
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide

15.4.1 Executing jobs with a class specified in a queueless job environment

In a queueless job environment, you can define classes and set for each class the maximum number of concurrently executable jobs and the maximum number of waiting jobs.

If an attempt is made to concurrently execute more jobs in a class than the maximum number of concurrently executable jobs, only as many jobs as the maximum are executed. The rest of the jobs are stacked in memory on the queueless agent. If an attempt is made to execute a job when the number of stacked jobs has reached the maximum number of waiting jobs, the attempt fails, and the status of the job becomes Failed to start.

For example, assume that there is a class whose number of concurrently executable jobs is 10 and whose maximum number of waiting jobs is 5, and that 15 jobs are concurrently in the Now running status. In this class, if an attempt is made to execute other jobs, the status of the 16th and subsequent jobs becomes Failed to start.

In addition to the two types of limitation on a specific class described above, the same two types of limitation are also set for the entire queueless agent. Even if the maximum number of concurrently executable jobs for a class has not been reached, the maximum number of concurrently executable jobs for the queueless agent might have already been reached. In that state, if an attempt is made to execute more jobs in the class, they are stacked in memory on the queueless agent. Similarly, even if the maximum number of waiting jobs for a class has not been reached, the maximum number of waiting jobs for the queueless agent might have already been reached. In that state, if an attempt is made to execute more jobs in the class, the status of the jobs becomes Failed to start, although the maximum for the class has not been reached.

When you execute jobs with a class specified, specify the execution host name and class name in Exec-agent in the following format, using an exclamation mark (!) as a separator:


Supplementary note:

Because queueless jobs do not use an execution agent, the execution host name and class name are specified in Exec-agent.

You can specify only one separator (!) and one class name without specifying the host name on which jobs will be executed. If you do not specify the host name, the local host is assumed.

If you omit both the execution host name and class name for a job, the execution host specified in Exec-agent for the jobnet to which the job belongs is assumed.

You cannot specify a class name in Exec-agent for a jobnet. If you attempt to execute a jobnet specified in this way, the status of the jobs in the jobnet becomes Failed to start.

If you attempt to execute a job with a non-existent class specified, the status of the job becomes Failed to start.

The following describes how to set a class.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Definition procedure

Perform the following procedure on the queueless agent host on which you want to execute queueless jobs with a class specified.

  1. Stop the queueless agent service.

    Execute the following commands to confirm that all processes have stopped:

    # /opt/jp1ajs2/bin/ajsqlstop
    # /opt/jp1ajs2/bin/ajsqlstatus
  2. Execute the following command to set the environment setting parameters described in (2) below:

    jajs_config -k "definition-key" "parameter-name-1"=value-1 ["parameter-name-2"=value-2]
  3. Execute the following command to restart the service that you stopped in step 1:

    # /opt/jp1ajs2/bin/ajsqlstart

    The new settings are applied.

(2) Environment setting parameters

Table 15‒69: Environment setting parameters used to execute jobs with a class specified in a queueless job environment

Definition key

Environment setting parameter




Specifies the maximum number of concurrently executable jobs for a class.


Specifies the maximum number of waiting jobs for a class.


The specification of the {JP1_DEFAULT|logical-host} part depends on whether the host is a physical host or a logical host. For a physical host, specify JP1_DEFAULT. For a logical host, specify the logical host name.

For details about the definition of these environment setting parameters, see the following:

(3) Definition example

In this definition example, the maximum number of concurrently executable jobs in class class1 on execution host agent1 is 512. The maximum number of waiting jobs in class class1 on execution host agent1 is 256.

When 512 jobs are running concurrently, if an attempt is made to execute additional jobs, a maximum of 256 jobs can be stacked in memory on the agent. If 256 jobs are stacked and an attempt is made to execute additional jobs, the status of the additional jobs becomes Failed to start status.

(4) Notes