
JP1 Version 13 JP1/SNMP System Observer Description, Operator's Guide and Reference

E.5 Resources (File System group)

The following table lists those resources in the File System group which can be collected by SSO.

Table E‒5: Resources (File System group)

Resource: Resource ID

Subresource: Subresource ID


Resource directory


File System Summary: 46#

File System Name: 1



Name of the mounted file system

Total Size: 2



Total file system size

Used Size: 3


Size of used area in the file system

Free Size: 4


Size of free area in the file system

Available Size: 5


Size of area that can be used by users other than superusers

Utilization: 6



Area utilization in the file system

File System Utilization: 12

File System Utilization: 1



File system utilization

File System Available: 34

File System Available: 1



Size of free area that can be used by users other than superusers

# This table lists summary information that can only be viewed in the Resource Browser window.