
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Operation Service Template Reference

A.5 Version changes

Organization of this subsection

(1) Changes in version 13-00

(2) Changes in version 12-60

(3) Changes in version 12-10

(4) Changes in version 12-01

(5) Changes in version 12-00

(6) Changes in version 11-51

(7) Changes in version 11-50

(8) Changes in version 11-12

(9) Changes in version 11-11

(10) Changes in version 11-10

(11) Changes in version 11-02

(12) Changes in version 11-01

(13) Changes in version 11-00

(a) Changes from the manual (3021-3-085-B0)

  • The following operating systems are now supported:

    • Linux7

    • Oracle Linux 6 (x64)

    • Oracle Linux 7

    • CentOS 6 (x64)

    • CentOS 7

    • SUSE Linux 12

  • The following operating systems are no longer supported:

    • Linux 5 (AMD/Intel 64)

    • Linux 5 Advanced Platform (AMD/Intel 64)

  • The installation folder was changed for the Windows version of JP1/AO and the Common Component.

  • A description of using JP1/AO in English and Chinese-language environments was added.

  • The structure and contents of the manual were changed to reflect the redesign of the JP1/AO interface.

  • Tag management was added as a way to classify service templates, services, and plug-ins. Accordingly, category management was removed as a classification method.

  • Service groups were added as a way to manage resources. Accordingly, resource groups were removed.

  • The types of service templates and plug-ins were changed.

  • The following basic plug-ins were added:

    • JavaScript Plug-in

    • File Export Plug-in

    • Web Client Plug-in

  • The following JP1/AO standard-package service templates were added as service templates in the OS_Operations/Configuration category:

    • Registering Chef Client

    • Registering the Puppet Enterprise Agent instance

  • The following plug-ins were added to Utility Components:

    • Acquiring process information

    • Extract character string in a text file

    • Acquiring access authority of a file or folder

    • Changing the account for the OS service

    • Startup setting for the OS service

    • Adding an OU to the Active Directory

    • Changing the OU attribute of the Active Directory

    • Adding a contact in the Active Directory

    • Changing the attribute of the contact in the Active Directory

    • Changing the group attribute in the Active Directory

    • Changing the user password in the Active Directory

    • Searching for an object in the Active Directory

    • Moving an object in the Active Directory

    • Acquiring a group member list in the Active Directory

    • Acquiring a UPN list in the Active Directory

  • The following plug-ins were added to AWS Components:

    • Creating a snapshot

    • Deleting a snapshot

    • Acquiring a list of information about snapshots

    • Uploading a file

    • Downloading a file

    • Deleting a file

  • The name of a basic plug-in was changed from File-Forwarding Plug-in to File-Transfer Plug-in.

  • The name of a basic plug-in was changed from Judge ReturnCode Plug-in to Branch by ReturnCode Plug-in.

  • The name of a basic plug-in was changed from Judge Value Plug-in to Branch by Property Value Plug-in.

(b) Changes from the manual (3021-3-316-20(E))

  • AIX was added as an operating system supported by some service templates and plug-ins.

  • It is now indicated that if the operation target device is running UNIX, files are transferred from the device to the JP1/AO server in binary mode.

  • The following JP1/AO standard-package service templates were added:

    • Execution of instant recovery of JP1/VERITAS

    • End of instant recovery of JP1/VERITAS

    • Perform JP1/VERITAS backup

    • Utility Components

    • Registering Chef Client

    • Registering the Puppet Enterprise Agent instance

  • The following JP1/AO Content Pack service templates were added:

    • Delete a virtual server

    • Delete a virtual server (virtual disk)

    • Obtain a virtual server information list

    • Script execution through the vCenter server

    • Add a virtual server (deploy)

    • Start virtual servers

    • Stop virtual servers

    • AWS Components

    • HCS Components

    • Hyper-V2008 Components

    • Hyper-V2012 Components

    • OpenStack Components

    • Oracle Components

    • vSphere Components

  • The following JP1/AO standard-package plug-ins were added:

    • Obtain date and time

    • Confirm file or folder existence

    • Change file or directory access permissions

    • Time determination

    • Change file or folder access permissions

    • Send ICMP echo request message

    • Execution Wait

    • Obtaining a file list

    • Moving a file

    • Obtaining the latest update time stamp of a file

    • Obtaining the file size

    • Sorting character strings

    • Converting the character encoding of a file

    • Decompressing a file

    • Compressing a file

    • Comparing dates and times

    • Adding a character string

    • Send ICMP echo request message (confirm no response)

    • Printing a file (in Windows)

    • Execute instant recovery (JP1/VERITAS)

    • End instant recovery (JP1/VERITAS)

    • Set IP address

    • Check JP1/AJS unit existence

    • Suspend JP1/AJS jobnet

    • Forced termination of JP1/AJS jobnet

    • Re-execute JP1/AJS jobnet

    • Change JP1/AJS job status

    • Change hold attribute for JP1/AJS jobnet

    • Stop JP1/AJS jobnet execution

    • Change JP1/AJS jobnet execution schedule

    • Perform backup (JP1/VERITAS)

