
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview

D. Glossary

abnormal end

A jobnet ends abnormally if one of the processes defined in the jobnet fails to execute properly. The jobnet is interrupted at that point and subsequent processes are not executed.

A job ends abnormally if it fails to execute properly. The process is interrupted at that point.

The embedded database system ends abnormally when an error causes its status to change from active to stopped or paused, without any intervention by the user. For details, see D. How the Embedded Database Operates in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Troubleshooting.

abnormal threshold

A value that is compared with a job's return code to evaluate whether the job ended normally or abnormally.

action job

A job that sends email, or sends events reporting the system status to JP1/ IM or the HP NNM.

agent host

A host that executes jobs on request from a manager host. JP1/AJS3 - Agent must be installed on the agent host, or since JP1/AJS3 - Manager also provides JP1/AJS3 - Agent functionality, JP1/AJS3 - Manager might be installed on the agent host.

The agent host executes the job on receipt of a job request from the manager host. At completion of the job, the agent host receives the execution result (return value) of the executable file and forwards it to the manager host.

AJS administrator

A user that has access permissions almost equivalent to superuser permissions for JP1/AJS3. Only one of the JP1/Base administrators in the JP1 administrators group can be designated as the AJS administrator. An ordinary user designated as the AJS administrator can perform such JP1/AJS3 system management operations as specifying the environment settings and starting and stopping services.


An environment variable for defining the paths used by JP1/AJS3. When this environment variable is defined, you do not need to specify the full path when specifying a jobnet name in a command.

automatic retry

A function that automatically retries execution of a job if the executable file defined for the job terminates abnormally. Because jobs that have terminated abnormally due to a temporary error might be able to run normally when automatically retried, this function can improve the system availability.

backup box

A directory or a folder for storing backup files.

backup file

A file containing the units defined in JP1/AJS3.

base day

A date specified as the starting day of the month in the calendar information.

base time

The time that marks when a day ends and the next day begins in a JP1/AJS3 system. For example, if 8:00 a.m. is set as the base time, the previous day is regarded as lasting until 7:59 a.m.

broadcast agent

An agent that broadcasts a job to multiple destination agents for broadcast execution. The broadcast agent automatically manages the destination agents to which a job is to be broadcast. For example, in an environment in which the number of execution agents is increased or decreased by automatic scaling, the broadcast agent automatically expands or reduces the job distribution range. Therefore, in such an environment, you do not need to modify the job definition, or add or delete jobs manually.

broadcast execution

To broadcast a flexible job to multiple execution agents where the flexible job is to be executed. Use a broadcast execution if you want multiple execution agents to run the same processing.

calendar information

Information about open days and closed days for jobnet execution. You can define calendar information separately for each job group. The calendar information specifies the days on which jobnets in the job group can and cannot be executed. (When the processing cycle falls on a closed day, the jobnet can be executed on another day if a substitute schedule is defined.) For open days, you can specify the base day, base month, and base time.

closed day

A day on which jobnets are not executed. However, if Execute without shift is specified, the jobnet will be executed on that closed day.

cluster system

A system configured as multiple linked server systems, designed to continue operation even if one system fails. If a failure occurs in the server currently executing applications (primary node), the other standby server (secondary node) takes over and continues processing the applications. Therefore, a cluster system is also referred to as a node switching system.

The term cluster system can also mean load balancing based on parallel processing. In this manual, however, cluster system refers only to node-switching functionality for preventing interruption of application processing.

common user profile

A file containing the environment settings for JP1/AJS3 - View, accessible to all JP1 users. The system administrator saves the common user profile in JP1/AJS3 - Manager. JP1 users can download this file, enabling the same JP1/AJS3 - View environment to be set for all JP1 users.

A common user profile is useful when a large number of JP1 users will be using JP1/AJS3 - View in the same environment.

compatible ISAM configuration

A system configuration in which JP1/AJS3 information is managed exclusively by the ISAM database.

This configuration is offered to help users migrate from JP1/AJS2 version 8 or earlier. It can restrict to the same degree as in previous versions, the use of resources such as hard disk and memory. None of the functions of version 9 or later can be used in the compatible ISAM configuration.

correlation ID

Information for identifying sent and received messages. The correlation ID is received in the character code set specified by the sender.

custom event job

A job that checks for a specific event occurring in the system according to the program with which the job links. When a custom event job starts, the JP1/AJS3 system begins to monitor occurrence of a specific event according to the program linked with the job.

