
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Work Tasks) Guide

3.5.3 Defining a different schedule for some jobs in a jobnet

To execute some jobs in a jobnet according to different schedules, use nested jobnets.

In the same way as for root jobnets, you can set schedule rules and schedule options for nested jobnets. You define schedule rules for nested jobnets by linking them with the schedule rules for the root jobnet. You can link multiple nested jobnet schedule rules to one root jobnet schedule rule.

If you do not define a schedule for a nested jobnet, the nested jobnet is executed according to the same schedule as the root jobnet.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Defining a schedule for a nested jobnet

First, create a nested jobnet under a root jobnet. Define the jobs that you want to execute according to a different schedule under the nested jobnet. Once you have defined the nested jobnet, set the schedule rules for the nested jobnet.

Now register your defined root jobnet for execution. The nested jobnet runs according to the schedule you defined. However, the nested jobnet is only executed when the execution conditions of the upper-level jobnet are met. Even if you have defined a schedule for the nested jobnet, it will not be executed on days when the root jobnet is not scheduled for execution.

The following figure shows the use of a schedule for a nested jobnet.

Figure 3‒5: Using a schedule to execute a nested jobnet


In this example, the nested jobnet B is executed only on Fridays. This means that nested jobnet B is not executed on Monday through Thursday, regardless of whether jobnet A is executed.

(2) Linking to the schedule rules of the root jobnet

You define schedule rules for a nested jobnet by linking them with the schedule rules of the root jobnet. When a schedule rule of the root jobnet comes into effect, the linked schedules of the nested jobnet also come into effect.

The following is an example of linking schedule rules.

Figure 3‒6: Linking schedule rules of nested jobnets and root jobnets


In this example, the schedule rule for Nested jobnet B is not linked to Schedule rule #2 of the root jobnet. This means that on August 11, when the root jobnet is executed according to Schedule rule #2, the Nested jobnet B is not executed.

Take note of the following when you define a schedule for a nested jobnet:

(3) Setting schedule options for nested jobnets

In the same way as for root jobnets, you can set schedule options for nested jobnets. For details about schedule options, see 3.3.2 Defining a schedule in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview.

(a) Refer to a calendar of another job group

A nested jobnet can also reference a calendar definition that is not of the upper jobnet.

A nested jobnet referencing a calendar definition that is not of the upper jobnet is executed when the execution date of the nested jobnet itself matches the execution date of the upper jobnet.

(b) Exclusive schedule

If there are nested jobnets that are at the same level, you can prevent a nested jobnet from being executed when its execution date is the same as the execution date of another nested jobnet.

The scheduled execution of a nested jobnet that has exclusive execution enabled is canceled when both of the following conditions are met:

  • The linked rule number specified in the schedule rule for one nested jobnet is also specified for another nested jobnet that is specified as an exclusive schedule of that jobnet.

  • The execution dates calculated from the schedule rules in which the same linked rule number is specified are the same.

Note that if the execution dates calculated from the schedule rules in which different linked rule numbers are specified are the same, execution of the exclusive nested jobnets will not be canceled.