
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Work Tasks) Guide

3.5.4 Executing the same jobnet several times a day (defining cycle jobs)

If you want to execute the same jobnet more than once and at regular intervals during the course of a day, define the jobnet using one of the following three methods:

Organization of this subsection

(1) Methods for defining the jobnet

Each of these methods is described in the following paragraphs. Each description uses, as an example, the creation of a jobnet that executes 24 times a day in one-hour intervals, between 7 a.m. on the current day and 6 a.m. the following day.

Method 1: Create multiple schedule rules
  1. Create a single jobnet, and define the jobs to be executed.

  2. Create 24 individual schedule rules with staggered start times of 07:00, 08:00, 09:00 and so on.

When you register the jobnet for execution, the jobnet is executed every hour according to the start times specified in the schedule rules.

When you use JP1/AJS3 - View to define a schedule rule, you can define a schedule that executes a jobnet at regular intervals until a time of your choosing.

Method 2: Create a new jobnet for each start time
  1. Create a single jobnet.

  2. Create a nested jobnet, and define the jobs to be executed.

  3. Copy the nested jobnet you created in step 2, and create a total of 24 identical nested jobnets.

  4. Set a different start time between 07:00 and 06:00 for each nested jobnet.

When you register the jobnet for execution, each nested jobnet is executed according to its respective start time.

Method 3: Specify an interval control setting as a start condition for the jobnet
  1. Create a single jobnet, and define the jobs to be executed.

  2. Create a start condition, and attach an execution interval control job.

  3. In the Detailed Definition - [Interval Control] dialog box, in the Waiting time section, specify 60 (minutes). In the Expire right after starting section, click Yes.

  4. Create a schedule rule, setting the execution start time to 7:00, and the valid range of the start condition to 24 times.

When you register this jobnet for execution, monitoring for the start condition starts at 7:00, which is the execution start time. The start condition is immediately satisfied and the first execution of the jobnet starts. Thereafter, the jobnet is executed every 60 minutes as indicated by the start condition.

(2) Advantages and disadvantages of each method

The following table explains the advantages and disadvantages of the three methods.

Table 3‒4: Advantages and disadvantages of each method of executing the same jobnet periodically




Method 1

  • Defining jobnets is easy.

  • Jobnets have a simple configuration.

  • When you define a jobnet as a root jobnet, you can enable concurrent execution or schedule skip.

  • To change the schedule, you must change all the schedule rules.

Method 2

  • You can apply this method to any type of jobnet.

  • You can check which instance of the jobnet is currently executing using the jobnet monitor.

  • You can rerun a job or cancel execution of a job from within the jobnet monitor.

  • You need to create one nested jobnet each time you want to execute the jobnet.

  • You need to define a schedule for every nested jobnet.

  • To change a schedule rule, you must change the schedule rules for every nested jobnet.

  • Changing the process that is executed is time consuming.

Method 3

  • Jobnets have a simple configuration.

  • You can only use this method with a root jobnet.