
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide

20.6.2 Details of the environment setting parameters for event/action control

This subsection describes details of the environment setting parameters for event/action control.

Note that the default of an environment setting parameter means the value that is assumed when the environment setting parameter is omitted.

Organization of this subsection

(1) WaitInfFileOutDir (for manager process)

Use this parameter to specify the name of the directory to which detailed information about event jobs and information about the receive status of events monitored by the start condition (wait information) is output. Specify a full path name. Note that you need to specify this directory only if you want to change the default directory.

Specify this parameter if you want to output the wait information to a folder that is not specified by default or to support a cluster configuration.

The wait information is output to the directory you specify in this parameter or to the following folder in the assumed directory.

This parameter is valid only for a manager process started from host-service management in a standard configuration.


"WaitInfFileOutDir" = "name-of-directory-to-which-the-wait-information-file-is-output (setting for the manager process)"

Specifiable values

A character string of no more than 180 bytes

Default value
In Windows:


During a new installation and setup of JP1/AJS3, one of the following values is set.

  • In Windows, if the installation folder is the default installation folder or is in a folder protected by the system:


    The default for %ALLUSERSPROFILE% is system-drive\ProgramData.

    A folder protected by the system is the path to a folder in any of the following:

    - system-drive\Windows

    - system-drive\Program Files

    - system-drive\Program Files (x86)

  • In Windows, if the installation folder is other than the above:




During a new installation and setup of JP1/AJS3, the value is blank.

Recommended value
For a physical host:
  • In Windows, if the installation folder is the default installation folder or is in a folder protected by the system:


    The default for %ALLUSERSPROFILE% is system-drive\ProgramData.

    A folder protected by the system is the path to a folder in any of the following:

    - system-drive\Windows

    - system-drive\Program Files

    - system-drive\Program Files (x86)

  • In Windows, if the installation folder is other than the above:


  • In UNIX:


For a logical host:


When the setting takes effect

The next time the JP1/AJS3 service is started

Cautionary note

For the name of the directory to which the wait information file is output, do not specify characters that the OS does not permit to be used for a directory name. For example, in Windows, double quotation marks (") and asterisks (*) cannot be used.

Also, do not specify a backslash (\) at the end of the directory name.

(2) FileWriteMode (for manager process)

Use this parameter to specify whether to permit synchronous writing when the event job information and wait information file are updated.

Select the writing method appropriate for performance, reliability, and method of operation.


"FileWriteMode" = "{sync|nosync}"

Specifiable values

Synchronous writing is always performed when a file is updated. This writing mode improves reliability, but reduces performance.

Select this method when reliability is more important, as in a cluster environment.


Data is written to a disk in response to OS buffering. There is no synchronization with JP1/AJS3 processing. This mode provides better performance than sync, but a system failure will lead to inconsistent information, sometimes causing an event to disappear.

Default value


Note that in the following cases, sync is set:

  • During a new installation of JP1/AJS3

  • During setup of a cluster system

Recommended value


When the setting takes effect

The next time the JP1/AJS3 service is started

Cautionary note

We recommend that you set sync for both the manager process and the agent process (definition keys: [{JP1_DEFAULT|logical-host-name}\JP1AJS2\SCHEDULER\EV\MANAGER] and [{JP1_DEFAULT|logical-host-name}\JP1AOMAGENT]). In a manager-agent configuration, we also recommend that you set sync for both the manager process and the agent process. If you set nosync for the manager process and sync for the agent process, event jobs might slow down in the following cases: when a jobnet using event jobs or a jobnet with start conditions is registered for execution or terminated forcibly, or when an OR job whose preceding job uses many event jobs is executed. Therefore, avoid using a combination of a nosync configuration for the manager process and a sync configuration for the agent process.

In particular, keep this in mind when you add logical hosts, or when you add manager and agent hosts, to an existing system. In such cases, check the settings on the manager and agent hosts, and make sure that a combination of a nosync configuration for the manager process and a sync configuration for the agent process is not used.

(3) MacVarDQuotation

Use this parameter to specify whether to use the option for enabling double quotation marks (") in passing information.


"MacVarDQuotation" = "{Y|N}"

Specifiable values

The option is used.


The option is not used.

Default value

During a new installation and setup of JP1/AJS3, Y is set.

