
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview

3.2 Defining a calendar for JP1/AJS3 operation

You can create an operational calendar that defines JP1/AJS3 open days and closed days, just like the Sundays and holidays in an ordinary calendar. You can also set the date on which each month begins (monthly start day), and the base time for calculating daily schedules, according to the work system and processing schedules in the workplace.

To create a calendar for JP1/AJS3 operation, you must define the following:

You can define these items separately for each scheduler service (AJSROOT), job group, and planning group. Calendar settings for a scheduler service apply to all units defined under that scheduler service. Calendar settings for a job group or planning group apply to the jobnets belonging to that group. Therefore, to use a single operational calendar for an entire scheduler service, set calendar information for that service. To use application-specific calendars, set calendar information separately for each job group or planning group.

For the settings to define an application-specific calendar, see 3.5.7 Defining a different calendar for each application in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Work Tasks) Guide.

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