
JP1 Version 13 JP1/SNMP System Observer Description, Operator's Guide and Reference


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To check the format of the collection conditions definition file:
ssocolchk -c collection-conditions-definition-file-name
To output the command usage:
ssocolchk -h


The ssocolchk command checks the format of a collection conditions definition file. However, it does not check the correlation (such as duplicate definitions) between fields.


-c collection-conditions-definition-file

Specifies the collection conditions definition file whose format you want to check. Specify the collection conditions definition file in 512 bytes or less, including the path name.

For details about collection conditions definition files, see 6.3.1 Collection conditions definition file.


Outputs the command usage. This option cannot be specified together with other options.

Return values


Normal termination


Execution error such as incorrect arguments