Recommended value


When the setting takes effect

The next time the JP1/AJS3 service is started

(4) DNSEstablish

Use this parameter to specify whether to use an FQDN host name when DNS is used.

For details, see 6.3.5 Using fully qualified domain names (FQDN) when using event jobs during DNS operation (for Windows) or 15.3.5 Using fully qualified domain names (FQDN) when using event jobs during DNS operation (for UNIX).


"DNSEstablish" = "{Y|N}"

Specifiable values

An FQDN host name is used when DNS is used.


An FQDN host name is not used when DNS is used. The manager sends a host name to agents instead of an FQDN host name.

Default value


Recommended value

Set the value appropriate for the operating environment.

When the setting takes effect

The next time the JP1/AJS3 service is started

(5) FixedHostnameForAgent

Use this parameter to specify whether lower case is always used for alphabetic characters in the manager host name for communication between event/action control processes.

For details, in Windows, see 6.3.15 Settings for ensuring that a fixed manager host name is used when event jobs are executed. In UNIX, see 15.3.15 Settings for ensuring that a fixed manager host name is used when event jobs are executed.


"FixedHostnameForAgent" = "{Y|N}"

Specifiable values

The host name obtained on the manager host is used for communication for event/action control after case conversion is performed so that all letters are lower case.


The host name obtained on the manager host is used for communication for event/action control without case conversion.

Default value


Recommended value


When the setting takes effect

The next time the JP1/AJS3 service starts

(6) EvJobExecContinue

Use this parameter to specify whether to continue execution of an event job when you restart the JP1/AJS3 service on an execution.

For details, see 6.3.6 Resuming event jobs that stopped when the JP1/AJS3 service stopped (for Windows) or 15.3.6 Resuming event jobs that stopped when the JP1/AJS3 service stopped (for UNIX).


"EvJobExecContinue" = "{Y|N}"

Specifiable values

Execution of the event job is continued.


Execution of the event job ends.

Default value


Recommended value

Set the value appropriate for the operating environment.

When the setting takes effect

The next time the JP1/AJS3 service is started

Cautionary note

Set the option to continue execution of active event jobs for each manager of a physical host and a logical host.

(7) BlockadeTimeoutInterval

Use this parameter to specify the period of time until an event job in blocked status or a jobnet with start conditions is killed.

For details, see 6.3.9 Setting the period of time for monitoring event jobs in the blocked status (for Windows) or 15.3.9 Setting the period of time for monitoring event jobs in the blocked status (for UNIX).


"BlockadeTimeoutInterval" = dword:time-for-monitoring-event-jobs-in-blocked-status

Specifiable values

A hexadecimal value (in hours) from 00000018 to 000002D0 (24 to 720 in decimal)

Default value

dword:000002D0 (720 in decimal)

Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect

The next time the JP1/AJS3 service is started

(8) NotificationConstantRetry

Use this parameter to specify whether to use the regular or gradually increasing retry interval if the connection for communication from the manager host to the agent host fails because of a network error caused by a timeout.

For details, see 6.3.11 Settings for ensuring that the sending of unreported information is retried at regular intervals (for Windows) or 15.3.11 Settings for ensuring that the sending of unreported information is retried at regular intervals (for UNIX).


"NotificationConstantRetry" = "{Y|N}"

Specifiable values

If a network error caused by a timeout occurs, sending is retried at regular intervals.


If a network error caused by a timeout occurs, sending is retried at gradually increasing intervals.

Default value


Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect

The next time the JP1/AJS3 service starts

(9) NotificationRetryInterval (when sending information from the manager host to the agent host)

Use this parameter to specify the retry interval for sending unreported information from the manager host to the agent host.

For details, see 6.3.12 Changing the send retry interval and the number of retries for sending unreported information (for Windows) or 15.3.12 Changing the send retry interval and the number of retries for sending unreported information (for UNIX).


"NotificationRetryInterval" = dword:retry-interval-for-sending-unreported-information-from-the-manager-host-to-the-agent-host

Specifiable values

A hexadecimal value (in seconds) from 00000001 to 00015180 (1 to 86,400 in decimal)

Default value

dword:0000001E (30 in decimal)

Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect

The next time the JP1/AJS3 service starts

(10) NotificationRetryCount (when sending information from the manager host to the agent host)

Use this parameter to specify the maximum number of retries for sending unreported information from the manager host to the agent host.

