
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide

20.8.2 Details of the environment setting parameters for communication control

This subsection describes details of the environment setting parameters for communication control.

Note that the default of an environment setting parameter means the value that is assumed when the environment setting parameter is omitted.

Organization of this subsection

(1) ClientConnectTimeout (communication control)

Use this parameter to specify the connection timeout value to be used when connecting to JP1/AJS3 - Agent.

For details, see 6.2.8 Changing the timeout period, interval of retries, and number of retries for TCP/IP connections (For Windows) or 15.2.8 Changing the timeout period, interval of retries, and number of retries for TCP/IP connections (For UNIX).


"ClientConnectTimeout" = dword:connection-timeout-period

Specifiable values

A hexadecimal value (in milliseconds) from 000003E8 to 05265C00 (1,000 to 86,400,000 in decimal)

Default value

dword:00015F90 (90,000 in decimal)

Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect

The next time the JP1/AJS3 service is started

Cautionary notes
  • If you decrease the connection timeout value, a timeout might occur before connection is completed, resulting in a connection error in TCP/IP communication.

  • Depending on the connection timeout specifications and the settings for the OS, a connection timeout might occur before the value specified for this environment setting parameter is reached.

  • If you specify a decimal value larger than 86,400,000, the KAVS1518-E message is output to the integrated trace log, and the JP1/AJS3 service do not start.

  • If you are using the job distribution delay reduction function, see the descriptions of the AGMERRAGTSTATRESETTIME environment setting parameter for agent monitoring and the QueuingJobRecoveryTime environment setting parameter for the job execution environment.

    For details about the AGMERRAGTSTATRESETTIME environment setting parameter, see 20.12.2(2) AGMERRAGTSTATRESETTIME. For details about the QueuingJobRecoveryTime environment setting parameter, see 20.5.2(18) QueuingJobRecoveryTime.

If you want to set this parameter on the event/action control manager, see (a) To set the parameter for event/action control.

(a) To set the parameter for event/action control

The following describes the settings of the communication connection timeout value used if you want to set the parameter for the event/action control manager.

If you set this parameter on the event/action control manager, specify this parameter for the [{JP1_DEFAULT|logical-host-name}\JP1AJS2\HOST\NETWORK\EVMANAGER] or [{JP1_DEFAULT|logical-host-name}\JP1AJSMANAGER\scheduler-service-name\NETWORK\EVMANAGER] definition key. If you specify this parameter for the [{JP1_DEFAULT|logical-host-name}\JP1AJS2\HOST\NETWORK] definition key, the parameter setting has no effect on event/action control.

Specifiable values

A hexadecimal value (in milliseconds) from 000003E8 to 000927C0 (1,000 to 600,000 in decimal)

Default value
  • In Windows:

    dword:00007530 (30,000 in decimal)

  • In UNIX:

    dword:000003E8 (1,000 in decimal)

    During a new installation and setup of JP1/AJS3, dword:00002710 is set.

Recommended value
  • In Windows:

    Set the value appropriate for the operating environment.

  • In UNIX:

    dword:00002710 (10,000 in decimal)

When the setting takes effect

The next time the JP1/AJS3 service starts

Cautionary notes
  • If the environment setting parameter for event/action control is not specified, the default value is assumed.

  • If a value that is not within the allowable range of the connection timeout values is specified for event/action control, the default value (30,000 in decimal in Windows or 1,000 in decimal in UNIX) is assumed, and the JP1/AJS3 service start.

    If you specify a value larger than 86,400,000 in decimal, the KAVS1518-E message is output to the integrated trace log, and the JP1/AJS3 service do not start.

  • If you want to set an environment setting parameter for event/action control described here in an agent environment, see 20.6.2(25) ClientConnectTimeout (event/action control).

(2) ClientRetryInterval

Use this parameter to specify the retry interval for the remote connection timeout (includes connection to JP1/AJS3 - Agent). This environment setting parameter has no effect on event/action control.

For details, see 6.2.8 Changing the timeout period, interval of retries, and number of retries for TCP/IP connections (For Windows) or 15.2.8 Changing the timeout period, interval of retries, and number of retries for TCP/IP connections (For UNIX).


