
JP1 Version 13 JP1/SNMP System Observer Description, Operator's Guide and Reference

E.6 Resources (Network group)

The following table lists those resources in the Network group which can be collected by SSO.

Table E‒6: Resources (Network group)

Resource: Resource ID

Subresource: Subresource ID


Resource directory


Network Summary: 47#1

Interface Name: 1



Interface name

Interface Type: 2



Interface type

Maximum IP Datagram: 3



Maximum value of IP datagrams that can be sent or received via the interface

Interface Speed: 4



Transfer rate

IP Address: 5



Addressing information IP address

Subnet Mask: 6



IP address related subnet mask

Interface Address: 7



Interface address of the protocol layer that is immediately below the IP

Interface Status: 8



Interface operation status

Interface Utilization: 30#2

Total: 1



Percentage of I/O volume to the line capacity

Average: 2

I/O volume average as compared with the line capacity

Interface Uses: 37#2

InOctets: 1



Number of octets received via the interface

OutOctets: 2

Number of octets sent via the interface

Interface Traffic: 24#2

InUcastPkts: 1



Number of subnet unicast packets that have been delivered to the high-order protocol

InNUcastPkts: 2

Number of subnet broadcast or multicast packets that have been delivered to the high-order protocol

InErrors: 3

Number of receive packets that have not been delivered to the high-order protocol because of one or more errors

OutUcastPkts: 4

Number of packets that have been sent to subnet unicast addresses requested by the high-order protocol

OutNUcastPkts: 5

Number of packets that have been sent to subnet broadcast or multicast destinations requested by the high-order protocol

OutErrors: 6

Number of sent packets that were not sent because of one or more errors

IP Traffic: 26

InReceives: 1



Number of datagrams that have been received via the interface

InUnknownProtos: 2

Number of datagrams that have been destroyed because of an unknown or undefined protocol

InDelivers: 3

Number of input datagrams that have been successfully delivered to the IP user protocol

OutRequests: 4

Number of IP datagrams that have been supplied from the IP user protocol

OutNoRoutes: 5

Number of IP datagrams that have been destroyed because no transfer route to the destination was found

ICMP Traffic: 27

InMsgs: 1



Number of received ICMP messages

InErrors: 2

Number of received ICMP error messages

InEchos: 3

Number of received ICMP echo request messages

InEchoReps: 4

Number of received ICMP echo response messages

OutMsgs: 5

Number of sent ICMP messages

OutErrors: 6

Number of sent ICMP error messages

OutEchos: 7

Number of sent ICMP echo request messages

OutEchoReps: 8

Number of sent ICMP echo response messages

TCP Traffic: 69

InSegs: 1



Number of received segments

OutSegs: 2

Number of sent segments

RetransSegs: 3

Number of resent segments

InErrs: 4

Number of received error segments

OutRsts: 5

Number of connection reset segments

UDP Traffic: 28

InDatagrams: 1



Number of UDP datagrams that have been delivered to UDP users

InNoPorts: 2

Number of UDP datagrams for which no application is available at the destination port

InErrors: 3

Number of UDP datagrams that have not been for a reason other than InNoPorts

OutDatagrams: 4

Number of delivered UDP datagrams

SNMP Traffic: 29

InPkts: 1



Number of SNMP messages that have been received from the transport service

OutPkts: 2

Number of SNMP messages that have been sent from the transport service

OutTooBigs: 3

Number of sent messages whose error status is tooBig

OutNoSuchNames: 4

Number of sent messages whose error status is noSuchName

OutBadValues: 5

Number of sent messages whose error status is BadValueno

OutGenErrors: 6

Number of sent messages whose error status is GenErr

Ping Response Time: 39

Ping Response Time: 1



Time from the transmission of an IPv4 ICMP echo request to the reception of a response, as well as error information

The value will be one of the following if the ICMP echo request encounters an error.

  • 99997 (invalid echo reply)

  • 99998 (ICMP echo request time-out)

  • 99999 (internal error)

#1: This table lists summary information that can only be viewed in the Resource Browser window.

#2: When the OS of the collection target agent is Solaris 2.5.1, SSO cannot collect this resource regardless of the agent type.