed

Specifiable values

A hexadecimal value (in milliseconds) from 00000000 to 00002710 (0 to 10,000 in decimal)

If you specify dword:00000000, a retry is performed immediately.

Default value

dword:000003E8 (1,000 in decimal)

Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect

After the JP1/AJS3 Queueless File Transfer service is restarted

(19) IgnoreResultFileError (for queueless job)

Use this parameter to specify the operation to be executed if, after a job process has finished, an error occurs during the transfer processing of a job result file (standard output file or standard error output file).

For details, see 6.2.24 Operation settings when job result file transfer fails (Windows), or 15.2.22 Operation settings when job result file transfer fails (UNIX).


"IgnoreResultFileError" = dword:operation-if-a-transfer-error-occurs-in-a-job-result-file

Specifiable values

If an error occurs during the transfer processing of a job result file, -1 is set as the job return code and the job status is set to Ended abnormally.


If an error occurs during the transfer processing of a job result file, the return code of the job process is set as the job return code and the job status is set to Ended normally, Ended with warning, or Ended abnormally according to how the end of processing is judged.

Default value

dword:00000000(0 in decimal)

Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect

After JP1/AJS3 is restarted


Use this parameter to specify the name of the log folder to which the messages related to starting and ending executed jobs are output. Specify a full path name.


"AJSQL_LOGFILE" = "log-folder-name"

Specifiable values

A character string of no more than 180 bytes

Default value

In Windows:

For a physical host:
  • If the installation folder is the default installation folder or is in a folder protected by the system:


    The default value of %ALLUSERSPROFILE% is system-drive\ProgramData.

    A folder protected by the system is the path to a folder in any of the following:

    - system-drive\Windows

    - system-drive\Program Files

    - system-drive\Program Files (x86)

  • If the installation folder is other than the above:


For a logical host:



For a physical host:


For a logical host:


Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect

After the JP1/AJS3 Queueless Agent service is restarted or the logical host is attached


Use this parameter to specify the size of the log file.

Because this log file used to check the job execution status, specify a size that is sufficient for storing the log data for at least one day.

As the log file, the system uses two files (file 1 and file 2), each of which has the size specified for this parameter.


"AJSQL_LOGSIZE" = dword:log-file-size

Specifiable values

0 or a value (in kilobytes) from 4 to 1E8480 in hexadecimal (0 or a value from 4 to 2,000,000 in decimal)

Default value

dword:00002000 (8,192 in decimal)

Recommended value

Set the value appropriate for the operating environment.

When the setting takes effect

After the JP1/AJS3 Queueless Agent service is restarted or the logical host is attached

Cautionary note

When the information written to file 1 reaches the limit specified in this parameter, the writing of information switches to file 2. When the information written to file 2 reaches the limit, the writing of information switches back to file 1 and existing information is overwritten. Because the repeated switching between files 1 and 2 continually overwrites older information, you must be especially careful in specifying the file size.


Use this parameter to specify the name of the status file used to store information about running jobs. Specify a full path name.


"AJSQL_STATFILE" = "status-file-name"

Specifiable values

A character string of no more than 255 bytes

Default value

In Windows:

For a physical host:
  • If the installation folder is the default installation folder or is in a folder protected by the system:


    The default value of %ALLUSERSPROFILE% is system-drive\ProgramData.

    A folder protected by the system is the path to a folder in any of the following:

    - system-drive\Windows

    - system-drive\Program Files

    - system-drive\Program Files (x86)

  • If the installation folder is other than the above:


For a logical host:



For a physical host:


For a logical host:


Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect

After the JP1/AJS3 Queueless Agent service is restarted or the logical host is attached


Use this parameter to specify the size of the status file used to store information about running jobs.

When the a status file is used, although nodes are switched for the requesting scheduler service and executing queueless agent before job-end results are reported to the requesting manager, the job-end results can be reported after a restart.

The job status can be managed on the manager side even if the scheduler service requesting execution of a queueless job fails during job execution. If you want to improve the reliability, specify this parameter.

One kilobyte corresponds to the information for about 9 jobs.