    • Add a group to the Active Directory instance

    • Delete an object from the Active Directory instance

    • Add a user to the Active Directory instance

    • Modify user attributes on the Active Directory instance

    • Add a member to an existing Active Directory group

    • Delete a member from an existing Active Directory group

    • Adding an OU to the Active Directory

    • Changing the OU attribute of the Active Directory

    • Adding a contact in the Active Directory

    • Changing the attribute of the contact in the Active Directory

    • Changing the group attribute in the Active Directory

    • Changing the user password in the Active Directory

    • Searching for an object in the Active Directory

    • Moving an object in the Active Directory

    • Acquiring a group member list in the Active Directory

    • Acquiring a UPN list in the Active Directory

  • The following JP1/AO Content Pack plug-ins were added:

    • Set the physical adapter

    • Get the physical adapter information list

    • Set virtual server options for the HA cluster

    • Set host DRS group

    • Move the ESX server

    • Set maintenance mode for the ESX server

    • Extend a virtual disk

    • Add a network adapter

    • Change the network adapter settings

    • Add a port group to the standard virtual switch

    • Set traffic shaping policy for the port group

    • Create a template

    • Delete a template

    • Set the virtual server DRS group

    • Add a DRS rule (from virtual server to host)

    • Monitoring settings for the virtual server in the HA cluster

    • DRS automation level setting for the DRS clusters

    • File transmission through the vCenter server

    • Folder transmission through the vCenter server

    • Script execution through the vCenter server

    • File deletion through the vCenter server

    • Folder deletion through the vCenter server

    • Create a virtual server

    • Delete a virtual server

    • Start a virtual server

    • Shut down a virtual server

    • Obtain status of virtual server

    • Creating a snapshot

    • Deleting a snapshot

    • Acquiring a list of information about snapshots

    • Uploading a file

    • Downloading a file

    • Deleting a file

    • Start an Oracle DB instance

    • Stop an Oracle DB instance

    • Add an Oracle DB user (Windows)

    • Add an Oracle DB user (UNIX)

    • Delete an Oracle DB user

    • Disconnect volume

    • Delete virtual server

    • Get list of virtual server information

  • Linux was added as a supported operating system.

  • A description of line breaks that cannot be specified in properties of service templates and plug-ins was added.

  • It is now explained that service templates that transfer a file between the operation-target device and JP1/AO server do not convert the character encoding of the file.

  • Keyboard interactive authentication was added as an authentication method used for SSH connections with operation-target devices.

  • A description of the local execution function was added. This function allows users to start processes directly on local hosts and perform tasks such as executing commands and copying files.

  • Lists of plug-ins contained in service templates that provide plug-ins were added.

  • A description of return code 72, which is output for a general command plug-in when the total amount of data output to the standard output and standard error output exceeds 100 KB, was added.

  • The installation folder was changed for the Windows version of JP1/AO and the Common Component.

  • The structure and contents of the manual were changed to reflect the redesign of the JP1/AO interface.

  • Tag management was added as a way to classify service templates, services, and plug-ins. Accordingly, category management was removed as a classification method.

  • Service groups were added as a way to manage resources. Accordingly, resource groups were removed.

  • The types of service templates and plug-ins were changed.

  • The following basic plug-ins were added:

    • JavaScript Plug-in

    • File Export Plug-in

    • Web Client Plug-in

  • The name of a basic plug-in was changed from File-Forwarding Plug-in to File-Transfer Plug-in.

  • The name of a basic plug-in was changed from Judge ReturnCode Plug-in to Branch by ReturnCode Plug-in.

  • The name of a basic plug-in was changed from Judge Value Plug-in to Branch by Property Value Plug-in.

(14) Changes in version 10-54

(a) Changes in the manual (3021-3-085-B0)

  • The following categories were added to the JP1/AO Content Set service templates:

    • AWS_Components

    • VM_Operations/Configuration/AWS

    • VM_Operations/Management/AWS

  • The following categories were added to the JP1/AO standard-package plug-ins:

    • OperatingSystem/Windows/ActiveDirectory

  • The following categories were added to the JP1/AO Content Set plug-ins:

    • VirtualMachine/AWS

  • The following JP1/AO Content Set service template was added:

    • Script execution through the vCenter server

  • The following JP1/AO standard-package plug-ins were added:

    • Check JP1/AJS unit existence

    • Suspend JP1/AJS jobnet

    • Forced termination of JP1/AJS jobnet

    • Re-execute JP1/AJS jobnet

    • Change JP1/AJS job status

    • Change hold attribute for JP1/AJS jobnet

    • Stop JP1/AJS jobnet execution

    • Change JP1/AJS jobnet execution schedule

  • The following JP1/AO Content Set plug-ins were added:

    • Monitoring settings for the virtual server in the HA cluster

    • DRS automation level setting for the DRS clusters

    • File transmission through the vCenter server

    • Folder transmission through the vCenter server

    • Script execution through the vCenter server

    • File deletion through the vCenter server

    • Folder deletion through the vCenter server

  • A description about functional differences between content plug-ins by version was added.

