
JP1 Version 13 JP1/SNMP System Observer Description, Operator's Guide and Reference

7.2.2 Configuring an SSO cluster system environment (in Windows)

This subsection describes how to configure an SSO cluster system environment on the active and standby nodes in Windows.

The example in this subsection assumes the following settings:

Organization of this subsection

(1) Configuring a cluster environment on the active node

The procedure for configuring a cluster environment on the active node consists of the following steps:

  1. Mount the shared disk

  2. Set up an SSO cluster environment

  3. Set the JP1-authentication logical host

  4. Set an IPv6 logical IP address (if an IPv6 network is to be monitored)

  5. Create a cluster control script

  6. Add the SSO resource to the resource group

  7. Add the NNMi connection settings

Each step of the above procedure is described below.

(a) Mount the shared disk

Make sure that the shared disk is mounted.

(b) Set up an SSO cluster environment

Execute the cluster environment setting command (ssoclustersetup.vbs) to set up an SSO cluster environment on the active node. For details about the cluster environment setting command, see ssoclustersetup.vbs (Windows only) in 5. Commands.

For the arguments of the cluster environment setting command, specify values as shown in the following table:


Value to be specified

First argument

-construction (specifies that an environment is to be configured)

Second argument

-primary (specifies that the active node is the target)

Third argument

Shared folder name on the shared disk#

Fourth argument

Logical IP address (IPv4 address)


Make sure that you use the command to create the folder in which to store SSO data. Also make sure that the folder has a parent folder.

The following shows an example of the command line. In this example, the command creates the SSO folder in a folder on a shared disk (K:\shared\SSO) and assigns a logical IP address ( to that folder so that the folder can be used as a shared folder.

cscript.exe $SSO_BIN\ssoclustersetup.vbs -construction -primary K:\shared\SSO

If an error occurs, correct it with reference to the message that appears. After you have corrected the error, re-execute the command.

(c) Set the JP1-authentication logical host

To adopt JP1 authentication as the authentication method so that JP1 authentication can be performed on the logical host, execute the cluster environment setting command (ssoclustersetup.vbs) to set the JP1-authentication logical host in SSO. For details about the cluster environment setting command, see ssoclustersetup.vbs (Windows only) in 5. Commands.

For the arguments of the cluster environment setting command, specify values as shown in the following table:


Value to be specified

First argument

-logicalset (specifies the JP1 logical host)

Second argument

JP1 logical host name

The following shows an example of the command that sets rhost as the JP1 logical host name:

cscript.exe $SSO_BIN\ssoclustersetup.vbs -logicalset rhost

If an error occurs, correct it with reference to the message that appears. After you have corrected the error, re-execute the command.

(d) Set an IPv6 logical IP address (if an IPv6 network is to be monitored)

If an IPv6 network is to be monitored, execute the cluster environment setting command (ssoclustersetup.vbs) to set an IPv6 logical IP address. For details about the cluster environment setting command, see ssoclustersetup.vbs (Windows only) in 5. Commands.

For the arguments of the cluster environment setting command, specify values as shown in the following table:


Value to be specified

First argument

-defset (specifies that the action definition file is to be set)

Second argument

Logical IP address (IPv6 address)

The following shows an example of the command that sets 2001:db8::7c as the IPv6 logical IP address:

cscript.exe $SSO_BIN\ssoclustersetup.vbs -defset 2001:db8::7c

If an error occurs, correct it with reference to the message that appears. After you have corrected the error, re-execute the command.

(e) Create a cluster control script

Create a cluster control script from the cluster control script sample data provided by SSO.

To create a cluster control script:

  1. Copy the cluster control script sample data.

    Copy the cluster control script sample data to any folder. The final location of the cluster control script file that you create is the $SSO_TMP folder on the local disk.

    The location of the sample data is as follows:

  2. Customize the cluster control script.

    Customize keys in the cluster control script. The following table lists and describes the keys to be customized.

    Table 7‒6: Keys to be customized


    Key name





    C:\Program Files\Hitachi\JP1SSO

    Sets the SSO installation folder.

    If SSO is not installed in the default installation folder, change the value of this key.




    Sets the names of monitoring-target SSO processes.

    <Basic configuration>

    By default, a blank is set, and SSO fails over when NNMi fails over.

    If you want SSO to fail over by monitoring SSO processes, specify them by using a single-byte comma (,) as shown in the following example:



    <Distributed configuration>

    Specify the SSO processes that can trigger a failover in the comma-separated format as shown in the following example:






    Sets the maximum number of times SSO stop processing (ssostop) is retried when the SSO resource becomes offline.



    30 (seconds)

    Sets the interval at which SSO stop processing (ssostop) is retried when the SSO resource becomes offline.


    --: None

    The SSO stop processing (ssostop) might fail, depending on the status of SSO. Therefore, for SSO to stop normally, make sure that the stop processing is retried some times.

