
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview

4.5.3 Temporarily changing the execution start time of a jobnet

You can change the execution start time of a jobnet generation that is scheduled for execution. Since this change is temporary, only the execution schedule you select is changed. All other execution schedules and schedule rules remain unchanged. The normal schedule applies once the jobnet has been executed at the new time.

If you want to move the execution schedule of a root jobnet forward, you can leave the original execution schedule unchanged and establish a new one. In this case, the jobnet is executed at both the original time and the new time.

In addition, the actions differ depending on the execution registration method.

When the root jobnet is registered for planned execution

The original execution schedule is executed pushed ahead.

If the original execution schedule has already been changed temporarily, the temporary change information will be passed on to the accelerated execution schedule.

The temporary change information will not be passed on to the execution schedule generated at the original start time.

When the root jobnet is registered for fixed execution

Leave the original execution schedule unchanged, and establish and add a new execution schedule.

If the original execution schedule has already been changed temporarily, jobnet temporary change information will be replicated in the added execution schedule, but job temporary change information will not be replicated.

If you change the day on which the jobnet is next scheduled for execution to the current day, and the scheduled execution time has already passed, the jobnet starts immediately.

You cannot change the execution time of a jobnet that does not have an execution schedule.

Once you have temporarily changed the execution time of a jobnet, you can also cancel the changes and return the jobnet to its original execution time. Furthermore, if you push ahead the execution schedule of a root jobnet registered for fixed execution or immediate execution, and then add a new execution schedule, you can cancel the changes and restore the execution time of the execution schedule that you pushed ahead and added to its original execution time. However, because the execution schedule for which changes were canceled does not just disappear and return to the same execution start time that existed in the original execution schedule, two execution schedules are executed at the same execution start time. To cancel the execution schedule that you pushed ahead and added, prohibit execution for the execution schedule instead of canceling the changes.

To this operation, you can use JP1/AJS3 - View, the Web GUI (Job Portal), the API function to change plan (change time), or the ajsplan command. For details on using JP1/AJS3 - View, see 9.3 Temporarily changing and restoring the execution start time of a jobnet in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide. For details on using Web GUI (Job Portal), see 15.2.24 Change Time dialog box in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide. For details on using the change plan (change time) API, see 7.1.12 Change plan (change time) API in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference. Alternatively, for details on the ajsplan command, see the description of ajsplan in 3. Commands Used for Normal Operations in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Changing the execution schedule for a nested jobnet

When you change the execution time of a nested jobnet, the new time must fall within 48 hours of the execution start date of the root jobnet. If you specify the following day's date when you change the execution time, the new time will still be valid, provided that it is no more than 48 hours from the execution start date of the root jobnet.

Assume for example that you specify an execution start time of 1:00 on 8/12 for a nested jobnet, when the execution start date of the root jobnet is 8/11. In this case, the time for the nested jobnet is treated as if it falls on 8/11, and the nested jobnet is executed.

(2) When the root jobnet uses the 48-hour schedule

Imagine you are using the 48-hour schedule to define the schedule of the root jobnet, and want to temporarily change the execution time of the root jobnet. You must take note of the relationship between the execution start time you are changing and the execution date. For example, imagine you temporarily change the execution start time to either 36:00 on August 11, or 12:00 on August 12. Although the execution start time is actually the same for both settings, JP1/AJS3 considers the execution dates to be different. Therefore, depending on what execution date you specify, you may find that the nested jobnet does not execute.

If you temporarily change the execution start time to 36:00 on August 11, the execution date becomes August 11. This means that you can define a schedule between 0:00 and 47:59 on August 11 for a nested jobnet.

If you temporarily change the execution start time to 12:00 on August 12, the execution date becomes August 12. This means that you can define a schedule between 0:00 and 47:59 on August 12 for a nested jobnet.

For details about using the 48-hour schedule to define schedules for root jobnets, see 3.3.1 Time formats and schedule rules for root jobnets.

The following figure shows the relationship between the specified start time and execution date.

Figure 4‒29: Relationship between specified start time and execution date


Cautionary notes
  • When the root jobnet uses a 48-hour schedule, you must specify an absolute time to temporarily change the execution start time. If you specify the change by relative time specification, the time from 24:00 onward is considered to be the next day. For example, if a jobnet is scheduled for 22:00 on 8/1, and you change the execution time to 12 hours later by relative time specification, the jobnet will be executed not at 34:00 on 8/1 but at 10:00 on 8/2.

  • When the root jobnet is defined using a 48-hour schedule and a time other than 0:00 is set as the base time, specified dates and times will be different from those scheduled in JP1/AJS3. This will complicate operations and care is required. For details, see 3.3.2(1)(a) Setting the execution start time.

(3) Recalculating the schedules of nested jobnets when you temporarily change the execution schedules of upper-level jobnets

When you temporarily change the execution schedule of a jobnet under which nested jobnets are defined, you can pass the changes on to all lower jobnets. If you shift the start time of the upper-level jobnet by two hours, then provided you have set JP1/AJS3 to pass the changes on, the start times of the lower jobnets are also shifted by two hours. If you choose not to pass on the changes, the start times of lower-level jobnets remain unchanged when you change the start time of the upper-level jobnet.