  • A list of plug-ins contained in AWS Components was added.

  • The following plug-ins were added to Utility Components:

    • Check JP1/AJS unit existence

    • Suspend JP1/AJS jobnet

    • Forced termination of JP1/AJS jobnet

    • Re-execute JP1/AJS jobnet

    • Change JP1/AJS job status

    • Change hold attribute for JP1/AJS jobnet

    • Stop JP1/AJS jobnet execution

    • Change JP1/AJS jobnet execution schedule

    • Add a group to the Active Directory instance

    • Delete an object from the Active Directory instance

    • Add a user to the Active Directory instance

    • Modify user attributes on the Active Directory instance

    • Add a member to an existing Active Directory group

    • Delete a member from an existing Active Directory group

  • The following plug-ins were added to vSphere Components:

    • Monitoring settings for the virtual server in the HA cluster

    • DRS automation level setting for the DRS clusters

    • File transmission through the vCenter server

    • Folder transmission through the vCenter server

    • Script execution through the vCenter server

    • File deletion through the vCenter server

    • Folder deletion through the vCenter server

(15) Changes in version 10-53

(a) Changes in the manual (3021-3-085-A0)

  • The following JP1/AO standard-package service templates were added:

    • Execution of instant recovery of JP1/VERITAS

    • End of instant recovery of JP1/VERITAS

  • A description of return code 72, which is output for a general command plug-in when the total amount of data output to the standard output and standard error output exceeds 100 KB, was added.

  • The following JP1/AO standard-package plug-ins were added:

    • Execute instant recovery (JP1/VERITAS)

    • End instant recovery (JP1/VERITAS)

    • Set IP address

  • The following JP1/AO Content Set plug-ins were added:

    • Set the physical adapter

    • Get the physical adapter information list

    • Set virtual server options for the HA cluster

    • Set host DRS group

    • Move the ESX server

    • Set maintenance mode for the ESX server

    • Extend a virtual disk

    • Add a network adapter

    • Change the network adapter settings

    • Add a port group to the standard virtual switch

    • Set traffic shaping policy for the port group

    • Create a template

    • Delete a template

    • Set the virtual server DRS group

    • Add a DRS rule (from virtual server to host)

  • A description about functional differences between content plug-ins by version was added.

  • The following plug-ins were added to Utility Components:

    • Execute instant recovery (JP1/VERITAS)

    • End instant recovery (JP1/VERITAS)

    • Set IP address

  • A plug-in Change Memory Settings of Virtual Server was added to Hyper-V2012 Components.

  • The following plug-ins were added to vSphere Components:

    • Set the physical adapter

    • Get the physical adapter information list

    • Set virtual server options for the HA cluster

    • Set host DRS group

    • Move the ESX server

    • Set maintenance mode for the ESX server

    • Extend a virtual disk

    • Add a network adapter

    • Change the network adapter settings

    • Add a port group to the standard virtual switch

    • Set traffic shaping policy for the port group

    • Create a template

    • Delete a template

    • Set the virtual server DRS group

    • Add a DRS rule (from virtual server to host)

(16) Changes in version 10-52

(a) Changes in the manual (3021-3-085-90)

  • Linux was added as a supported operating system.

  • The description of the Utility Components service template was changed.

  • The following categories were added to the JP1/AO Content Set service templates:

    • HCS_Components

    • Hyper-V2008_Components

    • Hyper-V2012_Components

    • OpenStack_Components

    • Oracle_Components

    • vSphere_Components

  • The following category was added to the JP1/AO Content Set plug-ins:

    • Database/Oracle

  • A description of the following plug-ins, which are executed without elevating the user's privileges to root permission, was added:

    • Start an Oracle DB instance

    • Stop an Oracle DB instance

    • Add an Oracle DB user (UNIX)

    • Delete an Oracle DB user

  • A description of line breaks that cannot be specified in properties of service templates and plug-ins was added.

  • It is now explained that service templates that transfer a file between the operation-target device and JP1/AO server do not convert the character encoding of the file.

  • Keyboard interactive authentication was added as an authentication method used for SSH connections with operation-target devices.

  • A description of the local execution function was added. This function allows users to start processes directly on local hosts and perform tasks such as executing commands and copying files.

  • The following JP1/AO standard-package plug-ins were added:

    • Send ICMP echo request message

    • Execution Wait

    • Obtaining a file list

    • Moving a file

    • Obtaining the latest update time stamp of a file

    • Obtaining the file size

    • Sorting character strings

    • Converting the character encoding of a file

    • Decompressing a file

    • Compressing a file

    • Comparing dates and times

    • Adding a character string

    • Send ICMP echo request message (confirm no response)

    • Printing a file (in Windows)

  • The category of the following plug-ins were changed from OperatingSystem/Windows/Basic to OperatingSystem/Common/Basic:

    • Acquisition of column data from a CSV/Excel file

    • Acquisition of row data from a CSV/Excel file

  • The following plug-ins were changed from JP1/AO Content Set plug-ins to JP1/AO standard-package plug-ins:

    • Send ICMP echo request message

    • Execution Wait

    • Send ICMP echo request message (confirm no response)

  • A description about functional differences between content plug-ins by version was added.

