
JP1 Version 13 JP1/SNMP System Observer Description, Operator's Guide and Reference

6.3.12 Port number definition file (ssoport.conf)

In the port number definition file, you define port numbers to be used by SSO.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Format

In the port number definition file, write each process and command as a key name, followed by a port number. Note that if the definition file includes multiple definitions for the same item, the definition written last is assumed to be valid, and those definitions preceding the last definition are ignored.

(2) Description

The next table lists the items that must be or can be defined in a port number definition file. Definition items must be written in the order indicated in this table. A port number must be in a range from 1 to 65,535 and must not be the same as any other port number.

For the remote connection from the GUI or by a command, you must specify the same port number for daemon processes in the port number definition file at both the connection source and destination.

Key name




Specify the port number to be used for a connection with the ssocolmng daemon process and Resource Browser window, Resource Configuration window, Resource Reference window, Resource data Reference window, ssocolmng, ssocolset, ssocolstart, ssocolstop, ssocolshow, ssodbcheck, ssodbdel, and the ssoextractlog command. This number is bound by the ssocolmng daemon process.



Specify the port number to be used for a connection between ssocollected daemon process and ssocollectd command or ssocolmng daemon process. This port number is bound by ssocollected daemon process.



Specify the port number to be used for a connection with the ssoapmon daemon process and the Process Configuration window, Process Reference window, process monitor window, ssopsset, ssopsstart, ssopsstop, and the ssopsshow command. This port number is bound by ssoapmon daemon process.



Specify the port number to be used for a connection between ssoapmon daemon process and the ssoapcom command. This port number is bound by ssoapmon daemon process.



Specify the port number to be used for a connection between ssoapmon daemon process and the APM. This port number is bound by ssoapmon daemon process.

Specify the port number specified here for the setting key TCPSPORT in the event TCP notification definition file (apmtcpsend.conf) of APM.



Specify the port number to be used for a connection between ssospmd daemon process and ssospmd, ssostart, ssostop, ssostatus, or the ssobackup command. This port number is bound by ssospmd daemon process.



Specify the port number to be used for a connection between ssospmd daemon process and ssocollectd, ssocolmng, ssoapmon, ssorptd, or ssoconsoled daemon process. This port number is bound by ssospmd daemon process.



Specify the port number to be used for a connection between ssorptd daemon process and Report Configuration window or ssodemandrpt command. This port number is bound by ssorptd daemon process.



Specify the port number that is used for the HTTP connection between the SSO console and Web browser and the connection between the SSO console and ssoconsoled command. This port number is bound by the Web server process (httpsd) on the SSO console.



Specify the port number that is used for the connection between the Web server and Web container on the SSO console. This port number is intended for the internal processing on the SSO console, and bound by the Web container process (cjstartweb) on the SSO console.



Specify the port number for Web container management on the SSO console. This port number is intended for the internal processing on the SSO console, and bound by the Web container process (cjstartweb) on the SSO console.



Specify the port number to be used for a connection between ssotrapd daemon process and ssotrapd command or ssoapmon daemon process. This port number is bound by ssotrapd daemon process.



Specify the port number that is used for the HTTPS connection between the SSO console and Web browser. This port number is bound by the Web server process (httpsd) on the SSO console.

(3) Note

Stop SSO before changing settings in the port number definition file. Changing the value of ssospmdcmd while SSO is running disables execution of the start command (ssostart), stop command (ssostop), status display command (ssostatus), backup command (ssobackup), and the ssospmd -r command.