"AJSQL_STATSIZE" = dword:status-file-size

Specifiable values

0 or a value (in kilobytes) from 4 to 1E8480 in hexadecimal (0 or 4 to 2,000,000 in decimal)

Default value

dword:00000800 (2,048 in decimal)

Recommended value

Set the value appropriate for the operating environment.

When the setting takes effect

After the JP1/AJS3 Queueless Agent service is restarted or the logical host is attached

Cautionary note

If you specify 0 for this parameter, the information about running jobs is not stored. If nodes are switched for the scheduler service requesting execution during job execution, the end status of a running job will be unknown.

If you specify a non-zero value, the job status might be displayed as Ended abnormally even if the job itself has terminated normally. This is because an attempt to transfer output (the information sent by the job to the standard error output) from the agent host to the manager host has failed. You can prevent this problem from occurring by only sending output to the standard error output when an error occurs.


Use this parameter to specify whether to attach the logical host that was set when the queueless agent service started.

This item is effective only if you specify the logical host key.


"AJSQL_ATTACH" = "{yes|no}"

Specifiable values

The logical host is attached.


The logical host is not attached.

To enable the logical host to be used, use the ajsqlattach command to attach it after starting the queueless agent service.

Default value


Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect

After the JP1/AJS3 Queueless Agent service is restarted


Use this parameter to specify the name of the directory used to store the internal log data output by the queueless agent service. Specify a full path name.


"AJSQL_EXECLOG_AGTPATH" = "name-of-the-directory-used-to-store-the-internal-log-output-by-the-queueless-agent-service"

Specifiable values

A character string of no more than 200 bytes

Default value
In Windows:
  • If the installation folder is the default installation folder or is in a folder protected by the system:


    The default value of %ALLUSERSPROFILE% is system-drive\ProgramData.

    A folder protected by the system is the path to a folder in any of the following:

    - system-drive\Windows

    - system-drive\Program Files

    - system-drive\Program Files (x86)

  • If the installation folder is other than the above:




Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect

After the JP1/AJS3 Queueless Agent service is restarted or the logical host is attached

Cautionary note

Specify the name of a directory on the local disk.

The directory name for cluster use is as follows:


If the full path name is 256 bytes or more, the first 30 bytes are used as the logical host name specified for logical-host-name.

If there are multiple logical hosts satisfying the above conditions and the first 30 bytes of their names are the same, the internal logs of these logical hosts are output to the same file. However, if the internal logs of multiple logical hosts are output to the same file, starting the queueless job might slow down and the output of internal logs might fail.

If the internal logs of multiple logical hosts will be output to the same file, specify a different directory path for the AJSQL_EXECLOG_AGTPATH environment setting parameter for each logical host, so that the internal logs will be output to different files. If you change the value of the AJSQL_EXECLOG_AGTPATH environment setting parameter to a non-default value, you also have to edit the contents of the data collection sample script. For details, see 7.1 Collecting log data.


Use this parameter to specify the full path name of the directory for the temporary file that is used by a queueless job.


"AJSQL_AGTWORKPATH" = "name-of-the-directory-for-the-temporary-file-to-be-used-by-queueless-job"

Specifiable values

A character string of no more than 100 bytes

Default value

In Windows:

For a physical host:
  • If the installation folder is the default installation folder or is in a folder protected by the system:


    The default value of %ALLUSERSPROFILE% is system-drive\ProgramData.

    A folder protected by the system is the path to a folder in any of the following:

    - system-drive\Windows

    - system-drive\Program Files

    - system-drive\Program Files (x86)

  • If the installation folder is other than the above:


For a logical host:



For a physical host:


For a logical host:


Recommended value

Set the value appropriate for the operating environment.

When the setting takes effect

After the JP1/AJS3 Queueless Agent service is restarted or the logical host is attached


Use this parameter to specify whether to load user the profile information about the OS user who executes a job when a job is executed.

Specify this parameter value if the user information must be set in the logon session of the OS user when PC jobs are executed.

For details, see 6.4.2 Executing a job that requires a user profile in a queueless job execution environment.