  • Lists of plug-ins contained in service templates that provide plug-ins were added.

(17) Changes in version 10-51

(a) Changes in the manual (3021-3-085-80)

  • AIX was added as an operating system supported by the service templates in the JP1_Operations/Configuration category:

    • Add monitoring setting

    • Delete monitoring setting

    • Add JP1/Base monitoring settings

    • Replicating a JP1/PFM alarm definition

  • AIX was added as an operating system supported by the service templates in the JP1_Operations/Management category:

    • Add operational user

    • Change operational user

    • Delete operational user

    • Register JP1/AJS jobnet for execution

    • Get JP1 events

    • Get list of JP1/PFM alarm information

    • Get list of JP1 users

    • Get JP1 user mapping definition

    • Perform JP1/VERITAS backup

    • JP1/AJS jobnet planned execution registration

    • JP1/AJS jobnet scheduled execution results output

    • Batch change of operation users

    • JP1/AJS root jobnet migration

    • JP1/AJS root jobnet deletion

  • AIX was added as an operating system supported by the service templates in the JP1_Operations/Troubleshoot category:

    • Get JP1/AJS and JP1/Base logs

    • Get JP1/IM and JP1/Base logs

    • Registration of the JP1 event

    • Changing of the JP1 event action status

  • AIX was added as an operating system supported by the service templates in the OS_Operations/Management category:

    • Get List of Users from Server

    • Get Lists of Users from Multiple Servers

  • AIX was added as an operating system supported by the plug-ins in the OperatingSystem/Common/Basic category:

    • Delete OS user

    • Change password for OS user

    • Create folder

    • Delete folder

    • Delete file

    • Copy file

    • Output OS type

    • Get list of OS users

    • Replace character string

  • AIX was added as an operating system supported by the plug-ins in the OperatingSystem/Linux/Basic category:

    • Add OS user (Linux)

  • AIX was added as an operating system supported by the plug-ins in the JP1/Base category:

    • Add JP1 user

    • Set JP1/Base permissions

    • Delete JP1 user permissions

    • Delete JP1 user

    • Add JP1/Base user mapping

    • Delete JP1/Base user mapping

    • Change JP1 user password

    • Get JP1/Base troubleshooting information

    • Get list of JP1 users

    • Check mapping information

    • Registration of a JP1 event

    • JP1/Base common definition information setting

  • AIX was added as an operating system supported by the plug-ins in the JP1/AJS category:

    • Get JP1/AJS troubleshooting information

    • Register JP1/AJS jobnet for execution

    • Get JP1/AJS jobnet execution results

    • Register for JP1/AJS jobnet planned execution

    • Register for JP1/AJS jobnet fixed execution

    • JP1/AJS jobnet scheduled execution results output

  • AIX was added as an operating system supported by the plug-ins in the JP1/IM category:

    • Collect JP1/IM troubleshooting information

    • Get JP1 event

    • Changing the JP1 event action status

  • AIX was added as an operating system supported by the plug-ins in the JP1/PFM category:

    • Add monitoring setting

    • Bind alarm (JP1/PFM - RM)

    • Unbind alarm (JP1/PFM - RM)

    • Add process monitoring settings

    • Set Store database storage conditions

    • Set agent hierarchy

    • Synchronize service information

    • Get list of alarm table names (JP1/PFM - RM)

    • Acquire alarm table information (JP1/PFM)

    • Delete alarm table (JP1/PFM)

    • Copy alarm table (JP1/PFM)

    • Export alarm definition file (JP1/PFM)

    • Import alarm definition file (JP1/PFM)

  • AIX was added as an operating system supported by the plug-ins in the JP1/VERITAS category:

    • Perform backup (JP1/VERITAS)

  • The description of the following category of JP1/AO standard-package service templates was changed to support UNIX:

    • OS_Operations/Management

  • The description of the following category of JP1/AO standard-package plug-ins was changed to support UNIX:

    • OperatingSystem/Common/Basic

  • The name of the following category of JP1/AO standard-package plug-ins was changed, and the description of this category was changed to support UNIX.

    Before the change


    After the change


  • It is now indicated that if the operation target device is running UNIX, files are transferred from the device to the JP1/AO server in binary mode.

