
JP1 Version 13 JP1/SNMP System Observer Description, Operator's Guide and Reference

6.3.13 Event destination definition file (ssodest.conf)

In the event destination definition file, you can define the destination of the event issued by SSO to a remote host.

If you have defined or changed an event transmission destination related to resource collection in this definition file, perform one of the following operations:

Also, if you have defined or changed an event transmission destination related to process monitoring in this definition file, perform one of the following operations:

Organization of this subsection

(1) Format

The following is a format for an event destination definition file.


Separate each item with a semicolon (;). Be sure to write a semicolon (;) even if you omit an item.

(2) Description

The following table shows the content of the definition.



ssocolmng or ssoapmon

Specify an event issuing function.

If you specify ssocolmng, define the event transmission destination for resource collection. If you specify ssoapmon, define the event transmission destination for process monitoring.


Specify the type of the event to be issued.

Collection or monitoring status change event#1: 1

Threshold event#2: 2

Status change event: 16

Database alert/maximum size excess event: 32

If you want to issue multiple events, add the values of the events. For example, if you want to issue the collection status change or monitoring status change event and the threshold event, specify 3.

The specification of status change event and database alert/maximum size excess event is valid only when 1 is specified as the event type (the event transmission destination is NNMi).

Furthermore, specification of the database alert/maximum size excess event is valid only if ssocolmng is specified.


Specify the IP address of the host to which you want to transmit an event.


<<language of transmission destination>>

Specify the language used by the event transmission destination. Specify this item when the language is different between the event transmission source and event transmission destination.

This setting is valid only when 2 is specified as the event type (the event transmission destination is other than NNMi).



Specify the display of a host name indicating the agent host (source) as a custom incident attribute in the incident form. If you want to display the agent host in a host name, specify on. If you specify off, the IP address is displayed.


<<all agents for resource collection and process monitoring>>

You can only transmit events for the specified agent to the defined transmission destination host. When you specify multiple agents, separate them with a colon (:) per IP address.

When ssocolmng is specified, both IPv4 addresses and IPv6 addresses can be specified. When ssoapmon is specified, only IPv4 addresses can be specified. To specify IPv6 addresses, enclose them in brackets ([ ]).


<<1>> ((1 or 2))

Specify the type of the event to be transmitted. Specify one of the following settings according to the SNMP manager at the event transmission destination:

When the event transmission destination is NNMi: 1

When the event transmission destination is other than NNMi: 2

When 1 is specified as the event type, the collection status change, monitoring status change, and threshold events are transmitted as incidents, and the status change event is transmitted as a status.

In this case, use the ssonnmsetup command to add the information about connections to NNMi to which events are transmitted.

When 2 is specified as the event type, the collection status change, monitoring status change, and threshold events are transmitted as SNMP traps.

When you specify 2 as the event type, do not specify the status change event for the Event item.


<<162>> ((1 to 65535))

Specify the port number of the event transmission destination. This setting is valid only when 2 is specified as the event type (the event transmission destination is other than NNMi).

#1: This type of event indicates the collection status change event, monitoring status change event, and process or service monitoring failure event.

#2: This type of event indicates the resource status change event, process status change event, service status change event, and application status change event.

#3 The value to be specified for the destination language varies depending on the OS and the language environment variable used on the destination, as shown in the next table.


Language environment variable

Value to be specified


ASCII code


Shift JIS code


EUC code



ASCII code


EUC code


Shift JIS code



ASCII code


UTF-8 code



ASCII code


Shift JIS code


(3) Example

The following is an example of an event destination definition file.
