
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Network Node Manager i Setup Guide

2.1.2 Installing NNMi (Linux)

To perform a new installation of NNMi in a Linux system:

  1. Log in as a user with root privileges to the system where you plan to install NNMi.

  2. Set a supported locale in the environment variable LC_ALL, LANG:

    # LC_ALL=ja_JP.UTF-8
    # export LC_ALL
    # LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8
    # export LANG

    For details about supported locales, see the Release Notes.

  3. Place the NNMi media in the drive, and then mount the drive.

    For details about how to mount drives, see the NNMi Release Notes and OS documentation.

  4. Start Hitachi PP Installer.

    Execute the following commands. mount-dir indicates the directory the drive is mounted as.

    # /mount-dir/X64LIN/setup /mount-dir

    For details about how to start Hitachi PP Installer, see the NNMi Release Notes.

  5. In the Hitachi PP Installer startup window, enter I to display a list of software that can be installed.

  6. Move the cursor to JP1/Network Node Manager i, select it using the space bar, and then enter I.

    A message will appear asking you whether you want to continue the installation.

  7. Enter y or Y.

  8. Enter information as indicated by the installer.

    To use default values, press the Enter key without entering any values. Defaults are the values shown in brackets.

    • Specify the HTTP port number for the NNMi Web server.

      Enter the HTTP port number for the NNMi Web server used to access NNMi. Enter a port number that is not being used by another program. The default value is 20480.

      An input example follows:

      ** Network Node Manager i Installer **

      * Starting NNMi installation.

      * Enter default port for HTTP server =>

      * [20480]


    • Specify the HTTPS port number for the NNMi Web server.

      Enter the HTTPS port number for the NNMi Web server used to access NNMi. Enter a port number that is not being used by another program. The default value is 20481.

      An input example follows:

      * Enter default port for HTTPS server =>

      * [20481]


    • Check the display of entered data and make sure that installation has started.

      The data entered as shown above is displayed. If there are no problems with the data displayed, enter yes to start installation. To change the entered data, enter no.

      An input example follows:

      * http port : 20480

      * https port : 20481

      * Do you start installation with above settings you entered ? (yes/no)

      * If you need to change the settings, please enter no.


    • Confirm whether to perform the preinstallation checks and continue the installation.

      The preinstallation checks will be performed first when installation starts.


      In order to verify the items listed in Table 1‒1: NNMi management server preinstallation checklist, the preinstallation check will verify that the ports used by NNMi are available.

      Do not install NNMi until you have verified that all the ports used by NNMi are available. For a list of the ports used by NNMi and the direction in which data passes through a firewall, see E. List of Ports Used by NNMi.

      If no problems are found in this preinstallation check, continue with the installation.

      If there is a problem with the preinstallation check, the installer will output the problem and ask whether you want to continue the installation. Enter yes to continue the installation or no to terminate the installation.

      Example of input when there is a problem in the preinstallation check:

      * Starting NNMi Precheck ...

      * TCP Port: [20481] is used.

      * UDP Port: [162] is used.

      * NNMi Precheck result: NG

      * There are some problem(s) with the settings.

      * Do you want to continue NNMi installation ? (yes/no)

      * If you enter no, the installation will stop.



      Note that the installation takes ten to twenty minutes or more. Do not interrupt the installation once it is underway. Interrupting the installation creates undesirable conditions that could render re-installation by normal means impossible.

      Even if the precheck result is OK, this is not a guarantee that the installation will be successful. You must also make sure all the checklists in 1. Preinstallation Checklists are completed.

    • Setting the system account password.

      After a while, you will be prompted to enter the password for the system account. Between 1 and 40 characters can be entered for the password. Alphanumeric characters (A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9), and underscores (_) can be used. To set it after installation, enter \quit.

      * Setup system password for the initial sign-in to the NNMi console.

      * If you want to setup the password later, enter "\quit".

      * Please enter system password:

      * Please enter system password again:


      The system account is a special administrator account created by the installation process. It is used when you sign in to the NNMi console for the first time. It is not normally used after the creation of a user with the administrator role on the NNMi console. The system account remains enabled after the installation finishes, but it is used only to execute on the command line or for restoration purposes. For details about how to set or change the system password, see 1.5.5 Setting the system account password.