For details, see 6.3.12 Changing the send retry interval and the number of retries for sending unreported information (for Windows) or 15.3.12 Changing the send retry interval and the number of retries for sending unreported information (for UNIX).


"NotificationRetryCount" = dword:maximum-number-of-retries-for-sending-unreported-information-from-the-manager-host-to-the-agent-host

Specifiable values

A hexadecimal value (number of times) from 00000001 to 00015180 (1 to 86,400 in decimal)

Default value

dword:00000B40 (2,880 in decimal)

Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect

The next time the JP1/AJS3 service starts

(11) AlarmUnreportedInfoEvent

Use this parameter to specify the threshold for monitoring the number of unreported information items for the scheduler service, and outputting a message and issuing a JP1 event managed by the event/action control manager.


"AlarmUnreportedInfoEvent" = dword:threshold-of-the-number-of-information-items-not-reported-to-the-scheduler-service-managed-by-the-event/action-control-manager

Specifiable values

A hexadecimal value from 00000001 to 000061A7 (1 to 24,999 in decimal)

Default value

dword:00000BB8 (3,000 in decimal)

Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect

When the scheduler service starts

(12) AlarmUnreportedInfoEventInterval

Use this parameter to specify the interval at which to output a message and issue a JP1 event if the number of unreported information items exceeds the value specified for the AlarmUnreportedInfoEvent environment setting parameter. This setting applies during the monitoring of unreported information items for the scheduler service managed by the event/action control manager.

After the first JP1 event is issued, during the interval set by this setting value, even if the monitored value is equal to or greater than the value specified for the AlarmUnreportedInfoEvent environment setting parameter, a JP1 event will not be issued. Even after the time specified for this setting value passes, if the monitored value continues to be equal to or greater than the value specified for the AlarmUnreportedInfoEvent environment setting parameter, a JP1 event will again be output at intervals set by this setting value.


"AlarmUnreportedInfoEventInterval" = dword:interval-for-outputting-a-message-and-issuing-a-JP1-event

Specifiable values

A hexadecimal value from 0 to 5A0 (0 to 1,440 in decimal)

If you do not want to output a message or issue a JP1 event, specify 0.

Default value

dword:00000000 (0 in decimal)

During a new installation and setup of JP1/AJS3, 5 is set.

Recommended value

Set 1 or a greater value according to the operating environment.

When the setting takes effect

When the scheduler service starts

(13) SuppressConditionLog

Use this parameter to set whether the KAVT0108-I message is to be output to the integrated trace log when start conditions are met.

For a jobnet whose start conditions are frequently met, many messages are output to the integrated trace log. Set this parameter if you want the data in the integrated trace log to be retained for as long as possible.



Specifiable values

The KAVT0108-I message is not output when start conditions are met.


The KAVT0108-I message is output when start conditions are met.

Default value


During a new installation and setup of JP1/AJS3, Y is set.

Recommended value

Set the value appropriate for the operating environment.

When the setting takes effect

When the scheduler service starts

(14) ClientBindFlag

Use this parameter to specify whether to match the send binding method used for communication when an event job is executed to the receive binding method.

For details, see 6.3.10 Setting the binding method applied to the outgoing communication used in the execution of event jobs (for Windows) or 15.3.10 Setting the binding method applied to the outgoing communication used in the execution of event jobs (for UNIX).


"ClientBindFlag" = dword:behavior-of-the-send-binding-method

Specifiable values

The setting for the send binding method used for communication when an event job is executed is canceled.


The send binding method used for communication when an event job is executed is matched to the receive binding method.

Default value

dword:00000000 (0 in decimal)

Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect

The next time the JP1/AJS3 service is started

(15) ResolveAgentInfo

Use this parameter to set the option for changing the agent host information that is to be used for name resolutions. For details, see 6.3.18 How to set the option for changing the agent information to be used for name resolution (for Windows) or 15.3.17 How to set the option for changing the agent information to be used for name resolution (for UNIX).


"ResolveAgentInfo" = "{exec|host}"

Specifiable values

When the IP address of an agent host is changed, the tasks on the manager host can be omitted.


When the IP address of an agent host is changed, tasks on the manager host are required.

Default value


During a new installation of JP1/AJS3, exec is set.

