
JP1 Version 13 JP1/SNMP System Observer Description, Operator's Guide and Reference

6.3.1 Collection conditions definition file

If you want to collect resource information, use the collection conditions definition file to define the conditions for resource information collection, including the resources whose information should be collected and the period in which resource information is to be collected.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Format

You can define multiple sets of collection conditions in a collection conditions definition file. Specify collection conditions in the following format:


(2) Details of resource definition

The next table lists the items that constitute a resource definition. You must write a resource definition for each resource. You must write fields in the definition file in the order in which they are listed in the table below. For more information about resource IDs, see E. Resource IDs.

Key name



((character string of up to 255 bytes))

Specify a semicolon-separated pair consisting of the resource ID and server name to be collected. Specify a host name or IP address as the server name.


<<5m; the default unit is s>> ((10s to 24h))

Specify a resource collection interval. Select s (second), m (minute), or h (hour) as the resource collection interval unit.


((00:00:00 to 24:00:00))

Specify a semicolon-separated pair consisting of a collection start time and a collection end time, in the hh:mm:ss format. You cannot specify a time period that extends over midnight. For example, to set a collection time period from 21:00 to 9:00 of the following day, specify as follows:





To set the following items, specify Y. If you do not wish to set them, specify N. Separate these items with a semicolon (;).

  • Saving of collected data in file

  • Threshold check

  • Symbol display#2


<<1>> ((1 to 10))

Specify a time zone ID.


<<96>> ((24 to 720))

Specify a total time preceding the calculation time as the range of the collection period of collected data that is to be extracted to calculate the statistical threshold.



Specify an interval or point of time as the timing for calculating the statistical threshold.

The default is an interval of 1 hour.

When specifying a time interval, use the format **h**m. The ** part indicates a numerical value. The specifiable range is 15m to 24h.

When specifying a point of time, use the format hh:mm. The specifiable range is 00:00 to 23:59. To specify multiple points of time, delimit the values with a comma (,), and ensure a difference of 15 minutes or more between the values.


For some resources, a different default value may be used.


Because this item is intended to maintain compatibility with earlier versions, this item is ignored regardless of whether Y or N is specified.

When coding a resource definition, note the following:

(3) Details of instance definition

If you want to define different collection conditions for different instances, you must define instances. If you want to use the same collection conditions for all the instances, you need not define instances.

When defining collection conditions for each instance, you must define all the instances. Undefined instances will be regarded as ineligible for resource information collection.

The next table lists the items that constitute an instance definition.

Key name



((character string of up to 255 bytes))

Specify an instance name in up to 255 bytes. Instance names cannot include any spaces.

When coding an instance definition, note the following:

(4) Details of subresource definition

You must write a subresource definition for each subresource that belongs to the resource. You must enter subresource definition items into the definition file in the order in which they are listed in the following table.

Key name




To set the following items, specify Y. If you do not wish to set them, specify N. Separate these items with a semicolon (;). The specification in this key overrides the specification in the condition key.

  • Saving of collected data in file

  • Threshold check

  • Symbol display#2


Specify the commands to be executed when the threshold is exceeded.

Specify each of the commands to be executed with a character string of up to 255 bytes.

When you use a command common to all the three items above, specify the command for each item.






  • For Fixed threshold

    ((0 or a floating-point number from ±1.00 x 10-2 to ±1.7976931348623157 x 10308))

  • For Statistical threshold

    <<99.95;99.99>> ((0.01 to 99.99))

  • For Fixed threshold (when stat is not specified)

    Specify a semicolon-separated pair consisting of a warning threshold and a critical threshold.

  • For Statistical threshold (when stat is specified)

    Specify the ratio of the count of collection operations by which normal data is collected to the total collection count and the ratio of the count of collection operations by which warning data is collected to the total collection count. Delimit the ratios with a semicolon (;). Assume, for example, that collection was done 100 times, normal data was collected 97 times, warning data was collected twice, and critical data was collected once. In such a case, statistically, the percentage of normal data is 97%, and the percentage of normal and warning data is 99%. Then, the specification must be threshold=stat97.00;99.00.

    Values can be omitted. The default values are 99.95 (warning data) and 99.99 (critical data).

    stat_term_id must always be specified.


<<1;1>> ((1 to 99))

Specify a warning threshold excess count and a critical threshold excess count. Separate the threshold values with a semicolon (;).


Some resource may use different defaults.


Because this item is intended to maintain compatibility with earlier versions, this item is ignored regardless of whether Y or N is specified.

When coding a subresource definition, note the following:

(5) Examples

An example of a collection conditions definition file is given below.

Example of collection conditions definition file (Interface Utilization):


Example of collection conditions definition file (CPU Utilization):


Example of collection conditions definition file (regular statistical threshold calculation)
