
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview

3.4.6 Retention of execution generations with satisfied start conditions

If the concurrent execution of execution generations is not specified and a start condition is satisfied more than once while an execution generation is in the Now running status, multiple execution generations in the Wait for start condition status will be generated. By default, the generated execution generations are retained in the Wait for start condition status as shown in the following figure.

Figure 3‒57: Example of retaining execution generations


In this example, start condition 2 is satisfied when execution generation 1 is in the Now running status and execution generation 2 is in the Wait for start condition status. Because execution generation 1 is running, execution generation 2 is retained in the Wait for start condition status even if start condition 2 is satisfied. Likewise, execution generation 3 is retained in the Wait for start condition status even if start condition 3 is satisfied.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Setting the retention of execution generations

You can select either of the following options to specify whether to retain an execution generation when the start condition is satisfied.

You can choose either behavior in the Pause exec. gen. for start cond. area of the Define Details - [Start Condition] dialog box. For details, see 12.4.5 Define Details - [Start Condition] dialog box in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide.

These behaviors are further described below.

Note that when concurrent execution is enabled in a jobnet definition, execution generations in the Wait for start condition status enter into the Now running status when the start condition is satisfied, regardless of which setting is selected.

(2) Behavior when "Does not stay with skip." is selected

The following figure shows the behavior of execution generations when the start condition is satisfied and Does not stay with skip. is selected.

Figure 3‒58: Behavior when "Does not stay with skip." is selected


If start condition 2 is satisfied while execution generation 1 is running, execution generation 2 moves from Wait for start condition to Skipped so not executed status and is not retained.

Cautionary notes
  • When the hold attribute is set for an execution generation, or when Hold start of jobnet or Stop monitoring of start conditions is set in Task after abend, and an abnormally terminated generation is present, the new execution generation enters Being held status.

  • If the start condition is satisfied while the executions of a job or a jobnet in the scheduler service is suppressed, the new execution generation does not enter Skipped so not executed status even if a generation is running.

(3) Behavior when "Stay without skip." is selected

The following figure shows the behavior of execution generations when the start condition is satisfied and Stay without skip. is selected.

Figure 3‒59: Behavior when "Stay without skip." is selected


If start condition 2 is satisfied while execution generation 1 is running, execution generation 2 is retained in the Wait for start condition status. When execution generation 1 finishes, execution generation 2 moves from Wait for start condition to Now running status. Similarly, execution generation 3 is retained until execution generation 2 finishes, and execution generation 4 is retained until execution generations 2 and 3 finish. By default, this behavior is selected.

In this way, if the start condition is satisfied while any execution generation is in Now running status, the same number of execution generations as satisfied start conditions will remain resident in Wait for start condition status. Take particular care in cases where an execution generation takes a long time to execute and the start condition is satisfied repeatedly.