Recommended value

Set the value appropriate for the operating environment.

When the setting takes effect

The next time the JP1/AJS3 service is started

Supplementary notes
  • If you set this parameter, make sure that you set the same parameter value on both the manager and agent hosts. If different values are specified, the system assumes that host is specified on both hosts.

  • If you set this parameter on the manager host, you must set this parameter in two locations: the host definition key [{JP1_DEFAULT|logical-host-name}\JP1AOMMANAGER] and the scheduler service definition key [{JP1_DEFAULT|logical-host-name}\JP1AJS2\SCHEDULER\EV\MANAGER]. If you specify different parameter values for these two locations, scheduler service processes output the KAVT0199-E message. This message is output for each scheduler service.

(16) WaitInfFileOutDir (for agent processes)

Use this parameter to specify the name of the directory to which information such as the event-generation status of the event job and receive status of events monitored by the start condition (wait information) is output. Specify a full path name. Note that you need to specify this directory only if you want to change the default directory.

Specify this parameter if you want to output the wait information to a folder that is not specified by default or to support a cluster configuration.

The wait information is output to the directory you specify here or to the following directory in the assumed directory.


"WaitInfFileOutDir" = "name-of-directory-to-which-the-wait-information-file-is-output (setting for the agent process)"

Specifiable values

A character string of no more than 180 bytes

Default value
In Windows:

JP1/AJS3 - Manager: JP1/AJS3-Manager-installation-folder

JP1/AJS3 - Agent: JP1/AJS3-Agent-installation-folder

During a new installation and setup of JP1/AJS3, one of the following values is set.

  • If the installation folder is the default installation folder or is in a folder protected by the system:


    The default for %ALLUSERSPROFILE% is system-drive\ProgramData.

    A folder protected by the system is the path to a folder in any of the following:

    - system-drive\Windows

    - system-drive\Program Files

    - system-drive\Program Files (x86)

  • If the installation folder is other than the above:

    JP1/AJS3 - Manager: JP1/AJS3-Manager-installation-folder

    JP1/AJS3 - Agent: JP1/AJS3-Agent-installation-folder



During a new installation and setup of JP1/AJS3, it is set as blank.

Recommended value
For a physical host:
  • In Windows, if the installation folder is the default installation folder or is in a folder protected by the system:


    The default for %ALLUSERSPROFILE% is system-drive\ProgramData.

    A folder protected by the system is the path to a folder in any of the following:

    - system-drive\Windows

    - system-drive\Program Files

    - system-drive\Program Files (x86)

  • In Windows, if the installation folder is other than the above:

    JP1/AJS3 - Manager: JP1/AJS3-Manager-installation-folder

    JP1/AJS3 - Agent: JP1/AJS3-Agent-installation-folder

  • In UNIX:


For a logical host:


When the setting takes effect

The next time the JP1/AJS3 service is started

Cautionary note

For the name of the directory to which the wait information file is output, do not specify characters that the OS does not permit to be used for a directory name. For example, in Windows, double quotation marks (") and asterisks (*) cannot be used.

Also, do not specify a backslash (\) at the end of the directory name.

(17) EvjobInfFile

Use this parameter to specify the name of the directory in which the file inheriting the information received in the email reception monitoring jobs is saved. Specify a full path name. Note that you need to specify this directory only if you want to change the default directory.

Specify this parameter if you want to output the information to a folder that is not specified by default or to support a cluster configuration.

For details about the behavior of email reception monitoring jobs, see 2.1.2 Behavior when receiving email in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Linkage Guide.


"EvjobInfFile" = "name-of-directory-for-inheriting-event-job-information"

Specifiable values

A character string of no more than 180 bytes

Default value
  • In Windows, if the installation folder is the default installation folder or is in a folder protected by the system:


    The default value of %ALLUSERSPROFILE% is system-drive\ProgramData.

    A folder protected by the system is the path to a folder in any of the following:

    - system-drive\Windows

    - system-drive\Program Files

    - system-drive\Program Files (x86)

  • In Windows, if the installation folder is other than the above:

    JP1/AJS3 - Manager: JP1/AJS3-Manager-installation-folder\tmp\infodir

    JP1/AJS3 - Agent: JP1/AJS3-Agent-installation-folder\tmp\infodir

  • In UNIX:


If it has been set as blank, the default value is assumed. It is set as blank during a new installation and setup of JP1/AJS3.

