
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Network Node Manager i Setup Guide

1.2 Preparing the preinstallation NNMi management server environment

An NNMi management server is a server on which the NNMi software is installed. Each NNMi management server must be a dedicated 64-bit machine. To learn more about hardware prerequisites, see 1.1 Checking the hardware and software.

Before you install NNMi on the NNMi management server, complete the checklist in Table 1-1.


Configure the remote desktop as described below before installing and configuring NNMi. This configuration increases the resources that Windows uses, so we recommend that you return to the original configuration after you complete these tasks, if necessary.

  • Configuration path

    Local Group Policy Editor# > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Session Host > Temporary folders

    #: To open Local Group Policy Editor, enter gpedit.msc in the Start window.

  • Configuration settings

    Enable Do not use temporary folders per session and Do not delete temp folder upon exit. To apply these settings to the system, log off and then log on again.

Table 1‒1: NNMi management server preinstallation checklist



NNMi management server preparation


If you fail installing NNMi and install it again to the same environment, please refer to the manual deletion procedure in the appendix of the release note before installation.


Make sure that the host name of the server where you plan to install NNMi is RFC-compliant.

Host names are allowed to use alphanumerics (A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9), hyphens (-), and periods (.) (to demarcate domain names).

Setup of host names that are not RFC-compliant (host names that use underscores (_), for example) might result in failure of the NNMi console connection or command execution.


Make sure that the name of the local host can be resolved on the server on which NNMi is installed and that localhost is set up with the name resolved to


Make sure that the C drive is used as the OS's system drive. NNMi cannot be installed in an environment where the system drive is not drive C.


If you have restrictive security settings in place, you might need to adjust the permission on the drive or drives on which you want to place the NNMi install and data directories. For details, see 1.5.1 Specifying disk drive security settings (Windows).


Check for the SNMP service; if installed, the SNMP trap service needs to be disabled on this server.


Install and enable a supported Web browser. For details, see 1.1 Checking the hardware and software and 1.5.3 Enabling the Web browser for the NNMi console.


Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) users: Makes sure that the NNMi management server is consistently assigned the same IP address.


Disable anti-virus software until NNMi installation is complete. When NNMi installation is complete, restart the anti-virus software.


Before you can install NNMi on a Linux server, the packages listed below that are required by NNMi must be installed. Also, install the library files that have dependence relationships with these packages:

  • libaio (x86_64)
  • libXtst (x86_64)
  • libXi (x86_64)
  • net-tools (x86_64)
  • unzip (x86_64)
  • fontconfig (x86_64)
  • liberation-sans-fonts (noarch)#

    #: This package isn’t necessary if the fc-list command shows one or more fonts.

For RHEL 8.1 or later, or Oracle Linux 8.1 or later, additionally install the following.

  • libnsl (x86_64)

For details, see 1.5.4 Installing required libraries in Linux.


The database used by NNMi is PostgreSQL. If you install NNMi on a server on which PostgreSQL is already installed, make sure that there are no conflicts in the port settings. The port for PostgreSQL that NNMi uses is 5432/TCP. Therefore, change the port used by any existing PostgreSQL to a value other than 5432/TCP before you install NNMi. After installation, you can change the PostgreSQL port to be used by NNMi, if necessary.


Do not install NNMi until you have verified that all ports used by NNMi are available. For a list of the ports used by NNMi and the direction in which data passes through a firewall, see E. List of Ports Used by NNMi.


Do not block communication with the IP address of the local host, such as by using a firewall.


NNMi is installed in the language specified in the language settings in Format in Control Panel. NNMi cannot be used in any language other than the one specified in Format. If you want to change the language which is selected during OS installation, only changing from English to other languages is supported. Before you install NNMi, specify the following settings:

  1. In the Formats tab of the Region and Language control panel, specify Japanese, English, or Chinese in Format, and make sure that the language set under Display language (in the Keyboards and Languages tab) matches the one set here.

    In an overwrite installation, the language setting specified here must match the setting for NNMi prior to the overwrite installation.

  2. In the Administrative tab, click Copy settings, and then click OK to copy the settings to the system account.

  3. In the Administrative tab, specify the language under Language for non-Unicode programs.

    Specify the language that was specified in Format in step 1.

For the NNMi management server's locale, specify one of the following:

ja_JP.utf8, ja_JP.UTF-8, C, en_US.utf8, en_US.UTF-8, or zh_CN.utf8


Configuration information from earlier versions of NNM remains, even if NNM is removed. See the Release Notes for the earlier version of NNM to identify the older information, and then delete that information prior to installing NNMi.


