
JP1 Version 13 JP1/SNMP System Observer Description, Operator's Guide and Reference

6.3.24 SSO startup definition file (ssostartup.conf)

In the SSO startup definition file, define the settings concerning the startup of the daemon processes of SSO.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Format

The following shows the format of the SSO startup definition file.


When coding definitions in the SSO startup definition file, note the following:

(2) Description

The next table lists the items that must be, or can be, defined in the SSO startup definition file.

Field name



You must always specify one of the following daemon process names:

  • ssocolmng (resource collection management daemon process)

  • ssocollectd (resource collection daemon process)

  • ssoapmon (process and service monitoring daemon process)

  • ssorptd (report creation daemon process)

  • ssoconsoled (SSO console daemon process)

  • ssotrapd (SNMP trap reception daemon process)

By default, the ssotrapd daemon process is disabled. Enable the daemon if SSO is used in a distributed configuration and SNMP traps can be received from APM. When the ssotrapd daemon process is enabled, you must always specify ssotrapd in the definition of the process dependent on the ssoapmon process.


Specify the name of the daemon process prerequisite for SSO operation. If you specify multiple daemon process names, delimit each daemon name with a comma (,).

You must always specify ssocollectd for the definition of the ssocolmng daemon process.


Specify startup options for each daemon process. For the startup options, see the explanations of the commands corresponding to the daemon processes in 5. Commands.


<<300>> ((10 to 600))

Specify the starting or stopping timeout period in seconds for each daemon process.

If a starting timeout occurs while a daemon process is being started, the startup of the daemon process is skipped.

If a stopping timeout occurs while a daemon process is being stopped, the daemon process is terminated forcibly by a termination signal.

(3) SSO startup definition file at installation

The following shows the SSO startup definition file at the time of installation.


(4) Examples

The following is an example of defining the SSO startup definition file.

When setting the timeout period of process and service monitoring daemon process (ssoapmon) to 600 seconds:


When SSO is used in a distributed configuration and SNMP traps can be received from APM:


(5) Note

If the error message below is output while the ssostop command is being executed, this indicates that stopping of the daemon process indicated in the message has not ended within the timeout period. In such a case, increase the timeout period specified for the indicated daemon process in the SSO startup definition file.

ssospmd: (daemon process name) is timeout.

For example, if the ssoapmon daemon process has not been stopped within the timeout period, the following error message is output:

ssospmd: (ssoapmon) is timeout.