Recommended value
  • Physical hosts


  • Logical hosts


When the setting takes effect

The next time the JP1/AJS3 service is started

Cautionary note

The files stored in this directory are not deleted automatically. Therefore, delete them when they are unnecessary.

(18) HowUseInfWhenHA

Use this parameter to specify whether information is to be passed if the JP1/AJS3 service in JP1/AJS3 - Manager or JP1/AJS3 - Agent stops unaccompanied by normal stop processing during failover or power-off processing. Specify whether information about the stoppage is to be passed to the failover destination or the restarted JP1/AJS3 - Manager or JP1/AJS3 - Agent.

Change this parameter if you want to discard an event occurring before the failover or JP1/AJS3 service stoppage when the JP1/AJS3 service stoppage unaccompanied by normal stop processing prevents the event from being reported to JP1/AJS3 - Manager.


"HowUseInfWhenHA" = "{Y|N}"

Specifiable values

The status when a stoppage without normal stop processing has occurred is passed to the failover destination or the restarted JP1/AJS3 - Manager or JP1/AJS3 - Agent. For example, after the switchover, an event that could not be reported to JP1/AJS3 - Manager before the failover occurred will be resent.


The status when a stoppage without normal stop processing has occurred is not passed to the failover destination or the restarted JP1/AJS3 - Manager or JP1/AJS3 - Agent. For example, an event that could not be reported to JP1/AJS3 - Manager before the failover occurred will be discarded.

Specify Y for normal operation.

Default value


Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect

The next time the JP1/AJS3 service is started

(19) InformationWhenShutDown

Use this parameter to specify whether to report events that could not be reported to JP1/AJS3 - Manager when either the JP1/AJS3 - Manager host or JP1/AJS3 - Agent host was shut down (end with stop processing).

Change the parameter value to discard any such unreported events at the next restart.


"InformationWhenShutDown" = "{K|B}"

Specifiable values

When JP1/AJS3 - Manager or JP1/AJS3 - Agent is started after the previous shutdown, the system reports the events that could not be reported to JP1/AJS3 - Manager before the shutdown. For example, when you start the terminated host, events generated before shutdown are reported to JP1/AJS3 - Manager. Note, however, that this applies only when JP1/AJS3 - Manager is started within 24 hours.


When JP1/AJS3 - Manager or JP1/AJS3 - Agent is started after the previous shutdown, the system does not report the events that could not be reported to JP1/AJS3 - Manager before the shutdown. That is any such events are discarded. Specify this value if you want information to be inherited only when a power failure occurs.

Specify K for normal operation.

Default value


Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect

The next time the JP1/AJS3 service is started

(20) FilewatchinfContinue

Use this parameter to specify whether the information for a file-monitoring job existing at the last shutdown is inherited when JP1/AJS3 - Manager or JP1/AJS3 - Agent is shut down (end with stop processing) during execution of the file-monitoring job.

Change the parameter value in the following case: if the shut-down file-monitoring job is defined in the start conditions and is to be restarted, you do not want the monitoring status to be inherited.


"FilewatchinfContinue" = "{Y|N}"

Specifiable values

The JP1/AJS3 - Manager or JP1/AJS3 - Agent started after the shutdown inherits the pre-shutdown monitoring status of a file-monitoring job.


The JP1/AJS3 - Manager or JP1/AJS3 - Agent started after shutdown doe not inherit the pre-shutdown monitoring status of a file-monitoring job.

Default value


During a new installation and setup of JP1/AJS3, Y is set.

Recommended value

Set the value appropriate for the operating environment.

When the setting takes effect

The next time the JP1/AJS3 service is started

(21) FileWriteMode (for agent process)

Use this parameter to specify whether to permit synchronous writing when the event job information and wait information file are updated.

Select the writing method appropriate for performance, reliability, and method of operation.


"FileWriteMode" = "{sync|nosync}"

Specifiable values

Synchronous writing is always performed when a file is updated. This writing mode improves reliability, but reduces the performance.

Select this method when reliability is more important, as in a cluster environment.


Data is written to a disk in response to OS buffering. There is no synchronization with the JP1/AJS3 processing. This mode provides better performance than sync, but a system failure will lead to inconsistent information, sometimes causing an event to disappear.