The following shows an example of the setting that enables monitoring of all SSO processes (the entry in bold type). Note that to start ssotrapd.exe in a distributed configuration, ssotrapd.exe must also be added.

Function IsAlive( )
    IsAlive = True
    Dim g_fs, g_logstream, g_sh, g_wmi, g_logfilename, g_instdir, rc
    rc = MainInit( g_fs, g_logstream, g_sh, g_wmi, g_logfilename, g_instdir )
    ' Watch Process Name
    Const c_mustrun = "ssospmd.exe,ssoapmon.exe,ssocollectd.exe,ssocolmng.exe,ssorptd.exe,ssoconsoled.exe"
    ' Maintenance file

(f) Add the SSO resource to the resource group

In the cluster administrator window, add the SSO resource to the resource group. The following table lists the items that you need to set when adding a resource, and shows an example of setting those items.

Table 7‒7: Items to be set when a resource is added

Item to be set

Setting example

Resource name


Resource type

Generic script

Resource dependencies

NNMi resource#1


Logical IP address

Shared disk


Network name#2

Logical host name#2

Script file path


Pending timeout

25 (minutes)

Maximum restarts in the specified period



1800000 (milliseconds)


Set this item in the basic configuration.


Set this item in the distributed configuration.

The following describes the items in the above table:

  • Resource type

    Sets the type of the SSO resource. Select Generic script as the resource type when you create a resource.

  • Script file path

    Sets the script to be executed as the SSO resource. Specify the full path of the cluster control script created in (e) Create a cluster control script.

The SSO resource is created with the above settings, and added to the resource group.

When you set the following items, use the properties dialog box of the SSO resource that you created:

  • Resource name

    Sets the name of the SSO resource.

  • Resource dependencies

    Sets the resources that the SSO resource depends on. Specify the NNMi resource#1, logical IP address, network name (logical host name)#2, and shared disk.

    #1: Set this item in the basic configuration.

    #2: Set this item in the distributed configuration.

  • Pending timeout

    Sets the timeout for failover or the timeout for the processing that changes the status of the SSO resource from online to offline, or vice versa. In the Policies tab, set the timeout (in minutes) for Period.

    Use the following formula to calculate the value to be set as the pending timeout:

    Pending-timeout x 60 ≥ a + b + c + d + e + c_term_retry_count x c_term_retry_interval + 120

    a: Timeout for monitoring start and stop of ssocollectd

    b: Timeout for monitoring start and stop of ssoapmon

    c: Timeout for monitoring start and stop of ssorptd

    d: Timeout for monitoring start and stop of ssoconsoled

    e: Timeout for monitoring start and stop of ssotrapd#

    #: Add this value only if ssotrapd is to be started.

    For details about the starting or stopping timeout period, see 6.3.24 SSO startup definition file (ssostartup.conf).

  • Maximum restarts in the specified period

    Sets the maximum number of restart attempts that can be performed within the specified time period. Make sure that in the Policies tab, the If resource fails, attempt restart on current node check box is selected, and then set 0 for Maximum restarts in the specified period.

    If the If all the restart attempts fail, begin restarting again after the specified period (hh:mm) check box is selected, clear the selection.

  • DeadlockTimeout

    Sets the timeout for monitoring the SSO resource. Use the cluster command to set a time (in milliseconds) that is equal to or longer than the pending timeout.

    Example: To set DeadlockTimeout to 30 minutes, execute the following command:

    cluster.exe res jp1cm2sso /prop DeadlockTimeout="1800000"

(g) Add the NNMi connection settings

Execute the ssonnmsetup command to add the NNMi connection settings. For details on the ssonnmsetup command, see ssonnmsetup in 5. Commands.

(2) Configuring a cluster environment on the standby node

The procedure for configuring a cluster environment on the standby node consists of the following steps:

  1. Set up an SSO cluster environment

  2. Create a cluster control script

Each step of the above procedure is described below.

(a) Set up an SSO cluster environment

Execute the cluster environment setting command (ssoclustersetup.vbs) to set up an SSO cluster environment on the standby node. For details about the cluster environment setting command, see ssoclustersetup.vbs (Windows only) in 5. Commands.

For the arguments of the cluster environment setting command, specify values as shown in the following table:


Value to be specified

First argument

-construction (specifies that an environment is to be configured)

Second argument

-secondary (specifies that the standby node is the target)

Third argument

Shared folder name on the shared disk

The following shows an example of the command line:

cscript.exe $SSO_BIN\ssoclustersetup.vbs -construction -secondary K:\shared\SSO

If an error occurs, correct it with reference to the message that appears. After you have corrected the error, re-execute the command.

(b) Create a cluster control script

Copy a cluster control script and customize it by using the procedures in (1)(e) Create a cluster control script. Make sure that the contents and path of the script file are same as those on the active node.

When the above settings have been specified, the resource group can be activated. In the cluster administrator window, select and activate the SSO resource.