Specifiable values

Specify this value to load the user profile.


Specify this value if you do not want to load the user profile.

Default value


Recommended value

Set the value appropriate for the operating environment.

When the setting takes effect

After the JP1/AJS3 Queueless Agent service is restarted


Use this parameter to specify the number of retry attempts when the queueless agent service has failed to acquire user information from the OS password file.

Usually, you do not need to change this value.

For details, see 15.2.20 Changing the settings for retries when user information is acquired.


"AJSQL_GETPASSWD_AGTRETRYCOUNT" = dword:number-of-retry-attempts-when-an-attempt-to-acquire-user-information-from-the-OS-password-file-has-failed

Specifiable values

A hexadecimal value from 00000000 to 0000000A (0 to 10 in decimal)

If you specify dword:00000000, a retry is not performed.

Default value

dword:00000002 (2 in decimal)

Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect

After the JP1/AJS3 Queueless Agent service is restarted or the logical host is attached


Use this parameter to specify the retry interval when the queueless agent service has failed to acquire user information from the OS password file.

Usually, you do not need to change this value.

For details, see 15.2.20 Changing the settings for retries when user information is acquired.


"AJSQL_GETPASSWD_AGTRETRYINTERVAL" = dword:retry-interval-when-an-attempt-to-acquire-user-information-from-the-OS-password-file-has-failed

Specifiable values

A hexadecimal value (in milliseconds) from 00000000 to 00002710 (0 to 10,000 in decimal)

If you specify dword:00000000, a retry is performed immediately.

Default value

dword:000003E8 (1,000 in decimal)

Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect

After the JP1/AJS3 Queueless Agent service is restarted or the logical host is attached


Use this parameter to specify whether to abnormally terminate a queueless cluster process if it fails to attach a logical host.


"AJSQL_CLUSTERREQ" = "{exec|error}"

Specifiable values

The startup of the process continues, and the queueless cluster process does not terminate abnormally. Startup of the JP1/AJS3 service also continues.

If you specify exec, startup of the process continues even if an attempt to attach a logical host fails. Accordingly, you need to execute the ajsqlstatus command after nodes are switched, to check whether the logical host has been attached successfully. If the attachment has failed, use the integrated trace log to determine the cause of the error and then correct the error. You can then use the ajsqlattach command to attach the logical host.


The queueless cluster process terminates abnormally. Startup of the JP1/AJS3 service also terminates abnormally.

Default value


Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect

After JP1/AJS3 service is restarted


Use this parameter to specify the maximum number of jobs that can be executed simultaneously within a class.

For details, see 6.4.1 Executing jobs with a class specified in a queueless job environment (for Windows) or 15.4.1 Executing jobs with a class specified in a queueless job environment (for UNIX).


"AJSQL_CJOBMAX" = dword:maximum-number-of-simultaneous-jobs-within-a-class

Specifiable values

A hexadecimal value from 0 to 400 (0 to 1,024 in decimal)

Default value
  • In Windows:

    dword:00000005 (5 in decimal)

  • In UNIX:

    dword:00000400 (1,024 in decimal)

Recommended value

Set the value appropriate for the operating environment.

When the setting takes effect

After the JP1/AJS3 Queueless Agent service is restarted or the logical host is attached


Use this parameter to specify the maximum number of queueless jobs that can be stored in queueless agent service memory if the number of jobs exceeds the maximum number of simultaneous jobs in the class.

For details, see 6.4.1 Executing jobs with a class specified in a queueless job environment (for Windows) or 15.4.1 Executing jobs with a class specified in a queueless job environment (for UNIX).


"AJSQL_CJOBWAITMAX" = dword:maximum-number-of-jobs-that-can-wait-in-a-class

Specifiable values

A hexadecimal value from 0 to 19000 (0 to 102,400 in decimal)

Default value
  • In Windows:

    dword:00000800 (2,048 in decimal)

  • In UNIX:

    dword:00000000 (0 in decimal)

Recommended value

Set the value appropriate for the operating environment.

When the setting takes effect

After the JP1/AJS3 Queueless Agent service is restarted or the logical host is attached