Default value


Note that in the following cases, sync is set:

  • During a new installation of JP1/AJS3

  • During setup of a cluster system

Recommended value


When the setting takes effect

The next time the JP1/AJS3 service is started

Cautionary note

We recommend that you set sync for both the manager process and the agent process (definition keys: [{JP1_DEFAULT|logical-host-name}\JP1AJS2\SCHEDULER\EV\MANAGER] and [{JP1_DEFAULT|logical-host-name}\JP1AOMAGENT]). In a manager-agent configuration, we also recommend that you set sync for both the manager process and the agent process. If you set nosync for the manager process and sync for the agent process, event jobs might slow down in the following cases: when a jobnet using event jobs or a jobnet with start conditions is registered for execution or terminated forcibly, or when an OR job whose preceding job uses many event jobs is executed. Therefore, avoid using a combination of a nosync configuration for the manager process and a sync configuration for the agent process.

In particular, keep this in mind when you add logical hosts, or when you add manager and agent hosts, to an existing system. In such cases, check the settings on the manager and agent hosts, and make sure that a combination of a nosync configuration for the manager process and a sync configuration for the agent process is not used.

(22) EVProcessHA

When event/action control detail processes are terminated with a signal, specify whether to operate at a reduced level without terminating the event/action control agent process, or whether to terminate the processing after stopping all detail processes.


"EVProcessHA" = "{Y|N}"

Specifiable values

All the detail processes are stopped, after which the event/action control agent process terminates.


Operation continues at a reduced level. The event/action control agent process is not terminated. If some of the detail processes are terminated for a reason such as a signal, you will be able to use only the remaining event jobs that are not affected by those detail processes that have been terminated.

Default value


During a new installation and setup of JP1/AJS3, Y is set.

Recommended value

Set the value appropriate for the operating environment.

When the setting takes effect

The next time the JP1/AJS3 service is started

Cautionary notes
  • If you specify Y for the parameter value and then set restarting of the abnormally terminated JP1/AJS3 processes, the agent and detail processes are restarted when the JP1/AJS3 process is restarted. For details about how to restart the abnormally terminated JP1/AJS3 processes, see 6.3.1 Restarting an abnormally terminated JP1/AJS3 process in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Administration Guide.

  • In UNIX, if you specify N for the parameter value and disable the detail process termination option, registering for execution a job related to an abnormally terminated detail process# causes the job to terminate abnormally.

    #: For example, run the file-monitoring job when the jpocwtflMain process has terminated abnormally.

(23) EventSequential

Use this parameter to specify whether to use the event order option.


"EventSequential" = "{Y|N}"

Specifiable values

Specify this value to use the event order option.


Specify this value if you do not use the event order option.

Default value


Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect

The next time the JP1/AJS3 service is started

(24) RetryAgtStartNotification

Use this parameter to specify whether to resend the startup notification if sending the startup notification has failed.


"RetryAgtStartNotification" = "{Y|N}"

Specifiable values

The startup notification is resent.


The startup notification is not resent.

Default value


During a new installation of JP1/AJS3, Y is set.

Recommended value

Set the value appropriate for the operating environment.

When the setting takes effect

The next time the JP1/AJS3 service is started

Cautionary note

For details about the operating environment in which Y must be specified, see 6.3.7 Retrying startup notification of the event/action control agent (for Windows) , or 15.3.7 Retrying startup notification of the event/action control agent (for UNIX).

(25) ClientConnectTimeout (event/action control)

Use this parameter to specify how long to wait for a connection if a connection request for a TCP/IP socket does not immediately result in either success or failure.

If the connection request is not completed within the specified time, the request is canceled as a timeout.

For details about setting this environment setting parameter in the manager environment, see 20.8.2(1) ClientConnectTimeout (communication control).


"ClientConnectTimeout" = dword:connection-timeout-for-communication-between-the-event/action-control-manager-and-the-event/action-control-agent

Specifiable values

A hexadecimal value (in milliseconds) from 000003E8 to 000927C0 (1,000 to 600,000 in decimal)

Default value
  • In Windows:

    dword:00007530 (30,000 in decimal)

  • In UNIX:

    dword:000003E8 (1,000 in decimal)

Recommended value

Set the value appropriate for the operating environment.