Even if you choose not to pass schedule changes on to lower jobnets, if you change the scheduled execution date of the root jobnet to a different day, the schedules for the nested jobnets are recalculated automatically. The schedules are recalculated differently depending on the method used to register the root jobnet for execution. The effect of changing the schedule is described below for each of the different methods you can use to register the root jobnet for execution.

If you do not want to consider the different types of schedule recalculation, we recommend that you specify that changes are passed on to lower jobnets when you change the execution time of the root jobnet.

The following figure shows how nested jobnet schedules are recalculated when the execution date of the root jobnet is temporarily changed.

Figure 4‒30: Schedule recalculation for nested jobnets on temporary change in the execution date of the root jobnet


When the root jobnet is registered for planned execution

When you temporarily change the execution date of the root jobnet, the schedules of the nested jobnets are recalculated based on the schedule rules. If the execution date of a nested jobnet does not comply with the schedule rules, an execution schedule is not generated for that nested jobnet. Since the processing cycle of nested jobnet B has it executing daily, the schedule is valid for August 13. However, since the processing cycle of nested jobnet C has it executing weekly, the schedule is not valid for August 13. Jobnet C is therefore not executed on August 13. Note that for nested jobnets whose execution schedules have been fixed by immediate execution, temporary change, or addition of execution schedule, the execution schedules are recalculated in the same way as When the root jobnet is registered for immediate execution or fixed execution. If operations for immediate execution, temporary change, or addition of an execution schedule has been performed for nested jobnets B and C, the scheduled execution of those nested jobnets will be moved to August 13.

When the root jobnet is registered for immediate execution or fixed execution

In the figure, the scheduled execution dates of nested jobnets B and C are fixed for August 11. Normally, a fixed execution schedule is not changed. However, if you change the execution date of the root jobnet, the execution times of the nested jobnets are changed to conform to the new execution date of the root jobnet. The execution times of the nested jobnets are changed so as to fit within 48 hours of the base time on the execution date of the root jobnet. As a result, the execution schedule for nested jobnets B and C moves to August 13. If the execution time of a nested jobnet changes to an unexpected time, temporarily change the scheduled execution time of the nested jobnet.

(4) Changing to a time that extends beyond the dummy schedule

A dummy schedule refers to a tentative execution schedule for a jobnet that is either registered for planned execution, or registered for fixed execution with a specific number of future generations. A dummy schedule for a jobnet registered for planned execution shows a schedule for succeeding executions of the jobnet. A dummy schedule for a jobnet registered for fixed execution with a specific number of future generations shows a schedule for the jobnet after the specific number of future generations.

Imagine you change the start time of a jobnet registered for planned execution, or a jobnet registered for fixed execution with a specific number of future generations, to a time that is beyond the dummy schedule. In this case, the dummy schedule is not executed.

The following figure shows an example of changing the scheduled execution date of a jobnet to a date beyond the dummy schedule.

Figure 4‒31: Changing the scheduled execution date to a date beyond the dummy schedule


In the above example, the scheduled execution date is changed from August 11 to August 15. The dummy schedule for August 14, which now falls before the new execution date, is not executed. As a result, the scheduled execution dates become August 15 and August 17.

If you want to execute the dummy schedule for August 14, perform the following operations:

For jobnets registered for planned execution:

If you want to execute the dummy schedule for August 14, rather than temporarily changing the execution time, prohibit execution for the execution schedule for August 11, and then add a schedule rule that adds an execution schedule for August 15.

For details about prohibit the execution of execution schedules, see 4.5.5 Prohibiting execution of a job or jobnet.

For jobnets registered for fixed execution by specifying the number of future generations:

Change the execution schedule from August 11 to August 15, and then add an execution schedule for August 14, the day on which a dummy schedule exists.

For details about add an execution schedule, see 4.5.2 Adding an execution schedule to a jobnet.

(5) Adding execution schedules to a jobnet registered for planned execution by performing multiple temporary change operations

In planned execution registration, only the next execution schedule is determined from the last execution schedule, and the execution schedules to be executed following the next execution schedule are treated as dummy schedules. For this reason, for a jobnet registered for planned execution, only the next execution schedule whose execution time has already been determined can be temporarily changed.

If you want to temporarily set a new execution schedule before the next execution schedule, you can select either to move the next execution schedule (Not in next schedule) or to add a new execution schedule (Also in next schedule). Note that, when a new execution schedule is added, it can only be added as the next execution schedule. You cannot perform a temporary change operation that adds multiple execution schedules, including those that follow the next execution schedule. If you perform a temporary change operation that adds new execution schedules in succession, only the last specified schedule becomes the next execution schedule.

The following figure shows how the execution schedules are determined if multiple temporary change operations are performed for a jobnet registered for planned execution.

Figure 4‒32: How the execution schedules are determined if multiple temporary change operations are performed for a jobnet registered for planned execution