To use a custom event job, the requisite program for the job must be installed.

custom job

A predefined job for executing a task with a specific purpose. JP1/AJS3 provides standard custom jobs such as file transfer and job requests to a mainframe. In addition, you can register your own frequently used jobs as custom jobs. When registering a custom job, you can represent it by creating an icon with a special shape and design, and you can create a dialog box for entering job information.

To use a custom job, the requisite program for the job must be installed.

Daily Schedule window

A window that displays each day's execution schedules, execution status, and execution results.

data collection tool

These tools are provided by JP1 for batch collection of log data and other information required to investigate problems. In addition to problems in JP1/AJS3, problems might occur in the OS or user programs or as the result of operational mistakes. The data collection tools collect JP1/AJS3 log data and other information, such as OS log data, at the same time.

default queue

A queue created in an agent host for executing jobs. You must always create a default queue.

When you submit a job for execution, if you specify an agent host name as the destination, the job will be submitted to the default queue of the specified agent host.

dependent job

A job executed when the judgment result of a judgment job is true.

dependent jobnet

A jobnet executed when the judgment result of a judgment job is true.

destination agent

An agent that executes a flexible job. A destination agent might be an execution agent in an auto-scaling environment.

disaster recovery

Disaster recovery refers to measures that are taken when there are unexpected occurrences such as system shutdown due to a large-scale disaster.

JP1/AJS3 supports a disaster recovery operation that copies JP1/AJS3 data on the shared disk to a shared disk at a remote site. If the JP1/AJS3 system fails because of an event such as a disaster, the JP1/AJS3 system at the remote site can continue operation by using the copied data. The disk copy and mirroring functionality of hardware is used to copy data between shared disks.

embedded database

The standard database of JP1/AJS3. An embedded database offers high reliability, and is well suited to large-scale systems that handle large quantities of information.

embedded database administrator (database administrator)

A user authorized to assign and cancel various permissions for an embedded database (a user with DBA permissions).

Database administrators are managed within an embedded database.

embedded database operation commands

A generic term for commands whose name begins with ajsembdb.

embedded database service

A service that provides the environment for using the embedded database in Windows. This service must be started before you can use the embedded database. The name of the embedded database service is JP1/AJS3 Database setup-identifier.

embedded database system administrator

The owner of an embedded database practical directory and embedded database file system areas (data area and system area). The embedded database system administrator can execute commands for an embedded database.

The OS manages embedded database system administrators.

end with warning

A status indicating that a jobnet finished, but some of the processes defined in the jobnet were executed incorrectly. The jobnet continues to the end without interruption.

This ending method is used when an error is not so serious as to terminate the jobnet.

environment setting parameter

A parameter for defining the information required to operate JP1/AJS3, written in an environment settings file. With these parameters, you can specify the directory in which information about JP1/AJS3 units is stored, whether to output syslog messages, and other such preferences.

environment settings file

A file containing the settings required to operate JP1/AJS3, such as the scheduler service environment and job execution environment.


A specific event, such as email reception or file update, that occurred in the system. Events can be used to start a job or jobnet, and can be monitored using an event job and a custom event job.

event job

A job that monitors specific events occurring in the system. When an event job is initiated, it starts monitoring for file updates, incoming messages, or other specified events.

execution agent

The logical name of an agent host that executes jobs or jobnets. Based on the agent information defined in the manager host, the manager maps the execution agent specified in the job or jobnet to the physical host name of the agent host, and distributes the job or jobnet accordingly.

execution agent group

A group of execution agents configured to realize load distribution. The manager distributes jobs among the execution agents according to their assigned priorities.

execution agent restriction

A function that suppresses execution of jobs on an execution agent that the administrator has not permitted to execute the jobs. The execution agents permitted to execute jobs can be set for each unit.

When the execution agent profile is enabled, this function checks for whether the execution agent is permitted to execute jobs at the following times:

  • When a unit is defined in JP1/AJS3 - View

  • When the ajschkdef command is used to conduct a definition pre-check

  • When a job is executed

execution ID

A number assigned to an execution schedule of the uppermost jobnet.

execution-locked resource

A means of preventing multiple jobs from executing at the same time, by specifying the same resource name (execution-locked resource name) for each job.

external database

A database provided in a cloud environment. In cases where JP1/AJS3 - Manager operates in a cloud environment, you can use an external database instead of the embedded database.

fixed execution registration

A method of registering a jobnet so that it starts and runs at a predetermined date and time calculated by the system from schedule definitions.

fixed schedule

A schedule set by absolute times when a jobnet is registered for fixed execution.

flexible job

A standard job that executes processing on an agent host that is not managed directly by the manager host.

