
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview

3.4.5 Concurrent execution of monitoring generations

When the start time of another jobnet is reached while the monitoring generation is in the Now monitoring status, a new monitoring generation is generated. By default, monitoring generations are executed concurrently as shown in the following figure.

Figure 3‒53: Example of the concurrent execution of monitoring generations


In this example, suppose there are three event jobs, starting at 10:00, 11:00, and 12:00. Each of these event jobs is set to run until a start condition is satisfied twice in succession. If the second event does not occur between 10:00 and 11:00, monitoring generation 2 will start before monitoring generation 1 has ended.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Setting the concurrent execution of monitoring generations

You can select one the following three options to specify whether to start monitoring generations concurrently:

To enable the concurrent execution of monitoring generations, set Concurrent exec. of monitoring gen. in the Define Details - [Start Condition] dialog box. For details, see 12.4.5 Define Details - [Start Condition] dialog box in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide.

These behaviors are further described below.

When the hold attribute is set for a monitoring generation, it takes precedence and the concurrent execution setting is disabled.

(2) Behavior with the setting "Do not start monitoring"

The following figure shows the behavior of the monitoring generations when you select Do not start monitoring.

Figure 3‒54: Behavior with "Do not start monitoring" defined in the jobnet's start condition


If the next start time arrives while monitoring generation 2 is in Now monitoring status, monitoring generation 3 enters Skipped so not executed status and does not start. We recommend that you select this behavior for a jobnet that has a set processing cycle and a start condition with an unlimited valid range.

(3) Behavior with the setting "Wait for the end of monitoring"

The following figure shows the behavior of the monitoring generations when you select Wait for the end of monitoring.

Figure 3‒55: Behavior with "Wait for the end of monitoring" defined in the jobnet's start condition


If the next start time arrives while monitoring generation 2 is in Now monitoring status, monitoring generation 3 enters Wait for start time status. When monitoring generation 2 ends, monitoring generation 3 moves from Wait for start time to Now monitoring status.

If the timeout period elapses while monitoring generation 3 is in Wait for start time status, monitoring for the start condition is canceled and the generation moves to Skipped so not executed status.

(4) Behavior with the setting "Start monitoring"

The following figure shows the behavior of the monitoring generations when you select Start monitoring.

Figure 3‒56: Behavior with "Start monitoring" defined in the jobnet's start condition


Monitoring generation 3 enters Now monitoring status when the jobnet's start time arrives even if monitoring generation 2 is in Now monitoring status. This behavior is selected by default.

If the monitored event occurs while monitoring generations 2 and 3 are both active, each monitoring generation triggers an execution generation.

Particular care is needed when setting Start monitoring for a jobnet that has a set processing cycle if Unlimited is set as the valid range (times and period) of the jobnet's start condition.