
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview

C.13 Regular expressions available in JP1/AJS3

Regular expressions can be used in some items in dialog boxes and commands. For details about regular expressions in Windows, see the JP1/Base User's Guide. For details about regular expressions in UNIX, see your UNIX documentation.

The regular expressions that you can use when executing an event job on a Windows host depend on the JP1/Base settings. For details on setting regular expressions for event job execution, see the explanation about extending the available regular expressions in the JP1/Base User's Guide.

Searching may take a long time if you often use the regular expression .* (which means match any character or characters). In long messages, use .* only where necessary. In UNIX, you can use [^ ]* (repeat characters other than space characters) instead of .* when you want to find a match other than space characters. Using [^ ]* reduces the search time.