Before installing NNMi, make sure that the Windows Services window (the window started from Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services) is not running. If it is, close it.


If the sum of the character string set in the system environment variable Path and the lengths of the directory paths below is 950 bytes or more, the directory paths below might fail to be added to the system environment variable Path even if NNMi is successfully installed.



If the directory paths above are not added to the system environment variable Path after installation is complete, add the directory paths manually to the system environment variable Path.

For details about the environment variables, see C.1 Environment variables used in this manual.


If you are installing NNMi using a path other than the default, you can use alphanumerics (A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9), hyphens (-), periods (.), underscores (_), and single-byte spaces for the names of the install and data directories. Note that multiple consecutive single-byte spaces cannot be used. The maximum length of the absolute paths for these directories is 60 characters.


Do not specify paths that include junction points, such as drive:\Documents and Settings. Doing so might cause problems, such as temporary files not being deleted.


If you install NNMi in an environment in which environment variables %TEMP% and %TMP% have different values, installation might fail. Make sure that the values of %TEMP% and %TMP% are the same before installation. If they differ, set %TEMP% and %TMP% to the same values.


Do not set the following variables as environment variables:

  • LANG
  • Anything that begins with LC

If another product sets these environment variables, it might not be compatible with NNMi. Installation might fail if NNMi is installed with these variables set.


If a Remote Desktop session host has been installed in Remote Desktop Services, the following setting is required before you install NNMi:

  • Executechangeuser/install to change to install mode.

For details about this setting, see Help for the Remote Desktop session host.


If changes you have made to the system on which you plan to install NNMi require restarting the OS, do so prior to installing NNMi.

For example, the OS must be restarted if the registry value below exists. If this value exists, NNMi might suspend the installation:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\PendingFileRenameOperations

This registry value normally disappears when the OS is restarted.


NNMi uses a %TEMP% directory of up to 500 MB when it is installed or removed. The install or removal might fail without sufficient disk space.


NNMi uses a /tmp directory of up to 1 GB when it is installed or removed. The install or removal might fail without sufficient disk space.


During installation, under Local Group Policy Editor > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Session Host > Temporary folders, enable Do not use temporary folders per session and Do not delete temp folder upon exit. To apply these settings to the system, log off and then log on again.


Set Application Experience service to "Manual" if it is "Disabled".If Application Experience service is set as "Disabled", NNMi installation will fail.


If you are re-installing NNMi, also re-install all applications that require NNMi and configure them accordingly.


Install applications that require NNMi after the configuration of the environment that follows NNMi installation has been completed. Remember to execute the ovstop command before you install applications.


During NNMi installation, do not change the size of the terminal window in which Hitachi PP Installer is running. Doing so might prevent NNMi from installing properly.


NNMi requires a UDP reception buffer of 8 MB and a UDP transmission buffer of 2 MB.

To change the settings for memory spaces allocated to buffers, edit the /etc/sysctl.conf file to add the following entries:

# NNM settings for UDP receive and send buffer sizes

net.core.rmem_max = 8388608

net.core.wmem_max = 2097152

After editing the /etc/sysctl.conf file, apply the changes by restarting the OS or executing the /sbin/sysctl -p command.


The value of kernel.shmmax or kernel.shmall might be too small. If they are, edit the /etc/sysctl.conf file to add the following entries. We recommend a value of 64 GB.

# NNM settings for embedded database

kernel.shmmax = 68719476736

kernel.shmall = 68719476736

If you set the value of kernel.shmmax or kernel.shmall after editing the /etc/sysctl.conf file, apply the changes by restarting the OS or executing the /sbin/sysctl -p command.


The NNMi installation script automatically creates two groups (nmsgrp and nmsdb), two users (nmsproc and nmsdbmgr), and the corresponding $HOME directories. This operation might fail for either of the following reasons:

  • Users and groups cannot be created because useradd or groupadd was disabled by the IT department.
  • The root user cannot create a $HOME directory because the $HOME directory exists on NFS.

Installation stops whenever the NNMi installer is unable to create these groups, users, or directories. In such a case, you can create the users manually and start the installation.

  1. Create the nmsproc user in the nmsgrp group.

    Set the $HOME directory to any directory that exists.

  2. Create the nmsdbmgr user in the nmsdb group.

    Set the $HOME directory to any directory that exists.

If you know that these operations will fail but you need to control user IDs, group IDs, or the locations of $HOME, you can first create the groups, users, and $HOME directories, and then start the installer.

When the useradd command is used to create a user, the default home directory will be /home/user-name.