When the setting takes effect

The next time the JP1/AJS3 service starts

Cautionary notes
  • If the TCP/IP connection timeout value set in the OS is less than the value set in this environment setting parameter, the timeout value set in the OS overrides the value of the environment setting parameter.

  • If this environment setting parameter is omitted, the default value is used.

  • If a value that cannot be specified for event/action control is specified in this parameter, the default value is used.

(26) NotificationRetryInterval (when sending information from the agent host to the manager host)

Use this parameter to specify the retry interval for sending unreported information from the agent host to the manager host.

For details, see 6.3.12 Changing the send retry interval and the number of retries for sending unreported information (for Windows) or 15.3.12 Changing the send retry interval and the number of retries for sending unreported information (for UNIX).


"NotificationRetryInterval" = dword:retry-interval-for-sending-unreported-information-from-the-agent-host-to-the-manager-host

Specifiable values

A hexadecimal value (in seconds) from 00000001 to 00015180 (1 to 86,400 in decimal)

Default value

dword:0000000A (10 in decimal)

Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect

The next time the JP1/AJS3 service starts

(27) NotificationRetryCount (when sending information from the agent host to the manager host)

Use this parameter to specify the maximum number of retries for sending unreported information from the agent host to the manager host.

For details, see 6.3.12 Changing the send retry interval and the number of retries for sending unreported information (for Windows) or 15.3.12 Changing the send retry interval and the number of retries for sending unreported information (for UNIX).


"NotificationRetryCount" = dword:maximum-number-of-retries-for-sending-unreported-information-from-the-agent-host-to-the-manager-host

Specifiable values

A hexadecimal value (number of times) from 00000001 to 00015180 (1 to 86,400 in decimal)

Default value

dword:000021C0 (8,640 in decimal)

Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect

The next time the JP1/AJS3 service starts

(28) EventServerName

When you execute a log file monitoring job on a host on which an event server that has an FQDN event server name runs, use this parameter to specify the FQDN event server name specified in the JP1/Base event server index file (index).


"EventServerName" = "event-server-name"

Specifiable values

A character string of no more than 255 bytes

Default value

Specify the short name of the host on which JP1/AJS3 is running.

Recommended value

Set the value appropriate for the operating environment.

When the setting takes effect

The next time the JP1/AJS3 service is started

Cautionary notes
  • The event server name specified in this option must be the name of an event server that is running on a host on which JP1/AJS3 is running.

  • Because the event server name specified in this option is case sensitive, use the uppercase and lowercase characters exactly the same way as the FQDN event server name specified in the JP1/Base event server index file (index).

(29) GetFQDNForShortNameOnly

Use this parameter to specify whether to acquire the local host name used for interprocess communication for event/action control from DNS. To specify Y for this environment setting parameter, you need to specify Y for the DNSEstablish environment setting parameter.


"GetFQDNForShortNameOnly" = "{Y|N}"

Specifiable values

An FQDN local host name acquired from DNS is used for interprocess communication for event/action control even if a short local host name is specified for jp1hosts or jp1hosts2.


The short local host name specified for jp1hosts or jp1hosts2 is used for interprocess communication for event/action control.

If a short local host name is not specified for jp1hosts or jp1hosts2, an FQDN local host name acquired from DNS is used.

Default value


Recommended value

Set the value appropriate for the operating environment.

When the setting takes effect

The next time the JP1/AJS3 service is started

Supplementary note

To use the FQDN local host name acquired from DNS for all interprocess communication for event/action control, specify Y for this environment setting parameter for all the following hosts:

  • Manager host on which the DNSEstablish environment setting parameter is set to Y

  • Agent host that executes event jobs

(30) NetworkFilewatch

Use this parameter to specify whether to monitor a file by using a file monitoring job via a network.



Specifiable values

Allows a file monitoring job to monitor a file via a network.


Does not allow a file monitoring job to monitor a file via a network.

Default value


Recommended value

Set the value appropriate for the operating environment.

When the setting takes effect

The next time the JP1/AJS3 service is started

Cautionary notes
  • If you monitor only a local file by using a file monitoring job, use the default of N. If you set Y for this environment setting parameter, you must re-estimate the required amount of memory and adjust the kernel parameters.