Because flexible jobs allow you to execute jobs in an environment where processing is distributed by a load balancer, you can use them to execute processing via an execution agent in a cloud environment (auto-scaling environment).


A suite of integrated network management tools from Hewlett-Packard Co. for managing network configuration, performance, and failures.

HTTP connection job

A job that uses the HTTP protocol to send requests and receive responses. By using an HTTP connection job, you can request processing by an API with an HTTP interface, such as the REST API. This allows you to integrate a business system based on JP1/AJS3 with other web-based business systems.

immediate execution registration

A method for starting and processing a jobnet immediately after registering it for execution.

ISAM database

The database that manages the execution environment for QUEUE jobs and submit jobs. Data is indexed using the Indexed Sequential Access Method (ISAM) and is managed in the database. The ISAM database is provided as standard with JP1/Base.


A group of commands, shell scripts, or Windows executable files.

job execution environment

A job execution environment consists of a JP1/AJS3 manager and agents.

The job execution environment for the manager is used to manage the definition information for execution agents (such as the maximum number of concurrently executable jobs and job transfer restriction status), job distribution method, and job execution results.

The job execution environment for the agent is used mainly to manage how a job is executed.

These job execution environments are managed by using a database and environment setting parameters.

When QUEUE jobs and submit jobs are used, the ISAM database and environment setting parameters are used as the job execution environment for the QUEUE jobs and submit jobs.

Note that queueless jobs are managed in the queueless job execution environment.

job group

A folder for classifying and managing jobnets.

job network element

The generic term for these elements is unit.


A set of jobs associated in execution order. When a jobnet is executed, the jobs in the jobnet are automatically executed in their predetermined order.

jobnet connector

A unit for controlling the execution order of root jobnets. A jobnet connector establishes connections between root jobnets and controls their execution order by having connected generations wait for their counterparts to start or finish.

Jobnet Editor window

A window in which you can create new jobnets or edit existing jobnets.

Jobnet Monitor window

A window that displays the execution status or detailed execution results of jobnets or jobs. You can manipulate jobnets or jobs in this window.

JP1 event

Event information that is reported to JP1/Base when an event occurs in the system. JP1 events are reported to other systems via JP1/Base.

JP1 permission level

A name that indicates the operations that a JP1 user is allowed to perform on management targets (resources) defined in JP1/AJS3, including applications and events. Use JP1/Base to define JP1 permission levels.

JP1 resource group

A name given to a specific JP1/AJS3 unit for controlling access by JP1 users to that unit.

JP1 user

A user designation for using JP1/AJS3 or JP1/IM - Manager. Each JP1 user is registered in the authentication server, which controls the user's access to management targets (resources).

JP1/AJS3 - Agent Minimal Edition

A program that can execute a maximum of 10 jobs per day by request from JP1/AJS3 - Manager. JP1/AJS3 - Agent Minimal Edition has the same functionality as JP1/AJS3 - Agent, except for some limitations. JP1/AJS3 - Agent Minimal Edition is suitable for use on a computer that executes only a few jobs per day.

JP1/AJS3 - Definition Assistant

This program allows you to register a large amount of JP1/AJS3 definition information edited using an Excel template into a manager host, or to retrieve JP1/AJS3 definition information from a manager host to an Excel template. The Excel templates provided by JP1/AJS3 - Definition Assistant are called definition management templates. With a definition management template in the spreadsheet format, you can enter or edit definition information efficiently by using automatic filling, automatic filtering, and other Excel functionalities.

JP1/AJS3 - Print Option

A component of JP1/AJS3 - Manager.

This program allows you to display or print jobnet or schedule information formatted as needed (for example, as jobnet definition information, an execution schedule table, or an execution result confirmation table).

You can also output jobnet or schedule information in CSV format so that you can edit the information.

JP1/AJS3 for Cloud Service Applications

This program enables flexible operation with cloud services. With this program, you can link JP1/AJS3 with a cloud service without developing scripts to control user authentication, error handling, and other processes that are required for linkage with that cloud service.

JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications

A program that allows you to control jobs in a SAP system from another system. You can submit, delete, and monitor SAP jobs.