  • The following JP1/AO Content Set service templates were added:

    • Delete a virtual server

    • Delete a virtual server (virtual disk)

    • Obtain a virtual server information list

  • The following JP1/AO standard-package plug-ins were added:

    • Obtain date and time

    • Confirm file or folder existence

    • Change file or directory access permissions

    • Time determination

    • Change file or folder access permissions

  • The following JP1/AO Content Set plug-ins were added:

    • Disconnect volume

    • Delete virtual server

    • Get list of virtual server information

  • A description about functional differences between content plug-ins by version was added.

(18) Changes in version 10-50

(a) Changes in the manual (3021-3-085-70)

  • The following category of service template was added to the JP1/AO standard package:

    • Utility_Components

  • The following category of JP1/AO standard-package plug-in was added:

    • OperatingSystem/Windows/Database/32bit

  • JP1/AJS root jobnet migration and Obtain JP1/CM2 monitored node list were added as services executed with the locale LANG=C. A note wals also added indicating that characters might become garbled when you use multi-byte characters with services that use the locale LANG=C.

  • A cautionary note was added regarding the values that can be specified for the properties in a service template.

  • A cautionary note was added regarding the specification of user-defined characters and surrogate pair characters in the input values and input files of properties.

  • The following JP1/AO Content Set service templates were added:

    • Delete virtual server

    • Add virtual server (virtual disk)

    • Restart virtual server

    • Obtain virtual server information list

  • Public key authentication was added as an authentication method for operation target devices.

  • Notes were added explaining that user profiles are not inherited when the OS of the operation target device is Windows.

  • 71 and 72 were added as return values of the file-forwarding plug-in.

  • The following JP1/AO standard-package plug-ins were added:

    • Filter Text

    • Search Text

    • Operate OS Service

    • Shutdown Server

    • Restart Server

  • The following JP1/AO Content Set plug-ins were added:

    • Delete Virtual Servers

    • Obtain the virtual server information list

    • Create Virtual Disk

    • Connect Virtual Disk

  • The manual now describes the differences in functionality between the old and new versions of the content plug-ins.

  • A description of the protocols each plug-in can use was added.

(b) Changes in the manual (3021-3-316-20(E))

  • Windows Server 2012 R2 was added as a supported operating system.

  • The following category of service template was added to the JP1/AO standard package:

    • Utility_Components

  • The following categories of JP1/AO Content Set service template were added:

    • OS_Operations/Configuration

    • VM_Operations/Configuration/Hyper-V/2012

    • VM_Operations/Configuration/OpenStack

    • VM_Operations/Management/Hyper-V/2012

    • VM_Operations/Management/OpenStack

  • The following category of JP1/AO standard-package plug-in was added:

    • JP1/IM-SS

    • OperatingSystem/Windows/Database/32bit

  • The following were added as categories of JP1/AO Content Set Plug-in:

    • OperatingSystem/Linux/Basic

    • VirtualMachine/Hyper-V/2012

    • VirtualMachine/Openstack

  • JP1/AJS root jobnet migration and Obtain JP1/CM2 monitored node list were added as services executed with the locale LANG=C. A note wals also added indicating that characters might become garbled when you use multi-byte characters with services that use the locale LANG=C.

  • A cautionary note was added regarding the values that can be specified for the properties in a service template.

  • A cautionary note was added regarding the specification of user-defined characters and surrogate pair characters in the input values and input files of properties.

  • The following service templates were added to the JP1/AO standard package:

    • Replicating a JP1/PFM alarm definition

    • JP1/AJS root jobnet migration

    • JP1/AJS root jobnet deletion

    • Register a JP1/IM-SS Item

    • Update JP1/IM-SS Item information

  • Notes were added explaining that user profiles are not inherited when the OS of the operation target device is Windows.

  • Notes explaining what happens when execution of a task is stopped now explain what happens when execution is stopped during plug-in execution. Cautionary notes and a description of return values of plugins were also added for situations in which a task is forcibly stopped during plug-in execution.

  • Public key authentication was added as an authentication method for operation target devices.

  • Notes indicating that certain commands must be installed in the operating system of operation target devices before you can execute plug-ins were added.

  • The elevatePrivileges property was added to the General command plugin, allowing users to specify whether to elevate user privileges to root. The version of the General command plug-in was changed to 01.12.00, and a description of how its functionality differs from version 01.10.00 was added.

  • 71 and 72 were added as return values of the file-forwarding plug-in.

  • The maximum total size of forwarded files was changed. Information about limits affecting the folder and file names of forwarded files was also added.

  • The following functionality was added to the file-forwarding plug-in:

    • The elevatePrivileges property was added, allowing the user to specify whether to elevate user privileges to root.

    • The location of the temporary work area can now be specified in the property file (

    The version of the file-forwarding plug-in was changed to 01.12.00, and a description of how its functionality differs from version 01.11.00 was added.

  • The file-forwarding plug-in now supports operation target devices running AIX, HP-UX, and Solaris. The version of the file-forwarding plug-in was changed.

  • A cautionary note describing what happens when a task is retried for the following basic plug-ins was added:

    • Repeated Execution Plug-in

    • Terminal connect plug-in

    • Terminal command plug-in

  • Reserved properties for use by the Standard Output Plug-in were added.

