
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview

10.1 Functions implemented by JP1/AJS3 product linkage

The table below describes the products that can be linked with JP1/AJS3 and the functionality implemented in JP1/AJS3 through product linkage. For details on each function, see the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Linkage Guide and the documentation for the linked product.

Table 10‒1: Programs that can be linked with JP1/AJS3 and implemented functionality


Linked product

Functionality in JP1/AJS3

Relevant manual


ERP systems

  • SAP systems

  • SAP BW systems

Run ERP applications automatically:

You can use JP1/AJS3 to automatically run processes created using SAP systems or SAP BW systems. By using the calendar function or job scheduling function of JP1/AJS3, you can accurately schedule and run applications from ERP systems.

You define an ERP system application in a jobnet as an ERP system custom job. By associating an ERP system custom job with other jobs, you can automate many processes. For example, you can execute an ERP application when a specified event occurs, or automatically execute a recovery unit if an error occurs in an ERP application.

Linking SAP systems or SAP BW systems with JP1/AJS3 requires JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications. JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications is the new name for JP1/Application Manager for R/3(R) from JP1 Version 6.

For details on linking JP1/AJS3 with an ERP system, see 5. Linking ERP Systems in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Linkage Guide.


HP NonStop Server

Execute processing with HP NonStop Server (Windows only):

By linking JP1/AJS3 with HP NonStop Server, you can submit jobs to HP NonStop Server and execute jobs received from HP NonStop Server. You can check the execution results of the jobs in JP1/AJS3.

To submit a job to HP NonStop Server from JP1/AJS3, queue the job as a QUEUE job.

You must install the Job Scheduler for MPP JP1 Linkage Option in HP NonStop Server.

For details on linking JP1/AJS3 with HP NonStop Server, see 7. Linking hp NonStop Server (Windows Only) in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Linkage Guide.


JP1/AJS3 - Definition Assistant

Define jobnets and jobs as a batch operation:

JP1/AJS3 - Definition Assistant allows you to export jobnets or jobs defined in the manager host to an Excel file, or to import them in batch from an Excel file into the manager host.

JP1/AJS3 - Definition Assistant facilitates editing of the definitions of many hierarchical jobnets and jobs. Since the listing of the information about the defined jobnets and jobs is saved in an Excel file, updates to the definitions can be managed easily.

For details on linking JP1/AJS3 with JP1/AJS3 - Definition Assistant, see Job Management Partner1/Automatic Job Management System 3 -Definition Assistant Description, Operator's Guide and Reference.



Monitor the execution status of JP1/AJS3 processes:

You can use HP NNM version 7.5 or earlier to monitor the operation status of the manager hosts on a network, the execution status of jobs, and the operation status of the agent hosts. By using symbols for users, you can also monitor any desired target status.

In the HP NNM window, the execution status levels of jobs are distinguished by the color of the associated symbol.

JP1/AJS3 cannot be linked with HP Network Node Manager i Software v8.10 or later.

For details on linking JP1/AJS3 with HP NNM, see the following:

  • A. Monitoring Jobnets Using HP NNM in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Linkage Guide

  • B. Events Reported to HP NNM in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Linkage Guide

  • C. Commands Used When Linking with HP NNM in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Linkage Guide



Automate file transfer jobs:

You can use JP1/FTP to define file transfer via FTP as a job in a jobnet. By defining a file transfer as a job in a jobnet, you can transfer files according to a schedule, or execute other processes when a file transfer occurs.

A standard custom job for JP1/FTP is available in JP1/AJS3. You can execute file transfers by defining this JP1/FTP custom job in a jobnet.

For details on linking JP1/AJS3 with JP1/FTP, see 4. Linking JP1/FTP in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Linkage Guide.


JP1/IM and JP1/IM2

Monitor the execution status of JP1/AJS3 processes:

You can use JP1/IM and JP1/IM2 to monitor the execution status of processes in JP1/AJS3. JP1/IM and JP1/IM2 are programs that uses JP1 events to provide integrated management of JP1-series programs.

Using JP1/IM and JP1/IM2, you can monitor JP1/AJS3 in the following ways:

  • Monitoring JP1 events

    The Main Console window of JP1/IM and JP1/IM2 displays information on the JP1 events that are output by JP1-series programs. JP1 events output by JP1/AJS3 are also displayed in the Main Console window. You can limit the JP1 events that are displayed by choosing to display only important events, or only those events originating from specified hosts.

  • Monitoring execution status icons

    The tree monitoring windows and visual monitoring windows in JP1/IM and JP1/IM2 use icons to represent the execution status of the various jobnets and jobs. When an error or other event occurs, the icon changes color.

During monitoring in JP1/IM and JP1/IM2, if you want to check detailed information on the execution status, or change the definition of a jobnet, you can call up the JP1/AJS3 - View window or Web GUI (Job Portal) from the JP1/IM window and JP1/IM2 window.

For details on linking JP1/AJS3 with JP1/IM and JP1/IM2, see 9. Monitoring Jobnets Using JP1/IM and JP1/IM2 in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Linkage Guide.



Execute processing in conjunction with a mainframe:

Using JP1/OJE you can submit jobs to a mainframe and execute jobs received from a mainframe.

JP1/OJE can link with the following mainframes:

  • VOS3

  • Another vendor's mainframe (OSIV/MSP, etc.)

  • AS/400

When you submit jobs to JP1/OJE from JP1/AJS3, JP1/OJE automatically queues the jobs and executes them. You can check the execution results of the jobs in JP1/AJS3.