SAP jobs can be executed automatically from JP1/AJS3 if you register them as custom jobs for JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications when you define a JP1/AJS3 jobnet.

JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications is the successor to JP1/Application Manager for R/3.


A program that provides the event service function. JP1/Base allows you to control the order in which services start, and it lets you send and receive JP1 events. JP1/Base is a prerequisite program for JP1/IM and JP1/AJS3. When JP1/IM is deployed in a system with JP1/AJS3, JP1/Base provides functionality for restricting operations by JP1 users.


A program that automatically sends data to and receives data from JP1/DH - Server.


A program for performing file transfer tasks efficiently, including file transfer/reception linked to application execution, scheduled file transfer, and automated program execution following file reception. JP1/FTP supports monitoring of transfer status, enhancing file transfer reliability.


A program for centrally monitoring a distributed system. Using the windows in JP1/IM - View, the system administrator can monitor JP1 events, which provide information about job execution status or problems in the distributed system.

JP1/OJE for Midrange Computer

A program for submitting batch jobs to AS/400 from a Windows or UNIX host, or for submitting batch jobs from AS/400 to a Windows or UNIX host.

JP1/OJE for VOS3

A program that links with JP1/AJS3 for executing and monitoring batch jobs between a Windows or UNIX system and a mainframe (VOS3).


A program that collects operating information from numerous monitoring targets throughout the system for more stable system operation.


A program for creating and executing scripts (batch files) that control jobs on Windows. Job operation can be automated by linking JP1/Script with JP1/AJS3.

JP1/Software Distribution

A general term for a system that distributes software and manages clients using batch operations over a network.

By linking with JP1/AJS3 using the JP1/Software Distribution command interface, the user can automate software distribution and other tasks.

judgment job

A job that executes a dependent unit if the judgment result of a specified condition is true.

judgment value

A value for evaluating whether a job ended normally or abnormally.


To forcibly terminate a unit being executed.

When the root jobnet is killed, all the jobs being executed are killed and the jobnets are terminated.

list file

A file containing a list of extracts from sent and received mail.

logical host

A logical server that provides the JP1 execution environment for running a cluster system. If a failure occurs on the primary node, the logical host is switched to the secondary node.

Each logical host has a unique IP address. At failover, the secondary node inherits the IP address. Thus, if the physical server fails, clients can access the secondary node using the same IP address. To the clients, it appears that one server is operating continuously.

macro variable

A variable used to pass information from one job to another job during execution.

A macro variable name and passing information (or for an event job and a custom event job, a passing information name) are specified during unit definition. A macro variable can be used during job execution by specifying the name of the macro variable in the succeeding job.

macro variable name

A character string in ?AJS2xxxxx? format that indicates the name of a macro variable. If a macro variable name is specified during the definition of a unit, the macro variable set in the preceding job can be used during job execution.

mail filtering application

A program or a shell script that converts email formats.

A mail filtering application is required to convert the character set when exchanging email in formats other than RFC822.

mail receipt parameter file

A file containing the mail receipt monitoring parameters defined by the user. The file extension is .prm. This file is created automatically when the user defines a Receive Email Event job.

mail send parameter file

A file containing the mail send parameters defined by the user. The file extension is .prm. This file is created automatically when the user defines a Send Email Action job.

manager host

A host that manages jobnet definitions and schedule information in a database, and requests agent hosts to execute jobs. You must install JP1/AJS3 - Manager on the manager host.

The manager host creates jobnet execution schedules from the defined schedule information. At jobnet run time, the manager host starts the executable files defined as jobs, forwards the job definitions to an agent host, and requests the agent host to execute the jobs. When execution completes, the execution result is received by the agent host and the database is updated. Based on the updated information, the manager host executes a succeeding job or schedules the next execution of the jobnet.

manager job group

A job group for monitoring JP1/AJS3 - Manager applications from another JP1/AJS3 - Manager.

manager jobnet

A jobnet for monitoring JP1/AJS3 - Manager applications from another JP1/AJS3 - Manager.

MAPI (Messaging Application Programming Interface)

The standard messaging API for Windows.

max. shiftable days

A set number of days within which to shift the next scheduled execution date when the recalculated date falls on a closed day.

maximum number of concurrently executable jobs

The maximum number of jobs that can be executed concurrently.

message ID

One item in an MQSeries message descriptor. Message IDs are stored in the character set specified by the sender. They can be used as storage locations to help identify messages.

MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)

An extended SMTP function used for sending and receiving non-ASCII data.

MIME specifies various procedures, such as how data is to be transmitted between email systems, and the format of control messages for email transfer.

Monthly Schedule window

A window that displays each month's execution schedules and execution results.

nested jobnet

A jobnet defined within another jobnet.

node switching system

See cluster system.

normal end

A normal end of a jobnet occurs when all the processes defined in the jobnet have executed correctly and the jobnet has completed.

A normal end of a job occurs when the job has executed correctly.

ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)

A common application programming interface (API) for accessing DBMSs.

open day

A day when jobnets run.

passing information

Values specified for macro variables during registration for execution, event IDs, event issuance dates, and other information (values) that is dynamically set in macro variables and passed to succeeding jobs.

passing information name

A variable name indicating the event information to be received by an event job and a custom event job.

Variable names that can be used for this purpose include EVID (event ID) and EVDATE (event issuance date). These variable names are specified during the definition of an event job and a custom event job.

physical host

An environment unique to each of the servers (nodes) in a cluster system. When a secondary node takes over from the primary node, the environment of the physical host remains unchanged and is not inherited by the other server.

planned execution registration

A method of registering a jobnet so that it starts and executes according to schedule definitions.

planning group

A unit for switching execution among multiple root jobnets in a planned manner. Directly under a planning group, you can create a number of root jobnets, each defined differently and with differing execution schedules. This enables the root jobnets to be executed automatically in turn, according to the set schedules.

preceding job

A job executed immediately before another job or jobnet.

preceding jobnet

A jobnet executed immediately before another job or jobnet.

processing cycle

The interval between one execution start date and the next execution start date of a jobnet. By defining a processing cycle, you can execute a jobnet at regular intervals.


An area for temporarily keeping jobs registered for execution. Jobs are submitted to the queue in order of registration, and are sequentially transferred for execution to the agent connected to that queue.

The queue controls the number of jobs that the agent executes concurrently, thereby preventing any degradation in performance caused by a large number of jobs being executed at the same time.

queueless job

A job transferred directly from the manager to an agent host for execution, without using a queue. Queueless jobs simplify processing because they are not managed in a queue by the job execution control. As a result, they offer better performance than ordinary queued jobs, allowing more jobs to be executed within a given period of time. However, job execution control functions such as execution agent names and execution agent groups are not available with queueless jobs.

You can define PC jobs and Unix jobs in a jobnet as queueless jobs by specifying Queueless Agent as the execution service.

Unless otherwise indicated, the descriptions in this manual apply to jobs for which Standard is specified as the execution service.

queueless job execution environment

A queueless job execution environment consists of execution environments for the JP1/AJS3 manager (scheduler service and queueless file transfer service) and queueless agents (queueless agent services). The execution of queueless jobs is managed by using the environment setting parameters for the job execution environment.

Note that the job execution environment must be set up by using the ajsqlsetup command before environment setting parameters are set.

queuing job

A job submitted directly to a queue and waiting to be executed.

recovery job

A job to be executed when a job or jobnet ends abnormally.

recovery jobnet

A jobnet to be executed when a job or jobnet ends abnormally.

relay agent

An agent that relays the execution requests associated with a flexible job. The execution requests relayed by the relay agent are executed by the destination agent of the flexible job.

By using relay agents, you can execute jobs defined for local execution in a cloud environment.

Retention Generation

This is an execution generation that is in the Wait for start cond. status.

In the Execution Generation dialog box of the Web GUI (Job Portal), Change plan - Prohibit Execution of Retention Generations is a function that stops the execution of retention generations among the execution generations.

schedule by days from start

A schedule defined for recalculating the next scheduled execution date, using as the base day the next scheduled execution date determined from the execution start time, processing cycle, and substitute schedule for closed days.

schedule information file

A text file containing schedule information parameters, entered by command when setting fixed execution registration for a jobnet.

schedule rule

Jobnet information such as execution start time and processing cycle. Up to 144 schedule rules can be defined for a single jobnet.

scheduler service

A service that manages the schedules for jobnet execution, and executes processes according to those schedules. Each scheduler service manages all the units in the root job group whose name matches the scheduler service name.