  • The ibm-943 character set specifiable in the terminal connect plug-in and terminal command plug-in was changed to ibm-943C.

  • The following JP1/AO standard-package plug-ins were added:

    • Acquire alarm table information (JP1/PFM)

    • Delete alarm table (JP1/PFM)

    • Copy alarm table (JP1/PFM)

    • Export alarm definition file (JP1/PFM)

    • Import alarm definition file (JP1/PFM)

    • Replace character string

    • Filter Text

    • Search Text

    • Operate OS Service

    • Shutdown Server

    • Restart Server

  • The following JP1/AO Content Set Plug-ins were added:

    • Install the Windows updates

    • Execution Wait

  • The manual now specifies the version of basic Plug-ins you can use with JP1/AO 10-50.

  • The manual now describes the differences in functionality between the old and new versions of the content plug-ins.

  • A description of the protocols each plug-in can use was added.

  • Descriptions of how to configure the login script and .bashrc file now mention the function that allows you to specify whether to elevate users to root privileges.

  • In addition to Windows and Linux, content plug-ins that execute commands and scripts in AIX, HP-UX, and Solaris are now supported. AIX, HP-UX and Solaris devices are also supported as operation target devices for the file-forwarding plug-in.

(19) Changes in version 10-13

(a) Changes in the manual (3021-3-085-60)

  • The following service templates were added to the JP1/AO standard package:

    • Register a JP1/IM-SS Item

    • Update JP1/IM-SS Item information

  • The following categories of JP1/AO Content Set service template were added:

    • VM_Operations/Management/Hyper-V/2012

    • VM_Operations/Management/OpenStack

  • The following JP1/AO Content Set service templates were added:

    • Change virtual server specifications (CPU and memory)

    • Add virtual server (virtual disk)

  • The following category of JP1/AO standard-package plug-in was added:

    • JP1/IM-SS

  • The following JP1/AO Content Set plug-ins were added:

    • Obtain Status of Virtual Server

    • Obtain IP Address of Virtual Server

    • Change CPU Settings of Virtual Server

    • Change Memory Settings of Virtual Server

    • Create Volume

    • Connect Volume

    • Obtain Status of Virtual Server

    • Activate Virtual Server

    • Obtain IP Address of Virtual Server

    • Create Temporary Volume

    • Backup Volume

    • Delete Volume

  • The manual now describes the differences in functionality between the old and new versions of the content plug-ins.

(20) Changes in version 10-12

(a) Changes in the manual (3021-3-085-50)

  • Windows Server 2012 R2 was added as a supported operating system.

  • The following service templates were added to the JP1/AO standard package:

    • Replicating a JP1/PFM alarm definition

  • The following categories of JP1/AO Content Set service template were added:

    • VM_Operations/Configuration/Hyper-V/2012

  • The elevatePrivileges property was added to the General command plugin, allowing users to specify whether to elevate user privileges to root. The version of the General command plug-in was changed to 01.12.00, and a description of how its functionality differs from version 01.10.00 was added.

  • Notes explaining what happens when execution of a task is stopped now explain what happens when execution is stopped during plug-in execution. Cautionary notes and a description of return values of plugins were also added for situations in which a task is forcibly stopped during plug-in execution.

  • The following functionality was added to the file-forwarding plug-in:

    • The elevatePrivileges property was added, allowing the user to specify whether to elevate user privileges to root.

    • The location of the temporary work area can now be specified in the property file (

    The version of the file-forwarding plug-in was changed to 01.12.00, and a description of how its functionality differs from version 01.11.00 was added.

  • A cautionary note describing what happens when a task is retried for the following basic plug-ins was added:

    • Repeated Execution Plug-in

    • Terminal connect plug-in

    • Terminal command plug-in

  • The following JP1/AO standard-package plug-ins were added:

    • Acquire alarm table information (JP1/PFM)

    • Delete alarm table (JP1/PFM)

    • Copy alarm table (JP1/PFM)

    • Export alarm definition file (JP1/PFM)

    • Import alarm definition file (JP1/PFM)

    • Replace character string

  • The following JP1/AO Content Set Plug-ins were added:

    • Execution Wait

  • The following were added as categories of JP1/AO Content Set Plug-in:

    • VirtualMachine/Hyper-V2012

  • The manual now describes the differences in functionality between the old and new versions of the content plug-ins.

  • Descriptions of how to configure the login script and .bashrc file now mention the function that allows you to specify whether to elevate users to root privileges.

(21) Changes in version 10-11

(a) Changes in the manual (3021-3-085-40)

  • The following service templates were added to the JP1/AO standard package:

    • JP1/AJS root jobnet migration

    • JP1/AJS root jobnet deletion

  • The following categories of JP1/AO Content Set service template were added:

    • OS_Operations/Configuration

    • VM_Operations/Configuration/OpenStack

  • Notes indicating that certain commands must be installed in the operating system of operation target devices before you can execute plug-ins were added.