  • This note applies if Y is set for this environment setting parameter and a network failure occurs during execution of a file monitoring job in which a network file is specified for Monitoring file. In this case, the network failure might also cause delays in event detection by other file monitoring jobs in which a local file is specified for Monitoring file.

  • Specify the access permission settings for monitoring-target files as follows:

    In Windows:

    Make sure that the user account that starts the JP1/AJS3 service has permission to change the monitoring-target files. For details, see 4.2.3 Changing the JP1/AJS3 service settings (Windows only) in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Configuration) Guide.

    In UNIX:

    Specify the access permission settings so that clients can access the monitoring-target network files with view permission.

(31) NetworkFilewatchTimeout

Use this parameter to specify the timeout period before a monitoring files job cancels the processing for acquiring information on a monitoring target file when monitoring network files.

If the information on a monitoring target file is not acquired within the specified time, the processing to acquire information will be discontinued.


"NetworkFilewatchTimeout" = dword:timeout-period-before-a-monitoring-files-job-cancels-the-processing-for-acquiring-information-on-a-monitoring-target-file-when-monitoring-network-files

Specifiable values

A hexadecimal value (in seconds) from 0000000A to 00000E10 (10 to 3,600 in decimal)

Default value

dword:0000003C (60 in decimal)

Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect

The next time the JP1/AJS3 service is started

(32) CloseCheckTimeout

Use this parameter to specify the timeout period for the close check of the file monitoring process.

This parameter takes effect if N is set for the NetworkFilewatch environment setting parameter.


"CloseCheckTimeout" = dword:timeout-period-for-the-close-check

Specifiable values

00000000, or a value (in seconds) from 0000000A to 00000E10 in hexadecimal (0, or a value from 10 to 3,600 in decimal)

Default value

dword:00000000 (0 in decimal)

Recommended value

Set the value appropriate for the operating environment.

When the setting takes effect

The next time the JP1/AJS3 service is started

Cautionary note

Usually, you do not need to change this value. Read the following description, and then change this value as necessary.

  • If 0 is specified, no timeout period is set for the close check (the same behavior as in version 12-50 or earlier). In this case, the KAVT2040-W and KAVT2041-W messages are not output.

  • If a value other than 0 is specified, the KAVT2040-W message is output at the interval specified for the CloseCheckWarnLogInterval environment setting parameter when the command used for the close check fails to start. The KAVT2040-W message can notify you that a delay occurred in a file monitoring job.

  • If a value other than 0 is specified and the close check does not end before the specified timeout period expires, the KAVT2041-W message is output at the interval specified for the CloseCheckWarnLogInterval environment setting parameter. The KAVT2041-W message can notify you that a delay occurred in a file monitoring job.

  • If a value other than 0 is specified and the close check fails, the close check is reperformed the next time the monitoring interval of the file monitoring job expires.

(33) CloseCheckWarnLogInterval

Use this parameter to specify the interval at which the KAVT2040-W or KAVT2041-W message is output when the close check of a file monitoring job fails.

Specification of this environment setting parameter has no effect in the case where N is specified for the NetworkFilewatch environment setting parameter and 0 is specified for the CloseCheckTimeout environment setting parameter.

After a KAVT2040-W or KAVT2041-W message has been output, another KAVT2040-W or KAVT2041-W message is not output until the interval time specified for this parameter elapses even if a close check fails. After a KAVT2040-W or KAVT2041-W message has been output, if a close check fails after the time specified for this parameter elapses, another KAVT2040-W or KAVT2041-W message is output.


"CloseCheckWarnLogInterval" = dword:interval-at-which-to-output-a-message-when-a-close-check-fails

Specifiable values

A hexadecimal value (in minutes) from 00000000 to 000005A0 (0 to 1,440 in decimal)

Default value

dword:0000003C (60 in decimal)

Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect

The next time the JP1/AJS3 service is started

(34) RecvTimeout

In interprocess communication for event/action control, if data is not delivered to the receiver for some reason, use this parameter to specify whether to terminate the attempt to receive the data so that the system can proceed to other processing.


"RecvTimeout" = "{Y|N}"

Specifiable values

If data is not received within the specified period of time, the data receive processing times out.


The system waits for data to arrive.

Default value


Recommended value

Default value

When the setting takes effect

The next time the JP1/AJS3 service is started