Multiple scheduler services can be activated in a single manager. This allows root job groups to be managed individually. For example, if you start a separate scheduler service for each application, each scheduler service can run its specific application (jobnet and jobs) in parallel, independently of the other scheduler services.

service linkage job

A type of custom job created by using JP1/AJS3 for Cloud Service Applications to link with a cloud service.

service linkage monitoring job

A custom event job created by using JP1/AJS3 for Cloud Service Applications. This custom event job monitors events occurring in the cloud service.

service linkage objects monitoring job

A custom event job that is linked with JP1/AJS3 for Cloud Service Applications so that the user can monitor files created, updated, and deleted in the cloud service.

shift days

A set number of days within which to determine a substitute date when the next execution date falls on a closed day.

shutdown status

A situation in which a jobnet fails to start or end due to an error, and the execution status or the next scheduled execution cannot be verified. If this happens, you must cancel and then re-register the jobnet for execution.

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)

A protocol, generally used in UNIX networks, for transferring ASCII data by TCP/IP between heterogeneous systems.

standard configuration

A system configuration in which JP1/AJS3 information is managed by the embedded database.

Unless otherwise indicated, the descriptions in this manual relate to a system in a standard configuration.

Note that the ISAM database is still used to store some information related to QUEUE jobs and submit jobs.

start condition

A definition of the conditions under which a jobnet starts when the jobnet is driven by a specific event.


A character string written in the subject line of an email message. Non-ASCII characters are supported in JP1/AJS3, but might not be supported in connected email systems.


To request the system to execute a job.

submit job

A standard job registered using the jpqjobsub command.

If descriptions in this manual do not explicitly distinguish between QUEUE jobs and submit jobs, descriptions for submit jobs also apply to QUEUE jobs.

substitute schedule

A means of executing a jobnet on a different day when the next execution date, determined from the jobnet schedule, falls on a closed day.

succeeding job

A job executed immediately after another job or jobnet.

succeeding jobnet

A jobnet executed immediately after another job or jobnet.


To suppress the execution of the root jobnet and lower units.

When you change a definition under a root jobnet that has been registered for execution, you should suspend the root jobnet to prevent erroneous operation such as the execution control processing running with the old definition. By suspending the root jobnet, the redefinition processing can be synchronized with the execution control processing.


A value for evaluating the termination status of a job. You can define an abnormal threshold and a warning threshold for each job.

timeout period

A time interval after which an executed job is forcibly terminated if there was no response from the job or if it failed to complete during the specified period.


A generic term for any job network element.

unit definition parameter file

A text file containing unit definition parameters, entered by command when defining the units.

unit ID

A unique number allocated to a unit.

unit whose end is being waited for

A unit specified as a wait condition of another unit. The unit for which the unit whose end is being waited for is specified as a wait condition starts when the unit whose end is being waited for terminates.

unit with wait condition

A unit for which another unit (unit whose end is being waited for) is specified as a wait condition. The unit with the wait condition starts execution when the associated unit (unit whose end is being waited for) terminates.

user who sets permissions

A JP1 user who can change the operation restriction settings (specified by using the operation restriction function of the Web GUI) for each JP1 user. Such a user is appointed for each manager host to which a connection is to be established.

virtual machine

A virtual computer system (host) created on a physical host to run an OS is called a virtual machine. Multiple virtual machines can operate on a single physical host to execute multiple processes simultaneously or to run different OSs concurrently.

By replicating a virtual machine that has already been set up, you can easily increase hosts that have the same environment.

wait condition

A condition set for a unit that allows the execution order of units across jobnets to be controlled. A unit with another unit specified as a wait condition starts execution when the associated unit terminates.

warning threshold

A value for evaluating whether a job ended with a warning.

Web Console server

A host on which JP1/AJS3 - Web Console is installed.

A Web Console server operates as a web server and a web application server, and controls HTTP communication and the behavior of web applications. It also acquires unit information from JP1/AJS3 - Manager in response to client requests, and sends the information as a response to the client.

The Web Console server also provides an API that can be used to perform operations in JP1/AJS3. You can use this API to develop custom applications that interact with JP1/AJS3.


An interface for a client PC to monitor the status of JP1/AJS3 and the units defined on the manager host. The Web GUI is displayed in a web browser, and connects to a Web Console server from a client terminal.

The Web GUI allows the user to check whether JP1/AJS3 is operating stably, monitor the execution status and progress of units, and execute jobnets via the internet.

Windows Messaging

A facility that provides an interface for sending and receiving email. Using Windows Messaging, you can manage, access, and share a variety of information such as data received from an online service.