When executing a mainframe job from a JP1/AJS3 system that is linked with VOS3, AS/400, or OSIV/MSP, you can execute the job as a QUEUE job or a submit job.

For details on linking JP1/AJS3 with JP1/OJE, see 6. Linking Mainframes Using JP1/OJE in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Linkage Guide.



Create and execute high-level scripts:

By using JP1/Script, you can execute high-level scripts in a Windows or UNIX environment. JP1/Script is a scripting language that enables you to construct high-level scripts with ease. In JP1/AJS3, you can define script files created with JP1/Script 06-00 or later as jobs, and then execute them.

By linking JP1/AJS3 with JP1/Script, you can display GUIs from within JP1/AJS3 jobs. In JP1/AJS3, usually you cannot execute programs that display a GUI and wait for input as jobs. However, by running a program that displays a GUI from a JP1/Script file, you can operate the GUI in exactly the same manner as if it were run from the desktop. Attempting to display a GUI from a JP1/AJS3 job without using JP1/Script is not recommended.

Linking with JP1/Script requires no special setup within JP1/AJS3.

For details on linking JP1/AJS3 with JP1/Script, see 8. Linking JP1/Script in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Linkage Guide.


JP1/Software Distribution

Automatically distribute JP1/AJS3 definition information to other hosts:

By using JP1/Software Distribution you can distribute defined jobnets and calendars to a multitude of hosts, and register them automatically. This significantly reduces the administrator's workload.

JP1/Software Distribution is a program that performs automatic batch distribution of software and files. JP1/Software Distribution enables you to manage all facets of the distribution process. You can specify the name of the folder into which the distributed files are to be placed, and specify a schedule for the distribution.

When JP1/AJS3 is used in a large-scale system, JP1/Software Distribution facilitates the task of defining jobnets and calendars on multiple hosts.

For details on linking JP1/AJS3 with JP1/Software Distribution, see 10. Automatic Distribution Using JP1/Software Distribution in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Linkage Guide.



Automatically report errors:

By linking JP1/AJS3 with TELstaff, you can automatically notify the administrator via mobile phone, pager, or a signal light if an error occurs during execution of a jobnet.

To execute this type of automatic notification, you define TELstaff commands within JP1/AJS3 jobs.

Linking with TELstaff requires no special setup within JP1/AJS3.

For details on linking JP1/AJS3 with TELstaff, see your TELstaff manual.


Mail system

Define the sending and receiving of email in a jobnet:

By linking JP1/AJS3 with an email system, you can define the sending and receiving of email in a jobnet. This enables you to, for example, send email to the system administrator if an error occurs, or start a jobnet on receipt of email.

To define and execute email functions within jobnets, use an email sending job to send email, or an email reception monitoring job to monitor incoming mail.

For details on linking JP1/AJS3 with a mail system, see 2. Linking Mail Systems in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Linkage Guide.


Message queue system

Define the sending and receiving of messages in a jobnet:

By linking JP1/AJS with a message queue system, you can define the sending and receiving of messages related to the message queue system within a jobnet. This enables you to, for example, send a message to the message queue system if an error occurs, or start a jobnet on receipt of a message from the message queue system.

Linkage with a message queue system is not supported in version 9 or later. To enable linkage, a JP1/AJS version that supports this functionality is required on the execution host side.

For the message queue systems that can be linked with JP1/AJS, see the manual for the JP1/AJS version installed on the execution host side.



Automate data transmission to and from JP1/DH - Server:

By linking JP1/AJS3 with JP1/DH - AJE, you can automate data transmission to and from JP1/DH - Server. This linkage allows you to incorporate the sending and receiving of data into a series of operations. You can also use the scheduler to perform automatic execution.

JP1/AJS3 provides a standard custom job dedicated to JP1/DH - AJE. You can define a custom job dedicated to JP1/DH - AJE in a jobnet to execute the sending and receiving of data.

For details on linking JP1/AJS3 with JP1/DH - AJE, see 11. Linking JP1/DH - AJE in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Linkage Guide.



Facilitate investigation of the causes of job delays and errors due to system performance:

By linking JP1/AJS3 with JP1/PFM, you can examine the causes of errors occurring during execution of JP1/AJS3 jobs or display a report on the performance of the manager host. This enables the implementation of more advanced and stable job operations by taking into account system performance.

For details on linking JP1/AJS3 with JP1/PFM, see 12. Linking JP1/PFM in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Linkage Guide.



Start a job defined in JP1/CPA from a jobnet of JP1/AJS3:

You can run a job that is defined in JP1/CPA from a jobnet of JP1/AJS3 by defining the job as a custom job for JP1/CPA.

For details on linking JP1/AJS3 with JP1/CPA, see JP1/Client Process Automation Configuration and Administration Guide.


JP1/AJS3 for Cloud Service Applications

Seamlessly link with a cloud service:

By linking JP1/AJS3 with JP1/AJS3 for Cloud Service Applications, you can link with a cloud service without developing any scripts to control cloud service linkage processes (such as for user authentication and error handling). You can also easily expand cloud services.

To enable flexible operational linkage between JP1/AJS3 and a cloud service, you need to create a custom job (service linkage job) and a custom event job (service linkage monitoring job) by using JP1/AJS3 for Cloud Service Applications and define the custom job in a jobnet.

For details on linking JP1/AJS3 for Cloud Service Applications, see JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 for Cloud Service Applications Description, User's Guide and Reference.