"ClientRetryInterval" = dword:connection-retry-interval

Specifiable values

A hexadecimal value (in seconds) from 00000000 to 00015180 (0 to 86,400 in decimal)

Default value

dword:00000014 (20 in decimal)

Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect

The next time the JP1/AJS3 service is started

Cautionary notes
  • If you specify a decimal value larger than 86,400, the KAVS1518-E message is output to the integrated trace log, and the JP1/AJS3 service do not start.

  • If you are using the job distribution delay reduction function, see the descriptions of the AGMERRAGTSTATRESETTIME environment setting parameter for agent monitoring and the QueuingJobRecoveryTime environment setting parameter for the job execution environment.

    For details about the AGMERRAGTSTATRESETTIME environment setting parameter, see 20.12.2(2) AGMERRAGTSTATRESETTIME. For details about the QueuingJobRecoveryTime environment setting parameter, see 20.5.2(18) QueuingJobRecoveryTime.

(3) ClientRetryCount

Use this parameter to specify the number of retries for a remote-communication connection timeout occurring when trying to connect to JP1/AJS3 - Agent. This environment setting parameter has no effect on event/action control.

For details, see 6.2.8 Changing the timeout period, interval of retries, and number of retries for TCP/IP connections (For Windows) or 15.2.8 Changing the timeout period, interval of retries, and number of retries for TCP/IP connections (For UNIX).


"ClientRetryCount" = dword:number-of-connection-retries

Specifiable values

A hexadecimal value (number of times) from 00000000 to 7FFFFFFF (0 to 2,147,483,647 in decimal)

Default value

dword:00000002 (2 in decimal)

Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect

The next time the JP1/AJS3 service is started

Cautionary notes
  • If you specify a decimal value larger than 2,147,483,647, the KAVS1518-E message is output to the integrated trace log, and the JP1/AJS3 service do not start.

  • If you are using the job distribution delay reduction function, see the descriptions of the AGMERRAGTSTATRESETTIME environment setting parameter for agent monitoring and the QueuingJobRecoveryTime environment setting parameter for the job execution environment.

    For details about the AGMERRAGTSTATRESETTIME environment setting parameter, see 20.12.2(2) AGMERRAGTSTATRESETTIME. For details about the QueuingJobRecoveryTime environment setting parameter, see 20.5.2(18) QueuingJobRecoveryTime.

(4) ReduceStateTransitionDelay

Use this parameter to specify whether to use the function for reducing job status transition delays.


"ReduceStateTransitionDelay" = "{yes|no}"

Specifiable values

The function for reducing job status transition delays is used.


The function for reducing job status transition delays is not used.

Default value


During a new installation of JP1/AJS3, no is set.

Recommended value

Set the value appropriate for the operating environment.

When the setting takes effect

When the JP1/AJS3 service starts


Use this parameter to specify whether to reduce the number of ports that are used for internal communications by the scheduler service during job execution.



Specifiable values

The number of ports that are used for internal communications by the scheduler service is reduced.


Existing internal processing methods are used for operation. The number of ports that are used for internal communications by the scheduler service is not reduced.

Default value


During a new installation of JP1/AJS3, yes is set.

Recommended value


When the setting takes effect

After JP1/AJS3 is restarted

(6) ResponseTimeout

Use this parameter to specify the time that can elapse before a communication failure is detected when the manager host responds to a notification from an execution agent.

Usually, you do not need to change this value.


"ResponseTimeout" = dword:time-limit-for-communication-failure-detection-when-the-manager-host-responds-to-a-notification-from-an-execution-agent

Specifiable values

A hexadecimal value (in milliseconds) from 00002710 to 000927C0 (10,000 to 600,000 in decimal)

Default value

dword:00002710 (10,000 in decimal)

Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect

When the JP1/AJS3 service starts

Cautionary notes
  • If you increase the value of the ResponseTimeout environment setting parameter, the reduction effect on job status transition delays decreases. However, this provides a longer time for detecting a communication failure, and temporary recovery from a communication failure might be detectable. For details, see 2.5.6 Considering reduction of delays in job status transitions in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Configuration) Guide.

  • The ResponseTimeout environment setting parameter is valid when yes is specified for the ReduceStateTransitionDelay environment setting parameter.