  • The file-forwarding plug-in now supports operation target devices running AIX, HP-UX, and Solaris. The version of the file-forwarding plug-in was changed.

  • The maximum total size of forwarded files was changed. Information about limits affecting the folder and file names of forwarded files was also added.

  • Reserved properties for use by the Standard Output Plug-in were added.

  • The ibm-943 character set specifiable in the terminal connect plug-in and terminal command plug-in was changed to ibm-943C.

  • The following were added as categories of JP1/AO Content Set Plug-in:

    • OperatingSystem/Linux/Basic

    • VirtualMachine/Openstack

  • The following JP1/AO Content Set Plug-ins were added:

    • Install the Windows updates

  • The manual now specifies the version of basic Plug-ins you can use with JP1/AO 10-11.

  • In addition to Windows and Linux, content plug-ins that execute commands and scripts in AIX, HP-UX, and Solaris are now supported. AIX, HP-UX and Solaris devices are also supported as operation target devices for the file-forwarding plug-in.

(22) Changes in version 10-10

(a) Changes in the manual (3021-3-085-30)

  • A usage example of the Batch change of operation users operation/monitoring template was added.

  • The following service templates were added to the JP1/AO standard package:

    • JP1/AJS jobnet planned execution registration

    • JP1/AJS jobnet scheduled execution results output

    • Obtain JP1/CM2 monitored node list

    • Batch change of operation users

  • The following service template categories were added to the JP1/AO Content Set:

    • VM_Operations/Configuration/Hyper-V/2008

    • VM_Operations/Management/Hyper-V/2008

  • The following basic plug-ins were added:

    • Flow plug-in

    • Interval plug-in

    • Judge returncode plug-in

    • Test value plug-in

    • Abnormal-end plug-in

    • Judge value plug-in

  • Devices running AIX can be specified as operation target devices of the general command plug-in. The version number of the general command plug-in was changed to 01.10.00. A description of the functional differences between versions 01.02.00 and 01.10.00 was added.

  • A description of what happens when the string [JP1TOKEN] is included in a HTML tag or attribute in the dialogText property of a user-response wait plug-in was added.

  • A description of the return values of a terminal connect plug-in that connects to a service such as a HTTP server that does not produce standard output was added.

  • A description of how the properties of a terminal connect plug-in can be used in the commandLine property of a terminal command plug-in was added.

  • The following plug-ins were added to the JP1/AO standard package:

    • Register for JP1/AJS jobnet planned execution

    • Register for JP1/AJS jobnet fixed execution

    • JP1/AJS jobnet scheduled execution results output

    • Output of the NNMi topology database content

    • Acquisition of column data from a CSV/Excel file

    • Acquisition of row data from a CSV/Excel file

  • The following plug-ins were added to the JP1/AO Content Set:

    • Obtain the MAC address of an NIC

    • Windows network settings

  • The following plug-in categories were added to the JP1/AO Content Set:

    • VirtualMachine/Hyper-V/2008

  • A description of each status was added to the list of statuses of virtual servers managed by Hyper-V.

  • A description of the prerequisites for executing a command line containing non-ASCII characters in UNIX was added.

(b) Changes in the manual (3021-3-316-10(E))

  • Cautionary notes were added that are common to all service templates.

  • An explanation of the locale assigned to an operation target device when executing a plug-in was added.

  • An explanation of the character set assigned to an operation target device when executing a plug-in was added.

  • The following service templates were added to the JP1/AO standard package:

    • Adding of a node to be monitored by JP1/Cm2

    • Deletion of nodes monitored by JP1/Cm2

    • JP1/AJS jobnet planned execution registration

    • JP1/AJS jobnet scheduled execution results output

    • Obtain JP1/CM2 monitored node list

    • Batch change of operation users

    • Registration of the JP1 event

    • Changing of the JP1 event action status

  • A usage example of the Batch change of operation users operation/monitoring template was added.

  • Figures were added showing the system configurations of the following service templates:

    • Add monitoring setting

    • Delete monitoring setting

    • Add operational user

    • Change operational user

    • Delete operational user

    • Add virtual server (LU creation and data store creation)

    • Add virtual server (deploy/OS initial settings)

    • Add virtual server (virtual disk)

    • Delete virtual server

    • Delete virtual server (virtual disk)

    • Delete virtual server (delete data store and LU)

    • Change virtual server specifications (CPU and memory)

    • Virtual server snapshot

    • Start virtual server

    • Stop virtual server

    • Restart virtual server

    • Migrate virtual server

    • Check env. for adding virtual servers (LU/data store creation)

    • Check env. for adding virtual servers (deployment/OS init.)

    • Get list of virtual server information

    • Get list of storage information

    • Creating a virtual server clone

    • Deletion of a virtual server clone

  • The following service templates were added to the JP1/AO Content Set:

    • Virtual server snapshot

    • Creating a virtual server clone

    • Deletion of a virtual server clone

  • The following service template categories were added to the JP1/AO Content Set:

    • VM_Operations/Configuration/Hyper-V/2008

    • VM_Operations/Management/Hyper-V/2008

  • Devices running AIX can be specified as operation target devices of the general command plug-in. The version number of the general command plug-in was changed to 01.10.00. A description of the functional differences between versions 01.02.00 and 01.10.00 was added.

  • The maximum for the total file size that can be forwarded was changed. In addition, information was added about the limitations on the names of files or folders to be transmitted.

  • A description of what happens when the string [JP1TOKEN] is included in a HTML tag or attribute in the dialogText property of a user-response wait plug-in was added.

  • Reserved properties that can be output by standard output plug-ins were added.

  • The following basic plug-ins were added:

    • Terminal connect plug-in

    • Terminal command plug-in

    • Terminal disconnect plug-in

    • Flow plug-in

    • Interval plug-in

    • Judge returncode plug-in

    • Test value plug-in

    • Abnormal-end plug-in

    • Judge value plug-in

  • A description of the return values of a terminal connect plug-in that connects to a service such as a HTTP server that does not produce standard output was added.

  • A description of how the properties of a terminal connect plug-in can be used in the commandLine property of a terminal command plug-in was added.

  • The following plug-ins were added to the JP1/AO standard package:

    • Register for JP1/AJS jobnet planned execution

    • Register for JP1/AJS jobnet fixed execution

    • JP1/AJS jobnet scheduled execution results output

    • Registration of a JP1 event

    • JP1/Base common definition information setting

    • Output of the NNMi topology database content

    • Changing the JP1 event action status

    • Acquisition of column data from a CSV/Excel file

    • Acquisition of row data from a CSV/Excel file

  • The following plug-ins were added to the JP1/AO Content Set:

    • Obtain the MAC address of an NIC

    • Windows network settings

    • Creating a virtual server snapshot

    • Moving a virtual server snapshot

    • Deletion of a virtual server snapshot

    • Creating a virtual server clone

    • Deletion of a virtual server clone

    • Resource configuration setting of the virtual server

    • Pre-evaluation of resource changes in virtual server

    • Pre-eval. of resource configuration changes in virtual server

  • The following plug-in categories were added to the JP1/AO Content Set:

    • VirtualMachine/Hyper-V/2008

  • A description of the functional differences between plug-in versions was added.

  • A description of each status was added to the list of statuses of virtual servers managed by Hyper-V.

  • A description of the prerequisites for executing a command line containing non-ASCII characters in UNIX was added.

(23) Changes in version 10-02

(a) Changes in the manual (3021-3-085-20)

  • Cautionary notes were added that are common to all service templates.

  • An explanation of the locale assigned to an operation target device when executing a plug-in was added.

  • An explanation of the character set assigned to an operation target device when executing a plug-in was added.

  • Figures were added showing the system configurations of the following service templates:

    • Virtual server snapshot

    • Get list of virtual server information

    • Get list of storage information

    • Creating a virtual server clone

    • Deletion of a virtual server clone

  • Explanations of general command plug-ins and file-forwarding plug-ins were changed to explanations for the plug-in version 01.02.00.

  • Reserved properties that can be output by standard output plug-ins were added.

  • The following JP1/AO standard-package plug-ins were added:

    • Terminal connect plug-in

    • Terminal command plug-in

    • Terminal disconnect plug-in

    • JP1/Base common definition information setting

  • The following plug-ins were added to the JP1/AO Content Set:

    • Resource configuration setting of the virtual server

    • Pre-evaluation of resource changes in virtual server

    • Pre-eval. of resource configuration changes in virtual server

  • The following reserved properties were added:

    • reserved.terminal.account

    • reserved.terminal.password

    • reserved.terminal.suPassword

  • The following folder and file were added to the description of the configuration of the folder for editing service templates:

    • language-encoding folder

    • explanation-window-file-name.extension

  • A description of how to create service template packages was added.

  • A description of how to apply service templates in an execution environment was added.

  • enableSSHCharsetDetection was added as an element that can be specified in the plug-in definition file.

  • A description of the functional differences between plug-in versions was added.

(24) Changes in version 10-01

(a) Changes in the manual (3021-3-085-10)

  • The following service templates were added to the JP1/AO standard package:

    • Adding of a node to be monitored by JP1/Cm2

    • Deletion of nodes monitored by JP1/Cm2

    • Registration of the JP1 event

    • Changing of the JP1 event action status

  • The following service templates were added to the JP1/AO Content Set:

    • Virtual server snapshot

    • Creating a virtual server clone

    • Deletion of a virtual server clone

  • The following plug-ins were added to the JP1/AO standard package:

    • Registration of a JP1 event

    • Changing the JP1 event action status

  • The following plug-ins were added to the JP1/AO Content Set:

    • Creating a virtual server snapshot

    • Moving a virtual server snapshot

    • Deletion of a virtual server snapshot

    • Creating a virtual server clone

    • Deletion of a virtual server clone